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Liver Cleanse

Liver Cleanse

Please Read This First: DISCLAIMER- very important - must read!

The statements made by me on this website are my opinion, based on the studies I’ve done over the last few years, and personal healing I’ve experienced from applying what I’ve learned. They have not been evaluated, approved or authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration or American Medical Association. 

If you have a disease, a serious or life-threatening health problem, are pregnant, or have allergies, I must recommend that you consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment. If you do use any of the information on this website without a doctor’s or health practitioner’s approval, you ‘prescribe for yourself’. I am not responsible for any decisions you make concerning your health, whether they are based on my information or not, whether you heal yourself or harm yourself. Since people can have reactions to certain things, like an allergic reaction to peanuts that can close off the person’s throat and stop their breathing and cause death, I must say that it is possible to harm yourself using any natural or herbal treatment, even though it is ‘normally’ much safer than using medications (which have killed many many more people than herbs or natural treatments have even slightly ‘harmed’.) So use caution and common sense.

May God richly bless you as you seek total health!

The instructions for doing the liver/gallbladder cleanse are about halfway down this page, where it says Liver/Gallbladder Flush. It'd be a good thing to read this page first though, but is not required.

A liver/gallbladder flush is one of the most important things you can do for your health, whether you are very ill, or just in need of a tune-up, and even if you've never been diagnosed with gallstones! Everyone should clean their liver and eat a diet that maintains it's cleanliness. This is essential for good health. The main subject on this page is how and why to flush. However, I want you to understand the medical profession's idea of how to treat gallstones, since that is what you will be flushing. Chances are very high that if you went in today and had an ultrasound of your liver area, it would show that you have gallstones in your gallbladder. Let's talk about the liver and gallbladder before learning how to flush.

Gallbladder surgery to remove the gallbladder is said to be the most common surgery in the United States. Over a half-million people have this surgery each year because they have gallstones. About 90% of all people have gallstones, 80% don’t know they have them, 50% of children have them and about 80% of those with stones have no symptoms (that they know of- such as gallbladder attack type pain in their right side of their abdomen). Almost every time an ultrasound is done on a patient and it shows that there are stones in the gallbladder, the doctor recommends that the patient have the gallbladder removed. How sad! A gallbladder that has turned gangrenous should probably be removed, but I do know there are people who had gangrenous legs who healed them and cancelled their amputations.

I work with many people who have had their gallbladders removed. They talk about it like they’re almost proud of it. Yet, most of the people who have their gallbladders removed do not need to have this surgery. And to top that off, their livers will continue to produce stones after the surgery, and the stones will continue to cause various health problems. There is another alternative to dealing with these stones! You can flush them out of your liver and gallbladder with a safe, painless and effective cleanse.

If you have been told that gallbladder removal LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY is a ‘safe’ simple surgery, you have been lied to. I know of many people who had serious complications. One died, one almost bled to death, and one probably died (I never saw her again so I don’t know). Doctors sometimes accidentally ‘nick’ a main artery during the surgery, or ‘nick’ the bowel (causing peritonitis- bowel contents leaking into the abdominal cavity and poisoning the person), and things like that. It is not as uncommon as they would like you to believe. You have more CHANCE OF DYING because of mistakes doctors make in surgery or in prescribing medications, than you do in dying from most other causes. Never trust a doctor with a knife, a laser, a medication or a testing procedure!

Here is a story about a woman who had extremely serious complications from her surgery, and she started an organization because of it, for the many other people who had the same problems: What Doctors Didn't Want Me to Know about Gall Bladder Surgery. After reading it, go to this page, Reasons For Avoiding Gallbladder Removal, and click on any article links that interest you to find out many reasons why you should avoid gallbladder surgery. 

Everyone should do Liver/Gallbladder cleansing a few times a year, whether they are ill or not. And if you are ill, it is one of the most important things you can do for your health! Cleaning out these stones improves digestion dramatically. Good digestion is so important because it allows us to absorb the nutrients we take in so our body can use them to heal, rather than just flush them back out and waste them. Many people are hungry a lot (and eat a lot and gain unwanted weight) because their bodies are starving for the nutrients that their poor digestion is washing back out of them instead of absorbing. (One needs to do an intestinal cleanse as well as this cleanse to ‘totally’ improve digestion and nutrient absorption.)

Good digestion combined with taking in quality nutrients that can easily be absorbed by the body results in less over-eating and food cravings, and less obesity, as well as less aches and pains (especially in the shoulder, upper arm and upper back- note: the right arm is often sore because of gallbladder/liver problems), clearer and smoother skin, less allergies (allergies are the result of a clogged up liver) and more energy. Good digestion is important because it also removes toxins and parasites from our bodies. If these toxins and parasites are not easily removed they can build up and poison us, and even cause cancer and other life threatening diseases. So cleansing is extremely important and should be done routinely throughout the year.

The liver makes about 1 to 1 ½ quarts of ‘bile’ each day. Bile is a green acidic liquid that helps us digest some of our foods. It moves from the liver through the common bile duct and into the gallbladder where it is stored until needed. When we eat fat or protein, the body waits about 20 minutes and then the gallbladder squeezes bile out into the common bile duct, and it travels to the small intestine. It is in the intestine where it begins to break down oils and fats so they can be digested. Yet, the Merck Manual (c 1995-2003 by Merck & Co., Inc.), which is kind of like the doctor's bible, states "Removal of the gallbladder causes no change in digestion. No special dietary restrictions are required after surgery." This is a big bunch of hogwash. Many people have digestive problems after gallbladder removal, especially those who eat higher fat diets.

The liver also takes excess blood sugar and converts it into glycogen and stores it for energy when the body needs it. The liver helps detoxify our bodies when the colon and kidneys are overloaded. This is a good reason to do routine colon and kidney cleanses - so that they function properly and do their job, which in turn puts less stress on the liver. It is also a good reason to eat healthy and not bombard our bodies with toxins from junk foods and chemicals in the first place!

Our liver also supplies all of our amino acids, which help the body repair itself and build lean muscle mass. When our kidneys and colon are malfunctioning and the liver has to be used to detoxify our bodies, it slows down its production of amino acids and the body has a harder time healing itself. It is believed that the deterioration of eyesight as one ages is completely due to a lack of amino acids in the body. In other words, the liver isn’t functioning properly because it is polluted, so it doesn’t produce the right amount of amino acids that the eyes need to keep themselves healthy, and they begin to deteriorate. We need to help the liver stay healthy and do its job, by cleansing our intestines and kidneys so they can do their job without the liver’s help, and cleansing the liver so it can function at its best.

Gallstones can form in the liver

when bile (made up of water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts and bilirubin) hardens into pieces of stone-like material, and many roll down into the gallbladder. Neither the liver nor the gallbladder can function properly when they are packed with gallstones. The gallbladder cannot squeeze the bile into the intestine very well, and the liver will produce less bile because of the pressure on it from the stones, so digestion, among other things, is impaired, even if the person doesn’t experience a ‘gallbladder attack’. Imagine THIS GALLBLADDER trying to squeeze bile out of itself- it is choked with stones!

Gallstones can also be found stuck in the INTESTINES. 

A gallbladder attack happens when a gallstone gets stuck in one of the tubes (the common bile duct, hepatic ducts, cystic duct, pancreatic duct). It stops the normal flow of bile and causes inflammation in the gallbladder, ducts and/or liver. If it blocks the pancreatic duct, the pancreas will become inflamed (pancreatitis) and cause much pain. The pancreas produces insulin to deal with our consumption of sugar and carbohydrates (which convert into sugar after we eat them), and if it is inflamed or not working properly for some reason, it may not produce the right amount of insulin that we need, and the results of this can be diabetes (too high a blood sugar because the pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin) or hypoglycemia (too low a blood sugar because the pancreas is producing too much insulin). Either way, anything (including gallstones) that may disrupt the effective working of the pancreas, can cause blood sugar problems. So gallstones don’t just have the potential to cause pain in the right side of the abdomen, they can also cause other serious problems.

The removal of the gallbladder may stop an acute attack of pain, but the liver will continue to produce gallstones, which will continue to cause other problems. People who flush the stones out of their bodies often find that their bursitis goes away, they feel more energized, have clearer skin, become free from allergies, have less bloating and gas, better digestion, no more irritable bowel syndrome, can heal faster from other diseases, lose weight easier (a poorly functioning liver has a lot to do with obesity), have a better sex drive (the liver regulates the balance between the sex hormones), no longer have pain in the right side of their abdomen after eating a fatty meal, no longer have pain in their right arm, back, shoulders, and neck, their cholesterol is lowered (liver stones slow down the release of cholesterol from the body), are able to cure their own cancer faster, their eyesight may stop deteriorating, etc.

Concerning cancer, Australian surgeon Kasper Blond, M.D., author of "The Liver and Cancer", said "The liver is the chemical factory of the body, responsible for the assimilation of foreign proteins, fats, sugars and vitamins, the detoxification of chemical poisons, and the removal of waste products... We are convinced that spontaneous cancer cures occur, provided regeneration of the liver takes place." And in a writing entitled “Cancer Ignorance” by Carol Morrison-Kelley, M.D., F.A.C.C., and William D. Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., they said that if the pancreas does not produce enough pancreatin, which digests the tumors our bodies produce (and they said we all produce malignant tumor cells daily), then cancer can take over. And stones that come out of the liver or gallbladder and travel to the pancreatic duct can cause the pancreas to malfunction.

As you can see, a congested liver and gallbladder can cause very serious health problems, not just sharp pain in the abdomen. When people go to the doctor with these 'other' problems, the doctor will give them pills or surgery or radiation to try to correct the problems, rather than have them cleanse their liver and learn how to keep it clean. The doctor will not even associate their health problems with a poorly functioning liver. That is why it is SO IMPORTANT to cleanse the liver and keep it clean. Look at the following drawing of the digestive system and you will see just how closely packed the organs are, and how easy it would be for congestion in one organ to back up into or put pressure on another organ!  

Most gallstones are not visible by x-ray or ultrasound, unless they’ve had a chance to get rather large and hard. A lot of them are somewhat soft, and many are very small, but still cause problems. Encased in gallstones are toxins that should have been removed from the body, such as bacteria, metals and even parasites. The stones are porous and pick up these things as they are passing through the liver. When these toxins are stored in a gallbladder or liver full of gallstones they can release poisons into the body. Parasites are loaded with viruses and bacteria, and when they die the viruses and bacteria are released into our bodies and may make us sicker than the parasite did. So stones full of parasite remains are breeding grounds for more disease.

Medical doctors may tell you that gallstones are only in the gallbladder, not the liver, and that people only have a ‘few’ gallstones, not thousands. But this is not true. Almost everyone who has had their gallbladder removed and does a Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse will pass lots of gallstones in their stool. I passed about a thousand stones with the first flush. And the stones are very much alike, except stones in the gallbladder may be harder because they are older and have had more of a chance to calcify than stones in the liver.

After doing the first cleanse you will probably not be completely ridded of stones. More stones move down in a week or two, symptoms may come back, and these stones need to be cleansed also. It may take from 2 to 5 or more cleanses before no more stones come out. Each time you should feel even better afterwards. Wait for 2 weeks before doing the next flush, using this recipe, or you may feel discomfort in your right abdomen for about 24 hours. Your body needs time to rest in between these flushes.

After you do enough flushes to get all your stones out, you can start taking a mixture of olive oil or flaxseed oil (2 tbsp.) and juice (1/4 cup) every morning for the rest of your life to help keep the liver and gallbladder clean. Of course, you need to eat properly also – eat lots of vegetables, avoid high amounts of saturated animal fat, carbohydrates and sugar, and avoid junk foods.

Here is the Liver/Gallbladder Flush that my family does. (Note: I passed about 1,000 stones and had no discomfort during or after the cleanse, except some burning from the acidity of so much liquid bile that came out with the stones. Another family member passed about 3,000 stones. He had some cramping after he drank the Epsom salt mixture because his bowels were evidently constipated, and some burning also, but we figured out how to help stop that, so you can benefit from our experience.)

Liver/Gallbladder Flush


Epsom salts: 4 tablespoons

Olive oil: ½ cup - extra virgin light olive oil may be easier to get down, but any kind of olive oil will do.

Grapefruit: 4 large fresh ones, to make juice out of. Don’t use store bought juice – it doesn’t work right. Fresh grapefruit juice is the only juice that will mix with the olive oil when shaken, and not separate right away. This gives you time to drink it. If you don’t mind drinking olive oil straight, you can omit the grapefruit juice, but YUCK! One person used regular store bought juice and mixed it with the olive oil in a blender and drank it right away, and said that worked great.

Large plastic straw: to help drink potion

Pint jar with lid (or other container with lid to shake olive oil and grapefruit juice in, or just use the blender)

Glass jar that will hold 3 cups of juice and Epsom salt mixture (with lid)

Black Walnut Tincture, any strength: 10 to 20 drops, to kill parasites coming from the liver (you can usually get this in a 'good' healthfood store. We haven't been using it because we ran out - the flush still works though.)

Extra juice - 3 cups (apple, orange, grapefruit or grape – whatever kind you like – it is to drown out the bad taste of the Epsom salts – can be store bought juice)

Vaseline (if you have hemorrhoids or your rectum is sensitive)

Do this on a day that you don’t have to go anywhere that day or the next day, and will have immediate access to the toilet from about 6 p.m. until 10 p.m., and then again in the morning when you get up and for about 6 hours afterwards. Don’t take any medications that you don’t absolutely have to take on this day, and stop all herbal programs for the day. Eat ‘light’ for a few days before the flush (lots of vegetables, fruit, water, juice – not much fatty foods or foods that constipate), and make sure you are not constipated (take prune juice or whatever keeps you regular), because if you have constipation built up, and then take the Epsom salts which will cause your bowels to empty quickly, you may have cramping. You shouldn’t have any cramping if your bowels are working properly and your stool is soft.

On the day of the flush, eat a light breakfast and lunch (NO fat – no butter, margarine, milk, oil, animal products, etc.) By doing this you cause your bile to build up in the liver and it puts pressure on the liver, which will push more stones out when you start the flush. It causes no pain.

2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. Get your glass jar with the lid and put 4 tbsp. of Epsom salts and 3 cups of your ‘extra’ juice in it, put the lid on, shake to mix, and store in the refrigerator until you need it. It makes 4 servings or ¾ cup each.

6:00 PM. Drink one serving (¾ cup) of the Epsom salt mixture. The Epsom salts will clean out your bowels and they will open your bile ducts so that the stones will pass through easily and painlessly. Set out the olive oil and grapefruits to get them to room temperature so they will mix better. Keep the remaining Epsom salt mixture in the refrigerator.

8:00 PM. Drink another serving of ¾ cup Epsom salt mixture. You will probably start having to empty your bowels of stool (not gallstones) soon after this. Make sure you can get into your bathroom whenever you need to (don’t let someone take their shower at this time), because you will be running in and out for a few hours. Get ready for bed so that you don’t have to do it later.

9:45 PM. Pour ½ cup of olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze juice out of the grapefruits, remove the pulp, and pour ½ to ¾ cup of it into the olive oil. Add the Black Walnut Tincture. Close the jar and shake it hard until it has mixed pretty well. Save the extra grapefruit juice as a chaser or so you can have fresh juice the next day after you’re done with the procedure. Go to the bathroom once more before you do the next step. Do the next step on time because you will get more stones out if you follow the time schedule.

10:00 PM. Take the olive oil and grapefruit mixture to your bedside (and some fresh juice if you want it) and drink the olive oil mixture there with a straw while standing up (or without a straw if you prefer), and get it down within 5 minutes (15 minutes for the elderly or weak). Chase it down with the fresh juice if you want to. Lie down immediately. This will help you get more stones out. The sooner you lie down the better. Don’t clean up the kitchen or do anything else – go straight to bed! Lie flat on your back with your head high on a pillow and keep very still for 20 minutes. I could feel the stones rolling along the bile ducts. It felt like little marbles rolling along a trail. It didn’t hurt at all. Actually, it was rather amusing. After 20 minutes, lay on your right side and go to sleep. If you happen to roll over in the night, that’s okay. But try to start out on your right side so the oil can move towards your gallbladder and lubricate the bile ducts easier.

Next morning. When you awaken, get up and drink another serving (3/4 cup) of the Epsom salt mixture (no earlier than 6:00 a.m.) Go back to bed if you want to and if you can. We started passing stones at this point and had to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes – thank God for 2 bathrooms! They come out just like your bowel movements come out, but it’s like different sized marbles and water coming out (stones, water and bile). There was no pain at all as far as the stones coming out, even when large ones passed (the size of large grapes), but our hemorrhoids became irritated from the acid in the bile, and using Vaseline on the rectum helped a lot. We put it on after each trip to the bathroom, to be prepared for the next trip. A lot of liquid came out with the stones, but we did not get dehydrated. You can drink water at this point though, if you want to. If you have a lot of bile coming out, you may want to start drinking water to help dilute it so it doesn’t burn. Don’t eat any food though.

2 Hours Later. Take the remainder of the Epsom salt mixture and go back to bed if you want to. We continued to pass stones at this time, during frequent trips to the bathroom.

After 2 More Hours you may eat, but start light (fruit juice), then in a half hour or so eat some fruit, and an hour later you may eat regular food but don’t eat a lot of fat and don’t stuff yourself. You should be back to normal by suppertime. I felt great afterwards! Everything I ate tasted delicious too. I was hungry for juice and light foods.

Gallstones are different colors, but they are usually green, yellow and sometimes black. They resemble wooden or clay marbles that have been pounded into irregular shapes. They float because of the cholesterol in them. After mine sat out in room temperature for a week, they melted, and the bile and residue separated from the cholesterol. I rinsed out the container with hot water and the cholesterol remained in the dish. It had the consistency of partially melted candle wax (was soft, but had to be scooped out with a spoon because it was so waxy- no wonder it clogs your arteries!) It was pearly white and actually very ‘pretty’ (if you like pearly looking wax). 

When the stones come out, some may be really hard, like wood (probably the older ones that have had more time to calcify), and some may be soft (younger ones), some are large, some are marble sized, and many are tiny. You will probably also get a lot of ‘sludge’ to come out (tiny flecks of yellow or green particles or cholesterol crystals). Count your stones roughly each time before you flush the toilet (or get a strainer and collect them to show your doctor or friends!) Keep track of approximately how many you pass.

Each time you do this liver flush you will get fewer and fewer stones, as it eventually cleans out your liver and gallbladder. But the first time you do it, you will not get ‘all’ the stones out. After the flush, more stones will begin to move down your bile ducts and in a few days you may begin to have symptoms again that left the day you did the first flush. However, my irritable bowel syndrome left the day I did the flush and has never returned. My skin also got really clear and pretty (people commented on it), but that didn’t stay that way. Each time I do a flush, my skin clears up, and when I eat right it stays clear, otherwise it doesn’t.

I got about 1,000 stones out the first time, about 500 the second, about 100 the third and about 100 the fourth. You need to pass at least 2,000 stones to permanently get rid of allergies, bursitis or upper back pain. Do this flush repeatedly, waiting two weeks in between, until you get no more stones out, and then do it once or twice a year for maintenance.

This procedure is safe. It certainly is safer that having a doctor cut you open and remove your gallbladder. I’ve never heard of anyone getting hurt doing this procedure. And this will work even if you’ve already had your gallbladder removed, because the stones don’t just collect in the gallbladder – they collect in the liver and the bile ducts, blocking them and congesting the liver, causing the liver to function less efficiently.

Once you've done your first flush, you may want to send your stones to a lab and have them analyzed. This can be good, but it can also be bad. It depends on the people working in the lab you use. I have heard of several people taking stool samples with live wiggling worms (that you could see with the naked eye) in them, and the lab said they were 'negative' for parasites! So I do not trust labs! Some lab workers will actually 'analyze' the stones, and provide you with a list of their ingredients. Many will look at the stones and then write up a report saying they are not gallstones.

I took mine to a lab and the report said they didn't have the constitution of gallstones. They obviously didn't 'analyze' them! The rest of mine melted at home after a week in a warm temperature, and as I said earlier, it was very obvious that they consisted of at least bile and cholesterol. One man got a report back saying his stones were 91% cholesterol, and 9% bile, water and inert ingredients, and called them gallstones. I picked up a flier about gallstones from my doctor, and it said they are made of mostly cholesterol, and also bile. Not to mention that they looked just like the picture of gallstones in the flier. The Merck Manual (c 1995-2003 by Merck & Co., Inc.) states: "Gallstones are collections of solid crystals (predominantly cholesterol) in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts (biliary tract)."

So my lab couldn't have examined my stones very closely because they missed the most obvious ingredient in them! The greatest portion of my stones turned into a thick waxy mess of cholesterol that was too waxy to wash out of the container. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy fat-like substance. The fat in it makes the stones float. Some medical professionals will tell you they are not gallstones 'because' they float. This is not true. Stones that are older and more calcified may sink, but softer stones float. I didn't have to be a lab technician to figure out that my stones were made of mainly cholesterol with a little bile. So why didn't they figure that out! Perhaps they didn't want me to have any proof that this flush really expels gallstones! That would go against the 'medical protocol' and cause a great loss of income for surgeons and drug companies if the general public found out! Imagine what would happen if everyone found out about this and people stopped having gallbladder surgery. I'd be jumping for joy! But the AMA will do whatever they can think of to prevent people from believing in this stuff, including trying to scare them into surgery.

GALLSTONES - this is what you will probably see in your toilet in the morning, after you empty your bowels.

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