Grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and instead of reading the newspaper or your favorite novel today, read our story and get to know us!
May 14, 2014 story told:
About twenty years ago James was working on a car dealership's (Nelson Nissan) main showroom floor in Broken Arrow, OK, putting tile down with his nephew Daniel, owner of his own tile company. James felt the Lord walk by and tell him to get off the floor and go evangelize. He argued with the Lord that he couldn't just walk out and leave Daniel alone to tile the floor by himself, and he started feeling deathly ill, like he was going to die if he didn't get up and go. So he repented for arguing, and asked for a sign, then told his nephew "If my replacement comes within the next 5 minutes, will you be okay with me leaving?" Daniel laughed and said yeah, sure. Four minutes later a group of men came in and told Daniel that the job they were doing just got cancelled and did he need any help. Daniel said "Goodbye Uncle Jimmy!" Bobby Nelson, the owner of the car company, was in and out of his office and witnessed this scenario.
James went and preached, non-stop, every single night, for the next four months in Illinois, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Through Yahushuwa's power MANY people were born-again, healed and delivered! Deaf ears were opened, paralyzed arms healed, Alzheimer's victims totally healed and in their right mind, cancer healed, etc. A series of daily meetings at Living Word Fellowship (now called Christ the King Church), in Vian, Oklahoma, lasted a month, and when James would see the Glory Cloud come in (a cloud or mist that some people could actually see, that was a manifestation of the Glory of Yahuwah), people when they came into contact with it would suddenly be healed of physical and mental diseases, be filled with the Holy Spirit, etc. One night a group of teenagers from the youth group, who thought this was all fake, came in and James watched them walk into the Glory Cloud (they probably didn't see it, but he did) and as soon as they touched it their legs buckled and they crumbled to the ground like a heap of clothes, as they were ministered to by Yahuwah.
Below is a picture of the inside of that church, where the miracles took place. The woman on the left is the former pastor, who has since passed away. It's hard for me to understand how a month long revival took place at this church, with James preaching every meeting and Yahuwah doing miracle after miracle through him, and yet when he and I visited 20 years later, this same pastor, who knew who he was, did not invite him to come and preach there! If I was a pastor of a church and knew a certain evangelist was anointed to have powerful meetings like that, I wouldn't hesitate to ask him to come back!
Daniel kept Mr. Nelson updated. The pastor's mother prophesied to James "The Lord said you WILL be back!" He had no idea at the time that now, 20 years later, the only remote mountain property we could afford would be just 20 minutes from there! She also didn't know that he'd come back to that church and not be asked to preach there.
James has a very strong anointing for healing and deliverance and has seen many miracles when he's preached in churches all over, including in the streets of Chicago. A drug addict died in the mobile home next to his in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, several years ago, and after the paramedics gave up and said the man couldn't be revived (he'd been dead 45 minutes and the paramedics were loading him into the body bag), Yahuwah told James to raise him from the dead. He asked Yahuwah how, and Yahuwah said remember the book of Genesis. So James asked Yahuwah to breath His spirit of life into the man, and the man awoke and sat up, healed. His girlfriend got saved and began ministering to others, and he went back to his wife whom he had left. Here is a video with James giving his testimony of this event:
James was married for 20 years to a woman who basically tried to destroy him and his ministry, and he stopped doing the 4 month long evangelism. He started a truck driving career that lasted 15 years, producing a television travel/cooking/evangelism show called "This Land" during that time.
After spending about 4 years alone, and after being forced to give up truck driving because of back injuries from his professional wrestling days,
he met me, Jennifer, in Oklahoma, and we married 2 weeks later, on November 6, 2009. I knew Yahuwah was giving me a husband, and knew it was James as soon as we met. He had visions of me before we met, sitting in a swimming pool with him, and here is the story of how Yahuwah brought us together.
After his trucking career was over, he spent many months sitting in his mobile home staring at a Christmas tree that he left up for some unknown reason, and wondering what he was to do next. Yahuwah told him "It is not good for man to be alone" and reminded him of the blonde woman in the pool, and then said "but there are some things you need to take care of before I bring her to you."
First Yahuwah had him look at the Christmas tree and said "Do I need a Mass?" Then He reminded James of an elderly lady who gave an envelope of money to a priest so he'd do a special Mass for her deceased husband 'in case he's in purgatory'. Yahuwah asked James "Do I need a mass? Am I in purgatory?" James got up and threw the tree with all of the heirloom ornaments, in the trash, and has not celebrated that pagan holiday since.
Next Yahuwah told James to stop eating pork. He was making a pot of beans and Yahuwah told him to throw away the ham hocks and use the beef sausage instead. He said it was the best pot of beans he'd ever had! From that day on James started following the Biblical dietary instructions and stopped eating 'unclean' animals.
Then Yahuwah told him to take down the huge wooden cross he had nailed to his porch. He told Yahuwah that it couldn't be Him saying that, because the Scriptures say that the preaching of the cross is only foolishness to those that perish. Yah said "Look at all those Christmas decorations all over it." James said it would take him forever to pull all of those off, so he refused to do it. Within the hour James heard a horrible crashing noise outside that sounded like someone took a sledge hammer to his porch. When he finally got the nerve to go outside and look, he saw that the cross, which had been nailed to the porch with 5 inch long nails, had been ripped off the porch and was laying in the yard, broken in two! Yahuwah said to James "You still have a ways to go but now I can show you where she is. Go to Walmart."
So James started to go to the new Walmart a mile from his home, and Yahuwah said "No, go to the other one". Again he argued with Yahuwah! The Lord sure is patient with his arguing children! James said "but this one is closer" and Yahuwah said "I'm a specific God!"
So James went to the other Walmart and started looking for a blonde. Yahuwah said "Go to the electronics department." James did, and stood there looking around. The cashier wasn't blonde. Then his nephew Daniel walked up to him. Daniel lived a hundred miles away and James never randomly ran into him like that, but this was what is called 'a God appointment'. James said "I know why I ran into you tonight. In those Messianic fellowships you attend, do you know a godly woman who's praying for a husband."
Now Daniel and I had led worship together a few times, and we were Facebook friends, where he saw all my posts about how I knew my husband was almost here and that I could 'feel' him coming, how I knew he would be tall, dark haired and muscular (based on a vision my pastor's wife had as well as my personal preference), how I LOVE hairy men (James had a long ponytail and long beard), and my husband would need to be called into full-time ministry, since I was also, and I wanted to be able to sing together. Most importantly, he had to be a Sabbath keeper, Torah observant, celebrating the Biblical holy days, such as the 7th day Sabbath, Passover, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, etc., instead of the pagan holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, etc., and he needed to be Holy Spirit filled, and preaching both the Old and New Testaments! That was a tall order, but I knew I needed to live in obedience to Yahuwah's commandments in both the Old and New Testaments, and I knew what my calling is and needed to be equally yoked with a man with a compatible calling and understanding of how believers are supposed to keep the Sabbath and Feast Days, and be Torah observant in other ways as well. Otherwise, we would both be miserable and unequally yoked. I knew only Yahuwah could make a match like that. So I had stopped looking for a spouse and was waiting on Yahuwah, and was ready. Yahuwah had been preparing us for each other, but most importantly, He had prepared us for Himself, so He could effectively use us to preach the whole gospel, not the watered down gospel that teaches people to disobey His commandments instead of obey them as He requires.
I had studied music, counseling and ministry at Indiana Christian University (Lester Sumrall's college), and sang my first solo there (recorded below).
Daniel answered James laughing and saying "Yes I do", and arranged to meet James the next day with his laptop so he could show me to him on Facebook. James said he should probably shave and cut his hair, and Daniel laughed and said "No, not for this one!" He listened to me sing (on videos below) and thought I sounded like an angel.
He told Daniel I was his next wife. He said something like "Uhhhh, don't you think you should meet each other first?" James got my phone number, invited me to his place for a home cooked Grecian chicken dinner (he used to be a chef), and sang to me. On our second 'date', the next night, he sang to me again, and sang "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" and said "it's true, I'm in love with you, and we'll just have to get married." I said "I know".
Two weeks later we got married in a Messianic congregation, under a huppah, Jewish style. The video below is a musical overview of our relationship.
We led worship together for their service right after our wedding, and that is how we began! The video below, on the left, is the first time we sang together, about 2 days before our wedding, and we were practicing doing praise and worship together. Now the second video below isn't from our wedding night, but it was similar and is here to show you what we did over there when we lived in that area.
Here are some miracles that took place when we ministered at this Messianic congregation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, during the first year or two of our marriage. In the past, James didn't get miracles recorded on video, so we now try to do that when possible so people can actually see them happening. After doing this crusade where the man got healed and out of the wheelchair, and was able to run (something he said he could not do before - he could barely walk - his friends confirmed this also), we were going to do crusades on a regular basis, but the pastor of that group put a stop to it. He and his wife said that people from the 'projects' were starting to come to the church and they wanted 'quality' people (people with money)! James brushed the dust off his feet and we left there, because we are to minister to the people who need to be healed and delivered and mentored, not just to the wealthy!
The young girl in the video above had scoliosis. I had seen her at Calvary for many years, and she was always bent in her spine, very noticeably. She was healed completely in this meeting, and several years later said she remained healed.
About 20 years after the 4 month revival time in Vian, the SAME car dealership bought our property, the SAME nephew was involved in the transaction, and we are now living in that SAME area that the elderly lady said he'd be back to, getting ready to start a ministry, and being attacked from many directions. We didn't plan on moving to this area, but it was the only piece of land for sale in a mountain area at a price we could afford.
OUR REAL ESTATE STORY - Go ahead and keep reading - you WON'T be bored! Many tell us it is the craziest real estate sale they have ever heard of! I'm going to condense it quite a bit.
Back in about September, 2012, James and I were discussing how we distrust our government and would feel better living in the country than in the city, away from so many people, where there is so much crime and where riots break out. It seems we are so fast approaching the very last of the last days before the Great Tribulation and the return of our Lord and Savior Yahushuwa. Prophecies are being fulfilled left and right, and things are moving rapidly in place for the one world government, the mark of the beast, the rise of the antichrist. We discussed how we wish we could get out of the city, buy some land in a remote mountainous area, live off the grid, and become self-sustained with goats, sheep and chickens, gardens and fruit trees, and begin our ministry of evangelism, including helping to feed poor people, with a cozy country place to come home to. However, we did not have any money to work with, as James had been fighting to get on early retirement with disability, because of his spinal injuries from his wrestling days that have not healed, and they kept turning him down. I lost my job of 7 years at a local hospital, and couldn't get a replacement job. I got unemployment for several months and we were barely staying afloat.
The VERY NEXT DAY the manager of a used car lot that we lived next to came to us and asked if we'd consider selling our property so that they could clear it off, removing obstacles (our fence, shed, trees, and home) that blocked the view of their car lot from people driving by on the very busy road we lived on. We said we'd do it if they could pay us enough for our re-location so that we could pay off the balance we owed on our mortgage, pay cash for a small piece of land (5-10 acres), get a van to haul building materials in and to sleep in, and get supplies enough to build an adobe home and to survive safely in the woods. We figured out that if they'd pay us a certain amount we should be able to accomplish this. They agreed and we began to plan the sale and closing. THEN ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! For the next 10 months we fought through one battle after another!
First, our nephew Daniel, (the same nephew who owned a tile company and put the tile down on Nelson/Nissan's showroom floor the year James started evangelizing, and the same nephew who introduced us), who we were buying the property from, agreed on the payoff balance that we figured by using an amortization chart. But when he found out we were selling to a car lot owned by the multi-million dollar company, Nelson Nissan/Nelson Mazda, he told us that we actually weren't buying our home from him, but were just renting, even though James had offered to buy the place from him several years ago after Yahuwah told him to buy it for an investment property, and they signed an agreement for the sale!
The lot was very small, as you can see in the pictures above, on a busy 4-lane street, surrounded by businesses and noisy traffic. Below is a video James took in 2010 of my son Israel, with a wild hairdoo, playing heavy metal on his guitar in our front yard. Hard rock or not, he plays really good and I love hearing him play. This was shortly after we moved there, before we cleaned up the yard and built a pond and a shed. This will show you how tiny the lot was and how close it was to the busy street. There were bullet holes in the fence from drive-by shootings. A gang lived near the back of that neighborhood, and they had painted some gang symbols on the front of the privacy fence.
Next is an over-head view of our place and the car lot to the right.
The mobile home on the lot was over 30 years old, and when James bought it, it had broken windows, huge holes in the floor that made it unsafe to live in or walk through, the spare bathroom toilet was falling through the floor, a nest of rats lived under the spare bathroom which connected the two spare bedrooms, wood was rotting near the windows from moisture from leaks, there were leaks in the venting system causing the heating and central air conditioning to leak out and cause a very high gas bill, wiring was bad and causing 'hot spots' in the plug-ins, so hot that it burned your hand to touch them, the paneling was dry from being so old and could have gone up in flames very easily, and there was a broken down shed in the yard, full of rotted junk that had to be hauled off! It should have been condemned, but Yahuwah told James to buy it, and even though James didn't know why, he asked Daniel if he'd sell it to him. It hadn't even been rented in several years because it was in such bad shape. Daniel agreed to sell it to James, James asked for the deal in writing, he wrote out a simple but legal sales contract, and they both signed it. Daniel told James he wouldn't have to start making payments for 6 months, to give him a chance to fix the floors so it would be livable.
Notice the beautiful wood floor we installed in that ugly red and white kitchen?! I was going to paint it a better color if we had stayed there.
Right after making this deal, Daniel asked James if his son could live in the trailer with him for a while, because he didn't have a place to live at that time. James believes in helping family out, so he said he could. So he moved in, and now there were boxes of his stuff sitting all over the floor James was working on, and getting in the way. James still managed to repair the floors and windows when he was in town (he was a truck driver at the time, and filming his TV show "This Land" while on the road.) A woman gave him about $8,000 worth of hardwood flooring that she had decided not to have installed in her home but could not get a refund on, so James put new flooring down on the entire mobile home (see above picture), fixed broken windows, and rearranged some things. Then Daniel changed his story and insisted that he told James he could only buy the place if he remodeled it within 6 months! - As if he had to 'earn' the right to buy this 'wonderful' trailer, and because it took longer than 6 months, he didn't 'qualify' and was just 'renting' it! How insane! James never agreed to anything like that. He offered to buy it, Daniel said okay, they signed a sales agreement, and James started making repairs as best as he could, working around Daniel's son, and later other people's stuff that they 'dropped off' to store there while James was on the road. Later, when I met and married James, I helped him finish installing the beautiful hardwood floors, and haul boxes of stuff out that family members had left there.
Daniel is the kind of person who 'changes' his agreements as he goes along, without the other person's knowledge or consent, and he does this in order to cheat them of money. He's done it to many people! So even though James had been paying interest on it, paying property taxes, and even though Daniel had been telling his brothers "I'm selling the property to Uncle Jimmy the same way I bought it from John, under a Contract for Deed", which by law in Oklahoma is considered and treated just like a mortgage, he called the co-owner of the car company, Craig, and proceeded to arrange a sale himself, so he could keep all the money and leave us out.
Craig called us and asked what was going on and we explained how our nephew had a history of greed and of ripping people off, and apparently had decided to turn against his own Uncle Jimmy and rip us off too. He dealt illegally with most of his previous buyers of his other property in the same neighborhood, by 'evicting' them as renters if they got behind in payments, changing the locks on the doors and keeping all of their belongings if they didn't pay up, instead of doing the 'foreclosure' process on a mortgage as the law requires. He'd take back the property and keep all of the money they had paid as if they had just paid rent (this is illegal), and then sell it to another person who didn't know their rights and do the same thing to them, and had sold one piece of property to about 4 or 5 different people! This is what he attempted to do to us.
The co-owner of the car lot got 'cold feet' and backed off for two months while we argued back and forth with Daniel, in and out of court. We studied the law books and found out he was breaking the laws in many ways with us and everyone else he sold property to. Within that two months he tried to sell our property out from under us, accused us of changing the contract, said it was NOT a contract but only a price guarantee, said it was a contract for the land but not for the mobile home that sat on it and that we lived in, said it was a loan with land as collateral, said James hadn't 'earned' the right to buy it yet and if we fixed it up to 'rentable' condition (obviously so he could steal it from us and 'rent' it to someone else or sell it again to someone else - his 'long' contracts (which we didn't see or sign) state that the contract in no way constitutes a 'sale' and only becomes a sale if the sucker meets all of his conditions - his long contracts are bogus!) - then he'd let us sell it at a later date (of course after we lost our present buyers - and of course he'd still try to keep the profit because he's a double talker).
He consistently came up with new 'deals' for us, rather than just obey the law and cooperate with us selling it, paying him off, and keeping the rest so we could replace it and have another home to retire in! He even tried evicting us as renters when we were not even behind in payments, by sending us three payments back, saying he didn't accept them three weeks after he had already credited them to our balance, and filing an eviction notice in court saying we were three payments behind in rent! James' sister (Daniel's mother) pranced out of the court room saying (like a child) "You're gonna get evicted! You're gonna get evicted!" and the courthouse staff had to escort her out of the room! (She's angry with James ever since he's offered to pray for her mental health.) In all the different real estate deals we've both done, neither of us has ever dealt with anyone so evil before. It was hard to believe it was happening, each time he came up with a new tactic to try and steal the property from us. And this is James' nephew, a man who claims to live by Torah and by the whole Bible, and who calls himself a minister and a steward of the Lord. He was the 'best man' in our wedding, and the one who introduced us to each other!
The judge had already recognized our contract, which we had showed him in his office, as a sale and not a rental agreement, and told him that would require a foreclosure (which takes months, and which gives the buyers an option to catch up in a reasonable time, and gives them credit for moneys they've already paid) not an eviction (which is instant and gives no credit for moneys paid). Of course we'd have gotten him for fraud because of how he sent our payments back and then accused us of being late. So Daniel cancelled the eviction. THEN he tried telling us that the 'Father' woke him up in the night and told him to give us back the $18,000 we'd paid him so far (read on - there was even a 'catch' to that!), and he'd sell the place and keep the profit to buy another lot and move the trailer to it so he could rent it to someone else!
So it's obvious that Daniel believes that Yahuwah, our heavenly Father, told him to steal our property from us! But that's not all! First he'd fix up the mobile home like new (it was about 35 years old by then - we were living off the grid with no electric, gas or water because the wiring, pipes and vent system needed too many repairs and we chose to use a generator and haul water rather than try to fix all that with money we didn't have). And we remodeled the two spare bedrooms into one large room - he wanted it made back into 2 bedrooms so he could get more 'rent' money from it. And he'd take the money to fix it out of our $18,000, which I'm sure would've left us with next to nothing. And he said this 'deal' was contingent on James 'filling in the hole' in the yard (a shallow baptismal pond James was in the process of making, which had nothing to do with us selling the property - even the buyers told us to leave the hole there) because the Lord wanted James to prove he was 'willing to work' for his right to profit at all from the sale of our home (that we'd already paid $18,000 for.) He became totally obsessed with that hole, bringing it up over and over, insisting that the 'Father' told him he couldn't 'work with us' unless James filled in the hole! Actually, he needs the hole in his head filled, because he's lost his marbles! His own sister said he is insane, not in humor, but in seriousness.
What a good deal the 'father' from hell, not heaven, told him to offer us! It's too bad he couldn't tell the difference between the Heavenly Father and the father of lies. That's kind of bad when a so-called minister doesn't know the Father's voice. So James said "NO DEAL DANIEL!" and let him know that it was illegal for him to interfere like this and we were going to put him in jail if he didn't back off. He even tried to make us honor a long complicated illegal contract that we never saw nor signed with him, because he said that was his normal contract for all his buyers. He later gave us a copy of it so we would know what he normally requires - and we discovered that his contracts are ILLEGAL! Hard to believe?! Looking back we can now laugh at the absurdity of this! But at the time it was going on, it caused us a LOT of emotional distress! All we wanted to do was sell our property and move to some remote countryside in the mountains. It took over ten months before we were able to complete the sale, and at the closing Daniel said he wouldn't sign the title over unless we signed a paper at the attorney's office agreeing not to sue him. Blackmail. We signed 'under duress' so we could move on. Yahuwah will deal with him for his sins.
By the way, THIS is the neighborhood we moved into, and below is the neighborhood we moved away from!
We put up with all of this just to get on with our lives and ministry, and by the time we got out to our property in the woods, paid closing fees there, and paid to have the property boundaries marked (because the boundary information had been lost in a fire), we didn't have enough money for building materials. Our stuff was in a tent and in storage.
We slept in a little camping tent the first few nights, until some large animal walked too close to it in the night and I felt we would be safer in the van. So we then slept in the van for several months, then in a 12x18 foot tent that looked like a house, even in 7 degree windy nights as winter began, and finally a 10x16 foot lofted barn that we were rent-to-owning because the worst winter in 75 years was headed our way with arctic cold and 4 ice storms. Our Oklahoma winters normally are mild with only one snowfall, and that usually melts within a day or two, and an ice storm maybe every 5 or 10 years. FOUR ice storms is almost unheard of here! The first ice storm collapsed our tent 2 days after our barn was delivered. We were sleeping in the loft in the barn and not in the tent! We'd have been smashed under thousands of pounds of ice. Here are before and after ice storm pictures of the large tent.
Most of our ministry instruments were in the pawn shop and we spent a lot of time digging trenches and ponds and lining them so we can collect rain water when the wet weather creek runs through, and pump it into two swimming pools for storage. We can't afford to have a well dug because it would cost about $12,000.
We paid about $3,000 that the car dealership should have taken care of, because they basically asked us to move out of our home and relocate so they could have our land for their profit, so they should have paid all of the fees to make it as easy as possible for us - but of course, since this was an act of Yahuwah to get us where He wants us, satan has fought us all the way and still is. Also, we paid Daniel over $10,000 that we shouldn't have paid. We believe Yahuwah will give us that back somehow.
I'm so sick and tired of phony so-called 'Christians' who do business deals more greedily than the heathens do! These people are rich and could easily afford to reimburse us the $3,000 they charged us, and could even make a donation to our ministry to help make up for the emotional trauma they caused us. We near froze to death this winter because of not having our home or even a cabin built.
In the last few months of this deal we had a blowout while driving 70 mph on the toll road in our van, and we both asked Yahushuwa to protect us, and even though James lost control of the van, we got off the highway and stopped on the shoulder without an accident and the van wasn't even damaged. The tire was shredded! Satan is mad at us. But we know that we win and he loses.
One day, shortly after we moved out here, we had a rattlesnake coiled up near our lounging area, rattling away at our dog who was barking at it. James shot it. JUST the night before, James read an article about a man who got bit by a diamond back rattler in the woods, had to crawl to his car, and almost died before he got to the hospital. What are the chances of James reading that story and THE VERY NEXT DAY finding a rattlesnake looking just like the one in the magazine picture, wanting to bite us? I and a few others think it was the Lord's mercy to get our attention and show us that these things are out there, before we ended up getting bit. The local hospital does not carry antivenin, nor does it work very well, but sometimes makes the person sicker than the snake bite, and it can cost well over $50,000 for the amount used! But it also seems more than coincidence that satan is MAD that we finally were finishing the sale of our original property and getting our retirement property where we would start our ministry!
We want to build a thick straw bale house and coat it with adobe (we have lots of sandy clay up here in the foothills of the Ozarks) and be safe from the wild critters. Straw bale homes are warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Above are pictures I found as samples of what one looks like while being built and after built. (These are not my pictures.) For our design, it would take about 1,000 straw bales (the oblong kind) - 600 for the house and 400 for a barn, doghouses, etc. We are moving into full-time ministry as soon as we get our living situation straightened out and Yahuwah tells us to go ahead.. We need 2,000 feet of 6-foot tall 'horse fencing' around the property, to keep bears and coyotes out, and our dogs and livestock in. And we need a chicken coup, chickens (for the eggs, the meat, and to kill the snakes and ticks), and goats and sheep (for milk and to keep the grasses and brush down so snakes don't have places to hide - they make great lawn mowers.) (See our Pictures pages for the updated information on our progress.)
Shortly after we moved here we were in Walmart and met a lady named Wanda, who has a ministry in her home on Saturdays. We have a lot in common with her, so she got excited and invited us to her next meeting. During the conversation with her, we learned that she was at the meetings 20 years ago where Yahuwah did all the miracles through James' evangelism, saw the miracles take place, was the lady who brought him and his family home cooked food, KNOWS the elderly lady who prophesied he'd be back, and she is still alive in 2014, in her mid-nineties! This is Wanda below.
Wanda has been praying for a revival, and has asked James to preach at her meetings sometimes. He's done it a few times so far. Here's a clip from one.
We want to get established in our home front before we go full speed ahead. This is all too much to be coincidence!
So here we are. We live in the woods in a barn with inadequate heating or cooling, haul much of our water, drive a car with the hood held down with bungee cords, that bottoms out on bumps in the road, and vibrates like it's on it's last leg, and our van's transmission went out, we want to start full-time ministry but are on a break until we get better established out here. Although James finally won his disability case, they cheated him out of over $30,000 that he should have received in back pay! So we STILL weren't able to fund building our home or getting better water collection equipment, and now we need supplies for gardening vegetables for us and to help feed others with (fencing, soil, peat moss, framework for raised gardens as we have VERY rocky soil and hard clay), and we need more fencing and many other things!
We have a friend, Tim, who believes in us and our ministry, and who says Yahuwah told him to help support us.
He sold his home recently and moved out of state, and when he cleaned out his storage and home, Yah told him to give us a lot of things, and even to buy us things, and we are so grateful for his willingness to listen to the Lord and actually do what Yahuwah told him to do. We've been told that there are over 30 people whom Yah has spoken to and told to help support this ministry, and every one of them has ignored Yah and refused to do this.
We never asked Tim for anything! But he gave us enough sleeping bags to keep us warm in single digit winter weather, dishes (Yah told him to buy green and black, and he didn't know those were the colors I wanted), he felt led to give us a set of bongos and a conga, not knowing that I had on a 'want' list "bongos or conga". He gave us cash as the Lord led him, and once he gave us $91, not knowing that we had just been reading the 91st Psalm that day! That's just one of Yahuwah's ways of letting us know He was listening and He cares about us. And on the day he did that, one of our tall dead trees just fell over near us, came crashing down and could have killed us, but Yah made sure it fell in the other direction! Our friend gave us boxes and boxes of non-perishable food, toilet paper, napkins, pots and pans, 2 small refrigerators which we use when we're running a generator, a microwave, television, warm clothing that helped us survive the horrible winter, vitamins, bandages, DVD player, warm jackets, cooking mittens that worked like little sleeping bags for our hands at night, a memory card that just happens to fit my camera and enabled me to do video recordings of our progress out here and ministry events, another camera, a telescope, binoculars, 2 tambourines, several amplifiers and electric guitars, firestarts, 2 outdoor grills, food storage containers, regular storage containers, waterproof boots, garden tools, lots of vegetable seeds, a short-wave radio, and lots of other things.
His kindness exceeds anything we've seen before. We are praying to be able to help him one day soon to be able to get to the love of his life, a minister lady who lives in another country. I'd love to be able to hand him about ten thousand dollars so they could finally get together, get married, and begin their ministry together.
We didn't know when we decided to buy this land that the coldest winter in 75 years was just around the corner (winter 2013), and we may have died out here without Tim's generous giving of supplies to keep us warm. We didn't know we wouldn't be able to get our home built, or at least a cabin, to keep us cool and safe in the summer, but we were able to buy a couple of above-ground pools and fill them by pumping rain water from the wet weather spring creek. We spent much of the hundred degree days that summer (2013) in one of them. We weren't able to do that the following summer (2014) because it sprung a leak and most of the water drained out, and we couldn't afford a liner to fix the problem, but the temperature stayed in the 90's that year, so at least we didn't get heat stroke. We used the bigger pool for water storage. James' vision of sitting with the blonde in the pool was fulfilled during the hot weather!
We feel like missionaries out in a jungle farm combination! The neighbors peacocks sound like elephants, a certain bird sounds like chimpanzees in the trees, then there are the bugs and snakes, chickens and roosters (which crow in the middle of the night), possums and raccoons, wild turkeys, frogs making loud noises in our pond, a red-headed woodpecker, mules sounding like dying men crying out, horses neighing, dogs barking. If this is how Yahuwah wants us to live, I guess I'll have to adapt. But wintertime gets pretty cold on this mountain, summer gets way too hot, and I think He does want us to live in a decent home and have plenty of water, solar panels for electricity, and be safe and warm. I have to laugh though. Before I met James I told people I'd rather live in a tent in the woods with a man who truly loves Yahuwah and loves me, than in a big house with another one who doesn't! And here I am in the woods, living out of tents, then in a barn, and more recently (jumping ahead to 2016) in a fifth wheel, and with the man who loves Yahuwah and loves me.
Once we finally began receiving James' retirement/disability check, we were able to buy enough food to eat, pay our bills and there was a little left over to take care of occasional medical bills, car repairs, and bills that come up yearly. There hasn't been enough to get our living quarters built and ministry off the ground. We're still living pretty primitively, aside from 3 solar panels and 2 marine batteries that give is some electricity, and a gas generator that costs money for gas to run it. This section you are reading was last updated in January of 2017. Here is our theme song for our Youtube channel MUD PEOPLE;
We still have a cabin to build. We need fencing for livestock and gardens, and supplies for raised gardens (as our soil is full of clay and rocks). We need a good water supply (are presently working on collecting rain water, but sure could use a well). We need a 4-wheel drive vehicle but can't afford the payments. We are working as hard as we can, as the weather and our physical condition lets us, and as we can afford supplies, to get our cabin built and dig out more water collection areas to supply the pools with. When we get the basic things established James wants to start preaching again in this area, and we are praying for revival that will start here but spread all over. The revival he did 20 years ago in this area was just a taste of what the Lord can do.
Now that we both understand the importance of actually obeying Yahuwah's commandments, as Yahushuwa our Messiah Himself tells us in His word to do, we are praying for Reformation along with Revival. We are in the last of the last days, before the Great Tribulation and before the Return of Yahushuwa, and there is no time for playing 'church' games with our Creator! It's time to start doing what He says to do, and stop doing what He says not to do. We minister to people everywhere we go in public, and we teach over the internet to people who mostly refuse to respond appropriately because most people are stubborn and don't want to repent of any sin that the are doing.
As I edit this in 2022, I am writing some books to teach Biblical principles Here are links to the ones I've finished so far.

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