Halloween Soup - Cover & Footnotes & Endnotes
Halloween Soup - The Devil's Year-Round Recipe for Oppression - DON'T EAT IT! - by Jennifer Lang
Chapter Two B - The Beautiful Mansion
Chapter Three - History of Halloween
Chapter Four - Witchcraft and Satanism
Chapter Five part 1 of 2 - Halloween and Occult Activities
Chapter Five part 2 of 2 - Halloween and Occult Activities
Chapter Six - What About the Other Holidays? Are They Occult Too?
Chapter Seven - Yahuwah's Feast Days
Chapter Nine - How to Get Set Free From the Effects of Halloween and the Occult
ENDNOTES (These are the original endnotes and bibliography from when I started the book 30 years ago. The new information I added is not included in here, but I put the sources with the quotes.)
Macmillan & Co.
Ltd., 1963, pg. 223-224.
2. Eichrodt, Walther.
Theology of the Old Testament (vol. 1). Philadelphia: The
Westminster Press,
1961, pg. 121.
3. Piggott, Stuart.
The Druids. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1993.
4. Warnke, Mike. The
Satan Seller. Plainfield: Logos International, 1972, pg. 185.
5. Leonard,
Christina. “Not Very Wicked Witches,” in Tulsa World, 6/23/96.
6. Masters, Anthony.
The Devil’s Dominion: The Complete Story of Hell and Satanism in
the Modern World. New
York: J.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1978, pg. 149-150.
7. Morals and Dogma,
Master Mason, pg. 526.
8. Decker, J. Edward.
The Question of Freemasonry. Issaquah: Free the Masons Ministries, pg. 25.
9. Morals and Dogma,
Master Mason, 34rd. degree, pg. 102.
10. Morals and Dogma,
Master Mason, 19th. degree, pg. 321.
11. Ruark, Lou Ann.
“Pagan Power: Halloween Has Roots in tradition,” in Tulsa World,
12. Leonard,
Christina. “Not Very Wicked Witches,” in Tulsa World, 6/23/96.
13. Ruark, Lou Ann.
“Pagan Power: Halloween Has Roots in tradition,” in Tulsa World,
14. Cymry Witchcraft
Home Page, c 1995 Dal Enterprises Inc., (contains information about The Welsh
Witchcraft tradition of Y Tylwyth Teg and the Association of Cymry Wiccae.)
15. Ibid.
16. Price, Nelson.
New Age: The Occult and Lion Country. Old Tappan: Nelson Price,
Fleming H. Revell
Co., 1989, pg. 102.
17. Lindsey, Hal.
Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth." Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Publishing House,
1972, pg. 21.
18. Atkins, Susan.
Child of Satan, Child of God. Plainfield: Logos International, 1977.
19. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988.
20. Sumrall, Lester.
Supernatural Principalities and Powers. South Bend: LeSea Publishing Co., 1988.
21. Ibid.
22. Hill, Frances. A
Delusion of Satan. pg. 14.
23. Ibid. pg. 44-45.
24. Larson, Bob.
Straight Answers on the New Age. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,
25. Larson, Bob.
Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth. Nashville: Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1989.
26. Price, Nelson.
New Age: The Occult and Lion Country. Old Tappan: Nelson Price,
Fleming H. Revell
Co., 1989.
27. Larson, Bob.
Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth. Nashville: Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1989.
28. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988.
29. Ibid., pg.
30. Sumrall, Lester.
Hypnotism: Divine or Demonic. South Bend: LeSea Publishing Co.,
31. Freeman, Hobart.
Every Wind of Doctrine. Claypool: Faith Publications, 1974.
32. Ontario Centre
for Religious Tolerance.
33. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988,
pg. 35.
34. LePage, Rand.
“Cops Hunt Manson Snuff Films!,” in Sun, 9/30/97.
35. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988,
pg. 226.
36. Ibid. pg. 227.
37. “Satanic Crime in
America,” in Charisma & Christian Life, October 1988.
38. Ibid.
39. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988,
pg. 216.
40. Warnke, Mike. The
Satan Seller. Plainfield: Logos International, 1972, pg. 185.
41. Phillips, Phil,
& Hake, Joan. Halloween and Satanism. Lancaster: Starburst Publishers,
42. Ebon, Martin, ed.
The Satan Trap. Garden City: 1976.
43. Koch, Kurt.
Satan’s Devices. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1978, 225.
44. Day, Harvey.
Occult Illustrated Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975,
pg. 76.
45. Koch, Kurt.
Satan’s Devices. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1978, 225.
46. Atkins, Susan.
Child of Satan, Child of God. Plainfield: Logos International, 1977.
47. North, Gary. None
Dare Call it Witchcraft.
48. Christian Life
Ministries from Pro Family Forum, 1981.
49. Rees, Alwynn
& Brinley. Celtic Heritage. London: Thames and London, 1961, pg. 298.
50. Park, Irene
Arrington. The Witch that Switched. Springdale: Whitaker House, 1980.
51. Phillips, Zolton
III. I Changed My Struggle Over Abortion. Tract by Americans Against
Abortion, 1986.
52. Green, Melody.
The Questions Most People Ask About Abortion. Tract by Pretty Good Printing
from Last Days Ministries, 1981.
53. Ibid.
Oklahomans-for-Life Letter, vol. 21, no. 1, August 1996.
55. Ibid.
56. “California Teen
Sentenced in Shooting of Unborn Child,” in American Family
Association Journal,
October 1995.
57. “Selling Teen
Abortions: Parents Beware,” tract by Easton Publishing Company, Inc.,
Jefferson City, 1992.
58. “Psychic Makes
Unborn Babies Vanish,” in Sun, 5/13/86, pg. 7.
59. Sumrall, Lester.
Supernatural Principalities and Powers. South Bend: LeSea Publishing Co., 1988.
60. Guthrie, D. and
Motyer, J.A., eds. The New Bible Commentary: Revised. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1970, pg. 609.
61. The Holy Bible,
New King James Version. New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984.
62. Fausset, James,
& Brown. Commentary on the Whole Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing
House, no date, pg. 467.
63. Boshold, Frank S.
(Translator). Blumhardt’s Battle: A Conflict with Satan. New York:
Thomas E. Lowe. Ltd.,
64. Sumrall, Lester.
Demonology and Deliverance: Principalities and Powers, Vol. II. South Bend:
LeSea Publishing Co., 1987, pg. 33.
65. Sumrall, Lester.
Bitten by Devils. South Bend: LeSea Publishing Co., 1987, 46-47.
66. Koch, Kurt. The
Devil's Alphabet. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1971, pg. 23.
67. Ibid., pg. 114.
68. Ibid., pg. 22
69. Ibid., pg. 22
70. Ibid., pg. 25.
71. Winthrop, John.
History of New England (vol 1). New York: Barnes and Noble Inc.,
1959, pg.266-267.
72. Marshall, Peter,
and David Manuel. The Light and the Glory. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell,
1977, pg. 203.
73. Koch, Kurt. The
Devil's Alphabet. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1971, pg. 114.
74. Boshold, Frank S.
(Translator). Blumhardt’s Battle: A Conflict with Satan. New York:
Thomas E. Lowe. Ltd.,
1970, pg. 48.
75. Virginia,
Alexander. Mysteries of the Unknown Transformations. Time Life Books,
1989, pg. 20-21.
76. Ibid.
77. Scavone, Daniel.
Vampires: Great Mysteries, Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego:
Greenhaven Press
Inc., 1990, pg. 14.
78. Masters, Anthony.
The Natural History of the Vampire. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1972, pg.
79. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988,
pg. 43.
80. Smith, Malcolm.
Cassette tape: "The Kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit", 9/27/90.
81. Dorland's
Illustrated Medical Dictionary, Twenty-fifth Edition. Philadelphia: W.B.
Saunders Co., 1974.
82. Phillips, Phil.
Turmoil in the Toybox. Lancaster: Starburst Pulbishers, 1986, pg. 15.
83. Park, Irene
Arrington. The Witch that Switched. Springdale: Whitaker House, 1980.
84. “The Truth About
Walt Disney Company” pass along fact sheet by American Family
85. Associated Press,
86. “Insiders say
Hunchback is ‘Testing the Limits,’” in American Family Association
Journal, August 1996,
pg. 9.
87. Atkins, Susan.
Child of Satan, Child of God. Plainfield: Logos International, 1977.
88. Larson, Bob.
Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth. Nashville: Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1989.
89. Godwin, Jeff. The
Devil's Disciples: The Truth About Rock. Chino: Chick Publications,
1985, pg. 211.
90. Styll, John. “The
Gospel of Lucas,” in Contemporary Christian Magazine, August 1983.
91. Vega, Richard.
“Childish Chills,” in USA Weekend, September 9, 1994, pg. 17.
92. Ibid.
93. Opie, Iona &
Peter, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Oxford: University
Press, 1958.
94. Sumrall, Lester.
Demonology and Deliverance: Principalities and Powers, Vol. I. South
Bend: LeSea
Publishing Co., 1988, pg. 69-70.
95. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988.
96. Circus, 10/13/77,
pg. 28.
97. Godwin, Jeff. The
Devil's Disciples: The Truth About Rock. Chino: Chick Publications,
1985, pg. 259.
98. Kellogg Co.,
99. Anderson, Neil
T., & Russo, Steve. The Seduction of Our Children. Ugene: Harvest
House Pub., 1991, pg.
100. Circus, 8/16/76,
pg. 30.
101. Circus, 6/22/78,
pg. 15.
102. Circus, 7/7/77,
pg. 40.
103. People, 5/21/79.
104. Rolling Stone,
2/12/76, pg. 83.
105. Aranza, Jacob.
Backward Masking Unmasked. Shreveport: Huntington House Inc.,
1984, pg. 77.
106. Newsweek, 12/20/76.
107. USA Weekend,
108. Circus,
12/22/77, pg. 12.
109. Time, 9/11/78.
110. Time, 4/28/67,
pg. 72.
111. Aranza, Jacob.
Backward Masking Unmasked. Shreveport: Huntington House Inc.,
112. Hislop,
Alexander. The Two Babylons. Neptune: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., 1916, pg.
113. Mede, Joseph.
Mede's Works, Discourse XIVIII. 1672.
114. Hislop,
Alexander. The Two Babylons. Neptune: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., 1916, pg.
115. Kahaner, Larry.
Cults that Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime. New York:
Warner Books, 1988,
pg. 240.
116. Rhodes, Dorothy.
St. Patrick’s Day. Hillside: Freeman, Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1992.
117. Penn-Lewis,
Jessie. The Conquest of Canaan. Pg. 9.
118. Hagin, Kenneth.
Ministering to the Oppressed: Vol. III. Tulsa: Faith Library
Publications, 1983,
pg. 28.
119. Park, Irene
Arrington. The Witch that Switched. Springdale: Whitaker House, 1980,
pg. 78.
120. J.T.C. The Last
Call for Real Revival. pg. 31.
Andersen, Hans Christian. The Little Mermaid. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
Publishers, 1989.
Anderson, Neil T.,
& Russo, Steve. The Seduction of Our Children. Ugene: Harvest House
Pub., 1991.
Aranza, Jacob.
Backward Masking Unmasked. Shreveport: Huntington House Inc., 1984.
Atkins, Susan. Child
of Satan, Child of God. Plainfield: Logos International, 1977.
Bannatyne, Lesley
Pratt. Halloween, an American Holiday, an American History. New
York: Facts On File,
Barber, Paul.
Vampires, Burial and Death: Folklore and Reality. New Haven: Yale University Press,
Barth, Edna.
Shamrocks, Harps and Shillelaghs: The Story of the St. Patrick’s Day Symbols. New
York: Clarion Books, 1977.
Baxter, Mary K. A
Divine Revelation of Hell. Springdale: Whitaker House, 1993.
Beall, James Lee.
Twentieth Century Witchcraft. Detroit: Bethesda Missionary Temple, no date.
Benoit, David.
Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out. Oklahoma City:
Publishing, Ltd., 1994.
Best, Joel. “The
Razor Blade in the Apple,” in Social Problems 21, no. 5, June 1985, pg.
Bobgan, Martin &
Deidre. “The Ho-Ho-Ho Hoax,” in The Evangelist, December 1986, pg.
Bonwick, James. Irish
Druids and Old Irish Religions. New York: Arno Press, 1976.
Boshold, Frank S.
(Translator). Blumhardt’s Battle: A Conflict with Satan. New York:
Thomas E. Lowe. Ltd.,
Brenna, Tony. “Demi’s
Secret Cult Life,” in National Enquirer, 7/9/96, pg. 24.
Briggs, K.M. The
Fairies in English Tradition and Literature. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press, 1967.
Brown, Rebecca. He
Came to Set the Captives Free. Chino: Chick Publications, 1986.
Cahill, Thomas. How
the Irish Saved Civilization. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday,
Cantwell, Mary. St.
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24). New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 1970.
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Copper, Basil. The
Werewolf: in Legend, Fact and Art. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977.
Cymry Witchcraft Home
Page, c 1995 Dal Enterprises Inc., (contains information about
The Welsh Witchcraft
tradition of Y Tylwyth Teg and the Association of Cymry Wiccae.)
Dager, Albert. The
Unicorn: Fabled Beast of Myth and Magic. Media Spotlight, 1986.
Dake, Finis Jennings.
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. Lawrenceville: Dake Bible Sales,
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Daly, Kathleen. Norse
Mythology A to Z. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1991.
Daugherty, Sharon. Avoiding
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Day, Harvey. Occult
Illustrated Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
Decker, J. Edward.
The Question of Freemasonry. Issaquah: Free the Masons Ministries.
Delamar, Gloria P.
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DePaola, Tomie.
Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland. New York: Holiday House, 1992.
DeParrie, Paul.
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Dorland's Illustrated
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Douglas, J.D., ed.
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Graham-Barber, Lynda.
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Grant, W.V. How to
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Eerdmans, 1970.
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