section lists the things associated with Halloween, and their occult origins.
It also branches off into related occult and ungodly activities practiced
throughout the year. Although Halloween is one of the special days of satanists,
occult activities associated with it run rampant throughout the year in many
ways you may not know. The devil has brought the occult into people’s everyday
lives without their knowledge, and we need to put a stop to it! There is no
room in a believer’s life for ANY form of witchcraft or satanism!
the ancient origins of the Halloween practices, the people were scattered
throughout different countries, so different groups did different things, and
different things were done at different times. I did not attempt to identify
all of the times and places. This is a broad collection of information about
how the various groups of people celebrated Halloween.
realize that some of the things I write about are believed to be superstitions.
However, those that there are Scriptures to support have the potential to be
true, or partially true. Although some of them may have been made up, MANY were
not. They are documented in legal files by dependable groups of people. I will
include Scriptures that help verify the reality of these strange occurrences. I
was taught that ALL of the supernatural things mentioned are just make-believe
and do not really exist. Most people are taught the same way. Even Christians
mistakenly believe and teach their children that they are tales or superstitions.
It is true that some ancient stories were fairy tales that did not happen. If
they contradict Scripture, they are definitely false. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
“all Scripture is given by inspiration of Yahuwah, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That
the man of Yahuwah may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”
am also including personal experiences, experiences of close friends and
relatives, and the research I conducted. Revelation 12:11 says that they
overcame the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
Testimonies can help overcome the devil, as long as they do not contradict
Yahuwah’s Word. We should never base our beliefs on our experiences, but on Yahuwah’s
Word. If our experiences contradict Yahuwah’s Word, they are deceiving ploys
that the devil has used to get us off tract. But if they are Scripturally
sound, they can be used to help expose the devil. Most people do not want to
have anything to do with him when they realize what he is really like. Because
of this, he goes out of his way to make people believe that he does not really
exist, or that he is harmless. People fall for these lies and get caught up in
his web like flies get caught in spider webs just before the spiders devour
promise you that any personal experiences I have written about really did
happen. I have complete confidence in the truthfulness of my husband and
daughter’s experiences as well. The experiences of close relatives and friends
were told to me by humble loving people whom I know to be honest and stable
minded. They are not ‘flaky’ people who like to exaggerate or get attention. I
believe their stories are true. I went to these people and verified the stories
to make sure I was repeating them as they really happened and not adding to or
subtracting from them, or being misleading in any way.
there is reality to many of these things, we do not need to be afraid of them.
One mistake people make is to believe they cannot exist or cannot happen. In
Acts 19:16-19 the people saw how the power of the devil could manifest and it
caused them to fear and give up their evil deeds. I am writing the next two
chapters to show how evil the devil is so you will realize that he is nothing
to play around with. The devil harms many people whom he has convinced that he
really has no supernatural power. He then uses that supernatural power to
destroy them or give them deadly diseases. He is very powerful and dangerous.
Yahuwah does not want us to be ignorant of the devil’s devices. When we are, he
is better able to take advantage of us.
Corinthians 2:10-11 “To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I
forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the
person of Yahushuwa; Lest satan should get an advantage of us: for we are
not ignorant of his devices.”
Scripture above tells us that unforgiveness is one of satan’s devices. If we
have unforgiveness satan can get an advantage over us. If we know about this,
we will be quick to forgive those who hurt us because we do not want him to be
able to take advantage of us. We want him to have NO power in our lives! If we
know about all of his other devices and traps, we will be quick to handle them
properly also.
what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and
consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against
him with twenty thousand?”
going into battle would be very stupid not to examine the situation and find
out what power the enemy has, and make sure they know how to use their power in
a way that will defeat the enemy! It is a mistake to think that satan has no
power and that you do not need to be prepared to go into battle against him.
All of us run into battles with him, whether we want to or not.
other mistake people make is to be afraid of him. Yahuwah is ALL POWERFUL!
Yahuwah is more powerful than the devil. We should not deny the devil’s power,
yet we should not deny Yahuwah’s power that enables us to overcome him. Colossians
2:15 (NIV) says “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he
made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Yahushuwa
defeated satan at the cross. He gave us that power to defeat his attacks in our
lives if we are born-again, submitted to Yahuwah, and if we pray! Let us use
that power to defeat the devil and not let him defeat us with his power!
The things I will mention in this chapter have been misunderstood by people for centuries. They either think there is a mysterious supernatural explanation for them that can be remedied with charms, trinkets and other superstitions. Or they think there is a scientific explanation for everything, and that the supernatural is not even involved. In reality it is a little of both, with one simple answer to put a stop to it, the power and authority of the believer in Yahushuwa! It is not the believer who needs to be afraid. It is the devil and his demons. The Bible teaches that if we submit to Yahuwah and resist the devil he will flee as in terror to get away from us! Remember that as you read this chapter!
In ancient times people had commemorative masses for the dead in November. They used orange unbleached beeswax candles in the ceremony, and covered the caskets with black cloths. Orange is also the color of the bonfires that showed up against the black night sky, in which they roasted live sacrifices of people. These colors are not evil. They are just colors, even if used together. Yahuwah created all of the colors and everything He created is good, but using them together for Halloween decorations comes from the occult and has the appearance of evil. We are to abstain from all appearances of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). I strongly suggest that you do not decorate with orange and black during the Halloween season unless you use those colors throughout the year as well. You may give neighbors the impression that you celebrate Halloween, and you need to be sending a message to everyone that you do not do this.
One of Halloween’s best-known symbols is the Jack-o-lantern that came from Ireland. It is a pumpkin carved with a face so it looks like a head. Originally, the Irish villagers made these lanterns from oversized turnips, beets, rutabagas or potatoes. They did not have pumpkins. They carved evil faces in these vegetables.
Celts believed that the head was a fertility symbol as well as a charm to ward
off evil. Occult practitioners today still regard the head in this manner, and
that is why skulls are so popular among them. Some modern satanists even rob
graves to get skulls.
people used severed heads of enemies and carvings of heads as protection in
their homes and temples. The Jack-o-lanterns carved with faces were used in the
same way, to protect them from evil spirits. People carried them as they went
from door to door asking for food. Many were left on the gate posts to ward off
evil spirits and also to welcome the souls of dead loved ones. That is ironic,
because what they thought were the souls of dead loved ones were really demons,
or evil spirits. So, they used them to ward off evil spirits from their homes,
and they used them to invite evil spirits into their homes! Of course, they did
not understand all of this!
are stories about the Jack-o-lantern. One is that a man named Jack was so bad
that he could not go Heaven. He was sent to hell, but the devil kicked him out
because of all the tricks he pulled there. He was supposed to walk the earth
forever. All he had was a little lantern, and was called ‘Jack of the Lantern’.
There are several silly stories like this, and they contradict Scripture. Dead
souls do not get kicked out of hell and roam the earth. They either go to
Heaven, or to hell, where they stay forever! Yet the Jack-o-lantern became a
symbol of the damned soul.
Some people believed they saw Jack when they saw balls of light floating in the woods.
This is called ‘foolish fire’ or ‘Wil o’ the Wisps’. It is combustible gases that ignite and flicker while floating over the marshes. These lighted balls hover and glow over pools of stagnant water and fungi powder that fluffs up from rotten tree trunks. Some people have followed balls of foolish fire and became lost in the marsh, thinking they were following Jack’s spirit.
Druids were said to go to homes looking for a human sacrifice, preferably a
virgin or a child. In exchange for the victim, they left a Jack-o-lantern to
protect the home from demons that night. The candle in the Jack-o-lantern was
sometimes made of human fat. If their demands were not met, they drew a hex on
the front door. That night someone in the home would die.
might wonder how someone would get human fat to make a candle from. Candles
made from the fat of un-baptized babies are a prized possession among some
witches and satanists. Some of them dig up babies from the graves. Some give
their own babies for sacrifice.
There was a Bible tract written several years ago by an ex-satanist from India. The author, who is now a Christian, told how they used to get baby fat for use in casting spells and curses. He said they would abduct a pregnant woman, rip open her abdomen and tear the baby out of her womb. The woman, or course, would die. Then they took the infant, hung it upside-down by its feet from a tree, over a fire, and let the heat melt the live baby’s flesh and fat.
They collected it in
a vessel under the infant. The fat was used to make concoctions used in satanism
and witchcraft. I can easily cry when I think about this, and maybe you will
too. It is still done in present times. Many people who are not even Christians
would be saddened and very upset about this. Yet those same people will have or
fund an abortion, in which a baby is tortured in a way that is just as
Druids would gather at Stonehenge on Samhain with gourds and pumpkins (originally called ‘Corpse Candles’ or now commonly known as Jack-O-Lanterns) and fill them with human fat, taken from previous sacrifices given to pagan gods (demons). They’d also bring cauldrons and light them on fire, warming them up for the sacrificial ceremony to be described later (spoiler alert: it’s for the tradition of bobbing for apples). The Druids would bang on the doors of local nobilities and yell “Trick-or-Treat” to see if the lord of the manor came to provide a ‘treat.’ A treat would be one of the servants or even household members given up for sacrificing that night. The reward for the ‘treat’ would be one of the pumpkins filled with human fat and they would light it so that everyone within the house was protected from the demons summoned on Samhain. Sounds like a perversion of Yahuwah having the Hebrews paint the blood of the lambs on the doorposts on Passover to protect them from the destroyer killing all of the firstborn children of the Egyptians when He was causing Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. If you didn’t give up an offering, you’d get a six-pointed star inside of a circle (a hexagram) painted with blood on the front door. This would be an attractive force for the demons and the people inside would be plagued with the demonic curse during Samhain.
Here is a screenshot of a wizard passing through a wall by means of magic. This is an occult practice. This picture was from Space City graphics, which is probably a computer or video game that is no longer popular. I do not know who made this game, but if you have games with scenes and practices like this in your home you should get rid of them.
Some Druids were so demon possessed that they could pass right through the walls to enter homes and get their sacrifices. This is common among serious devil worshipers and other practitioners of black magic. Someone once told me of a man in China who used black magic to try to escape out of prison. He never made it all the way through the wall. When the prison officials discovered him missing, they searched everywhere and could not find him. Then they tore up the wall and found his dead body stuck inside the wall’s cement and bricks. He had managed to dematerialize his body through the power of the devil, but it re-materialized inside of the wall. The devil tricked him. That is one of the ways he manifests his hatred for us.
are not evil. They are vegetables and there is nothing wrong with growing them,
eating them, or using them for decorations. However, it is wrong to carve faces
in them and set them out during Halloween season. Some Christians carve
religious symbols or happy faces in them and set them out on Halloween. Because
of the nature of the Jack-o-lantern and the seriousness of Halloween as an
occult holiday, this is not wise. Just knowing what it represents should make
us want to turn away from doing it. It represents a severed human skull, the
damned soul, a source of demonic power to protect from other demons, a vessel
that held the fat of tortured, murdered babies, and it also represents one of
the devil’s three most important ‘holidays’.
out a Jack-o-lantern is a symbol of Halloween. It has no other meaning. So, if
you set one out you are participating in Halloween, even if you do not believe
that in your heart. Setting one out has the appearance of evil and sends a
message to others that you like Halloween. The Bible tells us not to imitate
the detestable works of darkness. It says to refrain from even the APPEARANCE
of evil. Later, I will talk more about these Scriptures, and how disobeying
them can bring sickness and sorrow into our lives!
Druids celebrated the harvest and the Celtic New Year. Later, people had
celebrations for All Saints Day, All Souls Day, Guy Fawkes Day and Halloween.
They had bonfires, barn dances, hayrides, times for doing pranks,
trick-or-treating, costume parties, and divination parties. Witches still have
nude parties and orgies. In today’s Halloween parties many adults and teenagers
get drunk, high on drugs, sexually loose, rowdy and obnoxious. Seemingly decent
people become outrageous exhibitionists. Of all the Halloween costumes sold,
about sixty-percent of them are sold to adults. Someone said that one out of four
people between ages eighteen and forty dress up on Halloween. Yahuwah does not
take pleasure in our wild parties and revelry.
“I hate,
I despise your feast days (festivals), and I will not smell in your solemn
assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will
not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
Take thou away from the noise of thy songs, for I will not hear the melody of
thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty
fires, barn dances and hayrides all can be good things to do for enjoyment.
Even costume parties have their place, but parties where people act ungodly and
commit sin do not have any place in a believer’s life. Pranks,
trick-or-treating, divination, orgies, fornication, drunkenness, drug abuse, or
being obnoxious are ungodly activities. They push Yahuwah away from us.
Ephesians 5:1-12 “Be ye therefore followers of Yahuwah, as dear children, And walk in love, as Yahushuwa also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to Yahuwah for a sweetsmelling savour. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Yahuwah. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of Yahuwah upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in Yahuwah: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto Yahuwah. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For lit is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”
can have gatherings on days other than Halloween and celebrate the harvest if
we desire. We can do that on Thanksgiving Day, and we actually are commanded to
celebrate certain feast days of Yahuwah, such as Sukkot in the fall. (See our ministry pages on the Sabbath and Feast Days). Yahuwah
created all of the vegetables, fruits and grains that we eat. There is nothing
wrong with thanking Him for that and celebrating what He does for us, but we
need to be careful that we do not do like the heathens do. Ephesians 4:30
“And grieve not the holy Spirit of Yahuwah, whereby ye are sealed unto the
day of redemption.” We should do things that will not grieve the Holy Spirit,
and will draw Yahuwah closer to us rather than push Him away. We can have fun
and party if we do it in a way that is acceptable to Yahuwah.
believers have so much fun in church that it seems like a party. Praising
Yahuwah in song, with a joyful heart, dancing in His presence, while smiling
and lifting hands, may seem to the outsider like a foolish thing, but when your
heart is uplifted by His presence and you are full of joy, this is so much more
fun than getting drunk at a party with people who don’t love Yahuwah. At least
it should be. If you’d prefer the drunkenness, then your heart is darkened and
you are not in right relationship with your Maker and need to repent and ask
Him to cleanse you.
of drunkenness, there IS a godly form of drunkenness called being drunk in the
Spirit (Holy Spirit), and I’ll show you the Scripture for that shortly.
Sometimes the presence and power of Yahuwah affects people in a purely joyful
way that causes them to break out in uncontrollable laughter. Some very
dignified people who never flinch in church have been overcome by the Holy
Spirit in this way and have fallen out of their seats because they were laughing
so hard. They needed this to break out of the ‘haughty’ attitudes that some of
them carried.
are those who specialize in criticizing this move of Yahuwah, but many of them
get caught up in it as well when they come to a meeting like this to find out
how ‘fake’ it is. It overtakes them and they find out it is not fake after all.
Others so shut themselves off to any powerful move of Yahuwah that they are not
affected by it and leave thinking it is all nonsense. They write books and
tracts about it and tell people it is a move of the devil, or of people’s
emotions, and not of Yahuwah. They are so wrong, and miss so much because of
their hardness of hearts. But if something doesn’t fit into their little tiny
box of ‘religion’ then they attribute it to the devil. Now I’m not talking
about people barking like dogs or howling like wolves – I do believe those are
of satan – Scripture does not support those manifestations. I am talking about
pure sweet LAUGHTER! This is not something you can turn on when you choose. It
only happens when Yahuwah decides to have it happen.
Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10 that the joy of Yahuwah is our strength! Joy
doesn’t always have to manifest in this ‘laughter’ to strengthen us, but
sometimes it does. When people are filled with this joy and laughter by the
Holy Ghost they are strengthened and their lives are changed. They get ‘on
fire’ for Yahushuwa, having a renewed desire to serve Him and to tell others
about Him.
Once at a chapel service I attended at a Bible college (ORU), several thousand students were overcome with laughter by the Holy Ghost. Some leaned on each other in the isles, like drunks, because they could not stand on their own. Others rolled on the floor holding their stomachs while laughing hysterically. The statement ‘rolling on the floor laughing my butt off’ is referring to this type of thing, and people use that on social media, yet it rarely happens in everyday life. And actually, it is used on social media as a positive thing, but when it happens in real life in a congregation, they make fun of it, and speak of it as a negative thing. Some slumped in their seats laughing, and some wept while Yahuwah healed their souls. Hundreds lay on the floor in the hallway laughing and/or praying in tongues, and hundreds more lay on the grass outside, because there was no ore room inside, doing the same (see picture below). The average person seeing this would think that we had a mass drinking party and were all drunk. This is a photograph taken on that day.
In the Bible’s book of Acts when the people first received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, onlookers saw a similar scene, maybe not with the laughter, but with the appearance of being drunk on alcohol. It says in Acts 2:1-8:
when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one
place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind,
and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto
them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as
the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews,
devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad,
the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard
them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying
one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear
we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?”
thought these people were drunk because of the way they were acting. How do
drunks act? They cannot stand or walk straight. They lean on each other, fall
over, laugh, dance, cry and act silly, talk different. It says they were
sitting, so maybe they weren’t falling over, or maybe some of them did, but
whatever that day included it made them appear drunk. Now, people who are drunk
on alcohol can act belligerent, violent and seductive also, but people filled
with the Holy Spirit do not act that way. In Acts 2:14-18 Peter
tells the onlookers what was really going on:
Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye
men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and
hearken to my words: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but
the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet
Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith Yahuwah, I will pour
out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream
dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days
of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:”
There are some clips in my video of manifestations that I do NOT believe are of the Holy Spirit. My spirit is not at peace with those, as I discern that they are the fake counterfeit that satan snuck in there. Some of those people may have demons they need deliverance of, and the Holy Spirit's presence there is upsetting the demons and causing them to manifest. Others may be demonic manifestations from a phony minister who has evil spirits interfering with what Yahuwah is doing. But of the several meetings I've been to, I didn't discern any evil spirits operating, just hundreds of people being blessed with joyful laughter.
Sometimes people get 'in the flesh' and not 'in the Holy Spirit', seeking attention rather than seeking the Lord. The clip with the people running around the church almost like it was on command, and one guy does a summersault into the baptismal tank, is one that I believe is of the flesh. It's more funny than spiritual.
Here's another service where laughter comes upon the people:
Referring to the holy laughter, that is a kind of ‘party’ that is acceptable to Yahuwah. It glorifies Him and not the devil.
This looks foolish to non-believers who do not understand how Yahuwah works,
but it is not foolishness. Of course, Yahuwah is the one who initiated this
event, and it was not just to give people a good time. 1 Corinthians 1:27
“But Yahuwah hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise; and Yahuwah hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty.” You are wise to get filled with the Holy Spirit
instead of drunk with wine, and Yahuwah’s joy will strengthen you when you are
weak. Sometimes when people are filled with the Holy Spirit they are said to be
‘drunk in the Spirit’ because they act drunk.
then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what
the will of Yahuwah is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be
filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to Yahuwah; Giving
thanks always for all things unto Yahuwah the Father in the name of our Lord
Yahushuwa; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of Yahuwah.”
people get drunk in the Holy Spirit, they do not have a hangover the next day.
In fact, instead of making them sick and weak it makes them healthy and strong.
Being ‘drunk’ in the Spirit is simply being so enveloped by the presence of
Yahuwah and His love, who is a mighty and powerful being, that we, in our human
bodies, buckle under the supernatural power and presence – melt in His loving
presence – and are filled with joy so much that we cannot contain it.
have been this way several times. I felt the love and power of the Holy Spirit
flowing through me, and I ‘felt’ drunk, but had drunk no alcohol. I walked a
bit like a drunk and felt ‘light’ inside, and woozy. The main time this happened was after
I was sitting in class with a bad headache and the teacher, through the
knowledge of the Holy Spirit, called me out and named exactly what was going on
with me, and prayed for me. The headache left immediately and that is when I
felt this awesome manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Another time a pastor
prayed for me and I felt warm oil pour over my head and run down my body inside
and out, and was drenched in Yahuwah’s love, yet no one actually poured oil on me. I felt ‘high’ for a while after
that. I've had other instances of it as well. (see my book "The Father Who Never Fails").
from alcohol is the devil’s perversion of the godly act of getting 'drunk' in the
Holy Spirit, yet many people act like the believers are the perverted ones.
They make fun of them and call them derogatory names such as ‘holy rollers’.
The ‘religious’ people who criticize this movement of laughter in the Holy
Ghost do not like it because it does not fit into their little box of
acceptable religious activities that they have approved. They neglect to find
out whether Yahuwah approves it, by finding out what His Word says about
thought of one giving up control of their dignity to the Holy Spirit is
repulsing to some. They are afraid that Yahuwah will make a fool of them, or
that they will make a fool of themselves. Some people are such control freaks that they think they don't dare give up control for even a few minutes, not even to the Holy Spirit. These people miss much fun and joy
because of their fear. Yahuwah is no one to fear unless you are living in sin.
If you are living in sin, you’d better fear Him, and repent, because it is a
fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. But if you are born-again, and are doing your
best to live according to His laws and statutes, His love casts out fear. We
can trust Him completely. If we ask Him for the Holy Spirit, He will not give
us a counterfeit.
I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock,
and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he
that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. If a son
shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if
he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an
egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give
good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give
the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?”
I’ve included a whole
chapter in here about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.
Bible says laughter is good.
was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they
among the heathen, Yahuwah hath done great things for them. Yahuwah hath done
great things for us; whereof we are glad. Turn again our captivity, Yahuwah, as
the streams in the south. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that
goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
They laughed and sang
because Yahuwah did great things for them! Yahuwah turned their tears into joy.
Yahuwah will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help the evil doers:
Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing. They that
hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the dwelling place of the wicked
shall come to nought.”
This one says that
‘he’ (Yahuwah) fills their mouths with laughing! When Yahuwah fills your mouth
with laughing you cannot stop until He is done filling it!
Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him. And
Sarah said, Yahuwah hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh
with me.”
Yahuwah MADE Sarah
laugh! Oh my goodness, would Yahuwah really do that to someone? The Bible says
He did! And He did it so others would laugh with her! This is what happens in
some meetings where laughter fills the room.
is a time for laughter and a time for weeping.
every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A
time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up
that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break
down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to
mourn, and a time to dance;”
As I said earlier,
some people in the service were weeping. Yahuwah was healing them of various
hurts and effects of sin. Some of them were repenting and feeling sorrowful
because they have not been walking as close with Yahuwah as they should have. 2
Corinthians 7:10 “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation
not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” Their
hearts were tender toward Yahuwah and they expressed it through weeping. In
those cases, it was better to weep than to laugh because there is healing in
tears. Ecclesiastes 7:3 “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by
the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.”
yourselves therefore to Yahuwah. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Draw nigh to Yahuwah, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye
sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and
weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.
Humble yourselves in the sight of Yahuwah, and he shall lift you up.”
They were humbling
themselves before Yahuwah. When people do this, He will lift them up.
his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure
for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Just as he turns
laughter into mourning and joy to heaviness so people will repent and submit to
Him, He also turns their mourning into joy, and their weeping into laughter
after they repent!
are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now:
for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they
shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out
your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap
for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner
did their fathers unto the prophets.”
this sort of thing happens in a congregation you are in, do not mock it or
reject it just because it is different. Ask the Holy Spirit to let you know if
this is real and from Him, or a counterfeit from satan, and He will let you
know. Satan seems to have a counterfeit for everything of Yahuwah, so we should
always test the spirits. Trust in
Yahuwah with all your heart and He shall renew your strength.
I'm putting some silly animations in here to make a point. MANY people, even many Christians, have no problem with seeing these and laughing with them. Even when this happens in real life, they do not mock the people for being so happy and expressing it in full laughter (LMAO). It's just when it happens in a church type setting that they get disgusted by it, instead of entering into the joy of the Lord. And same goes for the dancing. Belly holding laughter does not disgust Yahuwah. He created laughter, and He loves holy laughter. He also loved it when David danced with all of his might.
Once I was in intercessory prayer for a man and his son who lost their wife and mom in a car accident. The son had almost died and was in a hospital I worked in for about 10 months. When I was praying, I felt emotional pain so strong that I was doubled over, holding my abdomen, crying very hard, praying in tongues, for about three hours! I felt very weak afterwards. I believe I was feeling some of their pain. Then I felt the burden lift from me, and I started laughing uncontrollably for a few more hours. I believe Yahuwah was renewing my strength after that intense prayer. The Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength. I never had this happen at the meetings I attended where laughter took ahold of people, but in my home sitting on my bed, it happened, and I was holding my abdomen, hunched over, laughing so hard and feeling joy, and could not stop for two or three hours!
people called October thirty-first ‘Nutcrack Night’, because they thought the
nuts had so much power as sorcerers. In one divination game they had two nuts
and each represented a potential lover. The nuts were put on the grate of the
fire. If a nut burned true and steady, it meant the lover would be faithful,
but if one popped in the heat, it meant she should not trust the man.
another game they took two nuts, one standing for the boy and one for the girl,
and put them side by side on the hearth. As the nuts reacted to the heat of the
fire, they were said to predict the future of the love affair. If one caught
fire and the other did not, they thought the one that burned would be madly in
love, but would be rejected by the other. If both nuts cracked and jumped, and
ended up in the fire, the couple would quarrel and separate. If both nuts burned
together peacefully, the couple would be happily married within the year.
‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire’ are not evil. Yahuwah created them and
they taste good. Just do not roast them for divination purposes.
games in Whales were solemn and scary. They threw marked white stones into the
fire. The people marched around the fire singing prayers and then they went to
bed. The next day, if a stone was missing, it was supposed to mean that the
person would die before next Halloween.
Scottish and Irish believed that elves, fairies and witches knew the future and
directed the prophecies read in the nuts and apples with their fingers. They
used them to make predictions about love. They were not too far from the truth.
Elves and fairies are really demons, and although demons do not know the
future, they can move things around and make you think they know. And if they
can get a foothold in your life, they can manipulate you so that they can
direct your future and sometimes match it up with occult predictions. People
also believed that wandering ghosts produced apparitions that prophesied death.
Modern day games that use the fingers of demons to move them around are the Ouija board and the Angel Board. Many like to play with the Ouija board on Halloween. It was invented in 1853 by a French spiritist. The original was a small heart-shaped table that had three legs. One leg was a pencil. People placed their fingers on it very lightly so they did not move it themselves, and it moved over paper on its own to write messages. Isaac Fuld said the planchette “was moved by a spirit force.”40 It is the fingers of demons that manipulate the pointer to move over the board, and is a form of automatic writing. The ancient Egyptians used a cup that moved over letters.
When recently tested, it worked when they put blindfolds on the operators, rearranged the alphabet or covered the board. Sometimes the messages it gives are in foreign languages, the pointer moves when no one is touching it,
participant felt a spirit sitting on her shoulder while the board was
communicating with them. She thought it was the spirit of the one they thought
they were communicating with, but it was a demon impersonating that deceased
person. Many times, when Yahuwah allows people to see demons who are oppressing
people, the demons will be sitting on the shoulders with their arms wrapped
around the people’s heads.
old friend of mine used to play with a Ouija board when he was a teenager. He
and others have asked it where it gets its power and it spelled out “satan,”
“the god of hell” or something similar. Some people who have tried to break the
Ouija board in half (it is a thin board) were not able to until they prayed
over it and broke its power in the name of the Lord. Others came together as
groups and threw all their rock-and-roll albums, Ouija boards and other occult
artifacts in bonfires like they did in the Bible days (Acts 19:19) and heard
screams coming from the fires as the items burned!
friend of mine met a young woman who was dying of cancer. She prayed to receive
the Savior and in the process of things he asked her if she had ever
participated in the occult and she said no. Then he asked her if she ever went
trick-or-treating or played with a Ouija board, etc. She said she played with a
Ouija board ONE time, when she was fifteen years old. She never believed in it
seriously, but did it just for fun. She renounced playing with the Ouija board,
asked Yahuwah to forgive her and to close all doors that she opened to the
enemy by playing with it, and she was instantly healed of the cancer. (A demon
had come into her that day and 20 years later gave her cancer).
niece was at a slumber party where the girls played with a Ouija board. She was
a Christian but was curious and tried to play with it. They asked her to stay
out of the room because when she put her hands on the board it would not work.
The power of Yahuwah that she had in her stopped the power of the devil from
working. But she woke up in the night after that, screaming because she saw two
red eyes staring at her in her bedroom. The same thing happened to several of
the other girls who were at the slumber party. This game affected her even
though she was not able to participate in it she was only in the presence of
it. This kind of thing has happened to many people we know, including myself,
and many other born-again believers who have 'played' in the devil's territory.
Ouija board was patented in 1891. On 5/2/39, our modern-day Ouija board was
patented after it became so popular in the 1920's that three million of them
were sold. Then on February twenty-third, 1966, Parker Brothers bought this
popular game. Seven million were sold in the 1970's. Ouija boards have out-sold
Monopoly games. In 1983 someone took a survey and found out that over
thirty-percent of those who responded to the survey try to contact dead or
living people with Ouija boards.41 The Angel Board is just as evil
and dangerous as the Ouija board. They both facilitate contact with demons, NOT
Johanna Michaelsen, Christian author and expert on the occult, said that because Parker Brothers puts out the Ouija board and it sits on the store shelves next to Monopoly, people tend to think it is ‘just a game’. She said it is one of the deadliest occultic tools for contacting demonic beings that you could ever find. In The Satan Trap, edited by Martin Ebon, it says “It is significant, however, that the greatest outcry against the Ouija has come from spiritualists, not the parapsychologist. In England spiritualists groups were petitioning to ban the sale of Ouija as toys for children- not because of vague dangers of unhealthy suggestions of naive suggestible persons, but because they fear the children will become possessed”42
Here's another demonic game children like to play with: "Ask Zandar, a Fortune Teller Wizard Board Game":
Another divination game they used to play was ‘pulling the kale’. They went somewhere where they were not given permission to pull, shut their eyes, grabbed for a kale stalk and divined their future mate with it. If it was tall and straight, they believed he would be tall and well built. If it was crooked, they would marry a hunch-back or sickly person. If much earth clung to the roots, he would be wealthy, but if the roots were clean, he would be poor. Then they tasted the inside. If it was sweet and tender the man would be kind and gentle. If it was sour or brittle the spouse would be a disagreeable person.
another divination game a young woman would go into a dark room alone. She
carried a candle, knife, apple and a mirror. She cut the apple into nine pieces
and ate eight pieces while looking into the mirror. Then she speared the ninth
piece with the knife, held it over her shoulder and the apparition of her
future husband was supposed to come and eat it. When this happened, she could
see his face in the mirror. If this did happen it was a demon she saw in the
mirror, not the face of a future husband! This is one of the forms of ‘mirror-gazing’.
Another game using a mirror for apparitions to appear in is called Mary Worth. She was said to be a witch. When I was a teenager, friends once told me to do this for ‘fun’. They said to go home, turn off all of the lights, look into the mirror and call forth Mary Worth. They said to keep repeating the words “I believe.” I did. The room was almost dark, but I could see my face in the mirror. As I repeated the words, I watched my face slowly melt away, all except the eyes. Then the eyes appeared so evil I began crying and could not turn on the lights fast enough! The fear was overwhelming and stayed with me for many years. I was afraid to be in a room with a mirror in the dark. The picture below reminds me of what I saw in the mirror.
variation of this is called Bloody Mary. A person stands in a dark
bathroom staring into the mirror, chanting “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary” until invisible
claws supposedly scratch their face and they bleed. That is how they know
Bloody Mary is there. Usually other weird things happen instead, but it
definitely is not a good ‘game’ to play! A friend of mine did this when she was
younger and was afraid of mirrors in dark rooms for many years like I was. I
don’t know if she got scratched or not. If your children have a sleepover and
they gravitate to the bathroom together or spend more time in there than usual,
don’t assume everything is just fine. Many kids do this mirror-gazing stuff in
the bathroom.
Talk to your children and keep communication open. If they’ve done any of these dangerous activities, they most likely need prayer for deliverance. I did my episode in my bedroom, as I had a large mirror above my dresser. I was afraid of my bedroom afterwards.
Between that event and the day that I watched a movie about a hand that crawled up someone’s bed and attacked the person in the bed, I often would jump from my door to my bed so that anything under the bed would not grab me! I had this fear for many years!
are some comments from Youtube by people who have done this mirror gazing thing
– take them as a grain of salt, or take them serious – your choice. I don’t
know if any of them are genuine, but I promise you that the experience I had
was real. It is August of 2022 presently:
I'm not lying she appeared to me on my mirror at midnight about 15 years ago. Okay, this is how it happened and this is a true event. Well, they dared me to 'call-her-out" at exactly midnight. Let me tell something this was the scariest moment in my life because not only she appeared in the mirror but her image stood on my mind. Thank God, the image doesn't torment me anymore! So, I waited until midnight and began the ritual on calling out the dead. You do turn and call her name three times. I can't describe her perfectly but her appearance resembled a zombie with a white dress splattered with blood.
My friend and I tried Bloody Mary a few years ago and nothing happened. The next day, the mirror we used to do Bloody Mary on fell and almost busted my friends head open.
Yeah so my friend did it with his friend in complete dark 3am and the power in our whole neighborhood went out so they went downstairs to my friends sister rooms (right below the room they did it in). They heard footsteps and went they went back up his closet door was open.
Say it 10 times. My mom said you're supposed to say it 10 times because she also says that she did it as a kid and has a scar on her face she tries to prove is from where Mary scratched her.
I did this with my friends at school and we saw a man in the mirror lmao also I made an Ouija bored and I used a 5p coin and I asked it if anyone was there and it moved to yes and I ran inside screaming
Zach Forman
I did that before and I felt something sharp poke my back and when I turned around I was about 2 feet away from the counter!
TurrBurr Fullerton
When me and my friend did bloody Mary right when we said bloody Mary the last time the candle blew out and we freaked out and ran into my room and were scared as shit
I actually did this once and I saw pale, really tall girl with long, jet black hair standing over me. She was wearing 19th century clothing.
um....ur supposed to do it with ur eyes closed and spin around while saying bloody mary 3 times. ik i did it on a dare and i ran out of the girls’ bathroom. when i was out i had a huge cut on my arm. all i remember was seeing a white lady and i heard a loud scream and i booked it! the worst part friends locked me in. so i took the bck door.
The Night
I told my mother that I was scared of Bloody Mary when I was 7 and she made me do the ritual. Alone. In the house. I didn't see her but the room got colder and I heard a noise from outside.... It was terrifying
This video explains about Bloody Mary, Mary Worth and Elizabeth Bathory (I talk more about her in the section about vampires.) Heads up - the Mary Poppins in the mirror did NOT burp in the movie - someone made this clip for a joke and I accidentally put it on the video here - will correct it later! LOL.)

people in ancient times sometimes feasted on apples and nuts all night on
Halloween, telling stories and practicing divination, because they were afraid
to go to bed, as a ghost might be there. The Druids believed that predictions
had more power and omens could be read more clearly on that night. They divined
people’s health, the wisdom of a move, the way to cure an illness, etc. Psychic
readers make a lot of money during the Halloween season and so do the
publishers of occult books. Yahuwah forbids ANY form of divination!
thou art come into the land which Yahuwah thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not
learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found
among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire,
or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto Yahuwah: and
because of these abominations Yahuwah thy God doth drive them out from before
consulted the witch of Endor in 1 Samuel 28 and Yahuwah was very angry.
Chronicles 10:13-14 “So Saul died for his transgression which he committed
against Yahuwah, even against the word of Yahuwah, which he kept not, and also
for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; And
inquired not of Yahuwah: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto
David the son of Jesse.”
Saul fell on his own sword, it says that Yahuwah slew him. His
armorbearer and three sons died with him also, in 1 Samuel 31:6. Although
Yahuwah forbids these activities, people sought after witch-lore in those days.
They considered witches to be wise. This is still true today. Look how many
people seek after and respect the psychic network, New Age and so on. These are
all forms of witchcraft. Yahuwah hates it just as much today as He did
thousands of years ago!
form of divination that is still practiced today is breaking wishbones. This
may seem very innocent. I did it for about the first thirty years of my life,
not realizing it was wrong. Making a wish before breaking a wishbone comes from
using bird bones for divination. The Druids divined the future by observing the
entrails of various animals and birds as they died in the Halloween fires. Many
diviners used the hen and cock in ancient bird lore.
322 BC, Etruscans had a ‘hen oracle’. They killed the sacred bird and the
diviner examined the entrails. They put the collar bone in the sun to dry and
then two people snapped it. The one with the bigger piece was supposed to get
his wish. It is said that they used the collar bone because it resembles the
human’s crotch. The crotch symbolizes the repository of life. Making wishes
using wishbones is a form of divining with animal entrails and is no less evil
than using a Ouija board or going to a fortune teller, even if doing it ‘just
for fun’.
Making a wish and blowing out the candles of a birthday cake, wishing upon a star, throwing money into a wishing well and a bride throwing her bouquet to see who will marry next are forms of divination. They are also idol worship, because they put faith, if only a tiny amount, in something other than Yahuwah. If faith in Yahuwah, as small as a mustard seed, can move a mountain as the Bible says, then a tiny amount of faith in an idol can do some damage.
What are we teaching our children? Are we teaching them it is all right to make wishes instead of pray to Yahuwah? We are supposed to teach them what the Bible teaches: Isaiah 54:13 “And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We are supposed to teach our children to ask Yahuwah for the things they need. John 16:23-24 “...Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” We need to be careful what we teach our children. We are to teach them to ask the Father in Yahushuwa’s name for the things they need.
popular game played on Halloween and at slumber parties is Light as a
Feather, Stiff as a Board. Many people do not realize that this is
practicing levitation. (Levitation is when a person or object lifts up into the
air and it appears that no one is lifting him/it.) With most of the lights off,
one person lays flat on the floor and concentrates on relaxing, yet remaining
stiff. Four to six other participants stoop around him and each puts their
first two fingers of each hand just under his body. The ones on their feet
chant repeatedly something like this: “Light as a feather, stiff as a board,
you are getting sleepy. Light as a feather, stiff as a board, you are totally
relaxed. Light as a feather, stiff as a board, you are rising.” This has a
hypnotic effect on the one who is laying, and he gets relaxed and rigid
simultaneously. The others begin to lift him with their fingers, higher and
higher until he is above their heads. They do this effortlessly, because the
person they are lifting literally feels light as a feather. Many believe they
can do this simply because of concentration. One reason they believe this is
that if the person begins laughing or moving, he will fall. But concentration
is not the only reason for the weightlessness of that person.
a child, I participated in this activity a few times at slumber parties. At
least once I was the one levitating. Once, all but two of us removed our
fingers from the person in the air and she did not fall. She still felt
weightless too. I really felt like if all of us took our fingers away she would
still float. It was very real. Who do you think was holding her up in the air,
literally light as a feather and stiff as a board? It was not the people with
their fingers under her!
child the age we were weighs about one-hundred to one-hundred-twenty pounds.
Did you ever try to pick up your teenager who weighs that much? At that age I
could not even get my daughter’s feet off the ground, and she felt extremely
heavy! As a nurse I often helped transfer patients from stretchers to beds.
They were relaxed and lying flat and we usually had four people to do the job.
We’d slide the patients over by pulling on sheets that they are laying on. They
also feel very heavy, even when they are not overweight people.
you ever try to pick up your dining room table? One leaf from my oak table
weighs about ten pounds. Imagine stacking ten or twelve leaves on top of each
other and trying to pick them up with two people using just the first two
fingers of each hand. They are already stiff as a board, because they are
boards! You might be able to get them off the ground, but they do not
feel light! Even with four people it would not feel light. If four people
lifted your table high in the air, and two let go, what do you suppose would
happen? Try it sometime, without any chanting of course! Definitely do not do
the chanting because that is what calls in the demons who lift the child in the
this, but your children are probably already doing this ‘game’ when they go to
slumber parties! Children do all kinds of crap when they get off with their
friends and away from their parents.
popular levitation game involves five people. One sits in a chair and the other
four try to lift him by placing their hands under his thighs and upper arms.
They will be able to raise the person a little. Then they put their hands on
top of each other on his head, press very gently while all take a deep breath
and count to twenty. They exhale and immediately attempt to lift the person
again, and can raise him much higher this time.
reason I am describing these games to you is so that you can recognize them if
you see children playing them. If you walked by your children’s room and saw
them trying to lift someone who was sitting a chair you might not think
anything of it if you did not know about the levitation game. If you saw one of
them laying on the floor and others lifting him with their fingers it might not
even register as to what is really going on. My daughter has Christian friends
whose parents not only allowed, but even suggested that their children play Light
as a Feather, Stiff as a Board, because they did not know it is a
levitation game. They thought it was a game of concentration.
If you are aware of these things, you can stop your children from participating in them and explain the reason why to them. You also need to pray deliverance for them because demons attach themselves to people who do these things, even if they only do them once, like the lady with cancer who only played with a Ouija board one time. I will tell you how to do the deliverance in Chapter Nine.
Levitation means the ability to lighten the body so it defies gravity and rises into the air without being lifted or propelled. It comes from the Latin word ‘levitas’ which means ‘lightweight, mobility’, and the verb ‘levare’ that means ‘to make lighter, raise up’.43 Levitation has happened countless times in history. When a spiritist levitates, he floats up to the ceiling.
Koch said it may be a demonic imitation of the Spirit of Yahuwah catching up
certain people in the Bible days. Philip was caught up in this way in Acts
8:39. In Psalms 91:11-12 it says angels lift people up when they
protect them from stumbling: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to
keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up (lift or raise up) in their
hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Again, in Matthew 4:6 it
mentions this: “And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of Yahuwah, cast thyself
down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and
in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot
against a stone.” Demons are fallen angels, and they pervert this act of Yahuwah’s
angels to cause people harm instead of to protect them. 2 Thessalonians
2:9 (NIV) says “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance
with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs
and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are
perishing. They perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.”
is a mosque fifty miles south of Poona, India, which is dedicated to the sufi
saint Qumar Ali Dervish, with a 120-pound boulder outside of the mosque. If nine
or eleven people put one index finger under it to lift it, while chanting
“Qumar Ali Dervish!” in ringing tones, the rock will levitate six feet in the
air, stay their momentarily and fall back to the ground.44 It sure
sounds just like Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. I believe this,
because I am a first-hand witness/participant in the Light as a Feather game.
The person definitely did feel light as a feather even when all but two people
moved their fingers away from the lifted person. I think that if everyone had
moved away the person may have stayed in the air, because this was done by
demonic power and not some miraculous godly power nor by concentration.
Below are some pictures of this heavy rock being lifted into the air. And below that is a video of several clips of people making this rock levitate! It even shows how hard it is to lift without the ‘words’.
the YouTube page linked below it shows the stone becoming weightless in India.
And it says this in the description:
“Muscles don't make any difference when it comes to lifting a holy stone in India. Even the strongest man would feel the strain of trying to shift the 90kg rock. But there is one way it can be moved, and easily, - it's all down to fingerpower. Worshippers flock to pray at the shrine in the city of Pune, in western India. It was here that Qamar Ali Durvesh, a saint lived decades ago. Within the Shrine is a 90 Kg miracle stone. It is hard work for a healthy man on his own to lift. But there is an easier way... finger power. Either 9 or 11 people can do it - the correct number is vital. If they each place their index fingers under the stone and shout in unison "Ya Qamar Ali Durvesh", the rock moves as if it is weightless. As the cry dies away, the stone becomes heavy and falls to the ground. According to the worshippers a demon, tamed by the saint is caged in the stone. Every time they carry and drop the stone the demon gets a beating. Some believe it as a miracle of the saint, others believe that only true devotees are able to carry the stone.”
a house where people practiced spiritism for decades, something lifted a boy in
the air when he lay in his bed. It pushed him along in the air like a sled.
This is called ‘sledging’. When a professor, electrical engineer, and a
parapsychologist investigated, they could not find out the cause.45
Atkins, one of Charles Manson’s ex-followers, was present at the murders of the
pregnant actress Sharon Tate and the others. She saw Tex Watson, the one who
did the killing, levitating several feet off the floor while screaming and
laughing wildly, arms extended, with a gun and knife in his hands. Another
female follower of Manson had sex with Tex one night and told Susan she felt
like she was possessed and believed Tex was not human, but was some kind of
a demon inhabits a person, the person does have a hideous monster living within
him. Although demons are spirits and are usually not visible to human eyes,
their actual appearance closely resembles many monsters you see on science
fiction and occult shows. Their character is completely evil. They may
sometimes appear beautiful and act nice, but they just do that to deceive
people. Tex Watson was so sold out to evil that he had no conscience when he
killed those people.
Timothy 4:1-2 “Now
the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from
the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking
lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.”
It was like killing
flies to him. While in prison he is said to have given his life to the Messiah
and his conscience came alive. He realized the terror of what he did and had to
be institutionalized for several months because it drove him crazy. After that
he began to serve Yahuwah while in prison and has led many people to the Lord.
Susan Atkins supposedly got born-again and started serving Yahuwah too. She
used to be a follower of Anton LaVey, founder and leader of the Church of Satan
(he is now dead) – she spent time with Anton and wasn’t just a follower from a
only is levitation very real, it is also very dangerous physically as well as
spiritually. A seventeen-year-old Christian woman stumbled onto a spiritist’s
seance in her school. The medium was floating near the ceiling and she knew she
was witnessing a demonic manifestation. She silently prayed and the medium fell
down and was hurt.
missionary in Africa saw a levitation and tried to lay hands on and pray for
the one floating. An electrical shock threw him to the ground! Those
participating in the ceremony laughed at him. In Bahai Brazil, a missionary
tried to lay hands on a young woman who was floating and the same thing
happened to him. When Yahushuwa dealt with demon possession the Bible does not
say that He touched the people. He simply commanded the spirits to leave. He
laid hands on the sick, but not the demon possessed.
friend laid his hand on a man one day to cast a demon spirit of suicide out of
him. Yahuwah had told him to have another believer help him, but he did not
listen. When he touched the man, he felt the demon shoot into his hand and move
quickly up his arm. He jerked his arm back and cried “the Blood of Jesus,” and
felt the demon shoot back out of his hand.
Lester Sumrall was one of the most informed and experienced ministers on demon deliverance. Any of his books on this subject should be very helpful if you want to learn how to cast demons out of someone. Basically, he teaches that you should not have conversations with them or ask them questions, because they are all liars anyway. If they manifest in the person by causing him to foam at the mouth, vomit, slide across the floor, scream, or anything else, command them to stop it. If you want to later on, check out Sumrall’s teachings on Demonology and Deliverance. But please use the correct name of our Messiah, Yahushuwa, and not ‘Jesus’, because that is not His name. Sumrall may not have known any better when he dealt with demons, and Yahuwah made them flee in that name, but you know better so it’s best to use His name from now on.

You can start here and watch the series of this teaching if you want to. It used to be called Demonology and Deliverance, but he changed it to Alien Entities.

Above is a link to the first of his series entitled Demons and Deliverance – I do not know if they are exactly the same as Alien Entities, as I didn’t listen to all of them, but I did take this class when I attended his Bible college, and it was a really good class. I believe you can glean from both. You're going to need to know how to deal with demons in these last of the last days. It's going to get worse than it is presently.
I was praying for a woman once and she fell to the floor and lay there on her back. She began to slide across the floor away from me as if someone was pulling her by the head, yet no one was touching her and she was not moving herself! I commanded that to stop and it did. Then I commanded the demon to leave her and she sat up, her eyes cleared up (from being bloodshot and scared looking). Speak to them with authority and command them to leave immediately. Beware though, if you are not in right relationship with Yahuwah, they may not obey you. Sometimes they even name peoples’ sins in front of the congregation, and sometimes they attack the ministers. It is best to stay in right relationship with Yahuwah always. Then you know that you always have power and authority over demons! (You also will have assurance of eternal life!) If one confronts you, you can simply cast it out.Another game that people like to play on Halloween is Dungeons and Dragons. It is a role-playing fantasy game laden with occult images and practices. The player actually pretends he is one of the witches or monsters and identifies with it. Dr. Gary North studied occultism for many years. He said “I can say with confidence: these games are the most effective, most magnificently packaged, most profitably marketed, most thoroughly researched introduction to the occult in man’s recorded history.”47 Another said it is a “teaching on demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, satan worship, gambling, Jungian psychology, barbarianism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning, necromantics, and divination.”48
The game is for ages ten and up. Three or more can play. It can go on for years because it is not over for a player until their character gets killed. They play the roles of medieval characters who travel through mazes of tunnels or dungeons, battling monsters and magic, while looking for treasures. The characters’ abilities are determined by what is rolled on the dice. They can have wisdom, strength, charisma, intelligence, constitution or dexterity. Some of their aids are spells, potions, magical weapons and trinkets (holy water, wolves-bane, and garlic), swords, daggers and axes. They identify more with their character if the game lasts a long time, and some players get lost in the fantasy and lose sight of reality. Many players have committed suicide and murder. More than one-hundred-fifty suicides are believed to be linked to the four-million Dungeons and Dragons games sold, according to BADD (Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons - 1983).
Dr. Jacob Moreno introduced psycho dramatic techniques in the early 1900's to help develop a ‘positive religion’, or humanism, that would destroy the ‘god syndrome’ by acting it out. He believed if a person could play the role of God and start and stop that role at will, he could learn how to keep that role from possessing him. Dungeons and Dragons incorporates these beliefs. The player pretends he is all powerful like God, and able to control monsters and demons. This can destroy the healthy fear or respect of Yahuwah. That is exactly what happened to a couple in my family. I had warned them what the game does to people and they played it anyway, and have kept it up for many years. They both lost respect for Yahuwah, mock Him, judge Him, and became atheists, giving up their once salvation for a lie that will take them to hell if they don’t repent and turn back to Yahuwah. Here are a bunch of characters in the game. These should give you a big clue as to how evil this game is. This is just a handful:
In the Bible it says if a man even looks on a woman to lust after her he has committed adultery. If someone hates his brother, he is a murderer and does not have eternal life in him. These fantasies have the power to condemn us. Just by fantasizing ungodly things we are guilty of actually doing them in Yahuwah’s eyes. In other words, if you are fantasizing about occult practices through playing Dungeons and Dragons and other occult games you are guilty of actually doing them. In the same way, those who pretend they are witches, devils and monsters for Halloween can be just as guilty as if they had participated in the real act, unless they are doing it to expose the devil for the glory of Yahuwah rather than doing it simply for their own pleasure, such as characters in a play or movie that is about evil and how to overcome it.
believed that Samhain assembled the souls for re-sentencing each year, during
the darkest part of the night. This was called the ‘Samhain Vigil’. He
supposedly sentenced bad souls to another year of existing in the shape of a
lowly animal. In Celtic Heritage by Rees, Alwynn & Brinley, it says
“Great was the terror on the Eve of Samhain, for demons would appear on that
night.”49 The people wore costumes made from animal heads, skins and
furs. Some wore these costumes to look more like the ghosts and demons in an
attempt to fool them into thinking they were one of them, or to ward off the
evil spirits so the spirits would leave them alone. Others wore them in hopes
of acquiring the strength of the beast being portrayed, or to change the
wearer’s personality to communicate with the spirit world. In some places the
masked villagers would form a parade and attempt to lead the spirits out of
Another tradition is to dress up in costumes, called ‘guising.’ This came about because the veil between the spiritual world and physical world is the thinnest on Samhain and the departed souls can come visit their loved ones. The lit flames in the sacrificial areas are a beacon for the spirits to find and enter into our world (that’s the point of the wicker man; to provide sacrifices and a guiding light for the spirit world). They believed this couldn’t filter out the evil spirits, so the Druid priests would wear scary clothing to keep the evil spirits away.
is a popular movie and a cartoon series called The Mask in which the man
puts on the mask and it takes over his personality. He does violent and
mischievous things while under the power of the mask. In Mysteries of the
Unknown Transformations by the editors of Time Life Books Inc., it talks
about masked dancers feeling like they were taken over by the creatures that
their masks represented. The principle behind all of this comes from something
that really can happen. Witches and satanists pray for demons to enter the
Halloween costumes and masks, and when the children wear them, the demons enter
the children to influence and harm them. They can enter the adults who dress up
does not mean that every time you put on a Halloween costume you will
definitely get a demon, but it is a strong possibility. As a born-again
believer you can cast demons out of a costume or mask. However, if the costume
or mask is of an evil nature, such as that of a demon, werewolf, witch, and so
on, it is considered a ‘familiar object’. This means it attracts demons just
because of what it stands for. Demons are known for entering things associated
with the occult. If you cast them out, they may just go back in. Even this does
not mean that all costumes that relate to the occult are demon possessed. If
you are going to use the costume to do a play or illustrated sermon that shows
how the power of Yahuwah overcomes the devil, you can pray over it and Yahuwah
will bless it because it will be used to bring glory to Him. The devil cannot
curse what Yahuwah has blessed.
But it is foolish to expect Yahuwah to bless an occult costume that you plan to use for self-gratification and for fulfilling your own lusts for the eerie, gory satanic stuff. You only have the power to resist the devil if you are submitted to Yahuwah. If you get pleasure and enjoy entertaining yourself with satan’s devices then you are not submitted to Yahuwah, and the devil is not going to flee when you pray and command him to leave. He will just laugh at you! Yahuwah will not let you mock Him.
like to dress up as monsters, demonic spirit beings, witches, werewolves,
murderers and evil animals, as though these things were nothing serious. Often,
they even pretend to act like them. Yahuwah will not bless that. Now I know
that some who read this are probably thinking “How can a demon possess a piece
of cloth like a costume, or other object?”
the principle in mind that the devil tries to come up with a perversion of
every good thing that Yahuwah has or does, look at Acts 19:11-12 “And
Yahuwah wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body
were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed
from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.” Here we have pieces of cloth
possessed with the power of the Holy Spirit so that when people touched them,
they were healed of diseases and delivered of demons. The power came from Paul,
who was filled with the Holy Spirit, and transferred into the cloths, and then
into the sick or possessed people who touched them.
today use this principle when they pray over ‘prayer cloths’ and send them to
people to lay under their pillows or on their bodies if they are sick. Many
miracles have taken place because of these prayer cloths. People often hide the
cloths in the pillows or mattresses of loved ones and miracles still take place
though the loved one does not know they are there. This is because there is
real supernatural power transferred into the cloths.
the cloth is dedicated to devil worship rather than the Holy Spirit, demons
enter it rather than Yahuwah’s Spirit entering it. They transfer into the cloth
or object from the cult member and then transfer into the person who gets the
item, or they enter the item on their own because it is of an occult nature and
attracts them. Then, instead of healing people like the power in the prayer
cloths or Paul’s handkerchiefs did, they make people sick by the power of the
devil. Instead of causing demons to leave they cause more to enter into the person.
Do you understand now how this works? If you do not, keep reading and it will
be explained more throughout the book!
former church has a fall celebration in October called ‘Fun Fest’. Children are
supposed to dress up as the godly Bible characters or cute animals (not evil
looking ones). They have a contest and give prizes to the children with the
best costumes. Other churches have ‘Hallelujah Night’, and they are similar to
the Fun Fest. Something like this may be okay if it were not done near
Halloween, but they are done as an alternative to Halloween, and although the
intentions are good, they end up with all kinds of occult influences in them.
I’ve been to them. Before I knew any better, I took my kids to them. I have
seen children and their parents come to the party dressed in costumes that are
occultic in nature.
father came to pick up his child and in a Dracula costume. His face was gray
and he had what looked like blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He
had been to a Halloween party. He shouldn’t have been allowed to step on the
church property dressed like that. A mother came with Jack-o-lanterns painted
on her cheeks and stayed there with her child. She probably thought they were
cute, and had no idea that Jack-o-lanterns probably have demons attached to
them. Several children brought Jack-o-lantern candy buckets. Jack-o-lanterns
represent a severed head and demonic power. One brought a bucket made to look
like a witch’s head. Some may try to justify this by saying that witches and
demons are in the Bible, so they are Bible characters. These people were coming
to the church to celebrate Halloween, not Fun Fest. People should not be
allowed to bring satanic artifacts into the congregations!
is why I don’t think these ‘alternatives’ are a good idea and any costume
parties should be done during a different time of year to avoid this.
Congregations should use this season to have seminars and sermons about the
dangers of the occult and how to get set free from the effects of it. Then, on
Halloween evening, the adults and children should have big prayer meetings and
pray against all of the occult activity that is going on that night. Think
about it. The satanists and witches say they have more success casting spells
and curses on this day, so should not the believers put a stop to this?
we are submitted to Yahuwah, our prayers are more powerful than theirs, no
matter what day it is. On the other side of the coin, if we are not submitted
to Yahuwah, our prayers are an abomination to Him and He may not answer them. Proverbs
28:9 “One who turns away his ear
from hearing the law, even his prayer is a disgusting thing (abomination)”
we had hundreds of true believers praying on Halloween and during the other
occult ‘special days’ (full moons, especially the one in October, Easter, the
solstices, etc.) we would put dampers on their ‘spirits’ (evil spirits). We
should pray that Yahuwah supernaturally protects and delivers their ‘sacrifices’
(human and animal), pray that their curses backfire on them, their spells are
null and void, and that their supernatural experiences turn into confrontations
with Yahuwah to convict them of their sins and get them saved. Is anyone with
me on this?!
is a section of pictures of inappropriate masks and costumes that can open the
doors for demons to enter you and your children.
used to set out foods for spirits of departed loved ones and believed that if
they neglected to do this, or did it wrong, the spirits would get upset. The
kids who trick-or-treat today say if you do not give them treats, they are
going to play tricks on you, like the ghosts were thought to do if they did not
get the treats they wanted.
in Ireland took sticks and clubs that represented articles of laceration, and
went door to door demanding money or food for the festivals. Women made candles
and the people in the area lighted them on Halloween and prayed before them for
the departed souls who were related to the donor.
Catholics begged for soul cakes and in return prayed for the souls of the departed relatives of the ones who made the cakes, because they believed they were in purgatory and that they could be prayed into Heaven. The day after Halloween is All Souls’ Day, and also called All Saints’ Day, so they prayed for them on that day. People lit their hearth fires and stacked soul cakes by the door, like people light their porches and have bowls of candy by the door today. Scottish boys dressed as ‘skeklets’, or spirits, and went from house to house begging for food. In the Shetland Islands they were called ‘groliks’, and they did the same thing. Then they had a barn dance and feast with the village girls. The Spanish gave away pastries called ‘Bones of the Holy’, which represented bones of the dead saints. People in Brittany tried to feed the dead by pouring milk over their graves! The Irish Druids went to homes to get their sacrifice, which was their ‘treat’. If they did not get what they wanted, the ‘trick’ was that someone would die!
children that it is alright to threaten people to get what they want is wrong.
If we are to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he
will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6), how does this fit in? It does not! If
we are to refrain from the appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22), how does
it fit in? It does not! It is no better than teaching them to make wishes on
stars, wishbones or birthday candles. We should teach them that Yahuwah
supplies all of their needs- Philippians 4:19 “But my Yahuwah
shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Messiah
Yahushuwa.” If you want to give them treats, give them treats, but teach them
not to play the tricks or threaten in order to get the treats. It may help them
later in life, when they want a ‘treat’ from the store and have no money. It
may help them decide not to shoplift the treat, or to go get a gun and demand
it. Some children and teenagers actually kill other kids for their designer
jeans, jackets or shoes! Trick-or-treating may seem small and insignificant in
light of serious crime, but it is a wrong principle to teach our children.
Serious crimes begin from wrong principles.
The Druids who came for a human sacrifice were probably the first to make Halloween a night of trouble, whether they obtained the sacrifice they wanted and killed that person, or did not get the sacrifice and a demon killed someone. The pranks that children pulled were not as serious. They removed people’s gates, painted window panes, took the lids off lamp posts, took horses off their farms and left them miles away, tipped over outhouses, rapped on windows, tp'd houses, smashed pumpkins and so on.
These kinds of things still go on during
modern Halloween. Children wax windows, put slimy substances on doorknobs, put
dog-dew in paper sacks on doorsteps and light them on fire so the people step
on them to put the fire out, T.P. yards (hang toilet paper in the tree
branches), smash pumpkins and decorations, steal other children’s candy and so
on. These things are mostly destructive and disrespectful. Some of them may
seem harmless and fun, like toilet papering a yard or waxing a window, but they
create a big mess for the home owner to clean up, and they risk getting shot by
the home owner. Children often do this as the ‘trick’ if they did not get a
‘treat’. Others do it regardless, because they like to pull pranks.
There was an article in the September 24,
1996, issue of USA World called “Detroit Tries to Snuff Out Devil’s
Night” by Paul Leavitt. There were three-hundred Halloween arsons in 1994 and
one-hundred-sixty in 1995. Seventeen kids were arrested in 1995. They usually
burn abandoned buildings. The mayor asked for thirty-two-thousand volunteers to
patrol Detroit during Halloween to put a stop to this. There was to be a curfew
from six o’clock in the evening until six o’clock in the morning on October
thirtieth to thirty-first. The article said there are people who want to
abolish ‘Devil’s Night’ so it will not be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Children are supposed to be taught to respect
and obey their parents, and respect elders. These pranks show disrespect, and
are wrong. Titus 1:6 “If any be blameless, the husband of one
wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.” 1
Timothy 3:4 “One that ruleth well his own house, having his children
in subjection with all gravity.” Colossians 3:20 “Children,
obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto Yahuwah.” Colossians
3:6 “For which things’ sake the wrath of Yahuwah cometh on the children
of disobedience.” Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents
in Yahuwah: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother, which
is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and
thou mayest live long on the earth.” Ephesians 5:1-2 “Be ye
therefore followers of Yahuwah, as dear children; And walk in love,
as Yahushuwa also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and
a sacrifice to Yahuwah for a sweetsmelling savour.” These Scriptures tell us
our children should be obedient, honor their parents, follow Yahuwah, walk in
love and be sweet. That pretty well leaves out the pranks!
I said before, they built big bonfires and sacrificed animals or humans. The
word ‘bonfire’ originally came from what they called ‘bone fires’, referring to
the dead people and animals’ bones left in the fire after the sacrifices. They
believed that some animals they sacrificed were under the spell of witchcraft,
or the actual witches in animal form, or people who had been turned into cats
by black magic. Some fires were built to keep departed spirits away. Some were
built to worship and fuel the sun.
North Whales people jumped through the fire, and when it went out they ran to
escape the ‘black sow’ who supposedly would take the last one going through.
They believed that those who jumped through the fire would be strengthened and
purified, because the fire represented the sun. The black sow may have been a
former human sacrifice or the spirit of death.
also made their children pass through the fire to Molech. Some people did this
by sacrificing their children’s lives to the stone idol that represented
Molech. I told about how they laid them on its arms and the children either
fell into the fire or roasted above it. Others tossed their children over the
fire and someone caught them from the other side. In this way they literally
‘passed through’ the fire.
Big fires in themselves are not evil. In the fall people like to build them and have weeny roasts, hayrides, sing-a-longs, prayer meetings and so on. The fire keeps people warm in the cooling weather, and there is nothing wrong with that. But many people still jump through the fires, not even realizing where it came from. My friends and I did it as teenagers, believing there was some benefit to jumping through without landing in the burning embers. If I had known and understood the origin of this I would have chosen not to jump through the fires. It too closely resembles the occult practices that it originated in.
Druids sacrificed humans and animals to appease the gods, thank the gods, or to
rid the area of witches or evil spirits. Satanists today sacrifice them to
appease or thank their demon gods. They also sacrifice young men as
representations of ‘Jesus’, to mock His death on the cross and celebrate satan’s
nonexistent victory. And they sacrifice so they can receive the power that
supposedly emanates from the person as he dies. Sometimes they abduct their
victims many days in advance, drug them, and keep them captive until the
usually drink blood during their ceremonies. The blood may come from a
volunteer who holds out his wrist while another cuts it and lets the blood drip
into a chalice. It can also come from a sacrificed animal or person. They mix
drugs, wine, urine, body parts or other substances into the blood. Sometimes
they steal left over communion bread and communion goblets from local churches.
Members have donated their fingers to the sacrifices so they could eat flesh,
if they did not sacrifice a whole person. They often begin by killing small
animals and later advance to larger ones. Next, they kidnap adults and murder
them. Then they plan child abductions and torture and sacrifice the children.
When they want to sacrifice animals, they frequently pick up cats that they catch outdoors. If you have a cat, you would be wise to keep it inside during October.
In one case the owners of a gray tabby found her dead in the front
yard. She had no signs of a fight, yet her internal organs were removed. It
appeared that a human did it with surgical instruments. Another case was a
Burmese cat who was found drained of his blood and laid neatly on a neighbor’s
lawn. The occultists had severed his mid-section and skinned him. Sometimes
they cut off the heads and drink the blood.
1989 and 1993 there were more than five-hundred cats killed in Orange County, California. In
Union County, Ohio, satanic cults are blamed for killing and mutilating over
two-hundred animals between 1982 and 1993. These are only two of all the
counties in the United States, and these reports are from many years ago. This
hasn’t stopped in more modern times! But multiply that by the total number of
counties and you get an idea of how many cats and other animals are sacrificed
in the United States. Many of these deaths are cult related.
is the time when people pay more attention to these ritual killings, but they
happen year-round. They do not just seek black cats either. Any color will do.
They look for cats that are easy to catch. People who give away cats or kittens
near Halloween need to be very careful. It is best not to do this. They seek
cats before full moons every month and before other occult holidays also.
During Halloween season the Chicago shelter for stray cats say they have an
increase in black cat inquiries. The anti-cruelty society stopped letting
people adopt them this time of year, to protect them from being used in rituals
by witches.
also torture and kill other animals. A Los Angeles police commander told of a
case where they skinned a dog, but did not kill it. He said that it was a
careful job and one of the most pitiful sights he had ever seen. Reverend Bob
Larson received a call on his radio talk show from a man who said he kills
animals, gets his hands bloody and licks his hands and it makes him smile. He
said he is teaching his six-year-old daughter to do this also.
first human sacrifice that one woman saw was done in a barn with about a
thousand people. A mother willingly gave her small baby for the sacrifice, and
thought of it as an honor. They strapped the baby on an upside-down
cross-shaped stone altar. While she screamed, the high priest cut open her
chest and ripped out her heart. They drained her blood and drank it. This was
supposed to give them more demons, power and fertility to produce children
powerful in satanism. She said they usually ground up the babies in a garbage
disposal afterwards. Other sacrifices were cremated at a mortuary, veterinary
hospital or animal shelter, probably owned by satanists. They are very careful
so they do not get caught. When they have human sacrifices, they monitor police
radios constantly. Some babies are obtained from cult members who run adoption
agencies. They promise parents that they will find loving homes for their
unwanted babies and then they use them for sacrifices.
Witch that Switched, Irene Park tells of how on one Halloween night five
teenagers visited a witch’s house out of curiosity and for fun. A satanic High
Priest brutally murdered one of them. She was fifteen years old. Irene said
this kind of thing happens all over America. She says that Halloween is not a
harmless spooky time for tricks and treats, but is one of the most deadly and
subtle of the devil’s schemes. She wrote: “On this night the satanic powers and
passions of evil and wickedness and corruption run rampant among satanists.”50
trick-or-treaters were dressed in scary costumes, and went to a home where a
toddler lived. When the parent answered the door, and the toddler saw the scary
looking people standing there, she became so frightened that she died,
caught a group of people in a drug ring in Mexico, near Brownsville, Texas, in
April 1989. A twenty-one-year-old pre-medical student who attended the
University of Texas was drinking with his friends during spring break. He
disappeared from a crowded Matamoros street, just after two in the morning on
March 14, 1989. His parents hired a private investigator and when he found the
drug dealers they abducted him, too, and made him walk on salt after cutting
the skin from the bottoms of his feet. Then they boiled him alive in a tub of
water, pulling pieces of flesh from his body while he screamed.
the police went to them and saw their cast iron pot full of blood, body parts
including decapitated heads with the brains removed, and a goat’s head, the
cult members laughed and made jokes. They had sacrificed these people to the
devil in thinking he would protect them from the police, from bullets, and
would help them make more money from their drug sales. They made necklaces out
of the victims’ spines before they buried their bodies. Police found fifteen
bodies buried under ground. About ten cult members were believed to be involved
in this.
people were part of a religious cult called Santeria, that has been exported
out of Haiti and Cuba. The night of this young man’s death, the cult members
were told to pick up an Anglo male and they chose him at random. They had been
sacrificing humans for about nine months. They shot their victims in their
heads or slew them with machetes or sledge hammers, and ate parts of their
victims such as their brains and hearts. Brains were mixed with blood, rooster
feet, herbs, goat heads and turtles. The missing college student’s body was
found there with an empty skull, his legs cut off at mid-calf and his spine severed
and twisted.
people who insist that occult ritual abuse is rare said that these cult members
followed ‘benign’ Caribbean religions! They said the gang saw the movie The
Believers fourteen times and it inspired them, along with their greed, to
kill all those people. Then they said that the movie is based on Santeria
religious beliefs and called it a ‘gentle benign religion’, but said the movie
producers gave it an overlay of satanism. Santeria is not a gentle religion.
They are known for sacrificing animals and for believing in and sometimes
practicing the sacrifice of humans. The chief deputy of this area said they had
been moving about one thousand pounds of marijuana across the border.
cult members came from normal families. One headed an aerobics program and one
a soccer team. They appeared kind, loving people, yet they were demon possessed
drug dealers and murderers. They probably seemed like the kinds of people you
would trust with your child. Many human sacrifices are done by trusted friends,
neighbors and family members who one would never dream were involved in the
occult. Some police believe that many missing children we read about were
abducted by cult members looking for human sacrifices.
fourteen-year-old confessed that cultists made her watch while they tied up her
girlfriend, lit a fire under her and burned her. Another woman said she
attended ceremonies and witnessed animal and human sacrifices. The first human
sacrifice she saw was the killing of an infant. Two weeks after that she
watched them kill a six-year-old child. They threatened to sacrifice her if she
did not keep quiet.
has other ways of getting child sacrifices also. Several years ago, I noticed
that five small children died in my area, and one was critically injured, all
within forty-five days before Halloween. Twice, two of them died on the same
day. On September seventeenth, a sixteen-month-old baby was set behind the
wheel of a truck in a driveway in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The driver, not knowing the
baby was there, took the truck out of gear and it rolled over the baby and
crushed her to death. On the same day, in the same city, a mother left a
two-year-old girl alone in their apartment and left food cooking in a pan. The
apartment caught fire and the little girl died. Then on September
twenty-seventh, in Tulsa, a Rottweiler attacked and killed a four-year-old girl
when she went in the back yard to play with it. On the same day, in Oklahoma
City, which is only an hour’s drive away, a three-year- old boy was attacked
and killed at his aunt and uncle’s home by a Rottweiler/chow dog, who was a
family pet. On October ninth, in Tulsa, a hit-and-run driver killed a
seven-year-old boy when he chased his skateboard into the street. Just two days
later, in this same city, a three-year-old girl received head injuries and was
in critical condition after being hit by a car that another child was playing
in, and accidentally put in gear. I do not know if she lived or died, or if she
had permanent injuries.
newspaper report of this last one was right under an add where a ranch invited
trick-or-treaters to a ‘trail of fear, scary prairie’. This sickened me. This
was an add for a ranch that is famous for its trail of fear and spook house.
Someone told me they are a Christian ranch. This is sad, but many, many
Christians do things like this on Halloween. Most of them probably do not
realize the seriousness of their actions. They do not realize that they release
demonic power into their lives when they do these things. They do not know that
the people who come to their ‘spook houses’ often leave with demons that they
did not have before they came. Some of them do know better, but the money they
make during Halloween season is more important to them than living a life
worthy of the calling of Yahushuwa the Messiah. These are idol worshipers. They
worship money instead of Yahushuwa.
the last incident, seven days before Halloween, in another state, a mother
deliberately drove her two little boys into a lake and they drowned. This story
was in the news all over the nation.
people do not believe there is a connection between these incidents and the
increased demonic power near Halloween. They think they are just coincidence. I
do not. It is the season when demonic power is at a high and it is the season
for increased child sacrifice. Although some of these tragedies were the result
of parental neglect, some were accidental, and some were murders, the devil is
behind all these things. He harms many innocent people. John 10:10 says
he comes to steal, kill and destroy. Ephesians 6:12 says that we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of
darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places.
none of these parents were involved in satanism, but those who are involved get
together and pray to the devil for attacks on innocent people and children.
When they want child sacrifices, they pray that the children will die. Then
those principalities and powers and rulers go about to answer the prayers. They
cause a dog to go wild, or a parent to get so caught up in something else that
he or she forgets to watch the child or makes a poor decision. They run around
looking for an opportunity to destroy someone. They look for open doors to go in
and attack.
On the other hand, if believers submit themselves to Yahuwah, as James 4:7 instructs us, and pray for the children and families, Yahuwah sends angels out to calm the dogs, or to remind the parents to keep their children out of danger. The angels fight the principalities and powers that we cannot see, the demons who convince people to do senseless things that cause harm to children and adults. Often, they supernaturally protect us.
I already told the story about the time a friend fell asleep at the wheel and the angels supernaturally transported him to his church. When a jet airplane crashed into the Everglades several years ago, a Christian family began praying over their son who was supposed to be on the plane. A few hours later he called them and told them he got to the gate to board the plane and suddenly knew he should not get on, so he had them get his luggage off the ramp and he found another flight. No one on that plane survived. A Christian woman from my former church was scheduled to be in a meeting in the building that was bombed in Oklahoma City, but on the toll road on the way there she got a feeling she should not go, turned her car around and went back home. The bomb exploded just minutes after the meeting she would have been in began. A Christian family from that same church prayed for protection during a severe tornado a several years ago, and the tornado jumped over their house even though it destroyed other buildings in their neighborhood. Several ministers have been attacked by people who tried to shoot or stab them and the bullets or knives would not penetrate them. Angels protected these people from the devil’s power. My husband was preaching outdoors once, and a man charged at him trying three times to attack him, and ran into an invisible wall! My husband saw this guy run into – nothing! The guy freaked out and took off running away. He also saw bottles being thrown at him, and they curved in a different direction.
devil also gets blood sacrifices and sometimes kills children by people putting
glass and other sharp objects, drugs or poison in Halloween candy. Satanists do
some of this and they pray for demons to convince other unstable people to do
it also.
Another form of sacrificing children is abortion. This happens year-round. Over a million babies are sacrificed by abortion each year. Abortion was legalized in 1973 in the United States. That was forty-nine years ago. Multiply forty-nine by just one million aborted babies per year, and you have about forty-nine-million babies aborted since 1973. This is an estimate. There have been many more than that.
The Vietnam war that Americans complain about because it took the lives of so many killed more than fifty-eight-thousand Americans. The Civil war took over four-hundred-ninety-eight-thousand lives. It is remembered as a horrible tragedy because of the loss of American lives. Both of these wars created a terrible loss of lives, and it is justifiable to mourn over them. Yet abortion has taken the lives of more forty-nine–MILLION babies, and Americans get mad if you try to stop it.
There are many Christians who agree with the ‘right to choose’ theory. This appalls me! If you are reading this, and you are a born-again believer, and you think abortion is all right, you are caught in one of the devil’s most evil and wicked plans to get millions of infant human sacrifices, that has ever been conceived of! And here’s an update for 2022 – Roe vs Wade has been REVERSED this year! That means abortion is no longer legal on a federal level. It’s up to the states to allow or not allow it, AND MANY STATES ARE BANNING ABORTION NOW.
There are a lot of pictures in this section. For those of you who are for abortion, you need to see these and study this section to learn what abortion actually is and does. You NEED a wake-up call – that is why I put the photos in here that I did. For those of you who are pro-life, the pictures in here a very graphic, and I’m just warning you, because they will make you sad. I do think it’s important to get this information though, so you can better help others. Since I was a nurse for 37 years, I can handle a lot of gory stuff, but I realize some of the readers of this may not be able to. Just FYI, I never had anything to do with abortions when I was in nursing. I worked in the Mother and Baby units, and Children’s Medical Center quite a bit, and LOVED taking care of babies and small children. The only good outcome of abortion that I know is that all of these innocent murdered babies are in Heaven.About seven years ago, Planned Parenthood has been caught selling baby parts. They bragged (and it was recorded on video) that many of the babies were still alive when they cut out the brains and other parts! Parenthood has been caught selling baby parts. They bragged (and it was recorded on video) that many of the babies were still alive when they cut out the brains and other parts! Here are some video links to the Planned Parenthood problem.
worshiped Molech. When they laid their children on the stone statue’s arms and
the children fell into the fire underneath.
This is what Yahuwah
says about that:
thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of
Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed
unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall
stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man, and will cut
him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech,
to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the
land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto
Molech, and kill him not: Then I will set my face against that man, and against
his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to
commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people. And the soul that turneth
after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after
them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from
among his people. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am
Yahuwah your God.”
It says that Yahuwah
will cut those people off unless they repent and be holy. The spirit of Molech
is still in operation today and works through abortionists and those who
support abortion, as well as in the regular sacrificial ceremonies.
I knew years ago did telemarketing for a company that opposes abortion. He has
called many Christians to ask for their support for ministries that oppose
abortion. It surprises and saddens me to have learned that there are so many
who profess to have the Spirit of Yahushuwa living within them say that they
“have no problem with abortion,” “think abortion is all right,” “think a woman
should have the right to choose,” “think a woman has a right to do what she
wants with her own body,” and that they support it. The baby inside the mother
is not the woman’s ‘own body’. The baby is a human being with its own body,
separate from the mother, yet connected to her for life support. That baby has
just as much a right to do what it wants with its own body, yet no one gives
him/her the ‘right to choose’. They just snuff it out like a match. I saw a
bumper sticker that told it like it is. It said something like this: “The right
to choose theory is a lie, No baby ever chooses to die!”
the woman does not want to have a baby she needs to stay out of bed with the
men. It is pretty sad that a woman will want sex so bad that she is willing to
murder her own son or daughter when she conceives, just so she does not have to
turn down sex. This is the epitome of selfishness when a few minutes of
‘feeling good’ is more important than the life of her children!
Many people do not realize what abortion really is. I am going to tell you what it is. This is graphic, but if you support abortion, this is what you are supporting. You need to know the reality of your beliefs, not just the practical sounding principles behind the beliefs. If you are a reader who does not support abortion, please forgive me for the sorrow that reading this and seeing these pictures may cause you. I do not mean to be cruel. But if you are a reader who does support abortion, you need to wake up and see reality. Here are pictures of babies who were killed by abortion.
A Cesarean Section abortion, above, is done just like a Cesarean Section birth, except after they cut the cord, they put the live baby in a trash bucket to die. Some of these babies lay in the bucket and cry before they die. The baby in the picture is a six-month-old fetus taken by C-Section.
The first picture above is a salt-poisoning or saline abortion of a four-and-a-half-month-old fetus. I don't know the ages of the other babies. They insert a long needle into the baby’s sac through the mother’s abdomen, and inject concentrated salt into it, after removing 50-250 ml of amniotic fluid first. It poisons the baby when he breathes it in and swallows it. It burns off the outer layer of skin because it is corrosive. It slowly kills the baby for over an hour. Imagine having the fluid sucked out of your body and your body burned by salt. These poor babies are tortured to death! About a day later the mother goes into labor and delivers the baby, after it has died, and is burned and shriveled.
This method is used during the second trimester. Prostaglandins are chemical compounds that induce violent labor and a baby is born that is too young to survive. They may inject salt first to kill the baby so it isn't born alive.
In a prostaglandin abortion (see above picture), the woman goes into labor at any
stage of pregnancy, even at nine months, and a possible ‘live birth’ is the
main ‘complication’. How sick that a baby who is born alive is considered a
‘complication’! Sometimes when babies are born alive the doctor will strangle
them, or drop them in buckets to die slowly. One minister named Dr. Zolton
Phillips, who used to believe in abortions, changed his stand after he
witnessed a few of them. After witnessing a saline abortion that resulted in a
live birth he asked the nurse to please help the baby, as he was trying to
live. She said “I can’t because they’ve already signed the papers that he’s
private abortion clinics in England have sold live aborted babies for research.
Their attitude is that the baby is destined for the incinerator anyway, so why
not use them for research to benefit mankind before they die? Above is a picture
of Dr. Lawrence Lawn, of Cambridge University’s Department of Experimental Medicine,
doing research and experiments on a live aborted human baby!52
registered nurse from Jacksonville, Florida, worked in the nursery one night
and noticed a bassinet outside the nursery. There was a naked, crying baby in
it who looked like she had been boiled in water and was badly burned. She was
the product of a saline abortion and was left alone in the bassinet to die!53
is a baby torn into pieces. Hands, arms and legs are recognizable. These babies
are decapitated. It was a D&C abortion at twelve weeks. These are done in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. "In this technique, the cervix is dilated or stretched to permit the insertion of a loop shaped steel knife. The body of the baby is cut into pieces and removed and the placenta is scraped off the uterine wall. Blood loss from D & C, or “mechanical” curettage is greater than for suction aspiration, as is the likelihood of uterine perforation and infection."
A D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion is done between twelve and eighteen weeks. They stick a sharp toothed pliers instrument into the womb, and tear parts of the living baby away until everything is removed. Sometimes they crush the baby with forceps and remove the pieces. If the head is too large they will crush it so they can remove it. It is an extremely barbaric form of abortion. In these kinds of abortions the nurse reassembles the body parts to make sure they removed everything from the uterus, so the mother does not bleed or get an infection. She puts the dead baby back together like a puzzle.

Above is the results of a suction abortion at ten weeks. Most of the abortions used to be done this way in the United States and Canada. They inserted a powerful suction tube and it tore the baby and placenta apart and sucked the parts into a jar. The picture shows a mass of placenta tissue, skin, arms and hands, legs and feet, and blood.
Below is a garbage can full of dead babies who were eighteen to twenty-four weeks. It was taken at a Canadian teaching hospital. Some clinics grind up and dispose of the aborted babies in heavy duty garbage disposals.
There is a method of abortion that can be done even on full term partially delivered babies! It is called the ‘partial-birth abortion’. The baby is delivered, except for the head. They reach in with forceps and grab the legs, and pull the baby out feet first. Since it is not really considered an abortion if the baby is deliberately killed outside of the mother, the doctor will hold the baby’s head inside the mother while he does this procedure.
is the description of a nurse who witnessed a partial-birth abortion and wanted
to tell others about it:
stood at the doctor’s side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on
a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby’s heartbeat was clearly visible
on the ultrasound screen. The doctor delivered the baby’s body and arms,
everything but his little head. The baby’s body was moving. His little fingers
were clasping together. He was kicking his feet. The doctor took a pair of
scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby’s head, and the baby’s
arms jerked out in a flinch, a startled reaction, like a baby does when he
thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he
stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby’s brains
out. Now the baby was completely limp. I never went back to the clinic. But I
am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It was the most perfect
angelic face I have ever seen.”54
of the babies aborted this way are healthy and normal, and so are the mothers.
Dr. Martin Haskell has done over two-thousand partial-birth abortions. He has
said that of the abortions he does on babies between twenty and twenty-four
weeks old, eighty percent are “purely elective.” He said this in a taped
interview with American Medical News.
James McMahon has done over two-thousand of these and said that twenty-two
percent of those done for the mother’s health were done for ‘depression’.
Supporters of these abortions say that most are done to save the lives of the
mothers, but this is not true. Dr. Pamela Smith, director of medical education
in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Chicago,
said, “There are absolutely no obstetrical situations encountered in this
country which require a partially delivered human fetus to be destroyed to
preserve the health of the mother.”55
why are they done this way? Because the people who promote this are controlled
by satan, who initiated this horrible form of child sacrifice long ago. Satan
wants his sacrifices and he does not need to go only to witches and satanists
to get them. He gets them from modern day doctors (witch-doctors) as well. He
gets then from liberal women who are too selfish to put their own sons or
daughters before themselves, who practice satanism and witchcraft when they go
to the abortion clinic and offer up their children to the altar to be
sacrificed! The day is coming when they, too, will be sacrificed to eternity in
hell if they do not repent. I just thank Yahuwah that all those innocent babies
are in Heaven.
Witchcraft: European and African by Geoffrey Parrinder, he said witches
who were midwives in the late 1500's, offered the newborn babies they delivered
to satan and killed them before they were baptized by piercing their brains
with a large pin. There were some who confessed to killing over forty babies
like this. Many of them even killed them while they were still in their
mothers’ wombs. This sounds like today’s partial birth abortions, and it was
done by witches and satanists many years ago! They appear to be the ones who
invented this method of abortion.
believe it is all right to kill the baby if the mother is in some kind of
danger. It is a sad thing when a mother will kill her own child to save
herself. John 15:12-13 “This is my commandment, That ye love one
another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man
lay down his life for his friends.” Yahushuwa laid down His life for His
friends, the people who get saved because of Him. He wants us to love each
other in this same sacrificial way. If this verse teaches us that love will
cause us to lay down our lives for our friends, how much more should a mother
be willing to lay down her life for her son or daughter. Many mothers lay down
their children’s lives for themselves, and it is rarely a life-or-death matter!
It is usually a matter of selfishness. In cases of life or death the mother can
pray and trust Yahuwah to protect and heal her. She does not have to kill her
children are about to be hit by cars, most mothers will risk their own lives to
save them. Even complete strangers have run out in front of cars and pushed
children out of the way, risking their own lives when they did this. A mother
having an abortion is like a mother who runs out to the street and pushes her
child in front of the car so the child will be sure and be hit! Most mothers
would not even consider killing the children they already gave birth to and are
raising. If they did, they would get arrested for murder and so would the
doctor who helped them. Most of society thinks those kinds of people are
horrible (and they are!) Yet they will kill the one in their womb and be
praised by society for their courage to exercise their woman’s rights. This is
sick! And recently the ‘liberals’ have proposed the idea of making
‘after-birth’ abortion legal. In other words, if a baby is born and the mother
doesn’t want it, she would have the right to have it killed.
all of the abortion techniques really any different from the horrible things satanists
do when they sacrifice babies? Think about it. What spirit do you think
controls the abortionists? Remember, the woman who made the Black Mass famous
was an abortionist. I am almost sick in my stomach as I type this. People in
the world do such evil things, and it hurts me. Even some Christians support,
or do not oppose, abortion. These people are NOT in right relationship with
Yahuwah? In the Bible Yahuwah says in John 14:15 “If you love me
keep my commandments.” One of his commandments is “Thou shalt not commit
murder,” in Exodus 20:13. Killing a baby certainly is not an act
of self-defense. It is pre-meditated murder. Look at these verses:
even as they did not like to retain Yahuwah in their knowledge, Yahuwah gave
them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate,
deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of Yahuwah, despiteful,
proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without
understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of Yahuwah, that they which commit such things are
worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do
them. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that
judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou
that judgest doest the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of
Yahuwah is according to truth against them which commit such things. And
thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest
the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of Yahuwah?”
People who believe in abortion are not in right relationship with Yahuwah and will be judged by Him! People who perform or assist in them are murderers. They are guilty of the same murder and sacrifice to devils that the satanists and witches are guilty of on Halloween and year-round! They shall not escape the judgment of Yahuwah, unless they repent and change. If this is you, you must turn away from this horrible sin of murder or YOU face the judgment of Yahuwah.
the legalization of abortion and all the people who believe it is not really
murder, I was surprised to find out about the following. An eighteen-year-old
Fresno, California man was sentenced to twenty years to life in prison for the
shooting death of his ex-girlfriend’s unborn child. He was convicted of second-degree
murder.56 I think the principle here is that if a mother wants her
baby and it is killed, then it is murder, but if she does not want it and it
lives through an abortion, she may sue her doctor! We have some sick principles
in this world.
woman named Carol Everett used to market abortions to teenagers but later
started fighting against abortion. She used to get into the schools to teach
sex education. If they did not contact her, she contacted them. This woman
convinced teenagers that she knew more about their sexuality than their parents
did, and even suggested that their parents were ‘fuddy duddies’, so they
listened to her instead of their parents. She encouraged them to have sex and
targeted fifth and sixth graders as well as high school kids so she could plant
early seeds. The doctors prescribed low dose birth control pills that had a
high pregnancy rate so many teenagers would get pregnant, and they did. She
wanted to meet her goal of three to five abortions for every thirteen to eighteen-year-old
child. Although she stopped doing this and started working to expose and stop
it, there are plenty of people out there who are still doing it.57
Planned Parenthood is probably the largest promoter of abortions in America. One school taught abstinence and many of their students decided to wait and not have sex until they were married, even if they already had been sexually active. Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit against the school because they did not like their method of sex education. They thought it was improper because they did not teach the children how to use condoms and take birth control pills. The abortion industry generates much money for those greedy people. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil. These people are hired killers!
Here is a video of an actual abortion being performed, while being filmed on ultrasound. This is a short clip of it that shows the baby crying out in a silent scream:
Some people even do ‘psychic abortions’. Anna Harcourt, in North England, said that through black magic she caused babies to disappear from wombs, and believes she gave their souls to the devil. She said she performed over one-hundred of these abortions in her home in twenty years. Young women who feared regular abortions often went to her.58
thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are
ready to be slain, If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that
pondereth the heart consider it? And he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know
it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?”
There are groups of
people who try to help deliver those babies who are drawn unto death and ready
to be slain. They convince many women to have their babies and let people adopt
them rather than kill them. They are called fanatics by many.
are not to be apathetic and silent about the slaughter of these children. Read
these verses with abortion in mind. I know they were not specifically written
about abortion, but they do apply to it.
break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage. They slay
the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. Yet they say,
Yahuwah shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. Understand, ye
brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise? He that planted
the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? He that
chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge,
shall not he know? Yahuwah knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.
Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, Yahuwah, and teachest him out of thy
law; That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit
be digged for the wicked. For Yahuwah will not cast off his people, neither
will he forsake his inheritance. But judgment shall return unto righteousness:
and all the upright in heart shall follow it. Who will rise up for me
against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of
who support these murders are guilty of being accomplices. Murderers cannot go
to Heaven. If you believe in abortion please repent of this! Yahuwah will
forgive you immediately, if you truly turn around and go the other way, and
oppose abortion instead of support it. If you have had an abortion and you ask
Him to forgive you, He will do it without hesitation and cleanse you white as
snow, as long as you really turn away from that sin.
when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye
make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash
you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine
eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment,
relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now,
and let us reason together, saith Yahuwah: though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall
be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the
land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword:
for the mouth of Yahuwah hath spoken it.”
Nothing you have ever
done is too bad for Yahuwah to forgive, but you must repent! Ask Yahuwah to
forgive you in Yahushuwa’ name and do not support abortion anymore.
you continue to support abortion, you are guilty of doing evil to Yahuwah. Matthew
25:40 “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto
you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye
have done it unto me.” What you do to fellow human beings, even the least of
them, even the littlest of them, even fetuses or embryos, it is like you have
done it to Yahuwah, whether good or evil.
shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungered,
and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a
stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in
prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord,
when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or
in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying,
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these,
ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but
the righteous into life eternal.”
Those babies are in need and we are not to turn our backs on them! Yahuwah GAVE His Son, but the devil wants to TAKE your children. The idea of sacrificing living creatures, animals, originally came from Yahuwah in the Old Testament days, and the devil has perverted it. It began with Adam and Eve, after they sinned and Yahuwah sent them out of the Garden of Eden. Yahuwah said that they would die if they ate the forbidden fruit. They ate it and were separated from Him, which is a form of death.
The Bible says that before we are born-again (in relationship with Yahuwah through Yahushuwa) we are dead in our sins. Yahuwah could have taken their physical lives also, but He did not. Instead, He provided a sacrifice to die in their place. He killed an animal (probably a lamb) and covered them with the bloody skins. Leviticus 17:11 says “For the life of the flesh is in blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
Throughout the Old Testament, Yahuwah required people to give animal (blood) sacrifices so they could be forgiven of their sins. The bloody skins ‘covered their sins’ and that is why they continued to live. But they did not provide actual literal forgiveness, as only Yahushuwa provides that – it was a type and shadow of the atoning sacrifice that Yahushuwa would do to provide complete forgiveness for their sins.
People who trusted and obeyed Yahushuwa were considered ‘righteous’, and when they died, they went to ‘paradise’, a place where righteous people went until Yahushuwa died and went there and took them to Heaven. Across from paradise was/is the place where the wicked go when they die, hell, to wait until the final judgement day, when death and hell and all the people in hell will be thrown into the lake of fire. Go back to the chapter about the haunted house to understand this better. The Scriptures about death and hell are in that chapter.
Yahuwah does not look through the covering when He forgives us of all of our past sins – the sins are cast away as far as the east is from the west. See the chapter about the beautiful mansion to understand that better – the Scriptures about Heaven are in that chapter. He sees the person as sinless and holy.
and Eve had to bring sacrifices to the altar routinely because Yahuwah required
it. When one of their sons, Cain, brought a grain sacrifice from the crops he
planted, Yahuwah did not accept it. He did accept his brother Abel’s offering,
though, which was an animal (or blood) sacrifice. Cain was so jealous over this
that he murdered his brother.
animal sacrifices were accepted by Yahuwah. The animals had to be pure and
spotless which symbolizes holiness. Only someone holy and pure could die in
man’s place. This was a symbol of Yahushuwa, the man who never sinned and was
pure, spotless and holy. 1 Peter 1:19 “But with the precious
blood of Yahushuwa, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” 2
Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no
sin; that we might be made the righteousness of Yahuwah in him.” He was the
ultimate sacrifice and since He has already come and shed His blood on the
cross for our sins, we do not have to sacrifice animals any more. Hebrews
10:8-12 (NIV) says:
when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin
thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the
law; Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O Yahuwah. He taketh away the
first, that he may establish the second. By the which will we are sanctified
through the offering of the body of Yahushuwa the Messiah once for all. And
every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same
sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered
one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of Yahuwah;”
Yahuwah was not completely satisfied
with the animal sacrifices because He preferred people to live holy lives than
to live in sin and then offer the sacrifice. Yahushuwa takes away our sins. He
helps us live holy lives. His blood makes us holy and pure by washing us white
as snow. Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together, saith
Yahuwah: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though
they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” White ymbolizes purity. We
are made pure by Yahushuwa’s blood. His blood is our covering, as the
skins were Adam and Eve’s covering, so we do not have to die for our sins.
Therefore, we are freed from the law of sin and death! We are freed from the
laws about bringing sacrifices to the priests. We are NOT freed from Yahuwah’s
laws about keeping His holy days, dietary instructions, moral laws, etc.
Revelation 7:14 “....These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Yahushuwa is called the Lamb of Yahuwah because He replaced the sacrificial lamb. The Blood of Yahushuwa cleanses us on the inside. After He became the sin offering He sat at the right hand of Yahuwah because it was finished. Yahushuwa is the sacrifice.
I'm putting links to several videos that will show you that a baby in the womb is indeed a person and not just 'tissue' (not that you wouldn't already know that, but some still do not acknowledge that fact.) It amazes me that parents and doctors will go to these lengths to save babies in the womb when parents WANT their babies, yet will rip off their arms and legs and crush their heads, or burn them to death with salt, when parents do NOT want their babies.
Below is a 21 week old baby boy, Samuel Armas, being operated on in the womb in 1999. He reached out his hand and held the doctor's finger. Some deranged people will insist he is not a human being yet and has no right to life!
Rylan Harrison Drinnon
"Heart Operation on 25-Week-Old Fetus In Utero"
"High risk in-utero surgery saves unborn baby from deadly tumour | 60 Minutes Australia"
"Real Photography of the human fetus growing in the womb.(Part 1)"
This one shows video of the baby moving around in the womb - not just ultra-sound style, but is very detailed. Look at his/her sweet little face!
you believe that abortion is the ‘woman’s choice’ rather than the baby’s
choice; if you support or promote abortion; if you are thinking about having an
abortion or letting your daughter have one; if you work in an abortion clinic:
THIS is the reality of what you are involved in! Face reality! These are babies
who were torn apart piece by piece. They use medical tools to rip or suck the
arms and legs off these children and pull them out of the mother, then they often
crush the head so it will come out easier. Ultrasounds have been done DURING
some abortions and they show the babies trying frantically to get away from the
abortion tools inside of their mother’s wombs. While being ripped apart and
torn into pieces, they sometimes try to scream! This is COLD BLOODED MURDER! If
you are a doctor who performs abortions YOU are a COLD BLOODED MURDERER, and
the Bible says murderers will go to HELL! But they do not have compassion for the babies! Abortion advocates insist they have great compassion for the women, but they do not have compassion for the babies!
break in pieces thy people, Yahuwah, and afflict thine
They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder
Yet they say, Yahuwah shall not see, neither
the God of Jacob regard it. Understand, ye brutish among
people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?”
up foolish people- Yahuwah sees it all, and He will punish you who disregard
His warnings. Murderers do not go to Heaven. REPENT!
Revelation 22:14-15 “Blessed are they
that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may
enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs,
and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters,
and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”
Revelation 21:6-8 “And he said unto
me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give
unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that
overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my
son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have
their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is
the second death.”
If you want to continue to say that it is not really murder, then that is your choice, but you will suffer the consequences of that choice when you stand face to face with your Maker. You have the ‘right to choose’ whether you receive the blessing (the tree and the living water, inside of the gates of Heaven) or the lake of fire (in hell). I am warning you and pleading with you, for the love of Yahuwah, please stop believing in and supporting abortion. Repent and receive Yahuwah’s forgiveness and cleansing, and be pure in heart! Moms, either keep your babies or adopt them into loving homes.
Next is a video about a clinic before being closed in Mississippi. This video is 9-13 years old - the clinic just closed in 2022 after Roe verses Wade was reversed. I had to show you the owner and some employees saying that God is on their side, and that if she is wrong, it's between her and God. What a stupid and evil thing to say coming from people who are murdering little babies! This woman's previous clinic was bombed, and it shows one of her nurses with a mangled face from the explosion, yet these baby murderers still continue murdering babies. Personally, I believe they should all be imprisoned for first degree murder. I KNOW that if they don't repent, they will be sent to hell and suffer their for what they've done to those babies. I do know of some doctors who did repent, and one was my OB/GYN doctor 30 years ago when I had my son. He got born-again and spent his future delivering and saving babies.
"It was the last abortion clinic in Mississippi. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Brut filmmaker Jessey Dearing documented the last days of the “Pink House” … "
believed that Samhain brought back with him the souls of the dead and those
souls killed animals and took babies. Throughout Europe they were said to visit
their former homes for comfort, or to roam the earth, harm crops and trouble
homes. Polish parents taught their children to comfort dead souls by praying
aloud when they walked through the woods. Villagers left food and wine in their
homes for the spirits to eat, trying to appease them so they did not get angry
and harm someone. Sometimes they prepared huge banquets and set then out on the
table before they left for church. They were frightened if the food was still
there when they arrived home, because they thought it meant that the spirits
were not satisfied with the food and hospitality. They thought if they gave the
spirits gifts, they could lighten any harm inflicted by a wicked soul. Another
reason they left food was that they thought the good souls were tired from
wandering around in the netherworld and they wanted to give them a good meal.
They wanted the spirits of their departed loved ones to visit their homes, and
tried to bribe Samhain with gifts so he would let this happen.
are popular at Halloween because they represent death. A skeleton in itself is
not evil, but when it is used to frighten people or to glorify satan it takes
on an evil association. Skeletons are to be buried or used in medical research,
not in occult practices. Skulls and human bones are frequently used by satanists
in their ceremonies.
believed that the lord of death condemned the deceased wicked people to inhabit
the bodies of animals during the year, or roam around searching for an abode.
This is the false belief of reincarnation or transmigration of souls. In
reincarnation the soul comes back as an animal or another person. In
transmigration of souls the soul enters someone else’s body. The good souls
took human form. They could not tell the real people from the ones who they
thought were possessed by ghosts, so they were very careful.
told ghost stories late at night. Farmers bolted their doors and tried not to
walk alone at night, for fear of encountering a ghost.
Catholics lit candles
and took them to cemeteries with gifts for the dead. The Italians even left
calling cards on their dead ancestors’ tombs. According to the belief in
reincarnation, it is works (in other words, how good you act) that determines
your eternal destiny. That belief denies salvation by faith, and it denies the
existence of Heaven and hell.
There are various kinds of ‘ghosts’ as people call them, but they are really demons, and not all are of the human form. Some appear as huge ‘black dogs’, and they are not just a thing of the past. They have been appearing to people for centuries. I’ll start with the 1800s.
These ‘black dogs’ were found mostly in England. These are not real dogs. Real black dogs are no more evil than any other color of dog. They were created by Yahuwah and can make nice pets. The black dogs I am talking about are demons who manifest as ghostly dogs about the size of a calf, are black and sometimes shaggy and have fiery burning eyes, sometimes headless. They are called by various names such as ‘Moddey Dhoo’ ‘Capelthwaite Padfoot’, 'Hellhound' or ‘Shag’. On the continent the goat is the favorite form that the devil takes. In England the black dog is the favorite form. There are streets named after them, called ‘Black Dog Lanes’, all over England. Black Dog illustration above is by Sidney Edward Paget (1860-1908). The ghostly dogs have been sighted even in modern times.
was a famous black dog of Peel Castle (shown above) on St. Patrick’s Isle in
the country Isle of Man. Sometimes it gave warnings of disaster at sea. The
devil tries to appear as our friend so we will trust him, but he will destroy
us in the next breath. Many of these dogs were said to bring death to those who
touched or struck them.
Many truckers have seen a ghostly
‘black dog’ on the highways at night, especially when they get overly tired.
Some call the dog Cadejo. The evil looking ghost dog sometimes appears running
towards the vehicle, flaming red eyes, the look of hate on its face! Some say
it’s a sign that the driver is going to die (probably because they often freak
out and try to avoid hitting the dog, and get in a wreck.) Others think it’s
warning them, because they’re usually real tired when they see it, and they
wake up really quick, and most don’t allow themselves to get that tired when
driving once that happens!
One trucker describes an incident in
1998, driving on I 80 in Nebraska. He fell asleep at the wheel and woke up
because his truck was driving over the rumble strips of an exit ramp at 75 mph,
and he saw a black dog running towards him! Amazingly, he made it back onto the
highway without crashing his truck!
One person, after driving all night, nodded out briefly and when he lifted his head, he saw two black dogs running ahead of him between the headlights. They were shadowy ghostly figures, but looked like dogs, so he swerved to miss them. He did not get in an accident either.
Another guy, driving a pickup truck on I-35 near Kansas City, in 1999, and very tired, saw a large black dog, like a German Shepard but twice as big, leap across the hood of his truck. He described it as having shiny black hair, a huge open mouth, gleaming white teeth, and glowing red eyes, and had the look of pure hate. It hit the windshield and vanished.
Another guy was driving home from work in 2015, after working night shift on about four hours of sleep, and he saw an animal running towards him, it dashed in front of him in ‘a black blur’, he slammed on the brakes and swerved a little. He said if he had just swerved and not stopped, he’d have hit a car parked in the median at 60 mph. As he was getting ready to move on, he saw two red eyes staring at him from down the road, so he turned his car to shine on the animal and it disappeared (probably disappointed because the man didn’t run into the car and die.)
Yet another person was a passenger in a vehicle on their way to a vacation, was very tired, and saw a black shape bounding back and forth across the road in front of them. It got bigger as they got closer to it, then it’d be behind them, and later another one would be doing the same thing in front of them.
My husband James was a truck driver for about 15 years, and once late at night when he was tired, on a stretch of highway (US 95) in Nevada, near Las Vegas, he saw crossing the road ahead of him a line of donkeys. They were lined up one behind the other like the Mule Team Borax mules, but they were donkeys (burros). He didn’t have time to stop, so he drove through them, looked in the rearview and they were behind him, still a whole line of them across the road! He was the head of a convoy, so he radioed the drivers behind him and said “You didn’t see that did you?” One of them said “Yes, I did. I’ve seen it a few times before also.” When they stopped at a local café the worker said “You saw them, didn’t you? I could tell by the look on your face.”
There are a lot of wild donkeys in this area in the dessert, but these were phantom donkeys, because he literally drove through them and didn’t hit anything and the other trucker has had this happen multiple times. My take on this? Satan created this illusion to try and get drivers to swerve or slam on their brakes and get into an accident. Here’s a short clip that I made from a video of driving on that highway, and a clip of donkeys crossing a road, just to give you an idea of what it must have been like, and a picture of the local donkeys in the area.
Meet the burros of Beatty Photo by Mikayla Whitmore for Thrillist on Hwy 95
Another time when he was driving, he
saw a large perhaps hundred-pound black dog running along the side of the
highway. It looked like a black lab, and he didn’t really think much of it. But
he was really tired so he stopped at a rest area (the kind where there are no
vending machines, only basics) where there happened to be a lot of trucks
parked, and in the parking lot he saw a large black lab type dog which looked
like the one on the highway, and a tan one as well, both about 100-pound dogs.
Someone was interacting with them like they were their dogs, and feeding them.
They were healthy looking animals. He took a nap in his truck and when he awoke
everyone was gone, and the two large dogs were laying in the parking lot dead
(not run over, just dead). The whole thing seemed strange, and he didn’t feel
comfortable to call and report this, so he left quickly. Maybe the people
poisoned the dogs? But he had an eerie feeling about the whole thing and had a
feeling it was something out of the ordinary.
I had several nightmares many years
ago about my car slowing down on a lonely road, and the door not shutting all
the way, and in this dream, I was holding onto the door to keep it shut and
trying to speed up the car, which barely moved, and there were wild animals
trying to get to me. One night, after these dreams, I was driving on a long
lonely road in the country, at night after working evening shift at a hospital,
and I had a passenger in the car. The car had something wrong with the filter
and kept going slower and slower – by the time I got home it barely moved at
all. While on this long road I saw two coyotes standing in the middle of the
road staring at me – their eyes glowed from my headlights.
It was really creepy
after having that nightmare repeatedly, but I didn’t know anything about ghost
dogs back then, so I didn’t think a whole lot of it. I still don’t know, but
looking back, it’s pretty creepy.
We just listened to a trucker talk
about how he got really tired one night and saw three black dogs and that was
what reminded James about his incident. But in this guy’s event, the first dog
looked like a regular dog, the second one, further down the road was facing him
and he could see its eyes, and the third one was just a blur of a dog, and that
is when the guy pulled over and got some sleep. He said his mind was creating
these dogs to give him an alert that he was in trouble and better get some
sleep. While that sounds plausible, I believe that they are usually spirits out
to harm, and when we are tired, our minds are more sensitive to the spirit
realm and we are more able to see them. I’ve personally had several experiences
where I saw angels and/or ‘ghosts’ (demons) when I was either relaxed and
getting ready to go to sleep, or shortly after I woke up, and was awake but
In the Chicago area, where Archer
Avenue, between Resurrection Cemetery and St. James-Sag Church, curves around
through forests, lakes and cemeteries, there are many ‘ghost’ sightings
reported. One of them happens at 95th and Kean, which is near that
same area, and people report seeing phantom horse riders cross the street
there. In an article named Phantom
Equestrians of 95th and Kean Avenue, bMichael Kleen dated July 3, 2018
“At the westernmost edge of
Hickory Hills, Illinois along 95th Street lies an inconspicuous intersection
allegedly haunted by some unusual phantoms. According to a variety of
eyewitnesses, ghostly apparitions of equestrians on horseback have been spotted
at the intersection of 95th and Kean Avenue near Hidden Pond Woods.
The Palos Trail winds its way
through these woods between Rout 20 and Kean Avenue, and popular opinion holds
that a number of horses and their riders have been killed trying to cross 95th
Street. Today, the area is not as secluded as it was in the 1970s when
motorists began to see the phantoms.
Subdivisions are now tightly
bunched along the east side of Kean, marking the boundary of the park district,
but on one particular night in 1979, a couple named Dennis and Sandy told
Richard Crowe, the intersection was dark, remote, and shrouded in fog.
It would have been easy enough to
fail to notice a living equestrian, but in a few dramatic moments the two
narrowly avoided striking a ghostly procession of horses and riders that were
illuminated by an eerie glow. Sandy described the figures as “glistening,” and
told Crowe that she didn’t remember seeing their hooves touch the ground.”
In an article titled "95th and Kean Investigation (Animal ghosts)" From Ghost Research Society (, © 2013 Dale Kaczmarek, it says;
“Vehicles traveling eastbound from La Grange Road often struck those who have attempted to cross. As the cars approach this intersection, they climb a small rise that obliterates equestrians and riders alike. When the horseback riders are finally seen, it is often too late.
The first such accident occurred in August of 1975 when a 21-year-old woman was thrown more than 50 feet after being struck by a car traveling at a high rate of speed. The injuries to the horse were also so severe that the animal had to be put down. After that a 29-year-old woman was also killed after being struck by a car not far from that intersection and most recently a 14-year-old mare named Stella bucked its rider off, bounded into Kean Avenue and was struck and killed by a car.”
from Google Maps
Another so-called ‘ghost’ in that area of Chicago is called ‘Resurrection Mary’. A lady was hit by a car over 80 years ago and people say they sometimes see her hitchhiking down Archer Avenue.
Resurrection Mary, in Chicago, screenshot from documentary video below
want to make a point here. This isn’t ‘ghost story hour’! But these things
really happen, and these ‘ghosts’ are demons pretending to be ghosts. There are
no good intentions with demons. They are the devil’s minions (fallen angels to
be specific) and satan’s goal is to steal, kill and destroy NOT warn someone of
an impending accident or storm or anything else, but to CAUSE an accident.
There is or was a highway called US
Highway 666, called the Highway to Hell, running from Nevada to New Mexico.
Kids kept tearing down the 666 signs and supposedly there was going to be made
a change in the name of the highway. During full moons a phantom car runs
motorists off the road, a phantom ‘mad trucker’ is seen on that highway, and a
phantom girl in a nightgown walks the road and when someone stops to assist her,
she disappears. My husband has driven on this road but never encountered these,
but has heard of them from other truckers.
While I’m talking about ghostly
creatures (demons), James once saw the spirit of death in his room. He is a
minister, and had a situation happen to him before this where a pastor was
supposed to let him preach in his church on a certain day, and the pastor lied
to him and said they weren’t going to have a preacher that day. James went to
the meeting and they did in fact have a preacher. They asked James to sing a
song and so he got a guitar and started singing “When I see the blood, I will
pass over you…” People started weeping and falling on their faces repenting
because the Spirit of Yahuwah took over that part of the meeting, and someone
said to James “See what can happen when you obey the Lord?” The thing was, he
was supposed to preach the whole meeting, and Yahuwah’s Spirit would have taken
over the whole meeting, and they would have had miracles happen left and right
(it’s happened in a lot of James’ meetings), but the pastor had different
ideas, and that pastor had a heart attack right after that. He had bi-pass
surgery and lived, but several people were telling James that they knew he had
that heart attack because he had lied to James instead of obeying Yahuwah and
having James preach.
Well, one night when James was lying
in bed, not long after that incident, he had a weird dream of electricity going
through his heart, and he thought “am I going to have a heart attack?” and then
woke up and saw a grey colored spirit standing in the corner of his room, just
a few feet away from him. He sat up and threw his hands towards it and said
“Jesus!” and it went away. Now at that time in his life, he didn’t know the
Messiah’s name is Yahushuwa, so he called on the only name he knew, and Yahuwah
honored that, as He does with many when they don’t know better. He went in the
living room and turned on the TV, and there was a minister talking about how he
had woken up one time and there was a death spirit hovering over him and he got
rid of it the same way.
Here’s a video to see:
TonicofSonic 1 year ago
“I had a similar experience about ten years ago. It changed my
life forever and opened my eyes to the reality that there are forces in this
world we cannot explain."
"I can give you a quick explanation. I was not always such an honest and decent person, I lived through a lot of abnormal and messed up stuff as a child, ALOT, and it made me hate the world. Then when I was 15, I lost my dad, which sent me into a drug and alcohol fueled rage for years, ending up in a psych ward for clinical depression. I felt the presence even then, but did not recognize it until later in life when I would come to terms with my life and decided I wanted to be a good person, who helps others with similar struggles, and to have a child whom I would give the childhood I never had.”
“This is when things got wild. Bad luck followed me everywhere I went, bad things completely out of my control would happen around me daily. I was living in a small town in SD away from friends and family while going to school. I was alone, and I wanted better for myself, which is why things came to a head one night. The demon who had been following me came for me one night. I felt a strong energy and an evil presence one night just after crawling into bed. I woke up to cupboards being open, lights turning on and off, shadows being cast around the room, objects being knocked off counters and shelves, and the presence, the presence was not just terrifying, it could be felt. I gathered all my strength and courage and grabbed a pen and paper from the closet, then began to write down everything going on in the apartment. The demon did not like this, and it he came to my bedside. He stood next to the bed, about 7 ft tall, all black so as not to see any details, he stood over me and tried to steal my soul, or at least take control of it.”
“Not being a religious man, I broke down into prayer as the things I learned in church as a child suddenly rushed back into my head. I hid under the covers and prayed. I could feel the forces of good and evil struggling over me. All those years of following he finally made his move, and he almost won. It took about a half hour of praying, sometimes begging God to protect my soul, and I was not let down. I felt the strength of God come and defeat the demon, whose energy only grew and grew until the strength of God finally overpowered him and like a ball of energy exploding in the room, the demon vanished, and has not been back since. I took my writings to a priest the next day, who confirmed my experience as a real event. I live my life as if I am being watched by someone now, and feel the strength of God get stronger everyday as I continue to live a healthy and positive life. This event was so profound, I tear up every time I tell the story because I know just how close I was to becoming controlled by evil.”
A family member of mine who
follows occult New Age beliefs has dreamed repeatedly of a large black dog that
sleeps next to her bed and she believes it is there to protect her. Many people
receive what they believe is ‘protection’ from demonic beings and do not even
realize that there is no protection there. These spirits only open the doors
for some other kind of demonic attachment or attack. They pretend to protect so
they can get into our lives and get a foothold in our lives to harm us in some
The haunted houses being set on Halloween to scare people comes from the belief that ancestral spirits or ghosts enter their old homes for a visit, and that some of them are even mischievous or evil. Some believe that now days since people move around so much, the ghosts are confused. People still believe in ghosts haunting houses, but they believe they are the ancestors of someone who used to live in the house, or the spirit of someone who used to live in the house. Some are called Poltergeists. ‘Polter’ means ‘a noise or racket’, and ‘geist’ means ‘spirit or sprite’. Others call them hobgoblins, fairies, brownies, etc.
They are right that spirits do live in some houses. These spirits are just as active today as they were in the old days, but they are not spirits of anyone’s ancestors. People's ancestors are either in Heaven or hell. They are demons pretending to be other kinds of spirits. Usually, demons are invisible to human eyes, but sometimes they manifest in such a way that we can see them. People who die do not come back and haunt us. If they were not saved, they are in hell. Isaiah 26:14 says “They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.” The deceased do not rise and become ghosts. (Yahuwah raised Lazarus from the dead but he was not a ghost. He was raised a living human being just like he was before he died.) The Amplified Bible says “They (the former tyrant masters) are dead, they shall not live and reappear, they are powerless ghosts, they shall not rise and come back. Therefore You have visited and made an end of them, and caused every memorial of them (every trace of their supremacy) to perish.” They are powerless souls stuck in hell and they shall not rise and come back!
are people who believe in the energy trace theory. This belief is that when
people go through a traumatic experience, they give off a strong trace of
energy force that stays in the air, and later if there is a disturbance in that
place the energy trace is formed into an image for a short time. Some people
think that is why some ghosts appear and then fade away without noticing or
communicating with those present. They step through walls or closed doors, or
walk on levels that are no longer there because they are just a ‘trace of
leftover energy’.
places seem to produce more of these than other places. People see more of
these apparitions in moist climates than in dry ones. Ghosts are frequently
seen before thunderstorms. There is much more electrical activity in the air
during these times. Psychics can produce forces that can cause these to
materialize. People who disagree with this theory say that if it were true,
then places like battlefields, disaster sights, hospitals, and churches, where
there is enormous discharge of human energy, should be known for these
sightings, yet the apparitions are rarely seen in these places.
energy trace theory is not a valid theory. People who do not believe in demons
use it to try to help prove that they do not exist. The reason psychics can
produce these forces is that demons live in the psychics and make the
apparitions possible.
believe that apparitions are visions that come from a relaxed state of mind.
They say that the subconscious produces a memory and views it like a film, so
that the person thinks he is really seeing it. This theory may be true for some
hallucinations, but most apparitions are demons who manifest in such a way so
we can see them. Most of them are not even based on memories but are
apparitions of things the person has never seen before.
movie The Amityville Horror is said to be based on a true story. A
family bought a house in Long Island and found out it was haunted. They heard
noises that sounded like elephants rolling around, blood or red liquid flowed
out of key holes, a green slimy substance oozed out of the walls, terrible
overwhelming odors were present at strange times, and sometimes the temperature
suddenly dropped or raised fifteen degrees. Priests and exorcists could not rid
the house of the spirits. After living there twenty-eight days the family moved
The Borley Rectory in England is a famous haunted house. In the 1930's parapsychologists and researchers logged over two-thousand manifestations of ghosts. One was a headless man driving a coach. Another was a ghost nun asking them to pray that her tormented soul would be delivered.
The Swanton Novers
Rectory in England had oil and water dripping from the ceiling in 1919.
Epworth Rectory in England was the home of Reverend Samuel Wesley and his
family. One December night, in 1716, they heard a loud knock on the door. When
they opened the door no one was there. There was a louder knock but still no
one was there when they opened the door, so they locked it and went to bed.
When the servant went upstairs, he noticed a noise in the kitchen and saw the
iron hand mill grinding on the table with no one turning the handle. From then
on there was a ghost in the house. It rattled door latches, banged on windows,
made swishing noises and sometimes it gobbled like a turkey. They tried to
exorcize it out of their home but it did not leave, so they adapted to it
living there with them. Then one day it left and never returned.
Lester Sumrall told of a time when he stayed in a house with a pastor friend, in which the man of the house was demon possessed. The family told them that the man worshiped demons at his altar. The demons gave him magic powers. The demons would not let his wife sleep with him; they pinched her and pushed her onto the floor. They also moved furniture around and made strange noises.
People in the
community did not know the man was possessed, because he had the outward
appearance of being a good man. In the night an apparition stood at the foot of
the bed and called the pastor’s name. Both of them saw and heard it. They
commanded it to leave in Jesus’ name and it did. He advises people not to stay
in a haunted house. But he says to command the demons to leave and they will obey
if you are a believer walking with God. Then you can dedicate the house to the
glory of God and that will stop the demons from haunting it anymore. He could
not dedicate this house to the glory of Yahuwah because the head of the house
was involved in the occult.59
mother told me she felt something shove her down her stairs one day. She landed
so far past the end of the stairs that she could not have done it without force
behind her, and she literally felt the hands push her. Sometimes she heard the
sounds of many people upstairs walking around and talking. She would go up to
find out if someone had broken into her home, but no one was there and the
doors were locked.
I have seen demons appear in my home a few times. I laid in bed one night and saw in the bedroom doorway a tall black figure in the shape of a man with a thin red outline glowing around him. He looked like a shadow because he was pitch black. I could not see any features. I said, “If you’re not of God, I command you to leave right now in Jesus’ name!” (I didn’t know His real name yet.) He disappeared. I do not know why I said “if you’re not of God,” because obviously he was not. Yahuwah’s angels do not appear as black ghostly shadows.
A few days
later while laying on our bedroom floor in a sleeping bag, our daughter saw the
same figure in the doorway. I had not told her about it, but she described the
same thing, except he did not have the red outline around him. She also saw two
sets of eyes under our bed, one set red and the other yellow. We went through
the house after that and prayed, commanding any demons to leave and not come
James mobile home in Broken Arrow demon banging through walls
home in Aurora haunted
There was an old woman named Miss Tippett who stayed in a hospital in London after having a stroke. The people who lived in her house shut her windows and doors, partially shut her shades and made her bed. While Miss Tippett was unconscious in the hospital the residents of the house came home and found the doors still locked, but all the windows were open wide. They closed them and then heard all kinds of noises coming from Tippett’s bedroom. It sounded like someone was cleaning. They found her sheets pulled back to air the bed, and clothing draped over the window sill. Towels, clothes, cushions and tablecloths had been flung out of the cupboards and drawers. These things happened for the entire fourteen days she was unconscious. Then one morning she woke up, and all these things stopped at the same time. She said that the whole time she was laying there she dreamed she was at home doing her spring cleaning. They believed she astral projected her spirit to her home while her body was in a coma, and cleaned her house. It is more likely that demons did all the commotion in her home and caused her to dream that she was cleaning.
demons haunt a house because the previous resident was involved in the occult
and they came in with him and stayed. If there was a murder in the house, the
demons who possessed the murderer may have lingered to try to possess another
potential murderer. Other times we open doors for demons to enter our homes by
things we do, such as fighting with our family members, allowing ourselves to
hate someone, watching occult or inappropriate shows on television, bringing
occult games, records, artifacts, jewelry, and so on, into our homes. There are
many ways demons can enter a home or person, but there is one way that they
leave! That is by a God-fearing believer in Yahushuwa commanding them to leave
in the Name of Yahushuwa! People who don’t know any better and use the name
‘Jesus’ often have results also.
Spook houses at amusement parks produce fear in children, and open the door for the spirit of fear to enter the children. Because they are familiar territory to occult spirits (they include spooky skeletons, zombies, ghouls, etc.- all occult related things) they open the doors to adults as well as children to demonic spirits of all kinds. Entertaining yourself or your family by going through spook houses gives the devil legal grounds to attack your family, even if the spook houses seem stupid rather than scary. In younger folks it can also draw their interest to scarier things and to the grotesque. These things glorify satan and not Yahuwah.
there are holograms of ghosts dancing around at a party (shown above),

a disembodied head in a crystal ball that talks about a séance about to take place, and many other occult related things.
Towards the end you
pass some hitch hiker ghosts and then move past a mirror that shows you in the
ride’s car with a hitch hiker ghost sitting next to you. I blurred the face of
the real people riding in the carts for their privacy.
The narration states
that this ghost is your own personal ghost who has joined you and who will GO
HOME WITH YOU. Now I know that this was meant in ‘fun’, and people do not
believe there is any reality to that, but I have news for you. There IS reality
in that. The whole thing is a door opener for demons to attach themselves to
you, if you are entertaining yourself by going through this haunted house, and
I assure you that there are real demons in the ride that will go home with you!

There is a ministry in a near-by city that used to put up a ‘spook house’ during the Halloween season to bring the fear of Yahuwah into people and to glorify Yahuwah. It showed the people the dangers and consequences of living for the devil. It was called The Recurring Nightmare on 41st. Street and cost them about thirty-five-thousand dollars to do. People walked through a maze that included actors and graphic scenes that depicted the reality of drunk driving, street violence, drug abuse, suicide and the occult, which all result in death. There were death and grave scenes in the middle of the maze, but at the end it showed what happens after we die, and participants were confronted with the opportunity to accept ‘Jesus’ as their Savior so they can have eternal life. There were counselors there to pray for anyone who would accept prayer. It was "a graphic presentation of the dangers in a fallen world." Below are some photos from it:
If one is going to have a haunted house on Halloween this is the kind to have; one that produces godly fear and wins souls to Yahushuwa, and exposes the devil, not one that glorifies the devil and produces ungodly fear! Do not make your home into a spook house for Halloween because that will open the door for the devil to enter your home. Instead, open your heart and home to Yahushuwa so that He will enter it and bless it, and close it to the devil who will only put a curse on it.
Here is link to
Lester Sumrall's teaching on haunted houses and ghosts. He uses the wrong name
for our Messiah, so I advise you to substitute His real name Yahushuwa in your
mind when you hear him say Jesus.
came into being even before the Celts, and are told about in Scottish and Irish
legend. They were not tiny then. The fairies were larger and more beautiful
than men. People falsely believed they were the ghosts of ancient heroes and
kings mixed with old gods who used to rule the villagers. They believed they
dwelt in the graves of the Neolithic and bronze age people, came forth during
Samhain celebrations and were shriveled by holy water and shrunk into little
are different myths that attempt to explain them. One is that when Lucifer
rebelled against Yahuwah and was cast to the earth with the other fallen angels
there were some indifferent angels who did not side with either Yahuwah or
Lucifer. They were condemned to be fairies until judgment day. This is not true;
it contradicts Scripture. The Bible does not speak of ‘indifferent’ angels,
only those who rebelled and those who did not. Some were thought to play tricks
on people, and some to be helpful. Others names given to them were pixies,
boggarts, brownies, dwarfs, elves, hobgoblins, selkies, wood nymphs, satyrs,
fauns, trolls, leprechauns, gremlins (affected the airlines), ghouls, mermen,
mermaids, ‘black dogs’ and imps. Let me simplify this! They are all just names
for demons!
thought fairies lived in small groups or alone, and inhabited marshes, rivers
and woods, as well as houses. They believed some did certain jobs like black
smithing, shoemaking or tin mining. Santa’s elves were fairies of this nature.
It was believed that they often asked a human to help them do certain things,
like fix a broken axe, and if the person did, he was rewarded well.
thought fairies had meetings on midsummers eve and Halloween. They believed
that on midsummers eve the fairy men carried off young mortal women for brides.
Many people kept their pretty daughters locked up on this night. They also
thought the fairies stole new born babies from their cradles and left fairy
changeling children behind.
thought they could rescue the victims on Halloween. They rubbed a special
ointment on their eyelids that was supposed to let them see the invisible
beings. Then they would wait by the crossroads and when a gust of wind blew by
that meant the fairies were coming. They threw a handful of dust or milk at the
fairies, and the fairies supposedly had to give back any humans they had either
stolen or bewitched. Although these are considered ‘fairy tales’, there may be
some truth to these tales.
can disguise themselves quite cleverly. Look in Genesis 6:2-5 where
it says:
the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took
them wives of all which they chose. And Yahuwah said, My spirit shall not
always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an
hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and
also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men
of renown. And Yahuwah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil
Scripture is known by many Biblical scholars to be referring to fallen angels
(demons) taking a physical form and mating with human women. It resembles the
story of the large fairies who took women for brides. These demons appeared in
the form of humans to relieve their sexual drives by using people. Yes, demons
have sexual drives. I do not understand why, since they are spirits, but I know
from personal experience of being attacked by one and talking to others who
have had that happen, that they lust after humans. Some theologians believe
that they create tangible bodies from the elements in the air so they can have
physical relations with humans.
Another Scripture that addresses this issue is 1 Corinthians 11:10 “For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.” Many theologians believe this is referring to the angels (demons) that had sexual relations with women, mentioned in Genesis. The women were to protect themselves from these demons, and the way I’ve learned to have power on our heads is to be submitted fully to Yahushuwa our Messiah, our head, and then we can command the demons to leave in His name, and they will flee. I have personally practiced this with success.
Fairies and elves were both known to have sex with humans (trolls are also sexual demons). ‘Dusii’ is the name of the Celtic demon lover, and ‘dhut’ is the Hindu name. (Later, people changed the stories about them so they would be ‘suitable’ for children.) Other names for them are the ‘incubus’, who has sex with women, and the ‘succubus’ who has sex with men.
‘Incubo’ is the Latin word for nightmare. It comes from ‘Incubare’ which means ‘to lie upon’. These demons often come as erotic dreams. Often the people awaken to find that the experience is really happening, and not just a dream. In Albertus Magnus 1206-80 it said “There were places in which a man can scarcely sleep at night without a succubus accosting him.”Some
believed that Lilith was Adams first wife, instead of Eve, and because she
refused to obey Adam she was banished from the garden of Eden and became a
demon. She is depicted as an owl who drank the blood of babies and children.
They wore amulets and put them on their children to protect them from her. She
supposedly spared children after she read sacred inscriptions on their amulets.
When men had erotic dreams, they blamed it on her. Erotic dreams were feared
because they caused men to lose semen and they were not supposed to spill their
semen on the ground. This demon was not the first wife of Adam. The
Bible says Yahuwah made Eve for Adam, and says nothing about another wife. But
the demon is real and not something to fool around with.
Stories say that these sexual demons resisted exorcism, often laughing at the exorcist and attacking him. However, many people who try to cast out demons are not born-again believers who are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, in Acts 19:13, it says the seven sons of Sceva were exorcists. They tried to cast out demons from a man in Yahushuwa’s name, but the demons attacked them. They fled naked and wounded. The Bible says submit to Yahuwah, resist the devil and he will flee from you. These exorcists were not submitted to Yahuwah, because they did not have a personal relationship with Yahushuwa, so the devil did not have to obey them. In Mark 16:17 it says “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.” When we are believers in Yahushuwa, meaning we have a personal relationship with Him as well as believe in Him, and are submitted to Yahuwah (obeying His commandments to the best of our knowledge and ability), we have the power to cast out demons. Then when we resist them, they will flee in terror!
being raped by these demons is extremely painful for the victims. Some have
said that their male parts had scales or were extremely large. In modern day satanism,
demons sometimes brutally rape cult members to discipline them for some wrong
they have done. Gottliebin Dittus, a young woman in Germany, was raped by
demons and suffered severe hemorrhages because of it.63
Sumrall wrote a book called Bitten by Devils. It is a true story about a
young woman named Clarita Villanueva in Manila, Philippines. She was a
seventeen-year-old prostitute who was repeatedly bitten by invisible beings.
She saw them but no one else did. Dr. Sumrall said that she was also raped by
the demons.64 Bite marks were visible on her body after the attacks.
These marks are from the reenactment video and are probably not an actual
photograph of the bitemarks:
Sometimes a person would be holding on to her arm and the demons would still attack her. When the person removed their hand there would be bite marks and saliva where their hand had been. She described her invisible attackers as "a very big dark man with curly hair all over the body" and "a body with an angelic face and a big mustache." “Villanueva told Dr. Goduco that she was being "punished by a very big dark, hairy handsome man who tells me to do things... I see him often - morning, noon, and night." Zaguirre observed a "bite-like" mark on the right side of the nape of Villanueva's neck.” (from ”From there, Sumrall's book is a blow-by-blow account from Sumrall himself about how he got involved, determined he was dealing with demons, and drove them out. He also tells how one skeptic who pronounced the attacks to be a hoax died mysteriously within a day of saying it and that another suffered horrible bite wounds when the devils were driven from Villanueva. Dr. Lara apparently only felt safe once Sumrall had brought the presence of God to the situation.“ (from
“Clarita Villanueva was an orphan from Bacolod. Her mother made money out of witchcraft and fortune-telling until she died when she was still young. Clarita felt unloved and decided to work in Manila as a maid in 1950. She eloped with a man who turned out to be married. She left him and became a club dancer.
Clarita decided to watch a late-night movie, and to walk home alone, police saw and arrested her for prostitution. She was jailed for vagrancy at the 300-years old Bilibid prison, where many people have died and suffered.
“The Thing”
On May 9, 1953, Clarita and the rest of the inmates were disturbed by pebbles pelted in the carcel. When she was about to sleep, ‘the thing’ perched on a beam, then jumped and sat on top of Clarita. ‘the thing‘ and another little creature began biting her. She screeched, and bite marks began to appear.
She described one as a 10-foot tall, dark man with curly hair all over the body, yet with an angelic face and a big mustache. She was only 17 years old and literary scared as hell.
Summoned at the Mayor’s office, Clarita sat beside the Mayor when suddenly, she laughed as if being tickled by someone then screeched in terror. She said “things” were taking turns to bite her. There were bite marks on her neck and hand that were still moist with saliva.
The Mayor himself restrained her hands, yet she insisted someone was biting her finger. When she asked to draw their faces, the pencil flew away. They sought help from the chaplain Father Benito Vargas, OP, but he only agreed to be an observer.
Doctors helped Clarita at the ‘Old Bilibid’ Hospital, but they too were at a loss. The news quickly spread after the Manila Police Department’s medical examiner, Dr. Mariano Lara, appealed for help through the newspaper. Villanueva’s story went viral, but only an “espiritista” came to help.
Clarita’s death curse - DR. MANUEL RAMOS
Dr. Ramos came to the prison to interview Clarita. He was a skeptic and accused her of acting to get attention. When he confronted her, Clarita gazed at him and very slowly said, “you will die…” The same hour the next day, the Doctor’s heart just stopped, and he died.
After the deliverance of Clarita, the Pastor warned the rest of the inmates to pray as well. The devils could attack them as well. However, a woman beside her cell made fun of the deliverance. As the demons came out from Clarita, she began to scream and became unconscious. Teeth marks appeared on her body.
Chief prison officer Captain Ganibi was Clarita’s custodian. Annoyed, he kicked Clarita. The day after Dr. Ramos died, she asked the captain for the small crucifix she often wore. The captain didn’t know where the cross was.
Clarita said, “It’s in your pocket.” The captain was stunned to find it and handed it back to her. Clarita cursed him to die. A few weeks after, the captain lost weight and died four days later, like a wilted plant.
The Crucifix and the Spirits
Clarita always wore a rosary. She would kiss the crucifix and caress it strangely each time Pastor Sumrall prayed over her. The Pastor realized that the crucifix has an association with the evil spirits and had it removed.
Although the crucifix is a symbol of Christianity, it also depicts a crucified Christ who has risen. The Bible says that we must not adore an image, even if likened from heaven. (Exodus 20:4)
God sends a Pastor
Protestant missionary Pastor Dr. Lester Sumrall was building the Manila Bethel Temple (known today as the Cathedral of Praise). He heard the news on DZFM radio, and God impressed in his heart to help Clarita.
Pastor Sumrall couldn’t sleep for three days and begged God to send someone else. Besides, he was busy building a church. “It was a very sad moment for me,” said Pastor Sumrall, yet he knew he had no choice but to obey.
Clarita was brought to the room where Lester Sumrall was. Suddenly, she screamed violently and said: “I hate you.” Clarita could only speak Filipino, yet she was able to hurl insults to Dr. Sumrall in English. The first day for deliverance seemed to have failed.
That evening, a newspaper said, “The Thing Defies Pastor.” Dr. Sumrall felt he needed to pray more and fast this time.
“Clarita, I have come to deliver you from the power of these devils in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,” said Dr. Sumrall. Suddenly, Clarita became so angry and screamed, “No! No! They will kill me!” Then she fainted.
Afterward, the demons using Clarita began to curse the Pastor in the vilest possible way. They said they would never leave her. Later, Clarita became quiet. Everyone was tired, and in tears, they thought it was over.
After spending time in prayer and fasting, Lester Sumrall and other Christians began the day by breaking the bread and singing. As the battle resumed, they felt a sense of peace.
Dr. Sumrall declared, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind every power of the devil and command you to be free from this moment, in Jesus’ name!” Almost immediately, Clarita said, the demons left through the windows.
Everyone thought it was over when suddenly, the devils returned. Clarita screeched, and Pastor Sumrall asked, “Why have you returned? You know you must go and not return.” They said through Clarita, “But, she is unclean, and we have a right to live with her.”
Dr. Sumrall refuted them and said, “Mary Magdalene was unclean with seven like you, and Jesus came into her life, and she became clean by His mighty power. Therefore, I demand you now to depart, and Jesus will make her clean.” They left again.
Just when they were about the leave, the demonic entities returned but left for the third time. Carlita was worried, for she was sure the demons would come back once the Christian team leaves.
Pastor Sumrall taught Carlita what she should do. She can command them to leave through the blood of Jesus. “You must say, ‘Go, in Jesus’ name,’ and they will obey,” he said.
The Final Battle
That night, Clarita gave a blood-curdling scream, “Help, they are back to get me! They are standing behind you!” she said at the jail guard. He was scared and hid at his desk. Clarita cried to the guard and asked if he remembers what the Pastor said she should say.
The guard said, “Say Oh God, deliver me in Jesus’ name and Jesus’ blood.” Then she went into a deep coma.
Authorities laid her on the table. They tried to open her clutched hands and behold. She appeared to have grabbed a few strands of coarse black hair. Dr. Lara took the sample and using a microscope. He realized it wasn’t from a human. It remains an unsolved phenomenon to this date.
When Clarita was finally healed and delivered, news reporters counted around 15 demons that left. Later, Clarita described the demonic beings as having long fangs with buck teeth in front.
She was transferred to a welfare facility and was soon released. She went back to the province, got married, and had her own family. The demons never returned.” (quoted from
Sumrall prayed for her and commanded the demons to leave her and she was set
free. The books below may still be
available if you contact LeSea Ministries or do a search for them.
one-hundred-fifty-thousand people who lived in that area and knew about her
attacks became born-again believers after her deliverance. The largest church
in Asia developed there because of it. One of the demons tried to attack her
again, after the deliverance, and she grabbed its hair and pulled some of it
out as she commanded it to leave her alone. Dr. Sumrall had the hair strand. It
was analyzed by professionals and was not from the head, nor any other part of
the human body. It was about two-inches long, had no roots and showed no sign
of having been cut.65
Below is the video Bitten by Devils, which is the reenactment of the event.
“Bitten By Devils (Documentary -reenactment) Lester Sumrall”
ex-husband and I used to watch pornography together, before I surrendered my
life more fully to Yahuwah. He never did. He was a wife beater and I ended up
leaving him later, but during our marriage he wanted me to watch some ‘X’ rated
movies with him that a friend lent him. These movies involved men with women,
young teenagers, women with women, women with animals, people beating each
other, father and daughter situations, a woman with the devil, and so on.
Pornography is the devil’s territory and watching it opens us up for demonic
received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the middle of the sack full of
movies, and immediately afterwards I realized that watching those movies was
wrong, because the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. I told my husband how I felt
and that the movies were now making me sick, but he still wanted to watch them.
After we returned them, we did not watch ‘X’ rated movies anymore, but we had
already opened the door to the devil and did not even know it.
One morning shortly afterwards, I dreamed about bubbling mud pots in the backyard, like the ones in Yellowstone National Park.
long arm slithered out of one of them, getting longer and longer as it moved
into the back door, through the kitchen, hallway, bedroom and onto the bed. It
grabbed me around the neck and woke me up. I could still feel the fingers
around my neck while I was awake, and I could not move. My hands and arms felt
like they weighed a hundred pounds and I could not lift them from my side, nor
could I scream or make any sound. Then I felt this invisible thing rape me!
This was not a figment of my imagination. I was not in a state of being half
asleep. I was wide awake by this time, and could feel everything this creature
did to me. At that time, I could have described its height, weight and body
build. It was as though a real man were laying on top of me, but it was
invisible. I did not know what was happening to me, nor did I know how to stop
it. It had control over me. Afterwards, I felt drained of energy and very
Years later I was attacked in dreams by a similar spirit and because I was asleep it took me some time to learn to pray it away from me in my sleep. Dreams do not have to control us. We can take control of them by letting our conscious mind take control of our subconscious mind. During the dreams I have learned to consciously decide that I do not have to put up with this abuse, and I’d command the demon to leave in the Messiah’s name. I can tell the difference between regular dreams and demonic dreams. When demons attacked me in my sleep, I could feel their evil presence. I have overcome several recurring nightmares by facing these spirits instead of running from them. Once I charged up the many flights of stairs in this haunted house of one recurring dream, flung open the black door at the top of the stairs and yelled at the demon on the other side of the door.
husband James was painting a tall colonial style house, and was up on a ladder
when it felt like something was physically trying to push his ladder over, and
he felt an evil presence. So, he asked the family about it,
and they said their mother stayed in the room up there and she often screamed,
sometimes all night long, saying that something was biting her legs. The family
actually saw bite marks on her legs! This wasn’t mentioned, but I bet a dollar
to a donut that she was being raped by these things also. Anyway, she ended up
with major infections in her legs, and had both of her legs removed. But the
attacks continued – she felt the horrible pain of the biting on her legs that
no longer existed. People in that town didn’t know how to handle something like
this (demon possession). In fact, the pastors and ministers in the area refused
to have anything to do with casting out demons, except for my husband.
“And when he (Yahushuwa) had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them
power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of
sickness and all manner of disease.” Believers are all disciples of Yahushuwa
and are supposed to do these same things, but most ministers and pastors refuse
to, and most believers do not know how to. Mark 1:27 “And they
were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What
thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he
(Yahushuwa) even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.” We are supposed to
walk as He walked.
16:15-20 (RNV)
“And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to
every creature. He who believes and is immersed will be saved. Moreover he who
does not believe will be condemned. Moreover these signs will follow those who
believe. In My name they will cast out demons. They will speak with new
tongues. They will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will
by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and they will
recover." Then truly, after the Master had spoken to them, He was received
up into the sky and sat down out of the right hand of Yahuwah. Moreover they
went out and preached everywhere, Yahuwah working together and confirming the
word through following signs. Amein.”
He was speaking to His disciples. Again, believers are all His disciples. He who believes means believers. We are commanded to cast out demons, but most refuse. James has cast out many demons in his lifetime.
was at the home of a Christian teacher who was so crippled up with arthritis
that he could barely walk, and his arms were curled up, his hands also, and he
taught at a Christian college in this condition. He also had many occult books
on his shelves – Carlos Castaneda – a famous occult author. But of course, he
wouldn’t take advise to get rid of the books either.
have one more account of a woman who was bitten by demons, that James
encountered from a church he used to attend. He and a friend were walking
through a Walmart in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and as they were about to leave,
he felt like there was someone there who needed his help. So, he told his
friend about it and went walking through the store, and then saw this Indian
lady from his church. He said something like “Now I know why I wasn’t supposed
to leave the store yet. Do you happen to need my help?” She said “Oh Yes!
You’re the one who can help me!” and told him that she has been being attacked
by demons of different sizes, and the little ones bite her on her face and
forehead, the other ones throw things and cause other problems to bring fear
and confusion in the home, and she also wasn’t getting much sleep because of
it. She had been to a fortune teller who used a crystal ball, but already had
asked forgiveness for that.
man I knew once had a succubus attack him. He could see ‘her’. It began as a
dream. A woman was crying and he followed her to find out why. She turned on
him, with nothing on except a flannel shirt, hovered over him on a couch, and
her eyes turned evil and hateful. He woke up and opened his eyes and she was
really there. He tried to speak but had to struggle to get any words out.
Finally, he said, “The Blood of Jesus!” and she disappeared, right before she
was about to claw his face with her four-inch-long fingernails. He had been
involved in pornography also. A few years later he started watching pornographic movies again and molested and raped a little girl for many years before he was found out, and was sent to prison where he died a painful death.
A guy who worked on the telephone prayer line at Lester Sumrall’s church received quite a few calls by women who were raped or sexually assaulted by demons, and he prayed for them to be delivered from this. A demon attacked his sister in a sexual way many years ago too. She called on the Lord and it disappeared!
Keeping all of this in mind, now here is a doll for children to play with that is called Areala’s Gold Lillith. Lilith is how it’s normally spelled, and is a sexual demon, but for this character it’s spelled Lillith. Yup, just bring that demonic spirit right into your children’s toybox! (NOT!) “Daughter of a demon and an angel, Lillith has the power to be a force for good, but first she must escape from Hell. A special origin issue features the love story between Lillith’s father, an archangel, and her mother, a demon. But Lillith’s potential as a force for good was compromised when she was trapped in Hell by the treacherous Orcus.”
me take this a step further! Below left is a succubus from Anime (closely
resembles the Lillith doll above) and below right is Lady Gaga, an entertainer
who OFTEN uses occult illuminati’s satanic symbols in her concerts, very much
resembling the face and make-up of the sexual demonic succubus on the left. I
censored her crotch because it was barely covered. I didn’t censor the cartoon
because it’s not a real person. All these things work together to seduce and
destroy – a doll, a cartoon, a real person entertainer, the demon spirit that
empowers them, the music, the videos.
Another man who was a ‘Christian’ who started out filled with the Holy Spirit, but who became involved in pornography, insisted that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing because he was not involved with real women. He had pictures of naked women on the wall by his bed. He would lay there and imagine himself having sex with them. He said that the women began stepping out of the pictures, getting in his bed and having sex with him. This is what a succubus sometimes does.
He could feel everything just like it was real, but believed it was not real. Someone warned him that the experience was real and that he was having sex with demons who took the form of the women. The man did not listen to him, though, and soon went insane and was put in a mental institution. He became demon possessed because he opened a door for the demons to come and enter him by looking at the pictures and fantasizing. Matthew 5:28 says “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Even to look and fantasize is sin, just as much as really doing it. It turned out that this man WAS really doing it, through the fantasies!
In another instance of a demon having sexual relations with someone, a woman had a physical sexual experience at night by a strange figure. She could stop the attack by praying in the Name of the Lord. Her father used to have experiences like this and said cats used to scratch him at night. He would wake up with scratch marks on his throat and hands.66
That picture above reminds me of a woman I counseled who said 'something' small would sit on her bed, and she could see the indent on her bed where it sat. Then it would get between her legs and rape her. Her husband thought she was nuts and was trying to get her admitted into a psych ward until he one night saw the indent on the bed as well and then believed her!
only can demons take on human form and rape people or have sex with the
willing, but human beings who have demonic power through involvement in the
occult have been known to leave their bodies in spirit form, or astral project,
and rape others. Here are some examples of that.
teacher was making approaches toward an attractive young woman. She said it
felt like he was having sexual intercourse with her from a distance. She began
having telepathic experiences and prophetic dreams. The intercourse never
happened when she was more than ten miles away from him.67
single woman refused to have sexual relations with a married man. He became
angry and told her he could still get what he wanted. The woman began feeling
herself being sexually molested by him at night, although her house was locked
up. She felt paralyzed and did not know how to stop the attacks.68
young woman whose house was locked up was molested by a young man. She too felt
paralyzed and could not even cry out for help. The next day she met the same
man at her job and recognized him. He addressed her and said “I was with you
last night. My grandmother taught me black magic and love magic. But I’m
terribly burdened by it and want to be freed from it.” He told her he could get
whatever he wanted with black magic.69
who rape women may be able to impregnate them. They did this in the Old
Testament days. A race of giants was produced and Yahuwah wiped them out with
the flood because of the evil of it. If a demon goes in succubus form, or as a
woman, and has sex with a man, it may be able to collect sperm from the man.
Then it changes to incubus form and goes into a woman, deposits the sperm and
gets her pregnant. If this ever happens, she would be carrying a human’s child,
but because of the demonic intrusion the children are believed to be deformed,
retarded or have something very strange about them. Actually, the children
would be demon possessed. The demons can be cast out of a child like this.
woman pledged her life and her unborn child’s life to the devil. When the demon
possessed baby girl was born she began to show early signs of senility. By the
time the child was eight years old she had lost much of her hair and had
wrinkles on her face like a fifty-year-old woman. The mother was also possessed
and during fits was as strong as a bear.70
Dyer was a lady preacher/teacher in the 1600s who is said to have fallen into
doctrinal error and eventually was hanged for it. This was in the days when a
woman dare not preach or teach, and as far as the ‘error’, I don’t know if that
is true or if the mainstream ministers were in error, but hanging is hardly a
solution for someone speaking their own mind. But she had a baby that was
labeled a monster because it was so badly deformed, and their appeared to be
witchcraft involved in her pregnancy. The records say that her midwife was a
psychic and witch, and used to give potions to cause conception in young women.
She was known for giving mandrake oil to cause conception. Mary Dyer had a
badly deformed baby. In those days they called it a monster. Modern writings on
this say her baby was anencephalic (no brain, and skull not closed) and had
spina bifida so bad that there were spikes sticking out from her spine.
unborn child was badly deformed very possibly because of her encounters with
the demonic spirit world through the midwife. Here is a description of the
birth of Mary Dyer’s baby, which was born on October seventeenth, just two
weeks before Halloween, in 1637. This was written by Governor Winthrop.
was a woman child, stillborn, about two months before the just time, having
life a few hours before, it had a face, but no head, and the ears stood upon
the shoulders and were like an ape’s; it had no forehead, but over the eyes
four horns, hard and sharp; two of them were above one inch long, the other two
shorter; the eyes standing out, and the mouth also, the nose hooked upward; all
over the breast and back full of sharp pricks and scales, like a thornback; the
navel and all the belly, with the distinction of the sex, were where the back
should be, and the back and hips before, where the belly should have been,
behind, between the shoulders, it had two mouths, and in each of them a piece
of red flesh sticking out; it had arms and legs as other children; but, instead
of toes, it had on each foot three claws, like a young fowl, with sharp
The governor had the
‘monster’ dug up from the grave, and though it was mostly decomposed, the
horns, claws, scales, etc. were still there. It goes on to say:
it died in the mother’s body, (which was about two hours before the birth,) the
bed whereon the mother lay did shake, and withal there was such a noisome
savor, as most of the women were taken with extreme vomiting and purging, so as
they were forced to depart, and others of them their children were taken with
convulsions, (which they never had before nor after,) and so were sent for
home, so as by these occasions it came to be concealed.”71
authors of The Light and the Glory stated:
should be kept in mind that this is not Rosemary’s Baby or The
Exorcist; the bed shaking, the stench, the convulsions, the vomiting - and
the spawn of evil itself - actually happened; Governor Winthrop is too
mature a witness to suspect him of distortion or exaggeration. If anything, his
presentation would be conservative. And perhaps the Puritans, who somberly
regarded it as a sign of satan’s authorship of Mrs. Dyer’s and Mrs.
Hutchinson’s teachings, were not that far wrong.”72
another case there was a spiritualistic medium who was in a plaster cast from
fracturing her knees and pelvis. She became pregnant and had two miscarriages
while in the plaster cast. That was physically impossible. She admitted to her
doctor that she was a medium and was having ‘psychical intercourse’ with her
husband and became pregnant.73
Blumhardt believed Gottliebin had an experience with an invisible being trying
to carry her away when she was an infant, like the Lilith monster was said to
do. He said on page forty-eight of Blumhardt’s Battle:
knows to tell of circumstances from her childhood which point to the fact that
she was lain in wait for, in order to implicate her in the net of magic. I
regret to touch once more on something which as a rule is counted among the
most incredible superstitions and which I still have cause not to reject
completely. Soon after her birth she was in danger of being carried away
invisibly. Her mother, who died ten years ago, often told her she had the child
by her side in the bed and in her sleep, she suddenly feared for the child,
awakened, did not feel the child and called out, ‘Lord Jesus, my child!’ Then
something fell to the floor at the bedroom door, it was the child. The same
thing happened again in a similar way. The children, who according to legend
are substituted for exchange children, are destined to fall into the hands of
magicians in order to be initiated early in life into the whole realm of magic.
That is if the thing has some reality and according to conclusions to which I
came through much experience. Such superstitious sounding things never had
meaning for me before and did not get any meaning until in this case when I
considered the experiences with Gottliebin.”74
If her story was
true, she was almost stolen twice by an astral projected human spirit, or by
the screech owl or night-spectre (demon) mentioned in Isaiah 34.
have not heard of this happening to anyone whom I have met or read about until
now. I know that demons and astral projected human spirits can come into
people’s homes even when the doors and windows are locked, if the home is not
under Yahuwah’s protection. If they can come in and rape people physically,
then they probably can pick up babies and take them somewhere. This may be
common in places where witchcraft and magic are practiced regularly, but it has
not happened to anyone I know.
does happen frequently, though, is that babies die of sudden infant death
syndrome. Sometimes they find out the causes for this. Many times, they do not.
When healthy babies just suddenly stop breathing and die, I believe the devil
is behind it. He has many ways of getting his sacrifices. Perhaps the demon
they call the night-spectre suffocates some of these babies. I believe many of
them die from vaccination reactions. SIDS is common soon after routine vaccinations.
my son was an infant, I had him sleep in a bassinet next to our bed. One night
I awakened suddenly, sat straight up and had this terrible feeling that
something was wrong with him. I turned on the flashlight and looked at him for
several seconds. He did not appear to be breathing, so I put my hand on his
back. He felt cold and clammy like a dead person, and did not move at all. I am
a nurse and have touched dead people before, and that is just what he felt
like. I pushed on him quickly with my hand and said his name loudly, and he
gasped in air and began breathing.
had an upper respiratory infection and the pediatrician had given me some free
samples of medicine for him. I took the baby back to the doctor the next
morning and he said the medicine can cause central nervous system depression.
He said he would not prescribe that to any more babies because it could have
caused him to stop breathing. The devil was trying to kill my child and an
angel woke me up because we were under Yahuwah’s protection.
devil tried to kill me the when I was an infant also. I stopped breathing when
I had an upper respiratory infection, and my mother found me in time and
revived me.
I used to think that fairies were just fairy tales, and never had a clue that they were sexual demons. Many people today think of them as make-believe cute little human-like creatures with wings, that are suitable for entertaining our children with in children’s cartoons. But I recently learned that there are people who believe in the little fairies; who believe that they really exist in their gardens and in the woods. These people sometimes see them and communicate with them. They are communicating with demons, but they do not know or believe this. They think fairies are real, and they love them! Here are some letters from New Age people on the Internet who believe in fairies. These letters may amuse you! Of course, if you're a hard-core skeptic, this whole book/blog may amuse you!
“Many years ago, a psychic medium from the church I attended asked me if I believed in fairies. I said yes and she said that she knew I did because I had a couple standing by me and they are only drawn to those who believe in them. I thought that was neat. Though I can’t see them myself I was aware of their presence.... Also, I had an extremely vivid initiation dream that involved fairies and elves last November and this after I had not given them much thought for so long.”
“I am fascinated by this subject. In Native American tradition I thank the spirits of the places I am and the spirits of the plants, animals etc. I talk to mice and spiders asking their cooperation and this really works, much better than killing them, which I will not do. I also at times see tiny transparent swimming lights, very small, usually when I am close to nature. If I soft focus my eyes and look at the sky, where it is not too bright, I can see them. Can anyone else? I have run into two others who see them. My eye doctor had never heard of such a thing so it doesn't seem to be a physical eye thing. Sometimes in ceremony you can see little flying lights, spirits. These could be what others refer to as fairies. I would love to hear discussions on communication with them.”
is so neat. I have seen the little floating "specks" of light for
many years now. Especially when I am outside in my garden on sunny days. But
also, would you believe when I am driving in fog!!! at which time they are so
many I can barely concentrate on driving (c: I have not met anyone else who
sees them though. I read somewhere that they are visible to people at times
when they are close to spirit. The first time it happened I thought I was
seeing those little dandelion fluffy seeds glinting in the sunshine, but then I
realized it was early May, so that could not be. Just a point of coincidence,
when I was growing up in England, we always called any of those fluffy airborne
seeds fairies.”
“As an avid gardener I know intuitively that the devas and fairies of the Plant Kingdom work with me...I ask and remain grateful for the surprise vegetables and flowers which appear and for the prolific growth and healthy plants which flourish year after year. I moved to a place nearer the ocean where I sense...this cannot be proven...that fairies prefer not to be because of the wind...I returned to my former home...went to the back orchard and gardens where I asked any of the wonderful beings to jump in my convertible and move to the other house with me. Of course, I explained that I understood if they did not want to leave the comfort of the lush, sunny spot we had shared for so long. Again, can’t explain how I know, just that I know that several accompanied me. It’s been a year since they came...and we're creating gardens together. I think there are devas and fairies specific to various kingdoms...I'm hooked into the plant world...only by the grace of my invisible friends and divine intervention. I also feel the locations in the garden where they are most likely to be and I sometimes plant some of their favorite plants- foxglove, comfrey, fuchsia. (I think) Once again, I don’t have any reason to believe that any of this is true but since I believe it, and it’s my movie, it’s true for me.”
“Hi everyone! Great board! Yes, I have seen the little sparkles, as I call them...they are usually seen around my big favorite tree in the back yard...I also have a wild flower garden back there, which I call my Fairy Circle. I give the plant spirits corn meal as a gift. For giving them this gift, if you go into meditation, they will take you on a journey....and it is great! I might mention here that I saw the sparkles first last spring, during my continuing studies with the Celestine Prophecy. I was in my tree swing, staring up at the tree and leaves.... they are great~! Now, this is called the third insight, which is connecting with and being able to see the energies of all living things.”
“Blessings!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to find this board! I am a friend of fairies and elves and trolls and angels and all spirits of this world. All my life I knew they existed, but it wasn't until I met Twintreess, individually known as Marilyn and Thomas, that I remembered. They are amazing souls who work with spirit and have a troll, Turkll, the troll of my dreams (he made me put that there), as their spirit guide. We remember to be playful and joyous and have fun through them! For anyone interested, we are planning a festival with spirit for August, and it is called the Festival of the Little People, which is celebrating our connection with all spirits. Humans will be joined by angels and fairies and trolls and everything else in the north woods of Minnesota. Please let me know if you want more info! I personally would be interested in any methods of contacting the fairies who are with me. Any ideas? I have read Michael Roads books (he's coming to the festival) and am always so amazed. We have spoken with a fairy circle and other beings who are always so kind and loving and only want to help us. When I was a child I had a being with me, whom I named Myrna, but I have yet to discover what/who she was. Since I can't write all the thoughts in my brain right now, I look forward to sharing with you all!! Thank you thank you!! You all make my heart sing! Fairy kisses.”
“All these comments on the lights are very interesting. I think there are more than one kind. The ones I see at native American ceremonies are different from the little swimming ones. The former you can see flying around and can also hear at times. They are fast, and then there is the mist-like light around the "altar" which looks like plasma. The little swimming lights can be easily missed. They are transparent and blend into the background if you are not really aware. When I see them, they are all over not just in one place. Chi and souls sound very interesting as an explanation. I think of them as some sort of nature spirit, not a particular kind like tree or plant, but energy or fairies they could be. HMMMM.”
“Love this folder!! I have been close to the devic kingdom all my life. When I was in Denmark ten years ago, I was biking through the farmlands when I saw this grassy mound that caught my eye. I pulled over and gazed at the mound, when all of the sudden, the mound melted away and I could see into the faerie realm below. My friend, seeing my amazement, explained to me that THAT was a faerie mound. She told me that the farmers dare not cultivate it in fear of being cursed by the "little people" and ruin their harvest. Ever since that day I have been doing all I could to help honor the Faeries, and let everyone know that they are a huge part of the planet’s soul and ecology. There is a huge "Faerie Movement" here in Northern NJ, and we honor the Faeries every new moon. I have also been creating a Faerie Tarot deck which should be out sometime next year. I would love to exchange with all of you your views on the Devic kingdom, for I see them as very powerful beings...not the diminutive faeries of yesteryear. Thank you for starting this folder, Metafizak, it is a great addition to the New Age message board. Light and Love.”
the last ten years I have been very much into 'spirit'. Trance channeling,
being contacted by energy forms from other star systems, and seeing those
swimming lights. Up to now my girlfriend has been the only other person who has
seen them. It's great to see all this talk about the energy lights. Even though
I have had all the above experiences it is still hard for me to truly believe
in 'things' that I have not experienced so when people asked me “Do you believe
in fairies?” I would reluctantly say "Well it's possible." Well, I
went to Mt. Shasta a few years back and was meditating by a pool of water. I
softly gazed into where the sunlight sparkled on the water by my feet. I did
this for several minutes when all of a sudden, I saw butterflies swimming in
the water. Startled I jumped up and looked again but it was just sunlight
sparkle. I relaxed and quieted my mind. A few minutes later they reappeared 6
or 7 butterfly like beings swimming around. The outlines of these being were
the sunlit sparkles. They swam all around on the surface of the pool. Every
time my left brain got into the act, they disappeared but when I let go and
just watched they would come back again. I did this for about an hour. It was
truly an amazing experience. I told someone about my experience and they called
them Sylphs (spelling?) the water faeries. I have never talked to anyone else
who has also seen them. Enjoy your journey.”
I find the above letters amusing and at the same time saddening. These people are serious about what they said, and that amuses me to think they really believe in these little creatures as they are told about in the fairy tales. It saddens me to know that they are communicating with demons and do not even realize it. But that is the whole problem of the New Age movement. They communicate with and worship demons, all the time believing they are communicating with God, or with godly or good creatures. Please do not entertain yourselves or your children with movies or books that have fairies in them (or elves, trolls, etc.) These are really demons and demons are very real and very dangerous. The media often makes them look cute and harmless. Sometimes they show a part of their true nature by showing them naked, which draws sexual attention to them (see the Disney animated movie Fantasia). But cute or not, dressed or naked, they all are inappropriate.
are called ‘changelings’, ‘shape shifters’ or 'lycans' for lycanthropy. They are people who can change
their appearance into that of wolves through the power of satan. This is called
‘lycanthropy’ and this kind of occurrence is generally thought of as just
superstition. Many things that our families taught us to be just make-believe
or superstition have some very real aspects to them. You do not need to be
afraid of any of the strange things I talk about in this book. You do need to
be aware of them so that if you do ever encounter them or know someone who has,
you have some understanding in how to deal with these things.
people like to dress up as werewolves on Halloween. Most people believe they
are just myth, and do not really exist. This is not true. Witches were known
long ago to have shape shifting power and could change into the appearance of
animals. The Druids were shape shifters also. Some took the shape of wolves.
They can still do this in modern days. A witch with shape shifting abilities,
in his or her normal state, is a literal example of a ‘wolf in sheep’s
clothing’ (Matthew 7:15), although this Scripture is not referring to
werewolves. It is referring to people who look good on the outside but are evil
on the inside.
were many accounts of werewolfism in France and Germany. They were in other
countries also. Witches confessed that whole sabbaths sometimes changed into
wolf packs. In the Soviet Union it was said that thousands of villagers
followed a group going into the country and were transformed into wolves. They
attacked livestock and had orgies and riots for twelve days, beginning on
December twenty-sixth. Then they regained their human appearance and lay on the
ground, ill and motionless, like corpses. There is no record of what happened
after that.
the 1400's a man named Gilles de Rais began as a hero, but ended as a hated
killer of children. He acted much like a werewolf in the way he murdered
children. He fought beside Joan of Arc at Orleans and at Patoy after meeting
her in 1429. He was appointed a Marshal of France when he was twenty-four years
old. He became very rich.
Later he began getting in fights, went bankrupt and stayed in his estates. He spent the last of his money founding a chapel. The last time he made a public appearance was in 1435, when he staged a pageant. This play reenacted the siege and relief of Orleans, and the life of Joan of Arc. Then Rais disappeared.
then on young children began disappearing. A twelve-year-old and a
nine-year-old boy both disappeared after being seen with Rais’ cousin. More
boys turned up missing. Finally, Gilles told the people he was holding the boys
as ransom for his brother who was in prison.
five years he raped, murdered and dismembered children. He murdered hundreds of
children through magic and sorcery. Because he was a homosexual, he preferred
boys, but he also did this to girls. He lured them into his castle. Then he and
his courtiers raped, tortured and murdered them. They had terrible bloody
orgies, and afterwards Gilles went to bed in a trance. Then he returned to the
massacre refreshed. Clearly, he was totally demon possessed, but officials say
he had ‘schizophrenia’.
about him caused the church to investigate and they caught him. At first, he
pleaded innocent. Then he admitted everything, even telling the details of his
murders. He begged God, the church and his victims’ parents to forgive him.
Because he did not recant his confession the court ordered that he could be
strangled to death before they burned him, rather than being burned alive.
he went to be executed, he professed to being a Christian and seemed to have
peace about his execution. It is possible that he repented of his sins and
moved into relationship with Yahuwah right before his death. When we get to
Heaven we will find out if he is really there.
1573, in a French village, a huge wolf-witch killed and partially ate several
children. He caught a ten to twelve-year-old girl in a vineyard, killed her
with his hands (which looked like paws) and with his teeth, stripped her naked,
partially ate her and then took some of her flesh home to his wife for her to
eat. He did the same thing to another unfortunate girl. Then he caught a
ten-year-old boy, ate part of his thigh, legs and stomach, and tore off one of his
The villagers said he
had the face of a local recluse. They captured him before he killed another
child. He was a man this time rather than a wolf. His name was Gilles Garnier.
Officials sentenced Gilles and burned him alive.
1584, there were two werewolves named Pierre Gandillon and his son George who
were caught. They murdered and ate several young people too. Their appearance
changed terribly. They had nails that were tough like claws, dirty matted hair,
red eyes and they moved quickly around on all fours.
“It was in 1598 in the Juan
Mountains, which are located just outside of the Alps, that a small girl and
boy were attacked by a massively-sized wolf while they were walking in the
woods. The wolf got to the girl right away, killing her immediately. But the
boy pulled out a knife and managed to wound the wolf. But this was just before
the wolf swiftly killed him as well.
As goes with many werewolf tales,
a group of hunters managed to see some of the incident, and chased the wolf
down into the woods. When they got to the end of their hunt, they didn’t find
the wolf but instead, Perrenette Gandillon, a woman from St. Claude
and who was well-known for not being of a right mind. Gandillon had
the same sort of wound the wolf had received when the boy cut her, and she was
also covered with blood and gore. One of the hunters, Henry Boguet, said
that he had seen the woman in wolf form as she attacked the children. He
claimed that she had no tail and that instead of front paws, she had human
Perrenette Gandillon didn’t
live for very long after that. After a group of blood-thirsty locals heard of
the killing, they wanted to avenge the death of the children and did so, with
pretty much no interference from the authorities. But the authorities weren’t
quite finished with Perrenette’s family.
Perrenette’s sister, Antoinette
Gandillon, was widely known for practicing witchcraft and there was also
suspicion of her brother, Pierre, and his son, George
Gandillon. Taking the family into custody, Antoinette quickly
admitted to practicing witchcraft. Something entirely different however,
happened to both Pierre and George.
father and son started crawling around on all fours like animals, barking and
howling at each other. Pierre actually became severely disfigured and
was so revolting to look at that people couldn’t even bear to look at him.
While they were in this state, both Pierre and George both
admitted to having been at Sabbats and having worshipped the Devil while they
were in wolf form.
Because there was nothing else to be done with them, and both witchcraft and werewolfism were both offenses of the highest kind, Antoinette, Pierre, and George Gandillon were all sentenced to be burned at the stake. And so they were.” (quoted from
Peter Stumpp 1535 – 1589 also spelled Stube,
Stubbe, Stübbe or Stumpf executed in Cologne in 1589
about 1591, a German man named Peter Stubbe made a confession to being a
werewolf. As a wolf he said he attacked livestock, men, women and children for
twenty-five years in Cologne and Bedburg before they caught him. His attacks
were frequent so people were afraid to travel alone. People found legs and arms
of dead men, women and children in their fields. They could not catch him
though. Then some men saw and surrounded him, had their dogs attack, and found out
it was Stubbe.
believed he changed into the beast by the power of magic. Stubbe began
practicing black magic at the age of twelve and became obsessed with sorcery.
He said the devil gave him a belt that enabled him to do this, after he made a
pact with him so he could receive much power to use to get revenge on his
killed two men who were walking on a road in the woods and raped and killed the
woman who was with them. They found the men’s mangled bodies, but not the woman’s.
It was assumed that he ate her. He looked for victims during the night or day
while walking in the fields. Sometimes he saw young girls milking their cows or
playing together, ran quickly among them, and grabbed one to rape and murder.
Stubbe admitted to killing thirteen children. He tore the babies out of the
wombs of two pregnant women and ate them. His preference was women and female
children. He raped, killed and ate them. When people are possessed with these
shape-shifting demons, they often mix sex with violence.
Stubbe had a daughter and a son. He committed incest with his daughter who had
a child by him, and with his sister. Although he seemed to love his son very
much, one day he took him into the forest where he killed him and ate his
brains. When they caught this man, they tortured him by laying him on a wheel
and pulling his flesh off his bones with a red-hot instrument. They broke his
arms and legs and stripped his head from his body, then burned him to ashes.
His mistress and daughter were burned alive as accessories to murder.
1598 there was a man named Jacques Roulet who lived in the Loire Valley. He was
called the ‘werewolf of Caude’. Jacque killed and ate a fifteen-year-old boy.
Townsmen frightened him off the boy’s body and found him in the woods. He was
half naked, had long matted hair, a beard, and bloody hands with flesh dangling
from them. When they put him in court, he admitted to killing several other
people, including lawyers and bailiffs, and he said they were tough and had no
flavor. They judged him mentally incompetent and he went to a mental
institution for two years.
1520 and 1630, in France, there were about thirty-thousand people who were
accused of being werewolves. I do not know how many of them actually were, but
many were tortured into confessions and burned at the stakes, like the witches
Statue of Marie-Jeanne Vallet and the Beast of Gévaudan
Below left is a picture of the beast after it was killed, stuffed and put on display. The one on the right ‘may’ be the real thing. The photo wasn’t labeled.
Survivors of these attacks described the beast’s sounds as ‘a loud horse-like neighing or laugh-like cry’, and described its appearance as a huge wolf-like beast with a very large head and longer hind legs than its front legs. It was hunted by many men for years, and even when shot and wounded, it didn’t die, and got away. Many priests considered it demonic because of its ability to stay alive when shot. In 1765 it was finally shot and killed, illustrated in the two pictures below.
looked like a huge wolf mix that was six feet long and thirty-two inches high.
Some think the second beast was a hyena trained to kill people (hyenas are able
to bite a head off, where wolves are not, and some of the victims were
decapitated), but hyenas aren’t that big. Others think it was a hermit named
Antoine Chastel, who practiced witchcraft and was thought to be a
shape-shifter, still others think this same man mated his mastiff with a female
wolf to create a monster animal that would slaughter people, and some think it
was that guy as a werewolf.
A reconstruction of the legendary Beast of Gévaudan - Jean Claude Bourret
I think it was a werewolf or shape-shifter that appeared a little different each time, because for one, notice in the pictures above that the artists sometimes had it solid colored, sometimes mottled, and other differences, such as different snouts – a shapeshifter could accomplish being different each time. Also, in 1764, there was a woman who saw this thing when she was with her cattle, and her description was that its size was as a donkey, it had short reddish hair, a long tail, short ears, a pig-like snout, and walked on its hind legs as a man. It was scared off by the cattle confronting it with sharp horns. So, in her description it had a pig snout instead of a wolf shout, and it walked on hind legs like a man. The different appearances and this lady’s description is why I think it was a shape-shifter werewolf type of beast, or at least something created by supernatural power. If it was a werewolf creature though, it should have turned back into the human when killed. So.. I don’t know.
of Jean Grenier from The Usborne Guide to The Supernatural World (1979)
Photo of a hyena
England’s Cornhill Magazine, in 1918, there was a story about Lieutenant
F. in Nigeria, who thought hyenas were killing his livestock. He locked his
last sheep in a hut and it was found dead, still standing up, with the head
missing. There were hyena tracks outside. He used a goat as bait on the next
night and waited for the predator so he could shoot it. A hyena rushed at it
and he shot it, but it escaped. Twenty-five minutes later he heard drums in
another village beating the death call. The next day he followed the trail of
blood to a stream and the hyena tracks were replaced with human barefoot tracks
that led to the village. He found out that a prominent man from the village had
died a violent death that night from a large wound, but no one was allowed to
see the dead man.
A few days later it happened again. He set up a trap and his gun went off at midnight, and then he heard the death beat in the village. He followed the bloody paw prints the next morning into the village and found out that the chief’s mother died mysteriously and suddenly.
A third time he set out bait and the gun trap. His gun went off and about thirty minutes later the drumming began and he heard people mourning. The Lieutenant followed the bloody hyena tracks and they became human footprints. The same thing happened again two nights later. This victim dragged his legs through the grass and left a crimson trail into town. Two men had mysteriously died on those two nights. Hyenas did not come to his place after that.
Captain Shott was in Nigeria several years earlier and had set out a trap for a large hyena that raided his camp. After a few unsuccessful tries, the hyena was finally shot, and they chased it through the woods. Soon they found the animal’s jaw on the ground, laying in blood. The hyena escaped. A villager went to Captain Shott the next day and told him that the galadina, a leader of the village, was killed by Shott. The Captain denied shooting a man, because he shot a hyena, but the villager said the galadina was a hyena-man who searched for victims to satisfy his lust for blood. He and the villagers were grateful that he was dead. He said, “Last night some of us saw the galadina going out of the town after sunset, and one of us asked him where he was going. The galadina said, ‘I am going into the bush’. Now he always used to go into the bush about that time. Two hours later we heard your gun go off, and sometime afterwards we saw the galadina come back. His head was all muffled up, and he walked like a very sick man. When he arrived at his compound, he drove out all his women, and this morning when we went to see him and to find out what was the matter, he was lying dead, and his jaw was shot away.”7
the 1930's Fredrick Kaigh, an English doctor, watched a ceremony in Rhodesia,
while hiding in a tree. Drums were beating in a strange rhythm that sent chills
down his spine. The Nyanga (witch-doctor) was dressed like a jackal, with skins
on him and a jackal head on top of his. He and the circle of people who were
sitting on the ground chanting. They became louder until it came to a
high-pitched scream, and then it suddenly became really quiet. The Nyanga threw
something on the flames and then drank something. There was a jackal cry in the
distance, and the Nyanga jumped on the fire, scattering the coals. He howled
like an animal and danced frantically until he foamed at the mouth, and dropped
into a trance, exhausted. Then a naked man and woman jumped into the circle and
acted like mating jackals. Kaigh wrote, “As the dance progressed their
imitations became more and more animal like. Then, in a twinkling, incredulous
amazement, I saw these two turn into jackals before my eyes.”76
1975, the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal said lycanthropy had
been removed from modern medical textbooks because it was supposed to be
extinct. Then it talked about some recent cases of it. There was a
twenty-year-old patient who insisted he was a werewolf. He used LSD and
strychnine, which are similar to ingredients that shape shifters used. The
psychologists believed it was the drugs that caused him to see fur growing on
his hands and face. He began catching and eating live rabbits. They put him on
a tranquilizer, weaned him from the drugs and gave him therapy for nine months.
During this time, he had satanic visions and heard disembodied voices, said he
was demon possessed and said that he had supernatural power. The psychologists
found a psychological label for his symptoms and called it ‘acute schizophrenic
ortoxic psychosis’. They treated him with an antipsychotic drug that seemed to
help quite a bit and referred him to an outpatient clinic. Two weeks later he
left treatment and they were not able to contact him.
other case was mentioned in the October, 1977, issue of American Journal of
Psychiatry. There was a forty-nine-year-old woman who believed she was a
wolf. She had been married for twenty years, but had erotic daydreams of having
sexual relations with women and animals. When she looked in the mirror, she saw
a wolf face. Once she removed her clothing and crawled on her hands and feet
like an animal, and offered herself sexually to her own mother by assuming the
mating position of a female wolf. Another time, the night after she and her
husband had sex, she went through two hours of ‘grunting, clawing and gnawing
at the bed’. This woman had enough sense to know she was demon possessed, just
like the man in the previous story, but they put her in an institution and on
drugs, treated her for nine weeks and then released her. They found a
psychological label for her condition also, and decided that this is the
psychological profile of a lycanthrope: 1- schizophrenia 2- organic brain
syndrome with psychoses 3- psychotic depressive reaction 4- hysterical neurosis
of the dissociative type 5- manic depressive psychosis 6- psychomotor epilepsy.
It amazes me that they came up with six different psychological diagnoses for someone who is demon possessed and never realized the real problem! This still goes on today. Many people who have spiritual problems are diagnosed with psychological diseases and put on drugs and therapy instead of getting delivered from the demons and repenting of the sins that caused the real problems. Often when demons are cast out, the mental problems cease. I am not against medical professionals, but if the problem is spiritual, get spiritual help. I personally believe that hallucinations, hearing voices, some convulsions, multiple personalities, etc., are usually spiritual problems caused by demons. Some of them are physical problems caused by malfunction or lack of certain chemicals in the brain. Some are demons causing these brain malfunctions, and some are brain malfunctions that demons take advantage of and make the situation worse.
Werewolf transformation scene from "An American Werewolf In London":
Lycanthrope is definitely a demonic manifestation and the person needs deliverance. Many professionals are confused in this. They are deceived because they are not in relationship with Yahuwah through Yahushuwa the Messiah His Son, and they do not understand spiritual things. Jeremiah 3:25 “We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against Yahuwah our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of Yahuwah our God.” If they would turn to Yahuwah and His ways of doing things, He would help them understand and know how to help these people get freed from their abominations. Jeremiah 4:1 “If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith Yahuwah, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.”
Lycanthropy is still a problem in modern times. In 1988 there was an article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that talked about a woman in Haiti who was arrested for turning children into animals and eating them. Werewolves have been seen at some ceremonies of satanists. They are humans who are totally sold out to satan and powerful demons cause them to change into wolf form. This happens whenever satan orders them to, not just during full moons. They often do this when someone is to be disciplined. Werewolves do not just bite people, they tear them to shreds. They are considered ‘undesirables’ by cult members. Crucifixes or silver bullets do not stop them.
At a cult meeting one went after a man. He shot at it, but it did not harm the beast, so the man took off running. The werewolf chased and caught him, and tore him up. If someone actually shot one and killed it, the demon would leave and the person would return to their natural human state. Then the one who shot it would be accused of murder. They probably would not tell the judge that they really shot a werewolf, because who would believe them in this country and this day and age?
woman said she was confronted by a werewolf. She was driving at night down a
deserted road and it stood in front of her car. Her car stopped and she could
not make it go. The beast told her it was going to tear her up, but she
commanded it to go in ‘Jesus’ name and it ran away.
ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them,.... I will give
peace in the land and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I
will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through
your land.”
She was submitted to Yahuwah as best she knew how, so the demon that possessed the man who was the werewolf fled from her and took the man with him.
One young person saw a huge wolf getting ready to attack a girl who was sitting by the road. He shot the wolf with an arrow and it ran off. Later he found out that a respected man in the community had received a severe wound in his side and was dying. The man confessed to being the werewolf and begged for forgiveness.
As evil as these creatures are, they have TOYS for your children to play with, that are werewolves. This is just one of many. PLEASE don't let your children have anything to do with these demonic toys!
guy in Michigan saw one three times in the woods on his property in Montague,
Michigan, near Big Rapids. These woodlands have a history of a tribe of Indians
killing off a large amount of Potawatomi Indians in 1642, and that area being a
Native American burial ground. There is much witchcraft within the Native
American tribes, and their witches are known to be able to shapeshift, so this
property probably has demonic spirits on it that bring these sightings on. We
do not believe in ghosts such as spirits of dead Indians roaming the area. We
believe there are demons that appear or do things to trick people into thinking
they are ghosts, and demons that inhabit animals or manifest as animals, or
that possess some people who practice the occult, and alter their appearance
and work through them.
He mentioned that the woods were ‘dead quiet’ on two of the occasions. Birds were even silent. The creature he saw stood on its hind legs and was about eight feet tall with a huge wolf/dog head and grey fur the first time, black fur the second time. The creature snarled at the guy and leaped 25 feet in two jumps, leaped up into the treetops and disappeared. The first time he heard the treetops snapping as it traveled. The third time he smelled a horrible rotten stench, and apparently this thing was eating a deer that it ripped open, and when it saw the guy, it growled and walked away. It had eaten everything except the deer’s head. The neighbors had heard eerie sounds that they had never heard before, during that time period also. The link below is a recording of dogman howling sounds from several different locations:
was also one seen on Maple Grove Road in Duluth, Minnesota, in a wooded swampy
area. This approximately 7-foot-tall pitch-black thing dashed very fast in
front of a woman’s car. She said the face looked like a wolf/dog, it had orange
eyes, it had longer front legs than back legs. She also said that her sister
and another person saw it a few years earlier, and it had red eyes and was
standing on its hind legs that time. Since she saw this thing, she no longer
feels safe in the dark or the woods or even driving alone at night because it
affected her so severely. Similar creatures like this one, which is being
labeled ‘The Michigan Dogman’ have been seen in Big Rapids, Luther, Baldwin,
and more places. There may be several of them in each area, but if they are
shapeshifters, which are normally people involved in witchcraft, satanism, and black magic who can
do this, then they can take on a different appearance each time if they want
to, which is why each sighting may be a little different.
I have a feeling that in the tribulation, which is almost upon us, there will be many more confrontations with these beasts, and I believe we need to understand that these things are real and very dangerous. I'm giving you a LOT of examples and even video footage to hopefully show you that these things are real. Most think they are myths. If you want more information on them, or want to follow a site that keeps up with them, I recommend this guys youtube channel, (Dogman & Paranormal Research with Jeff Nadolny), because he is seeking the truth about them and is not in it for fame and fortune.
Some of you readers on my page here have had incidents with these creatures or similar ones, and have been too embarrassed to talk about them, or have told about them and been ridiculed or thought crazy. You need some closure, and you also need to be very careful to not make yourself vulnerable if you still live in the area where you had your encounter.
I realize I have a lot of scary pictures on this blog that may upset you, and I owe you an explanation. I want you to become a bit de-sensitized to them (if that’s possible), so that if you encounter one of these creatures you will not be totally freaked out by the appearance and hopefully can think more clearly to do what you need to do to protect yourself.
Here are some videos that will let you know about dogmen - I encourage you to watch them, not to scare you, but to inform you, because I believe they are out there and we need to be prepared for possible encounters with them. They seem to be increasing in these last of the last days. Many hard-core believers like us have property in the woods, in more secluded areas, to get away from the crowds and riots that are soon to come in the tribulation, and to be self-sufficient so they don't have to rely on the government or mark of the beast to buy food.
Being in secluded areas seems like the safer place to be, but that is where these creatures in these videos live as well, and like it's important to know how satan functions in the spiritual realm, it's also important to know about how these animal type creatures function. Every time someone kills one and gets good pictures of it, the government people confiscate the pictures and scare people into keeping silent about the incidents. That makes me really suspicious that they know way more about these things than we do, and cover evidence just like they do for alien incidents that are reported.
I've heard that some who have been approached by bigfoots or dogmen have commanded them to leave in the Lord's name, and they left. Others have shot them with high-powered guns. They don't seem to die unless shot in the head though. Check these videos out and learn about a flesh and blood enemy that many MAY encounter before Yahushuwa returns. Some of these videos have scary pictures throughout the readings, and I suggest you don't have your children looking over your shoulder as you watch them.
This first one is well worth the listen. An angel showed up and killed the dogman to protect this man. This man's testimony is amazing. He's had four dogman encounters. He calls our Heavenly Father 'Yahweh', which even though it's not His name, as His true name is Yahuwah, it is close, and most Messianic believers think that is His name. I don't know if this man is Messianic Torah observant or Jewish or what he is, but he obviously believes in Yahuwah and respects Him enough to attempt to use His real name, and also talks about how these 'creatures' that he describes as pack animals may have come from ancient Biblical creatures (Anubis, Nephilim,, etc.) The angel told him that people call them 'dogmen', but the angels and God call them 'hell hounds'.
Jennelle W.
This is such an amazing story!!! I, myself have had 2 Angel encounters in my life. I have heard of Hell Hounds and have been told that " they come from the pits of HELL!!!" I am a true believer that in our desperate time of need, God sends his Angels to protect, comfort, and save us. I, also feel that this "beautiful man" that Brad tells his listeners about , was his Guardian Angel or an Angel that has a duty to fight Evil entities here in our realm. Thank you Brad for sharing your amazing story.
Kenny Salter
I believe Daniel was/is Brad's guardian Angel. I have always suspected dogman as being hell hounds. Thanks for this encounter. The old Indian could also have been the same angelic being that killed that dogman.
Krystal Borgman
I guess I find refuge here. Nobody in my life has seen any of these creatures. I used to try and warn people, I would want someone to warn me I just think it would be the humane thing to do. Unfortunately people mostly don't relate to what they can't face ,or believe exists. Believe me ignorance is bliss, I used to not know anything but once you see one then I started seeing more and more. Some are nice, others are cautious, but some are mischievous then theres mean and that's bad but then theres evil and it's hard to describe how bad that is except it's too late to cry, or panic. That's when my faith in God has been my only reason that I am still here. Appreciate your comments and your decent attitude. Anyway, thanks for listening to me. Take care.
Krystal Borgman
I also wanted to say thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience with us Brad. Thank you Jeff for for posting this story. It really helps to know that I am not alone with this situation. I have been judged in many ways so I understand how Brad feels about it. I have seen many creatures in my lifetime. I'm not sure why or if I am blessed or some say cursed. Idk. If theres anyone who wants to talk with me about these subjects I would be very grateful for the company. Take care and as always be very aware of your surroundings.
randy beard
Every State in America including Hawaii has Cryptid. According to Victor, every County in every State has from 4-20 Dogman and sometimes that same amount of Werewolves...
Bryan Mac Callum
Brad, that's an amazing set of experiences. You've got a set on you, that's no doubt. Man, I would spend a fortune to see Daniel fight that creature as he did. To have met your guardian angel. Absolutely astounding. Stay safe, dude.
Christina Phillips
An amazing account of God's protection! Thank you for sharing your story! Your description of Daniel is spot on...I've had an encounter myself...
Ann Owens
Cojo H
Thank you for coming forth with this insight into Yahweh's kingdom workings Brad, & thank you Jeff for giving him a platform to set the record straight! (Brad you have much insight for humanity, so please pray about no longer sharing your experiences) I want ppl to know that my life too has been saved several times by an angel, as many have experienced. The Bible is clear that this is one of their assignments. One time a dominating bully had a shot gun at my head, & was going to pull the trigger, (so I prayed for help) was suddenly knocked out, & his eyes went cross eyed & his arms flopped down to his side, all as I was looking at him & begging for mercy. He then was dangled in mid air (while unconscious & his eyes crossed), before he was pivoted around & thrown to the floor face first! It felt like God was saying, "Check THIS out." It was obviously for me to learn to trust that I was being protected supernaturally, because I'd been terrified to try to leave him after many tries. He seemed all powerful to me, but he wasn't more powerful than God! I Absolutely agree with Brad that the Lord has an incredible sense of humor. Just as the tables were turned on that guy who had bullied me & others for years! That gave me the courage to leave him & no longer fear he would be able to kill my family if I left him, as he had threatened to do. There are times when Jesus can be very serious, or very deep or profound, or very gentle. It just all depends on what's needed for the situation. But His humor isn't crude, nor does it demean ppl, like our humor can, unfortunately. One reason He came in the flesh was so He could relate better to us & pray for us with compassion. Those that reject Him just don't know what He is all about. The Bible talks about Him crying for human sorrow, but also laughing,, & even dancing for joy. People were drawn to Him, even the worst of sinners. The way people that follow Him are portrayed sickens me because it's such a sham. Or they're ppl who have anti christ "religious" spirits & cultish. It's vital to know the TRUE Yahweh. Again, thank you Brad, please keep sharing your insights! And thank you Jeff!
intensetornado 3 months ago
I grew up in Paducah and had just graduated high school when this happened. I spent countless days and nights throughout LBL growing up, from the north end to the south end. Our family used to camp there numerous times each summer when I was a kid,, though usually in the larger, more popular campgrounds. I have probably ventured down every sideroad off "The Trace" and beyond at one time or another from the canal down into Tennessee. I have now lived in Florida for 35 years, so my memories of the places I used to frequent there aren't as sharp as they once were. I will say that this fits with some of the things I heard from locals in the area, with one elderly man in Grand Rivers even claiming years later that he was there that evening trying to help sort out what had happened (law enforcement or tracker maybe?) He even claimed that there was a survivor. Most of the local news were saying the family was murdered, and only about a week later did the stories of it being an animal attack really start leaking out. We grew up with the stories of "dogman" encounters. Though my father scoffed at them, I always thought there was something he wasn't telling me because he would quickly change the subject. He always told us kids to never venture out of the campground or into the woods. An uncle, who was a Vietnam vet, used to camp and hunt LBL a lot suddenly wouldn't go near the place. He told me to be very careful and aware of my surroundings at all times there. He said that he was "chased" from the woods by..."something the likes of which he had never seen before". He was visibly shaken as he told me what happened. He said he literally ran back to the truck, stopping only to fire his rifle at the creature when it closed the gap on him. He doesn't think he hit it, but he said it became more cautious and was more like stalking him than chasing after the shot. His description matches yours, but he said it could run very fast whether on two legs or all fours, but seemed to be faster when on all fours. The man did TOD's in Vietnam, so I took the fear in his voice very seriously. Till his last breath he never ventured into LBL again. Take that FWIW, but my own personal experiences at LBL pale in comparison.
Glenn Joseph
Cryptid Studies Institute ...I have a theory ... When they left the Amish, there was ( it seems) sexual abuse of some type going on. Is it possible the Amish whom were abusing the young girl / boy , be apart of a satanic cult and " cast a spell " on this family...and as a result. The odds on just pulling up on these 2 creatures are huge. It's just a theory. Any thoughts ?
Nicky Blackmarket McSporran
Cryptid Studies Institute. I asked John Bell to talk about his thoughts. He's a good man and showed respect to you guys but he said he reached out to you guys twice and you deleted his messages. What is that & who's asking you to make the episode private & promising they'll make things happen for Roger?
Glenn Joseph
Cryptid Studies Institute I don't believe in you split from a Amish place, of abuse...and boom..your attacked. Well my prime suspects would be .....?
LeeAnn Bell Howe
Also, Roger eluded to this, at the end of the interview, when he said maybe there had been Native American rituals that long since conjured such creatures to manifest. But I’m leaning more toward something that originated from the Amish. I think I’d like to hear what Stephen told Roger about the abuses they were getting away from. I think it matters in this account, unless this has happened to other random victims. If so - I retract my idea, although it doesn’t completely rule it out.
LeeAnn Bell Howe
Glenn Joseph Glenn I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Most ppl around here don’t believe in “spells” or “curses”, but now we wouldn’t, would we?? I also wondered if the evil community members they angered were in occult practice and put a curse on them, lest they spill the beans on the criminal activity going on in that Amish village
Mary Orosco
It almost looks hyena-ish, kind of like how some of the original stories of the beast of gevaudan.
Jake Thompson
In the Ozarks they called them devil monkeys
Lisa Jo
Definitely looks feline in the face
Beth Collinsworth
Lisa Jo yes, is what I've always thought too.
Rodney Adams
I stayed at this campground a few times around 1982. I remember the campground as he described it. I had very uneasy feelings there. I’ve had cryptid experiences several times throughout my life. I never saw anything then, but felt that something was in those woods.
This next video is about the same incident:
And here is a video where a man and woman went to LBL, to the massacre's site, and videotaped their 'adventure' as they looked for information on dogman, which will let you see what the area looked like where the incident took place:
Pinned by What Lurks Beneath
Inhumanoids With Barton Nunnelly 2 months ago
For the record, Joe Barger is one of the most mild-mannered, honest and sincere witnesses that I've ever spoken to.
Nymeria 2 months ago
We met Joe at the Dogman Conference. Will never forget having pizza at the cool kids table afterwards. He is an honest man. We heard him tell about his encounter and we believe him 100%. Thank you, Joe. You're a lot braver than I am. :D ~ Melissa
Katnip Bardot 2 months ago
Even though encountering a dog man is my top irrational fear I find the government to be just as terrifying. The fact that they're capable of freezing your bank accounts at will, framing you for a crime, or making your piss test dirty apparently without any civilians noticing along the way in order to silence you is so scary. You can tell that this man is traumatized for life from the entire experience & even still he's very brave for continuing to speak out about it despite all the threats. At least now we know if something awful were to abruptly happen to him we'd all have a very good reason to be suspicious.
Leviticus 26:1-24 King James Version
1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am Yahuwah your God.
2 Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am Yahuwah.
3 If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;
4 Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
5 And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time: and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.
6 And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid EVIL BEASTS out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land.
7 And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword.
8 And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.
9 For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you.
10 And ye shall eat old store, and bring forth the old because of the new.
11 And I set my tabernacle among you: and my soul shall not abhor you.
12 And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.
13 I am Yahuwah your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright.
14 But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;
15 And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
17 And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.
18 And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.
19 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:
20 And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.
21 And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.
22 I will also send WILD BEASTS among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.
23 And if ye will not be reformed by me by these things, but will walk contrary unto me;
24 Then will I also walk contrary unto you, and will punish you yet seven times for your sins.
Ezekiel 5:16-17 King James Version
16 When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:
17 So will I send upon you famine and EVIL BEASTS, and they shall bereave thee: and pestilence and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I Yahuwah have spoken it.
Ezekiel 34:24-26 King James Version
24 And I Yahuwah will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I Yahuwah have spoken it.
25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the EVIL BEASTS to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.
26 And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.
are many ‘versions’ of shapeshifters. The ‘skin-walker’, from Navajo Indian
witchcraft, I had never heard of, so I looked it up, and on this
is what I found:
Navajo culture, a skin-walker is a type of harmful witch who has the ability to
turn into, possess, or disguise himself as an animal, usually for the purpose
of harming people. Most skin-walker magic is done with the intent to commit
They are believed to be able to
absorb themselves into your body if you lock eyes with them, or absorb your
fear to gain power. One person telling their story said they could not stop
staring at its eyes once they made contact.
they and other Native American shapeshifters use are jaguar, puma, coyote,
wolf, donkey, bird, dog, bat, turkey or owl (but it can be any animal type they
choose) and it depends on their Indian tribe, their tribal customs and other
factors. The Navajos use mainly the coyote, owl, fox, wolf or crow. One
Indian’s comment said they NEVER use the eagle, because they are there to
protect them. Navajos are not the only tribe that has shapeshifters. They just
are called by different names in other tribes. It’s all the same though – demon
Navajo people normally refuse to discuss this with ‘outsiders’. One said
“…these things are not things that need or should be discussed by outsiders. At
all. I’m sorry if that seems ‘unfair,’ but that’s how our cultures survive.”
(that is also from I find it sad that this is a part of anyone’s
‘culture’ and is protected information, since it is simply demon possession and
these people remain bound by it. This part of any culture should NOT survive!
best thing would be for all Native Americans to get born-again and start living
Yahuwah’s way, but unfortunately, this isn’t going to happen. There has always
been evil in the world and always will be until Yahushuwa returns to rid the
world of evil. No, I am not saying that all Native American people are evil or
possessed. I’m saying that in every tribe there are evil customs and rituals
that cause demon possession, and they are probably all affected by it, even
when they get born-again, because they usually refuse to ‘let go’ of the parts
of their customs and culture that is evil.
in the meantime, we must be strong in the Lord, pray often, obey His
commandments, and as we are submitted to Yahuwah, we can resist the evil one
and he will flee from us. If we have the opportunity to witness to a Native
American we need to teach them, if they are open, how to rid their lives of
demonic influences.
one article it said that a skin-walker is a witch in the highest level of
tribal priesthood, which comes with much supernatural power, but he has chosen
to use that power for evil instead of good, by taking the form of an animal or
another person and causing pain or suffering to others. It said that in order
to become a skin-walker one had to kill a close family member.
are some stories from people who claim to have had encounters with
skin-walkers. Remember, they really are the same thing as any other
shapeshifter – demonic – and true believers have authority over demons.
full-blooded Navajo grandmother, who always kept her curtains shut and often
peeked outside to see if Yenaldlooshi (the skin-walker) was watching her, was
outside with her baby grandson saw a huge great-dane sized dog, but it was
black with very deep yellow eyes, and was staring at her very intensely as she
clutched the baby by the side of the house saying “get away from that creature!
It’s not safe!” The rest of the family ran outside and saw this ‘dog’, it
looked at them, made a little ‘huff’ sound and ran off. The grandmother said
that the skin-walker had found her and she moved soon after that.
A man saw an old Navajo woman walking down the road and he slowed down to offer her a ride she took off with supernatural speed into the plains.
Native-American/Mexican man was driving in the Mojave Desert in California with
his girlfriend and there was a huge black dog-like animal that crossed the road
in front of him, walking like a rocking horse instead of a dog. It stopped in
the middle of the road and stared at them with glowing red eyes.
a farm on an Indian reservation a guy heard the cows freaking out, so he went
out with a shotgun and in the field, he saw two dogs, standing up facing each
other, fighting. When he cocked the gun to shoot, they heard it and looked at
him, and ran away on two legs like humans.
full-blooded Navajo man who lived in New Mexico saw a tall man painted white
with glowing eyes, wearing a buck hide with the head attached, a red cloth
around his neck that hung down, and the thing ran about fifty yards in about
three seconds. His dogs chased him into the woods but one of them never
guy in Phoenix, Arizona, who is part Navajo, was home alone one night and got a
feeling like he was being watched. He heard a thump sound downstairs, looked
out the sliding glass door and saw a huge wolf wearing a Navajo costume, and it
had its bloody hand on the door. He said this thing spoke to him saying “You
are afraid” in a low evil voice/growl. He ran to his room and locked
everything, but still felt like he was being watched. He called the police the
next day and they said the hand-print had no finger print. He said he burned
sage for a week and it didn’t return. Supposedly they hate the smell of sage.
about 1983 a family was traveling from Wyoming, south on Route 163, which went
through the Navajo Indian Reservation and through Kayenta, a town they were
warned about as dangerous, to Flagstaff, where they lived. It was around 10 pm
and very dark (no moon). They were alone on the road, but then noticed
headlights behind them which lasted for a few miles and then disappeared. Apparently,
there were no exits nearby or this wouldn’t have seemed strange to them.
the dad, who was driving, slowed to about 55 mph to round a sharp curve and
they suddenly noticed something leap out of the deep ditch they were by, almost
stopped at this point to avoid sliding into the ditch, and this ‘thing’ they
saw was black and hairy and didn’t look human. But it wore human’s clothing - a
white and blue checked shirt and long jeans. It stood there looking into the
pickup truck until it was past it. They were all terrified.
Then a few nights later they heard drumming outside, and looked in the backyard seeing nothing but their fence and the forest behind it. The drumming got louder and then they saw three or four men behind the fence who were trying to climb it but not able to. The men started chanting. This family later talked to a Navajo friend who said this was a skin-walker who normally won’t bother those who aren’t Native American. The lady took her Navajo friend to the fence and the woman said that three or four skin-walkers had been there and wanted that family because that family has a lot of power, but something was protecting the family and they couldn’t get to them.
They blessed the house, the property, the vehicles and the family and didn’t have any more episodes with these things. This is one reason why it’s so important to be in right relationship with Yahuwah and also have the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 King James Version “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” James 4:7 King James Version “Submit yourselves therefore to Yahuwah. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Some kids who were staying at their
grandma’s out in the country in Michigan, decided to walk in the woods after
dark, just for a short distance, but when they turned around to head back, they
saw a large dog-like creature hunched over with its hands just above the
ground, and the hands and feet were human-like, so was the head, and the body
was like a dog. It looked at them with bright white eyes and then darted away.
The next morning the grandma’s two dogs were dead and torn up. That night they
woke up and saw a hideous looking face pressed to the window staring at one of
them. The grandma called the police but they didn’t find anything.
In 2004 in New Mexico, a lady saw a figure scoot behind a tree between the apartments, like it was hiding, which looked like a huge wolf except it walked on its hind legs. It reminded her of the beast in “Beauty and the Beast” except it didn’t look cartoonish.
A guy was camping for a few days and
noticed a coyote nearby during that time. As he was leaving in his truck, he
saw the coyote following him, then running next to him so he sped up to 35 mph
and it was running along-side of him, running on two legs and wearing buckskin
pants. Then he looked again and it was a person wearing a coyote fur and
keeping up with his truck. He looked one more time and it was gone.
We had a little experience of our
own a few years ago in Oklahoma, and I will not claim that it was a
skin-walker, but it might have been. We live in Indian territory and were
headed home one night on a 2-lane highway in the countryside, and when going
around a long curve with a creek on both sides, we saw this ‘man’ walking from
someone’s driveway into the road. He was hunched over a bit and both arms were
in front of him, hanging down, and he was walking quickly into the road with a zombie type of gait. If I had slowed down, he would have walked right into the side of our
car, because he headed for us, but I passed him before he got to us. I called
the police and told them about him, and said he walked like a zombie walks and
may have been someone strung out on drugs or drunk, but that I thought they
should know about this in case someone hits him. There was a car about a block
behind us and I don’t know if they saw him or not. The police probably thought
I was on something – they repeated something like “You say you saw a zombie?” I
said I saw a man who ‘walked’ like a zombie! I’ll probably never know what that
was about, but every time I go around that curve and creek, I get an eerie
feeling now. The picture below reminds me of him, except I couldn’t see his
Now we have a couple of college gals
on a three-day visit at the one’s grandma’s place, so she could learn a little
about Navajo tradition. This was in Tuba City, Arizona, in a rural area. The
grandma said a stray dog came and was hanging around and wouldn’t leave. It was
a black shaggy one that looked like a lab/Shepard mix.
Twice they caught the
dog looking in a window, standing on a box outside the first time, and ran it
off both times. The paws looked like deformed hands with overgrown thick, sharp
they heard someone trying to open the door, and when they looked outside, they
saw the dog standing on its hind legs with both paws on the door, trying to
open it. They chased it off. Next, they heard it walking on the roof, then it jumped
off and was running around the house barking with a human sounding ‘ruff ruff’.
The grandma called a Medicine Man and he did an Indian ritual (with cedar
smoke, and eagle feather, eating bitter herbs) and gave the visitor an
arrowhead for protection and a little pouch called ‘corn-polen’ – all occult
things which in the long run will bring on more demons – but these people don’t
know better. He said the thing was a skin-walker. Supposedly he pulled a 2-inch-long
piece of human skull out of the grandma’s shoulder that the skin-walker shot
into her like a spit-wad type of thing, to harm her.
A guy who is ¼ Cherokee, when he was
about 10 years old was in his grandparents’ living room and saw this thing
looking in the big panel window. It was very thin with piercing yellow eyes and
cat slit pupils, grayish skin, dark lips with yellow teeth and fangs, grinning,
had curved fingers with long sharp nails, and its head was covered with a hood.
It put its finger to its lips to ‘shush’ the boy, and he ran as fast as he
could to his family. They ran outside but didn’t find any trace of it, and now
the guy is 34 years old and still sometimes wakes up from seeing that face. He
doesn’t feel safe in dark places and feels like he’s being watched when he is
outside at night.
About now, I’m thinking about the
song “Over the rivers and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go” and
then the story “Little Red Riding Hood”, and the concept of going to visit
grandma, especially if she is Indian or lives near the woods, doesn’t sound
like a ‘good idea’!
gal riding in the car with her dad late at night, very dark out, going through
a wooded area, heard an extremely loud inhuman scream, the dad slammed on the
breaks, and they saw a 6-foot-tall coyote walking on its hind legs, and it
walked in front of the car and across the road. Then they heard the scream
again, even louder.
guy on a bus, coming back from a game with his teammates, back on the
reservation, noticed the bus driver was traveling 85 mph, which was unusual for
him, as he never exceeded the speed limit. The passenger then saw a human
looking figure with a half black and half white face and glowing eyes running
towards the bus and keeping up with the 85-mph speed as well. When it got up to
the edge of the road it ran alongside the bus, staring at that one passenger,
and he could not look away once they made eye contact. The thing smiled at him
with a creepy smile. It had crooked, yellow pointed teeth. Then it went down on
all fours but still kept up with the bus.
The guy saw hair
appear on its body as it turned into a coyote and ran off into the desert.
moving right along, since updating and editing this book for 2017, and now 2022, I not only
found out about the Navajo skin-walkers (which are really just another name for
shapeshifters), but I found the ‘Little People’. I’ll be glad when this book is
finished, because I really don’t think I want to learn about any more new
things like this! We live on a mountain in the woods on Indian territory, and I
don’t want to have this kind of stuff on my mind. Believers have power and
authority over these things, but I don’t want to dwell on them. It’s time to
put on the praise and worship music and get into Yahuwah’s presence.
we go… alrighty then…. are you ready for this? Take a deep breath. The picture below
is in the public domain. It is historian Bob David holding ‘Pedro’ in a
pre-1950 photo. Pedro is the mummified body of one of the ‘Little People’,
found inside a cave in the San Pedro Mountains, about 65 miles southwest of
Casper, Wyoming, in 1932, according to one recollection (there are conflicting
stories about the date).
sitting height is less than 7 inches and total height 14 inches, has pointed
front teeth, a smashed skull with congealed blood and exposed brain tissue.
I’ll tell the story of them shortly. You can decide for yourself whether to
believe it or not, as in all my other stories in this book, I’m just presenting
the stories and unless I or my husband was involved in them, I cannot guarantee
their truthfulness. But I include them because I tend to believe they, or at
least a good handful of them, are true. I don’t know if these little ones are
demons manifested in physical bodies or what they are or were, but many of them are or were evil.
mini-mummies have supposedly been found in other parts of the United States as
well as Pedro. One was found in the 1920’s in Mammoth Cave on a ledge. It was a
red-haired three foot tall one that was put on exhibit a lot. And in 1922 a
sheep-herder found skulls and whole mummies in the Beartooth Mountains in
Montana, but their location now is not known. Then two guys found a dead pygmy
in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming, but they both died shortly after this.
Supposedly others also died from severe illness after seeing this one. There
was also a head of a pygmy found in Wyoming that is said to be in the
University of Wyoming. There were others as well. A missionary named David Zeisberger
said in 1778 that he thought there were little people in North America near
Cochocton, Ohio, because there was a burial ground there that he believed
contained remains of a pygmy race that were about three feet tall.
Next is a picture of an x-ray they took of this ‘little man’ they call Pedro. It is an adult’s x-ray, taken in 1950, not that of an infant. At least three different radiologists have said that the x-ray is consistent with someone between 60 and 65 years old. And it has a full set of large sharp teeth. I thought this is pretty creepy but then, on top of that, I found out that these ‘little people’ have existed all over the world, and some still may. Here are some more examples and videos talking about them.
are many different versions of ‘little people’. The stories about them vary
greatly. Some are timid, some friendly, some downright evil. I’m just going to
give information on the ones I read about today. It’d take me forever to learn
about each one, and they are basically all the same except with different
personalities and outcomes. I’m not saying this stuff is definitely true, but I
do believe a lot of it is true. If that mummy is for real, it’s an indication
that these are not just a product of people’s imaginations. This information
amazed me.
The Little People (sometimes called ‘spirit dwarves’, ‘tiny people eaters’ ‘stick Indians’) are described as ferocious dwarves (knee-high), but also supposedly caused Crow chief, Plenty Coups (see picture below, taken in 1908), to have dreams that shaped the destiny and survival of the Crow people. That’s not necessarily good, since all of the Indian tribes have been treated badly by the American government who stole land and murdered thousands of Native Americans, and now treats them pretty poorly as well even though they are allowed ‘reservations’ to live on.
were known to live in the Pryor Mountains in Carbon County, Montana, in Bighorn
County, Montana, in South Dakota, Oregon, Wyoming, and I’m sure in many other
places. The Crow Indians described those in the Pryor Mountains as having large
round bellies, short arms and legs that were VERY strong, barely having necks,
and many sharp canine teeth. One supposedly killed a large adult bull (elk),
tossed the head over his shoulder and carried it away. Legends say that they
tore the hearts out of the horses of their enemies, stole children as well as
food, medicine and tobacco.
The Crow Indians brought offerings to them (some still do) to try and be on their good side (although they didn’t have much of a ‘good’ side), and it was the only way to be able to pass through their land without getting slaughtered. Sometimes, but rarely, a Crow Indian would go to a place where the Little People might show up, and fast, and one of the little warriors would show up and teach the Indian insights. The Crows also had a ‘sun dance’ in which the Little People would impart insight or visions to a dancer if they decided he was sincere enough. Sun worship is done throughout the world in different forms. The Catholic church is involved in sun worship.
It is, of course, a cult form of worship, and the ‘insight’ and ‘visions’ are demonic – these
Indian dances call forth demons.
day Crow Indians still claim to see the Little People at times, such as when
hunting in the Pryor Mountains, or when broken down on the road. Some have said
these dwarfs have healed some sick people (demons do sometimes perform healings
to trick people into thinking they are ‘good guys’). White people sometimes
claim to see them as well – hunters, ranch hands, a bar owner.
take on this is that if demons took human women to be their wives and produced
a race of giants, as the Bible teaches, and is the reason why Yahuwah flooded
the earth and basically started over, because ‘evil’ was so prevalent in the
world, then demons may have also started a race of dwarfs. Since there have
been so many sightings reported, and mummified Little People found more than
once, I see no reason to think these are all just fairy tales and lies.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
(Lewis and Clark Expedition) spent some time with the Sioux Indians in South
Dakota in 1804, and they traveled with ten other men to see the mountain of the
Little People. Lewis kept a journal and he described them as devils with very
large heads, about eighteen inches tall, and very alert to any intrusions into
their territory. Lewis said that the Omaha, Otoe and Sioux Indians wouldn’t go
near them because they terrified them. They’d kill anyone who came near with
tiny arrows with poison on them that shot really far.
Around 250 years ago there was supposedly a band of 350 Sioux Indian warriors who approached the place where Little People lived (Spirit Mound) and most of them were slaughtered. Those who lived were crippled for life.

(from the Nashville Whig, 1820)
TEHRAN, Aug. 04, 2022 (MNA) – “Makhunik is a unique village in a remote corner in Iran’s South Khorasan Province which dates back to hundreds of years ago. This mysterious village commonly known as the land of Lilliputians, is one of the seven amazing world's villages by its remarkable architecture.” (By: Zahra Mirzafarjouyan)
Makhunik, Iran’s ancient village of dwarves. “Of the roughly 200 houses in Makhunik, 70 or 80 stand only 1.5 to 2m tall (from
“Over 800 ancient graves have been excavated during the first excavation phases. Every grave has contained the evidence of little people, including the mummified remains of a dwarf.” (from
Comments from viewers on this topic:
"I've heard stories from local natives in the mountains of Arizona and New Mexico, they call forest Guardians, little people that can change their appearances to look like a log or a piece of wood and move quickly."
"I wonder if it's going to be related to the tiny houses in Sardinia that Newearth has shown. There's also the Kullar Caves that are like tiny dolmens (Praveen Mohan has a video about them). Also, will the Ata skeleton get a mention?"
"Another very interesting report. There are a number of people in north America and in Australia who feel that very small statured beings are witnessed working or existing cooperatively with beings of giant proportions. Often the small being are reported as having a covering of white hair. In Australia they are called Junjudee or variations of the name, by the indigenous people. It is strange to think that there could be some type of small statured people still in existence, the troglodyte attribute may help explain the pale hair colour witnessed by some people. There was a report provided recently by a man who was confronted by a huge hair covered being at the entrance to a cave. The person giving the report had intended exploring the cave. At a distance of about 40 yards, the being at the cave entrance appeared to put a message in his head, as though knowing his intentions which paraphrased was "you cannot come in here because they would not like it". The cave explorer abruptly turned and left the area, without asking who "they" were. But one could speculate l suppose. At first l thought he may have been referring to the large hairy beings’ parents, or elders, then l surmised troglodyte aliens........ but it could easily have been tiny people."
“The Junjudee is
a type of Bigfoot from Australia. They are hairy humanoid creatures
that are 2-3 feet tall, have black fur and are said to have large white fangs
and red eyes. They live in groups where they live in caves or natural hollows
of boulders. They are generally thought of as harmless, though they can
be aggressive. Junjudees eat shellfish and honey and have sort of a
chirping language.”
“A more recent sighting occurred in the 18th century. 10-14 year-old students said they
saw 8 Junjudees on their school. They took few steps toward the children, then
retreated into a small hole in the ground and disappeared.”
“Another sighting also occurred in 1979 where some children were
attacked near a mine shaft by 3ft tall, black, hairy creatures. A car window
had even been smashed by one of them.”
“There is an aboriginal tribe (name will give away location) in the Northern Territory which have a camp near a Junjudee dwelling they believe these humanoid nocturnal creatures protect them from other evil spirits that mean them harm such as the bush Curlews which if not for the Junjudee would steal their babies. The tribe moved near the Junjudee's dwelling after losing a lot of babies and have not lost one since. For this reason, the location is kept secret and protected.”
“Junjudee means devil devil, in Aboriginal lingo words are
repeated to emphasize size. I asked an elder why in this case when it is a
small creature. He told me that it is because it is the devil all other devils
fear. It is biggest in fear not size. In my stay at the camp, we fed the
Junjubee Fish one night and I was not allowed to use a torch or take a camera
but I did see two animals taking the fish which are like nothing I've ever seen
before, they moved very fast but In short bursts and had an unusual smoothness
to their speed which is very hard to explain. Some young aboriginals spotted
one jump into a moving ute and take some Barra, this was caught on video and in
the audio, you hear them call it by name as they had seen one before. This can
be found on YouTube.” (quotes from
Devil devil (description below)
TheRusty222 Hominoids
"We had a report here in Australia of a Yowie crossing a six-lane highway, the witnesses mentioned how the creature seemed to "glide" as it made its way across the highway. I mentioned that I also had seen this gliding motion. The above video was shown to me. It shows an apparent Junjudee (small Yowie) approaching the back of a utility to access the fish that were caught. The way it gets into the back of the utility is anything but normal. It seems to glide above the ground to intercept the moving vehicle??? This might ruffle some feathers so don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger."
Creature" (unlisted)
"This was the first clear photographic sequence I collected of an unknown creature peeking at my gear from behind a tree . The audio was collected just metre's away from here at night time."
youtube video – don’t know the original source
youtube video – don’t know the original source
More comments after the videos:
Huntress88 4/18/2018
I’m a bit hesitant to put this on
here but in the spirit of the wiki and because people reading this should be
open minded about the possibility of such creatures, and hopefully I can’t be
identified by people who might use it against me in terms of jobs etc, I’ve
never told anybody about this besides a few close friends but I believe I have
seen both Junjudees and their big cousins the yowies, for the record I will
describe my encounter with the Junjudee briefly here.”
“In May of 2015 I was camping for
a couple of days at a place called trephina creek about 100 kms east of Alice
springs (Northern Territory), when I got up to answer the call of nature as it
were, early in the morning probably about 5 or 5:30 in the morning, when I
heard something moving around in the bushes near where the creekbed comes out
from kind of a little gorge in the hills, I didn’t think much of it at the time
as there are many kangaroos and other creatures here, but after I’d done my
business so to speak, I still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, I
proceeded to get the fire going and started getting the breakfast things out
when I saw in the dawn light this small (about 1 meter) human like thing, I
thought maybe a child had got lost from somewhere but I realized there weren’t
any other campsites anywhere close, so I put the flashlight on it and saw that
it was covered in thick blackish hair, it had reddish eyes and long arms, it
stood about 1 meter tall and seemed to be almost as wide across the shoulders
it’s face was something like a mixture of human and ape but with large teeth,
almost fang like , it was standing upright, it smelled like a badly kept public
toilet and when it saw me it seemed to mutter something, almost words but not
quite, then it emitted a sort of whistling scream and ran upright towards the
cliff, it climbed it much faster than I believe any human could and disappeared
into a cave behind some brush, I wish I’d thought to get the camera and
photograph this thing but it all happened so fast, maybe in 5-10 minutes, I did
see some strange tracks in the sand and took some pictures of these but not
much showed on the picture apart from some indistinguishable marks in the sand.
Anyway, I’m not saying it was definitely a Junjudee but it was something odd
anyway, I believe it might have been one though. I will post my sighting of
what I believe is a yowie in the appropriate section sometime“
“Well the head was very like a gorilla
but the face was like that of a human only with skin more like that of a
chimpanzee, mouth was equipped with prominent canines and the jaw was very
large the eyes were rather deep set and the forehead sloped, it had a large
brow ridge, and the cheeks appeared somewhat puffy (like an orangutan’s only
slightly smaller) (my apologies for the slow response, things have been very
busy for me the last few months)” (from
A Fandom user·10/6/2014
“I personally have never heard of
the Junjudee, but I have to say in my years of travelling as a sales rep in
Queensland and NSW, I have seen some unusual sighting over a sixteen year
period. In NSW on the Oxley Highway I stoped at the Oxley Look, which is
beautiful, as I was standing on a viewing platform, I heard a loud noise, like
a deep scream and as I turned I saw this figure about 1 meter tall staring at
me, and it seemed to be breathing very heavy, like it was getting ready to
attack me. I don't frighten easy and most times I confronts things I don't
fully understand. I began to breath heavy myself and started to walk towards
it, it began to hit the ground quite hard and turned away from me and ran of
into the brushes and disappeared. I felt a fear running in my veins and ran to
my car and left, I never told anyone about my experience, besides who would
believe me?” (from
Robbin 2 years ago
In the Islands of Hawaii there are stories about the Menehunes
small beings living hidden away.
(Menehune Fishpond photo by Collin Grady)
Small Encounter with the Wee Folk – “Some
of my friends and I were at the beach relaxing like at 11:00 and it was really
dark and the trees and bushes behind us were shaking a bit then stopped for
about 30 sec. Then later it shook even louder and there was no wind. We ran as
fast as we could in the car. When we started the car we saw little wild people
running really fast across the road about 30-ft in front of us. We got the heck
out of there and sped down the road. Is there such thing as Menahunes?” –Arnold
S. (from
Menehunes Snuff Out the Hippies’ Lights
“I just read your Menehune story. In college I took a Hawaiian Lit. Class. The professor
was also half Hawaiian herself and had many personal stories to tell. She told
us of one back during the Vietnam or Korean War. Two draft dodgers or hippies
had gone to her hometown, mostly sleeping on the beach, etc. They had heard
stories of these little people and decided they wanted to search them out. The
townspeople were reluctant to support their search but were also curious. The
two at about dusk started to trek out into a small dense jungle/forest that was
in a valley that was rumored to be home to the Menehune. The townspeople were
able to watch the light of their flashlights progress through the trees since
the town was high up on the hill/mountain.”
“The professor continued to tell us that as they got deeper, more
lights started to appear around them, seemingly to circle them. The circle
started to enclose around the travelers, but before the other lights actually
got to them, the two lone lights went dark and the others sputtered out. She
also said that the two hippies were never found or seen after that.” –Beth
Garofalo (from
If you want more information, I got it from this website:
Back to the comment on the Little People in general:
Same, in NZ
Susanne 2 years ago
Same in the Nordic countries
Dawn 2 years ago
Yes most indigenous cultures have stories of the little people! Here in Eastern Canada, the Mi’kmaq do as well!
Edward 2 years ago
Same in South africa.
Amie 2 years ago
Native Americans tell stories of Little people in the mountains of central Montana
Teresina 2 years ago
My Grandfather and Great Uncles spent their childhoods in the Philippines and they used to tell us (my cousins, brother, and sister) stories about 'The Little People', who were about 2 ft tall and lived in a tribe high up in the Philippine Mountains. I don't remember how their stories went, just that 'The Little People' were something to be feared because they would eat you if they caught you.
Below is some artwork representing the Little People. Little People from “Stories Iroquois Tell Their Children” by Mabel Powers, 1917.
Bigfoot (or Sasquatch, or Yeti) is
another ‘creature’ that walks the earth, and whether it’s a shapeshifter
(lycanthropy), an actual ‘creature’, or a demon that ‘appears’ as a physical being,
is not known. But again, I believe it exists in one form or another. Most
reported sightings do not include any direct confrontations with this thing,
but rather it trying to get away and hide from people. I’m not going to write a
lot about it, because just about everyone in America knows about it, but here
are some public domain pictures either of it, or representative of it (meaning
they might be real or fake, but look like the creatures that people describe.)
people have believed in the past that lycanthropy is caused by infected grain.
This is not true, of course, because it’s caused by demon possession, but there
is some truth in this fungus information as well, so I decided to include it.
There is a fungus called ‘ergot’ that is similar to LSD, and can be in bread
made from rye infected with it. In 1951, close to one-hundred-thirty-five
people were hospitalized and six of them died from eating infected bread. These
people had visions of tigers and snakes attacking them, and of themselves
turning into beasts. Hallucinogenic drugs can open our spirits to demonic
attack as well as affect our minds. Some of the manifestations may have been
from the ergot, but I believe that demon possession is the main cause of
people do not believe that these beasts can really exist. They laugh about
werewolves and think nothing of them. ‘After all, one thing cannot be changed
into another, or a person into a beast’. This is not true. Moses did not laugh
when Yahuwah turned his rod into a serpent.
Yahuwah said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he
said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent;
and Moses fled from before it. And Yahuwah said unto Moses, Put forth thine
hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it
became a rod in his hand:”
Look in Exodus 7:8-12. Yahuwah told Moses to tell Aaron to cast his rod before Pharaoh, and it would become a serpent. He did, and the rod changed into a serpent through the power of Yahuwah. Then the witches and sorcerers, or magicians, changed their rods into serpents by the power of the devil. Aaron’s rod swallowed up theirs. Luke 11:22 “But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.” In this case the stronger one devoured the weaker one.
Annotated Reference Bible says that Yahuwah turned Moses rod into a ‘tannin’
(Hebrew), which means ‘marine and land monster (or dragon), not a ‘nachash’ or
serpent. The devil turned the sorcerers’ rods into crocodiles. Yahuwah’s power
overcame the devil’s power, thou. His dragon swallowed up their crocodiles, so
you can see there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as you have the power of
Yahuwah operating in your life. You can have this power simply by being
born-again and in right relationship with Him. The point I want to make is that
inanimate objects can be made to look and act like animals by the power
of Yahuwah and by the power of the devil. They turned back into rods
afterwards: Exodus 4:4 “And Yahuwah said unto Moses, Put forth
thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it,
and it became a rod in his hand.” The Egyptians were not impressed with Moses’
acts of Yahuwah because they were used to their magicians doing the same things
with their magic.
In Exodus 7:19-22 Yahuwah told Moses to stretch his rod over the waters of Egypt and they would turn into blood (see painting below done by James Tissot). He did, and through the power of Yahuwah all the streams, rivers, ponds and pools became blood. Even water in pots became blood. The fish died and the river stank. The magicians could do the same thing with the devil’s power.
In Exodus 8:16-19 Yahuwah had Moses smite the dust with his rod and it became lice. The magicians tried to do the same but were not able to. It is interesting that they could not make living creatures out of the dust. Yahuwah created the first man, Adam, out of the dust of the earth. I wonder if that has something to do with the magicians not being able to make living creatures out of dust.
in Exodus 9:8-11 Yahuwah told Moses and Aaron to take handfuls of ashes
and sprinkle them toward heaven and boils would break forth upon man and beast
in Egypt. That happened also. The magicians were infected with the boils too,
and could not stand before Moses. It is interesting that though they could do
many things that Moses could do, they had limitations. The power of Yahuwah
that Moses had was definitely greater than the power they had through the
devil. Yahuwah told Moses to do these things to demonstrate His power, and gave
him a rod that He demonstrated it through. The sorcerers did it to show what
power they had and to mock Yahuwah. They use power for their own
lusts, not to glorify Yahuwah.
at the sorcerers’ destiny if they do not stop sinning and begin to serve
Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against
the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and
against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the
fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me,
saith Yahuwah of hosts. For I am Yahuwah, I change not; therefore ye sons of
Jacob are not consumed. Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away
from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will
return unto you, saith Yahuwah of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?”
Scripture that may be referring to werewolves or similar creatures is:
Ezekiel 8:9-10 “And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here. So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed upon the wall round about.”
were pictures of the beasts they worshiped in Egypt. They were not necessarily
pictures they made up in their imaginations. They often drew pictures based on
things they had actually seen. Different heathen gods or demons were seen in
the shape of wolves, as well as other animals and other combinations of
animals. Some of them were the priest of Zeus, Hecate (who also appeared as a
cat), Leto who was the mother of Apollo, and Artemis. Egyptian hieroglyphics
often have part man, part beast, including men with jackal or wolf heads. (As I
said earlier, Mary Dyer’s baby took the form of part human, part beast.)
Yahuwah was against even the pictures still being on the walls, as well as the
actual idol worship. That is why He destroyed heathen temples and all the
things in them. People burned their fine arts’ articles. We are not to have
even the appearance of evil. We are not even to have the pictures on our walls
or artifacts on our shelves. Moreover, having these things can draw us to
actual worship of the demons they stand for.
the book of Daniel in the Old Testament there is the story about King
Nebuchadnezzar’s prophetic dream about himself, and the fulfilling of that
prophecy. Nebuchadnezzar had set up a golden idol for his people to fall down
and worship. He told them that if anyone refused to worship it, he would have
them thrown into the fiery furnace. Along came three Jews whom the king had set
over the affairs of Babylon. Their names were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
These men worshipped Yahuwah and refused to worship idols. Nebuchadnezzar
became angry and said “....Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do
not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up? (Daniel
3:14). He gave them another chance to bow down to the golden idol, but they
refused. They answered:
Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are
not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God Yahuwah whom we
serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver
us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that
we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set
up.” Daniel 3:16-18
became furious and had the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual. His
strongest men bound the three and cast them into the furnace, but the fire was
so hot that it killed the men who threw them in. Then the king looked into the
furnace and saw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walking around in the fire with
a fourth man who was an angel! They were not hurt. He called them out and it
says in verses 27-30:
the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being
gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor
was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the
smell of fire had passed on them. Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed
be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and
delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word,
and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except
their own God. Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and
language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill:
because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. Then the king
promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon.”
Nebuchadnezzar had the dream. Yahuwah was not pleased with the king because
“....His heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride....” (Daniel
5:20). His dream was interpreted by the prophet Daniel, and it came true.
This is what Yahuwah did to him to cause him to realize that He was the one
true God who has power over all. Nebuchadnezzar lost his kingdom and for seven
years was like an animal rather than a man. He ate the grass of the field and
became wet with dew. His heart was changed from man’s, and a beast’s heart
given to him. He went insane and they locked him in a courtyard in the
palace until Yahuwah gave him his mind back seven years later.
same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from
men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven,
till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds'
claws. And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto
heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High,
and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an
everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation: And all
the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to
his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and
none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? At the same time my
reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and
brightness returned unto me; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me;
and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me.
Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose
works are truth, and his ways judgment: and those that walk in pride he is able
to abase.”
heard an evangelist say that Nebuchadnezzar’s name means ‘a cracked pot’, and
he became a ‘crackpot’! He did not travel the countryside killing and eating
people, and he was not a shape shifter, but he thought and acted like a beast.
He walked on all fours, grazed in the fields, looked hairy and unkept, with
long ‘claws’ (like a werewolf looks), and had the mind of a beast! David
Benoit, in his book Fourteen Things Witches Hope Parents Never Find Out, says
if a human tried to live off of grass for seven years he would die of
malnutrition. It was because Yahuwah gave him the heart of a beast that he
could live off the grass. Yahuwah caused this to happen because the king was in
rebellion against Him. With real werewolves, the devil takes this kind of thing
even further and possesses the person, causing him to act demonic and evil.
and minister, Johanna Michaelsen, when she used to be in the occult,
encountered a werewolf when she was practicing the occult activity called ‘mind
control’. She called in her ‘spiritual guides’ (demons), believing they were
good spirits coming to help her. She asked for ‘Jesus’ to be one of her guides,
and a demon appeared who looked like Him. He had the loving kind eyes and
gentle mannerism that one would expect ‘Jesus’ to have, but it was really a
devil appearing as an ‘angel of light’. (2 Corinthians 11:14 “And
no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”)
next time she asked for him, he appeared as a werewolf with blood dripping from
its fangs! He told her he would do this until she overcame her fear of him and
‘realized’ that not everything that looks evil really is evil. (The truth is
that not everything that looks good is really good!) He said the werewolf
appearance would not exist any more, once she accepted it. In other words, he was
teaching her that when she saw hideous demonic creatures they were really godly
beings, not evil beings, or that someone could encounter a devil and believe it
is really ‘Jesus’! That’ll come in handy when the anti-christ takes over!
you imagine seeing a creature that looks like the werewolf pictured at the
beginning of this section, and believing it is really the Messiah?! She
believed it. She began to trust him. The devil tries to do this to all of us.
He tries to desensitize us so that when we see a demon we do not recognize it
as a demon, but think it is ‘the good guy’! He wants us to trust demons so we
will follow them to the path of destruction. Many science fiction shows have
demonic looking characters that play ‘good guy’ roles. This is all part of satan’s
desensitization plan, and it is working. Many people do not recognize demons or
evil beings when they see them. They believe some of them are angels of
Yahuwah, or aliens from other planets.
Below is an add for a child’s cartoon, Johnny Quest, that features werewolfism.
Here are some science fiction and other types of characters that play the good guy roles in the shows they are featured in, yet they look like demonic creatures. These characters can make your children, and even adults, get used to the thought of an evil looking creature being someone they can put their trust in. When a real demon manifests and attempts to befriend them, they may readily accept him as the ‘good guy’.
There is a creature that has been seen in the Caribbean and Miami, Florida, and apparently in Brownsville, Texas, the area where the satanic drug ring was found. This creature sounds like a vampire or werewolf. It is called a blood sucking demon and people named it ‘Chupacabras’. For centuries people in Puerto Rico have seen it. Witnesses said it is about four feet tall, has skin like a lizard, spikes down its back, long fangs and red eyes. Perhaps similar to the picture below.
is said to be killing hundreds of animals including goats, chickens and horses.
In one night, it supposedly killed seventy goats, ducks and chickens. One woman
said she was attacked by a horned beast that left teeth marks on her neck.
Another woman found her goat dead and the blood was drained from it. There were
three ‘bite’ marks on its neck. Some of these animals could have been killed by
satanists who use machines to drain the blood, but it is possible that some
were killed by satanists appearing in the shape of demonic creatures. People
seem to believe it is a cross between an alien and an earthly beast. It ‘could’
also be some sort of hideous earthly beast. If it really does exist, it is a
demon possessed person or animal, or a demon that manifests in material form.
1988 there was a Werewolf Hotline that lasted six weeks. It was done by Fox
broadcasting company. They received over three-hundred-forty-thousand calls
from people who said they had seen werewolves! Some blame them for certain
murders that were not yet solved. I realize that many of these calls were
probably fake, made by people looking for attention. However, many of them were
likely to be genuine recollections of sightings of werewolves.
I met a man who claims to have seen werewolves. Some of his friends were involved in witchcraft and other occult activities. He had recently received the Messiah’s forgiveness of his sins. I have never seen a werewolf, and hope I never do. They are not ‘hiding around every corner’ and you will probably never face one, but some people will. Those involved in satanism, witchcraft or with spiritual guides are more likely to encounter them than the average person who does not practice these things. Werewolves are probably more common in large cities where there are large groups of powerful satanists, and even more in primitive countries where the people stay in constant contact with demon spirits.
Here are some of the comments on youtube videos by viewers:
MissTrácey Estes 1 year ago
I can relate, I had a Shapeshifter Demon when I was Possessed as well, I was terrified of mine; I could feel the bones in my body sliding around taking on another shape or form and I couldn't control it or stop it. But one day I met a Man named Jesus, and I have never been the same!
Eunice Loy 1 year ago
No human body can do that. He's either possessed, or, he's a demon in the flesh.
T Black 1 year ago
I actually saw this particular performance and my first thought was a HUMAN BEING even a really good contortionist can't do THIS!!
Kathy Grant 1 year ago
5:01-5:03 slit pupils and hissing tongue. Heidi has to look away from that demon for a sec. That bonus footage of the demon growling and showing it's fangs is craziness.
Andrew B 1 year ago
Hes a Draconian. Certainly not human. They have polymorphic skin abilities. They are dragons. Watching videos from FrequencyFence will open your eyes about these monsters.
ninestar 1 year ago
The second guy seems to be in a training session of becoming a werewolf.
david willey 1 year ago
Silke F 1 year ago
We can do much more. I can move through walls or appear in someones sleeping room. A car was driving one time into me. Nothing happened. It was driving through me and crashed. The lady survived.
Angela Jones 1 year ago
Straight up possessed!!
The Chupacabra was sighted in the Caribbean before it was seen in the United States. It is often called a goat sucking demon. It kills farm animals and sucks the blood from them. Occasionally it attacks humans. It is not known if it is an animal or something else. Some say when they looked at its eyes, they got sick.
Caribbean area is known for its voodoo practice and black magic. Voodoo is a
hideous form of demon worship. It is one of the cruelest, vilest forms of
worship there is. It is a mixture of Roman Catholicism, African religions and
Indian mysticism. They probably brought the Catholic practices into it to
justify it as a ‘good’ religion, but when they add the magic practices of the
Africans and Indians, they turn a potentially good thing evil. Much of the
black magic in America originally came from voodoo practice. Shapeshifters are
not anything new to these people.
are something to be aware of for those of us who have not seen one and
certainly do not wish to. If you do ever get confronted by a werewolf, remember
it is either a demon, or a person controlled by a demon. We cannot control
people, but we can cast the demons out of them. Pray against the demonic power
that enables them to shift their shape. Command the demon to leave them in
Yahushuwa’ name, plead the Blood of Yahushuwa over yourself and your family,
and ask Yahuwah to put a hedge of protection around you. When the demon leaves
the person, they no longer have supernatural power and strength, and often will
no longer have the desire to kill. Even if they do still desire violence, they
are often frightened by the extreme power of Yahuwah that overpowered their
demon. They often will flee.
There was a woman who saw a man crawling through her bedroom window. He was not a werewolf or anything like that, but was a man who came to rape or rob her. She was a believer, and she commanded him to ‘freeze’! His hands literally stuck to her window sill and he could not get them off! She called the police and when they arrived, they could not pry his hands off the window sill either, until she said he could be released in the Lord’s name. An angel held his hands down until she prayed for his release!
woman was attacked by a man who was going to rape her. She told him he could not
rape her because her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. She repeated this
several times with determined strength. The man never did rape her. He let her
go and turned himself over to the police. He said he kept hearing her words and
they brought him under conviction.
more woman who was attacked in her bedroom by a rapist began preaching to him.
He was surprised that she really believed the things she was preaching. He
asked her what would happen if her husband came home and found her sitting in her
bed naked, talking to a man. She said her husband would probably say “Praise
the Lord.” Just then her husband came in and said, “Praise the Lord,” and the
rapist took off and ran away.
Whether the ‘evil beasts’ are humans possessed by demons and in animal form, humans possessed by demons without changing form, humans acting out the lusts of their flesh, or demons by themselves who appear as werewolves or other creatures, we who are born-again and submitted to Yahuwah have power and authority over the enemy, and protection by angels sent by Yahuwah when we pray.
people think of a vampire as a fictitious character who turns into a bat, flies
into a bedroom window, turns back into a man wearing a black cape, and bites
the neck and drinks the blood of an unsuspecting victim. The victim is left
with two fang marks on his or her neck. This is not impossible. As demon
possessed people can sometimes take the form of wolves and other animals, they
can sometimes take the form of bats. Most vampire cases documented in history
were not of this shape shifting nature, though.
came from the Russian word ‘vampir’, derived from the root word ‘pi’ which
means ‘to drink’. There are many documented stories of vampirism throughout
history. Vampires were believed to be dead people who rose out of their graves
and visited people in their homes to torment them and drink their blood. In
several countries their vampires bit people on the left chest’s nipple, over
the heart, rather than on the neck. People believed that the vampires needed
fresh blood to keep their bodies from decomposing. When these bodies were dug
up, they often did not appear to have decomposed at all.
vampires recorded in history did not drink their victim’s blood, they just
raped or accosted them in some way and then the victim began slowly dying
afterwards. Vampires were known for being sexually obsessive, wearing out their
widows by frequently having vigorous sexual intercourse with them, until they
pined away. Vampires also beat people, destroyed property, turned over
caravans, broke dishes and choked domestic pets to death.
plagues were often blamed on vampires because people did not understand the
disease process, and were very superstitious. If numerous people died of an
outbreak of disease they thought vampires were attacking all of them, and began
digging up graves to ‘kill the vampires’. They did, however, have some good
reasons to be concerned about vampires. Strange things really did happen, and
they did not understand them, nor did they know the proper way to put a stop to
the Indus River Valley were found carved figures and wall paintings of gods
that appeared to be vampires. They had long fangs, pale blue bodies and green
faces. There is one with a cup of blood who stands on a blood sea and a hill
made of skeletons. He is the Nepal Lord of Death. Hindu books contained
writings about vampires in 1500 BC. The Malaysians had a female vampire called
‘Penanggalen’ who fed on children’s bodies. Babies and children were thought to
have more energy to replenish the vampire with. The Greeks believed very
strongly in vampires, called ‘vrykolkas’, and said they were demons that
entered deceased bodies after the people’s own spirits left. Their belief was
fairly accurate.
are different explanations for the different kinds of vampires. Following are
some documented cases of vampirism, the methods they used to get rid of them,
and the explanations of what was really going on. A French Benedictine monk and
Biblical scholar named Dom August Calmet, 1672-1757, said that the details of
vampire cases were legally documented and so well attested that they are almost
impossible to reject. They were not just stories passed down from generation to
generation that could have been changed throughout the years.
120 AD a Greek named Phlegon wrote a book called On Wonders and Giants and
told of a female vampire. A young man named Machates was staying as a guest in
the room of a young woman named Philinnion, who had died six months earlier.
Philinnion appeared in her room for nightly visits to Machates, and evidently
had intercourse with him, because he thought of her as his ‘love’. She left by
dawn every day. Philinnion gave him a ribbon and a gold ring that were buried
with her when she had died. When her parents saw these they believed she was
alive, so they waited for her one night. When she appeared, they tried to hug
her, but this caused her to appear to die again on her bed. Townspeople went to
view her body. They opened her tomb and found no body, but found a cup and a
ring given to her by Machates. They burned her body to ashes and Machates
committed suicide because he was so sad that he lost her.77
1706 Charles Ferdinand de Shcertz, a Czechoslovakian lawyer, wrote the book Magia
Posthuma, and discussed the legal aspects of dealing with vampires. He said
it was justified legally to burn their bodies and told the story of a hardy
vampire whom they had to burn. This vampire was a Bohemian herdsman who had
died. He kept appearing to people and within eight days after each appearance
the person would die. When they dug his body up they drove a stake into it and
it is said that he laughed and thanked them for the stick that he could use to
defend himself against dogs. He appeared to more people that night and they
died also. The executioner put the body in a cart and drove it to town to burn
it. It kicked and screamed while in the cart. They drove a stake through it and
it screamed. After they burned it the visits and deaths stopped.
like this one and the young woman who was not in her grave when they opened it,
if the stories are true, are better called ‘zombies’. Zombies are dead
bodies possessed by demons, and the demons actually animate them to make them
walk and seem as though they are alive. The man who had sex with the woman
lover was really having sex with a dead body animated by a demon, if the story
was true. This is called ‘necrophilia’. It opened him up for the spirit of
suicide to enter him. After they cremated the bodies the demons could no longer
possess them. They could have just taken authority over the demons and cast
them out of the bodies through their power in Yahushuwa’ name, if they had been
believers who understood the power of Yahuwah.
demon possessed bodies are different from people who have been ‘raised from the
dead’. It is satan’s counterfeit of being raised from the dead. The Bible talks
about Lazarus being dead for three days and Yahushuwa raising him from the
dead. He was not a walking corpse, nor was he possessed with a demon spirit. He
was literally made alive again by the power of Yahuwah. His own spirit entered
back into his body and his body was healed. Throughout history only believers
in the Messiah have been able to raise the dead. No other religions have done
that. The devil cannot raise the dead either. He can only inhabit them and make
them look like they are living.
do it through the power of Yahushuwa. Yahushuwa told His disciples to do this,
and believers are His disciples. He said in Matthew 10:8 “Heal
the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have
received, freely give.” Yahushuwa raised the dead. A friend of mine knew three
people personally who were raised from the dead. Smith Wigglesworth raised over
twenty people. Daisy Osborne, William Branham, and Martin Luther have all
raised the dead. My husband raised a man from the dead who had been pronounced
dead fourty-five minutes earlier and was about to be put in a body bag and
taken to the morge, when Yahuwah told James to raise him from the dead.
James asked how, and Yah reminded him of the book of Genesis, so James went
up to him (the guy was a drug addict neighbor who died of an overdose) and
asked Yah to put the spirit of life back into him. The guy got up, they took
him to the hospital to have him checked out, and he had no heart or brain
damage from being dead that long. He checked himself out of the hospital and
went back to his wife, and the drug addict girlfriend whom he had lived with
got ‘saved’ and began evangelizing the neighborhood, passing out tracts, etc.
People try to discount these experiences and say that the people were not
really dead, but this is not so.
preacher and prophet named Ed Dufresne knows of a man who was struck by lightning,
his head split open, was dead for three days, embalmed and in the morgue, and
Yahuwah raised him up. He was just about to be thrown into the fire filled pit
in hell because he was not a born-again believer when he died. He heard
terrible screaming and crying out by the other people who were being thrown over.
He was a Catholic priest and monk who had taught about Yahushuwa, but had never
accepted Him as his Lord and Savior. As he was forced to move forward to the
edge of the pit, Yahushuwa appeared to Him and began to talk to him. He cried
out that he really had not known he needed to be born-again, and woke up in the
morgue as a born-again believer and he was speaking in tongues because he had
been filled with the Holy Spirit. The man became an evangelist and told many
people about salvation. He still had the embalming scars, and the lightning
strike scar on his head. I wish I could remember his name, but I do not.
is a case where demons were possibly involved in the killing of children, but
the children may have just died of natural causes in a superstitious family.
Dimitriou Vaideanu from Transylvania thought vampires were killing each of his
children after birth, so they led a white horse over his wife’s relatives’
graves and when the horse refused to step over her mother’s grave they believed
she was the vampire. Her grave was dug up and the corpse sat straight up as if
it were alive. I would normally think that the body sat up because the muscles
contracted. This sometimes happens to dead bodies. But because the horse seemed
to sense something that frightened him, I suspect that there was a demon
involved. Animals are sensitive to the spirit world. They burned the corpse and
the newborn babies stopped dying. The demons could have continued killing the
babies, if that is how they were dying, but by stopping it they confirmed to
people the belief that vampires were dead bodies that came back to life and
needed to be cremated. This reinforced the fear and confused people as to the
real meaning of vampires.
Newburgh, who was considered by scholars to be reliable in presenting facts,
wrote a book called History of England. He told of a man who died in
Buckinghamshire in 1196. The night after he was buried, his wife said he came
into her room and leaped on her, almost killing her with his weight. The next
night it happened again. So the third night she had several people there with
her and when he came the people drove him away. The next night he visited his
brothers in the same way.
Archdeacon wrote the Bishop to ask for advice on how to handle this. This
Bishop found out from theologians that similar incidents had happened in
England. He would not allow them to burn the corpse, but instead wrote out a
pardon for all of the dead man’s sins and lay it on his corpse in the grave and
he did not bother anybody anymore. Again, the demons could have continued to
harass people because this ‘pardon’ does not affect demons, and certainly does
not affect the sins of the man. But by stopping their attacks, the demons
confirmed in the people’s minds that a dead person’s spirit can roam around
unsettled if he had unforgiven sins while alive. Human spirits do not do this.
They go to Heaven or hell. The devil likes to confuse people on this issue,
because he likes it when people go to hell.
they opened the grave to give the pardon, the body appeared uncorrupted. This
was a case where a demon appeared in the form of the former person and
physically attacked various people. If the people were born-again and knew
about their power through Yahushuwa, they could have cast out the demon in
Yahushuwa’s name and been freed from the attacks without having to dig up the
body or be terrified from this manifestation. This kind of vampire is
considered a distant relative of the incubus. These are demons that visit their
victims at night when they are asleep. They are usually associated with a
sexual experience. Female vampires are portrayed in costumes and movies as very
demon that attacked and raped me in my bedroom may have been called a vampire
if I had lived in those earlier years and had told someone about it. The demons
that Lester Sumrall cast out of the woman in the Philippines, who bit and raped
her, would have been labeled vampires in those days also. But when it comes
right down to it, demons are demons. People tend to make things so complicated
by putting so many labels on everything, when they are really all the same
thing. A demon can attack, bite and rape a person, then go give another person
a cancerous tumor, then go and cause a dog to attack a little child, then
possess another person and encourage him or her to murder someone, etc. One
demon may specialize in certain kinds of torment, or it may perform many
different kinds of torment. Believers have power and authority over them all,
no matter what function they are performing!
similar case follows, where a demon appeared in the form of the deceased
person. On September 22, 1591, in Silesia, Germany, a wealthy shoemaker
committed suicide by cutting his throat. After they buried him people said he
appeared in various places doing mischief. Sometimes whole crowds of people saw
him simultaneously. He would practically smother them when he laid atop them in
their beds. This so frightened them that they had groups of people sleep over
so they would not be alone. They opened his grave in April of 1592. The body
did not look decomposed, it was just puffed up. New skin appeared to have
formed on his feet where old skin had pulled away. The clothing smelled but the
body did not. They kept his grave open for a period, and then took him into a
house where people could see him, and the ghost continued to attack people in
severely cruel ways. Finally, they cremated the body, and afterwards there were
no more attacks. This is yet another case where a demon appeared as the
deceased and physically attacked people. Each person who saw the ‘vampire’
could have cast it out in Yahushuwa’ name and been completely freed from the
attacks, just as I cast out the demon that raped me. People did not know
better. They reacted in fear and superstition because they did not understand
the operation of demons.
is another story about this type of vampire, and following is the explanation
for the strange situations they found in the graves when they dug these people
up. In 1727, in what is now Yugoslavia, Arnold Paole died when he fell from a
hay wagon and broke his neck. He previously had told his family that when he
was in the military service a vampire harassed him, and he was afraid that he
would die prematurely because of this. After being buried for about one month,
four villagers said he was attacking them. They then became very weak and died.
In a period of three months, seventeen people died. Some of them were young and
some old. Some had not previously been ill, yet they died in just a few days. Cattle were attacked also, and something had been sucking the blood from them.
The district governor supervised while the people dug up his grave. His body
appeared fresh instead of decomposed. It looked like his skin and nails had
fallen off and new skin and nails replaced them. (People believed vampires took
the life energy and blood from their victims and used it to keep their bodies
fresh.) There was liquid blood in his veins, and blood appeared to have
trickled from the corner of his mouth. Blood was also splattered in his grave.
When they drove a stake through his heart he made a shrieking sound and blood
came out of the wound. They burned his body to ashes and buried the ashes back
in the grave. After that, the attacks stopped. This report was documented and
signed by Lieutenant Colonel, a sub lieutenant and three army surgeons.
of the strange conditions found in the graves were part of the process of
normal body decay. There is a rapid growth of bacteria in the dead body that
produces methane gas that causes bloating. This bloating can make the body
appear plump and healthy. It can also cause it to expand three times larger
than it normally was. Bloating makes some men appear to have erections. It can
make the face look grotesque, along with bulging eyes and a protruding tongue.
The methane gas is flammable and some pathologists play around by lighting a
match when they make their first incision so the gas will shoot out like a
flame. When the people drove stakes through the bodies, they burst from the
pent up gases forcing their way out. As this happened, the gases also rushed
past the glottis in the throat and vibrated the vocal chords causing the
shrieking sound. Photobacteriumfischeri is bacteria that can float over decomposing
flesh like a gas and make it glow. So some of these graves probably had a faint
light glowing over them.
it rained over the shallow graves it washed away some dirt and body parts were
exposed for those who were not buried in caskets. One might see a hand or foot
sticking up out of the ground and think the vampire was crawling out of the
grave. The liquid in the mouths of these corpses looked like fresh blood, but
was really decomposing blood and frothy liquefied tissue. In decomposition, the
skin splits and blisters appear. It also peels and there seems to be new skin
underneath, but it is not really new skin. Gums and lips shrink making teeth
and fingernails appear longer and more grotesque. When rigor mortise sets in it
lasts only a few days. Then the body becomes soft and movable again.
can be slowed quite a bit, or speeded up, according to the conditions of the
ground and weather. In the winter, the frozen ground will keep a body fresh
longer. Air and moister will speed up decomposition, and lime and antibiotics
in the soil will slow it. Bodies mummified in Egypt because the climate was so
dry and there was a salt like substance in the sand called ‘natron’ that
preserved them. Decomposition is not as fast when the person dies suddenly or
is young, as happens in most vampire accounts.
story is another about a demon appearing as a man, but the corpse they found
when they dug up the grave is quite unusual. The story is in a book written in
1746, by Calmet. A soldier in Hungary was eating with his landlord’s family
when a man unknown to him sat to eat with them. Everyone else was terrified,
especially the landlord. The next day the landlord died. The soldier found out
that the strange visitor was the landlord’s father who had died over ten years
earlier. This ‘vampire’ had come to tell the son of his impending death. In
reality it was a demon appearing as a man, who came to put the spirit of death
in the landlord and kill him. It worked. The soldier’s captain took a surgeon,
a notary and several other officers to the house, and the family all told them
that the ghostly visitor was the landlord’s father. They dug up his body and it
looked like it had not decomposed at all, after ten years in the grave. They
cut off its head and re-buried it.
was also a man who had been dead for more than thirty years who supposedly came
back three times to his house at meal time. The demon who impersonated him
killed his brother, one of his sons and a servant. All three of these people
died instantly when they were bitten by this dead man. In reality they were
bitten by a demon. The commissioner had the ’vampire’ taken out of his grave
and found that his blood appeared like that of a living person. It was in fluid
state. They ran a nail into temple and re-buried him.
Croglin Grange (later, Croglin Low Hall)
illustration by Charles G. Harper, 1907
is another strange story about a vampire in England. This incident occurred at
Croglin Grange in Cumberland. Captain Fisher published this in his memoirs. It
is about a woman who was sleeping in a one-story house. The shutters were open
but the window was fastened. She sat up in bed watching the beauty of the
summer night. She gradually became aware of two lights flickering in and out in
the belt of trees that separated the lawn from the church. She saw a ghastly
figure that seemed to get closer to her, would disappear in the shadows but
then seem to get closer than before. She ran to the door, but did not make it
out. The window was right by the door and she heard someone scratching on it.
Then she saw a hideous brown face with flaming eyes glaring in at her. She
rushed back to the bed.
creature continued to scratch on the window. She felt comfortable knowing the
window was secured from the inside, but she was not able to scream or make any
noise. The creature quit scratching and instead it unpicked the lead. The
window pane fell into the room and a long bony finger came in and turned the
handle of the window and the window opened. It came through the window and onto
her bed, grabbed her hair, and pulled her head over the side of the bed. Then
it bit her violently in the throat. She was finally able to scream. He brothers
rushed in, it ran out the window and through the lawn and they chased it but
could not catch it. It disappeared over a wall into the churchyard.
was dreadfully hurt, but eventually healed. Because of the shock the family and
doctor suggested she get away from there, so they took her to Switzerland and
lived there for seven years. Then they decided to go back to Cumberland where
the Croglin Grange was. During the winter it was peaceful, but in March she was
sleeping in the same room, and was suddenly awakened by the scratching. She
looked up and saw it had climbed up to the top most pane of the window and saw
the same hideous brown shriveled face with glaring eyes looking at her. This
time she screamed as loud as she could. They shot it in the leg while it was
running across the lawn. It scrambled over the wall and into the churchyard and
disappeared into a vault that belonged to a family that had died many years
A modern photo of Croglin Low Hall, taken by
Darren W. Ritson
next day the tenants of Croglin grange witnessed while the vault was opened.
What they saw was horrible. The coffins in the vault were broken up, mangled
and distorted, and scattered over the floor. One coffin was not damaged. The
lid laid loose on it. They raised it and there was the brown, shriveled,
mummified figure that had looked in the window. It had a recent bullet wound in
the leg. They burned the creature.78
I know this story seems impossible to be true. Maybe it is not. I do not know if it is based on historical fact or fantasy. All I can say is that it is possible that it could have happened. A demon can inhabit a dead body and animate it. Some skeptics investigated this story. One even talked to family members and visited the site, and came to the conclusion that this story may have been true. Here is a video that has some information on these events:
Some believe that a demon can prevent a corpse from decaying by feeding on living bodies and using the substance or blood to keep the dead body fresh. The basis for this belief is the Scripture
Leviticus 17:10-14:
whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that
sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face
against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his
people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it
to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood
that maketh an atonement for the soul. Therefore I said unto the children of
Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that
sojourneth among you eat blood. And whatsoever man there be of the children of
Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth
any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof,
and cover it with dust. For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is
for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye
shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the
blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.”
says that the life of all flesh is in the blood. Yahuwah told the Jews not to
eat blood for this reason. I do not know if a demon can take someone’s blood
and use it to help preserve a dead corpse. It sounds unbelievable, but it may not
be impossible. Bodies have been dug up that were buried ten, fifteen and even
thirty years earlier, because people believed that the ‘dead people’ had been
attacking live people. For some reason they were not decomposed. Perhaps there
were a lot of minerals in the soil right in the spot where they were buried and
the minerals preserved them. The demons just found the corpses that were
naturally preserved and used their likeness to haunt people with. Or perhaps
demons really did preserve them. Then when people dug them up, they believed
they were vampires. I do not have those answers, only speculations based on
recorded historical events, what the Scriptures say, and what I know demons are
capable of doing.
story of the creature scratching at the window reminds me of a similar incident
that happened to a friend. He used to be a satanist. He said one day he looked
out of his window and saw a hideous creature hanging down from the roof looking
in through his window. The room turned extremely cold. His sister walked in and
felt the evil presence and screamed “It’s evil!” The creature did not
physically attack him, but it surely did scare him!
Copy of the lost 1585 original portrait of Elizabeth Báthory
The next stories are about a different kind of vampire. In the early 1600's there was a woman, Elizabeth Bathory, who reminds me of Gilles de Rais. She is said to have killed from three-hundred to six-hundred young women. This woman was a middle-aged lesbian who was the widow of Count Nadasay. She lived in a castle, as did Rais. Officials say she was psychotic, but she was obviously demon possessed as well.
December 30, 1610, the gruesome crimes and
serial murders of the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Báthory were uncovered (I
censored the private parts.)
lured young women into her castle and held them captive. They were drained of
their blood by various methods that she devised. Believing that bathing in
blood would keep her youthful, she put the women in cages with spikes, hung
them from the ceiling, and sat beneath them as the blood came down.
December 30, 1620, her cousin, the governor, a priest, soldiers and others
raided the castle and caught her during a bloody orgy. They found a dead woman,
drained of her blood, in the main hall. There was a young woman with tiny holes
pierced in her body, and one who had just been tortured. Then they went to the
cellars and dungeons. They found several women. Some had been milked of much of
their blood. Some had been fed well and were plump, awaiting the time of their
torture. About fifty more dead bodies were found during the search.
1883, there was a woman named Justine Lafayette who dominated a younger man
named Martin Dummolard. Under her orders he killed a fifteen-year-old by
ripping her throat and draining her blood, and then mutilating the corpse. In
five years, he killed almost eighty more people in this manner. Justine was
sent to the guillotine in 1888 and Dummolard was put in an asylum. In this kind
of vampirism, the vampire is a person who is possessed by demons and obsessed
with murdering people and drinking their blood.
1924, the newspaper said that six-hundred people had disappeared in Hanover,
Germany. Most of them were boys between the ages of fourteen and eighteen.
Hanover was a town with over five-hundred known homosexuals.
‘Hanover vampire’, Fritz Haarmann, was tried and found guilty of murdering from
twenty-four to fifty people, in the style of a vampire. He admitted to killing
twenty-seven boys. Haarmann ran a butcher shop and delicatessen counter and
made some of his victims into sausage and sold them to unsuspecting customers.
He ate them as well. This evil man waited in railway stations for young men
between twelve and eighteen years old, to befriend and invite them home with
him. He fed them a good meal and then bit them to death in their throats.
handsome man named Hans Grans was his helper who often brought victims to him.
Grans had no conscience. He urged Haarmann to kill some of the boys so he could
have their nice clothing. They dumped their bodies in the waterway behind the
home. When people began finding bones and skulls in the water, they became
suspicious of Haarmann. When they finally searched his place, they found bodies
in different stages of dismemberment. He was sentenced to death and Grans got
sentenced to life in prison.
Kurtem was another man obsessed with killing people and drinking their blood.
He was tried in 1931, and received nine death sentences. Kurtem, the ‘monster
of Dusseldorf’ hunted his victims at night, strangled and raped them, cut their
throats and drank their blood directly from them as they bled, while he had an
orgasm. He murdered twenty-nine people. His father was an alcoholic and he
thought his mother was a saint. He married someone who was like a mother figure
to him. Kurtem threatened to kill her if she did not marry him, and she did.
For a long time, she did not know about his crimes. He had been a ‘good husband’
by day, and a vampire by night. Then one day he confessed to her like a naughty
child, and she turned him in to the police.
was diagnosed with haematodipsia, a disease that causes people to crave blood.
Again, they put a medical label on a condition of demon possession. During his
trial he wrote letters to some of his victims’ parents. He wrote to the mother
of a five-year-old victim, “What do you want, Madame? I need blood as others
need alcohol.” There is a disease that causes people to crave blood, but it
does not ‘make’ people murder others and drink their blood.
1949, in England, John Haigh went on trial for murdering nine people and
drinking their blood from their throats. He then dissolved their bodies in
acid, and was known as the ‘acid-bath vampire’. He was a ‘deeply religious’ man
who could not understand why ‘Jesus’ had to die so slowly on the cross. He
killed his victims quickly so they would not have to suffer. He misused the
Scriptures Proverbs 5:15 “Drink waters out of thine own cistern,
and running waters out of thine own well” and John 7:38 “He that
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers
of living water” to justify drinking his own urine every day!
said during the trial that he kept dreaming about a forest where crucifixes
became trees with blood running from their trunks and branches. He was offered
a cup of blood but could not take it because he was always paralyzed, so he
woke up frustrated and blood thirsty. Then one day he slit his friend’s throat
and drank his blood. Later he murdered others and put their blood in glasses to
drink. Haigh was sentenced to death. Here was another case of a demon possessed
the late 1950's, Eddie Gein, a bachelor recluse, confessed to murdering two
people and grave robbing the bodies of several other people. Authorities had
found heads, skins and body parts of about ten people in his farm house in
one man explained why these kinds of crimes now days are not labeled for what
they really are:
me give you an example: We had one man in L.A. who killed wino’s. He drank
their blood. We have people say ‘He’s a damn cannibal’. Was this boy right in
the head? Probably not. So if we, the police department, said we had a killer
who drank blood, what do you think the news media would do with that? ‘Vampire
Runs Rampant in Los Angeles!’ What do you think that does for him when it comes
time for his defense? If we called him a cannibal we would build him a defense
because no one in our society is a cannibal. They don’t exist to most people.
It’s the same with satanism. We’re better off not labeling someone a satanist.
If he killed someone let’s call him a killer.”79
more recent killer who probably fit the description of a vampire was Jeffrey
Dalmer. He was much like Haarmann. He murdered people and stored their body
parts in his refrigerator in his home.
satanist named Eleister Crowley was introduced to a woman at a restaurant. He
asked her if she would like to experience the serpent’s kiss. He then took her
hand and bit into it, and drank the blood as it flowed out.
is a hereditary disease called ‘porphyria’ in which the blood is unable to
produce heme, the major component of red blood cells. If the patient is not treated,
they have symptoms that make them resemble vampires. These symptoms are extreme
sensitivity to sunlight, sores and scars on the skin if they are exposed to
sunlight, excessive hairiness, tightened skin on the lips and gums that make
the teeth look prominent, a craving for blood because of their bodies’ need for
heme, and mental disturbances (mild hysteria, delirium, manic depressive
psychosis). Because they cannot handle sunlight, they tend to come out only at
night and because of their need for heme they sometimes suck the blood of small
animals or friends. With a friend like that, who needs an enemy?
people who had this disease were not treated, they sometimes bit their
relatives because they were a handy supply of blood! Now this has gone too far
for me to accept! I have experienced a need for protein before, and had an
extreme craving for red meat, but have NEVER had an urge to take a bite out of
my husband’s arm or catch a rabbit from the yard and chew on it! When a disease
supposedly causes a person to grab living beings and suck the blood out of
them, a demon has taken over. Authorities like to find logical medical
explanations for everything, rather than deal with the spiritual problems.
Because it is hereditary, the family members sometimes acted the same way, and
so people thought they became vampires because they were bitten by one. Garlic
stimulates heme production in people who do not have the disease, but in people
with porphyria it makes the symptoms even more painful, so the porphyriac tries
to avoid it. So, hanging garlic on doors to ward off vampires had some logical
reasons behind it.
problem they faced was that they mistakenly buried people alive. A condition
called ‘catalepsy’ is like suspended animation. A person who has it is alive,
but their pulse, breathing and other signs of life have slowed so much that
even doctors believe they are dead. It is said to be a nervous system disorder.
These people can hear and see but cannot move any part of their body. They were
frequently buried alive, and could hear the dirt being shoveled over them. Then
they came out of the state into the total darkness of the grave.
of them tried in desperate attempts to dig themselves out of the graves, but
suffocated before they were able to. If people suspected them to be vampires,
they dug them up and found blood all over their bodies from them trying to
scratch their way out of the caskets. Some people heard noises coming from
under the ground as they moaned and moved in the caskets.
1893, in Austria, a pregnant woman was mistakenly pronounced dead and they
buried her. She came out of the cataleptic state while in the grave. Her child
was born while she was buried and they both suffocated to death. Authorities
dug her up because they believed her husband may have poisoned her, and found
her and the baby in the coffin.
cataleptic situation happened in the 1860's in Salzburg. Mrs. Zeller was
believed to be dead. They buried her with a valuable ring on her finger. One of
the undertaker assistants dug her up the night of the funeral to steal the
ring. When he jerked the coffin lid open her trance broke and she moved. He
ran! She returned home.
the early twentieth century there were about fifty known cases of premature
burial recorded every year. Now days they wait a day or two and then embalm
them to make sure they are really dead, or to kill them.
years ago, teenagers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, murdered their parents and
drank their blood from their necks. They are part of a vampire cult in which
they drink blood from each other’s necks. There are vampire cults in America
that consist mainly of young people between age fifteen and thirty. Some of
these meet routinely in clubs or underground places, to drink each other’s blood,
while others are disgusted by the thought of drinking blood. Some crave the
blood so much that they feed off of animal blood because their friends cannot
safely provide enough to satisfy their thirst. Others will sacrifice humans to
satisfy their blood thirst. Those who cut themselves or allow themselves to be
cut claim that this gives them a ‘high’ and makes them feel more alive as they
‘bleed the human soul’. (The Bible says that the life is in the blood, and the
devil perverted this in the minds of vampires.)
often dress in gothic style clothing, which consists of a lot of black and/or
red. Some barely wear anything at the meeting houses and have sexual encounters
there that sometimes include being beaten with leather whips before sex. A few
of these cult members actually believe they are immortals, or true vampires.
Their lives are fragmented and unpredictable, and their self-images are the
same. What excites them one day may mean nothing to them the next. Outside of
the meeting places they may hold regular jobs and act somewhat ‘normal’. People
who are entangled in this scene are oppressed by demons, and many of them are
actually ‘possessed’ or totally controlled by demons.
is common for these people to have a fixation on death, and in order to experience
the ‘feeling’ of death, some of them force themselves to experience an ‘absence
of feeling’. One said he began doing this at age fourteen. He believed his life
was nothing but suffering and that he was helpless to relieve it, and believed
this suffering would be eternal. His suffering will indeed be eternal if he
never receives Yahushuwa as His Lord and Savior. Several of his friends killed
themselves even though they all came from an affluent area, attended a good high
school, or college. Many of these people enjoy the ‘comfort’ that sadness gives
them, and they thrive on morbidity.
man was molested as a child, and said when he got older, he became involved in
‘blood-play’ where he publicly cut himself as a means to ‘reclaim’ his body
that he felt was stained by other’s fingerprints. He later became involved in
vampirism. He said that he gets the dynamic he needs for his life by cutting his
flesh- that all his emotional and intellectual energies of his soul are
involved in that instant of being cut. Many vampires were abused or traumatized
in their childhoods. Vampirism seems to be where they finally express their
individuality, and find power and control. They find their identity here rather
than finding it in Yahushuwa.
Most vampires are involved in the gothic movement, but not all Goths are involved in vampirism. But the gothic movement is also one of darkness. The clothing itself is not evil, but the desire to always wear dark clothing, especially black, and to want to look pale and paint the lips and nails blue or black is a sign that one is demon oppressed. These people often look like walking dead corpses, and this is a sign of a spiritual and emotional problem. There are those who call themselves ‘Christian Goths’, but I believe these walk in darkness and not in the light. The darkness of their physical appearance reveals the darkness that is in their souls. 1 John 1:5-6 says “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that Yahuwah is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth” They are searching for an identity in which they feel like they belong, but they are searching in the wrong place. They should be finding their identity in Yahushuwa, and people who have this identity in Yahushuwa do not walk around looking like dead people. They are full of joy and full of life.
In conclusion, there are different kinds of vampires and different explanations for them. There are demon possessed dead bodies (zombies), demons that appear in the form of certain people, demon possessed serial killers, people with diseases and probably demons, and people who were mistakenly buried alive. Vampirism is a complex subject, but is explainable, and I hope you now understand what vampires are. To dress up as one of these evil creatures on Halloween is to glorify satan, and it is wrong. Vampires are not cute, nor are they harmless pretend creatures. They are certainly evil and the Bible tells us to refrain from even the appearance of evil. Even the Count Dracula vampire on Sesame Street is inappropriate to entertain and teach children with. I blacked him out of any Sesame Street books that my children owned. Do not buy Dracula dolls or books for your children. Let us recognize vampires for what they are. Although we do not need to be afraid of them, we need to make sure we do not make light of them or condone them either.
people like to dress up as zombies on Halloween. This has to do with the
preoccupation with death during this ‘holiday’. Zombies have been common
knowledge in some areas, especially Haiti, for many years. They are dead people
inhabited by demons, and ‘near-dead’ people who have been drugged and are also
inhabited by demons. Usually, a demon will leave a body that it inhabits when
that person dies, but some black magic practitioners pray to demons and tell
them to inhabit dead bodies, and the demons cause the bodies to move and walk.
They are used by witches and sorcerers to murder people. Zombies seem to be the
same as some kinds of vampires. As a teenager I saw the movie The Night of
the Living Dead and remember feeling grateful that this was ‘just
make-believe’. In America we do not hear much about this, but in some
third-world countries they know that zombies are not just make-believe. This is
one of the things our parents have taught us that they were mistaken about.
There are also people in places like Haiti who are poisoned by voodoo priests with drugs that make them appear dead. They are pronounced dead and buried, but the voodoo priests have them dug out of their graves and use them as slaves. I think they keep them drugged in order to accomplish this, but there is also demonic activity operating here.
have a video on VHS, from an old A.A. Allen crusade in Haiti. Allen was a
famous healing evangelist whom many believe that Yahuwah performed many miracles
through. R.W. Schaumbach used to travel with him.
Before they had one of his crusades, they visited a voodoo ceremony and video-taped it. This was not a re-enactment, but was the real ceremony on video.
First a voodoo priestess did a frantic ‘fire dance’. She held two burning torches and while dancing she held them under her breasts and under the priest’s arms without any clothing catching on fire, while others played drums and chanted.
Then they began the ceremony for raising a dead man. They brought him in under a sheet, called in demons to take over his body, and poured rum and oil on the floor. The priest came in and sprinkled dry powder over the sheet in the shape of crosses (this is one way they try to mix Christianity with black magic). People gathered in a circle around the dead man, continuously shaking a maraca over him. This went on for a long time.
They tapped him on the chest with the maraca and he began to move. He vibrated and moved all over the place as if in convulsions. Then he sat up, jerked around, crawled around the sand floor on his face, and they picked him up and carried him out. Afterwards, they sacrificed a chicken; spit rum on it, swung it around and hit one of the demon possessed men with it, and one man bit its head off while its feet were still kicking. Then he drank its blood. YUCK!
The whole scene is repulsing. This is just a small example of how hideous voodoo practice and magic are. Here is the video. The ceremony starts at about the 6:00 spot. Allen made this video to show what the pagans do over there. It's a documentary. You may want to turn off the sound when the drums are beating. The supposed dead guy starts moving at the 14:35 spot. If the man was really dead, this would be a case of a real zombie animated by demons.
Below is a video I made with some segments of Voodoo rituals done in Haiti so you can see with your own eyes what they act like, with my comments added.
believe that the people they call zombies are really morons that look similar
to dead people. It is said that Haiti has its fair share of idiots that stagger
when they walk, have downcast eyes, speak gibberish through their noses or do
not speak at all, ignore those who speak to them and do not appear sane. Some of
these are probably the people who have been drugged to make them look dead,
then dug out of their graves and used as slaves and hit men that serve the
voodoo priests. But zombies can also be dead people who the devil has animated
for a period of time.
demons can and do inhabit people or objects and make them move. The demoniac of
the Bible, talked about in Mark 5, broke fetters and chains in pieces, not by
his strength, but by the strength of the demons in him. He lived naked among
the tombs and had no control of himself because the demons controlled him. They
made him cut himself with stones. As soon as Yahushuwa cast the demons out of
him, he was completely different. Since the demons no longer had control of his
body, he sat with Yahushuwa, clothed and in his right mind.
In 1857, in Sacramento, California, a wax museum was opened by Richard Turner. He bought some wax figures in London to add to his collection. They were made to look like six French people who were waiting to be executed by the guillotine during the French Revolution. Their creator made molds from the actual faces of the real people after they were beheaded, and used their real clothing to cover them with. One of the wax pieces was a replica of a French duke’s tax collector named Nicodeme Leopold-Lepide, who was dishonest and greedy. The poor people hated him. It wore a black suit and had a sinister look on its face. His picture is below. I don't know if this is the real man or the wax figure.
week after Turner obtained these figures the sinister looking one was in a
different position every time they opened the exhibit in the mornings. Not only
was its position changed, but its head was found sitting on the floor next to
the body, not damaged as though dropped, but as though it had been set there by
someone. This happened even though there was a guard outside and no one entered
the room at night.
spent the night there with his caretaker but they fell asleep. When they awoke
the figure’s position had changed and the head was on the floor again. When
they spent the night there the second time, they stayed awake and saw the
figure move just before two-thirty in the morning. They saw an arm move, a leg,
and then the facial features twisted and looked angry and a demon spoke through
the figure in French and said “Is it not possible to get some peace at night?
The people come to see us die. Now they come to see our spirits encased in wax.
Come here no more during the hours of darkness or you will regret it.” Of
course, they probably thought it was the unsettled spirit of the person who had
died, rather than a demon. But the Word of Yahuwah says that people go to
Heaven or hell when they die. It does not say that their spirits roam around
a newspaper reporter heard about this, he thought it was a hoax and he
convinced Turner to let him stay the night locked in the hall with these
figures. The sleeping caretaker awoke at two-thirty-one to the reporters
screams and pounding on the door. When he unlocked and opened the door the
reporter fell into his arms. When he could talk, he told them that each time he
looked away from this figure and then looked back it was in a slightly
different position. Then he saw it move, first slowly, then very quickly it
moved its head and stared at him with the evilest, malice look he had ever
seen. He said the head was transparent rather than solid. The wax figure
quickly stepped off the stand and came at him. The reporter tried to wake the
guard by pounding on the door but the figure grabbed his neck and attempted to
strangle him, and the reporter screamed. This finally woke up the guard and he
opened the door.
next day they found the wax figure by the door, and its head next to the other
figures on the floor. The fingers were misshaped and flattened, probably from
trying to strangle the reporter. Turner melted it down and replaced it with
something else, and the occurrences stopped. If this was a true story, and not
someone’s idea of a good practical joke, a demon possessed this wax figure and
animated it. It was probably the same demon who inhabited the evil man while he
lived, and it came into the mold that they made from his face, or from his
have been known to throw people out of bed, throw objects at people, and so on.
If demons can move objects and people and make them do things that they would
not ordinarily do, it is not so hard to believe that they can possess a dead
man’s body and make it do things also. The dead man is not ‘raised from the
dead’, his body is just being controlled by the demon, like they sometimes
control a piece of furniture. If a believer commands the demon to leave in
Yahushuwa’s name, the body will fall down just as dead as it was when it was
buried or laid to rest. Zombies are nothing to fear. They cannot operate
without a demon, and demons cannot operate when a believer casts them out
through the power of Yahushuwa!
Below are some zombie dolls that parents let their children play with. This is the epitome of stupidity! Demonic spirits come with these dolls and can enter the children who play with them, and the home they are brought into. Casting the demons out doesn’t solve the problem. These are ‘familiar’ territory for the demons and if you let your children play with them (or you have them for your own pleasure, on display) you are opening the door for the demons to remain in your home. The first one is Evil Ernie. His bones and guts are exposed, besides his face being evil. This is disgusting.
is a zombie statue from the Pirates of the Caribbean. I don’t understand why
people think this junk is okay to give their children or for the adults to
have. It’s pure evil. Even the movie that includes the zombies is not
appropriate to watch. And then here’s a folder for the children’s school
supplies. Sick! I saw the folder at K-mart in the school supply department.
Halloween decorations are laden with black cats that have their backs arched as though frightened. Cats were associated with witches as mascots, or ‘familiars’, since witchcraft began. ‘Familiars’ is short for ‘familiar spirits’, or demons. Some familiar spirits take the form of creatures such as cats, dogs, mice, rats, crows, owls, bats, toads, flies, etc. They may possess the bodies of real creatures, or simply appear in the form of a creature. They communicated to the witches in these forms and were the messengers between the witches and the devil. They also did errands for the witches which sometimes included attacking and killing people who the witch did not like. When the demons were in this form, they were vulnerable, and if they were injured, their witch obtained the same injury; if their form died, their witch died also.
cats get in the presence of spirits, they usually act undisturbed. Dogs, on the
other hand, will act nervous or bristle their hair. Both are sensitive to the
spirit world.
Other animals chosen
by witches to be mascots are the dog, the ‘manyteated’ sow and the goat,
because they are unusually fruitful animals. The witch cat used for Halloween
decorations is black, but witches often use white cats as well. Elizabeth
Dickson’s familiar was a white cat.
believed that if they took a bone out of a black cat it had supernatural
powers. They boiled the flesh from the bones and picked them up one at a time.
When they touched the right bone, it is said that the cat would scream. The
bone supposedly gave them supernatural demonic power to make them invisible.
They boiled the cat alive and when the bones separated someone put the bones in
their mouth, one at a time, while standing in front of a mirror. The bone that
did not reflect in the mirror was made into a charm of invisibility.
Some also believed that they could take the blood of a black cat and put it along with a raven’s feather on a wound, and the wound would heal instantly. A young woman would serve her man a cup of tea brewed in a black pot with a black cat’s liver, and it was supposed to be a powerful love charm. Some believed they could create a breeze if they buried a cat alive. The direction that the cat’s head faced was the direction the breeze would come from. They also believed that when a cat sat with its back toward a fire, a storm would arise.
they persecuted witches, they tortured and killed their cats along with them,
because the witches used them as familiars or mascots. In other words, the cats
had demons in them who did things for and collected information for the
witches. Sometimes the witch supposedly sent her own spirit into the cat as
well. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, witches were believed to become
cats at night and humans again at daybreak. People found out about them when
women in the communities had the same exact wounds inflicted on the cats the
night before. Some of them changed back into humans just as they were
apprehended. That is the reason many people who had ancestors in witchcraft are
so afraid of cats. When they see a cat, they think it may not be just a cat,
but a witch in disguise, or maybe even satan himself.
following kinds of occurrences of wound doubling of animal and witch were so
common that many people were afraid to go outdoors. They did not know that they
could cast out the spirit in the Name of Yahushuwa, or break the power of the
witch in the same manner, and that there was nothing to be afraid of.
incident that happened in 1719 is said to be on court record. A man named
Montgomery found his house full of cats that were ‘speaking among themselves.’
This frightened his wife and maidservant so he dragged the cats away. One of
the cats was in a chest with its head sticking out of a hole, so he cut her
neck with a sword, but it did not kill her and she did not bleed. He opened the
chest and stabbed the cat until he thought she was dead, and then threw her
outside. The next morning, she was gone. The cats returned to his house several
nights later and he fought them again. He drove his dirk through one and pinned
her to the ground, then killed her by hitting her head with the back of an axe.
She did not bleed either. He threw her outside also, but she was gone the next
morning. Two neighborhood women died shortly after all this, of unknown causes.
day a woman named Margaret NinGilbert dragged herself to her door and one of
her legs fell off. Some neighbors saw this, and because the already suspected
her of being a witch, they picked up her limb and took it to the sheriff. She
was arrested and charged with witchcraft. She admitted that she was one of the
cats in his house and he broke her leg when he chopped at it with his axe or
dirk. It became infected and swollen, then it turned black and finally dropped
off. She also admitted that two of her friends who were with her at the house
had died recently.
Scotland there was an English doctor who went to the highlands to hunt. A cat
walked through the open door of his hut while he was enjoying the warm
fireplace. His dogs bristled and growled. The cat stood in front of the fire
facing him and began to swell until it was as large as a yearling calf. The
dogs ignored it. The doctor shot the cat with a silver bullet and the cat ran
away yelling. A farmer brought his sick wife to the doctor for medical
attention, and the doctor found his own silver bullet in her chest. (I
personally know a woman who had a similar incident happen, with owls instead of
cats were the most common animals that witches ‘changed into’, they could do
this with other animals as well. In 1663, a woman was said to have transformed
herself into a hare. Her name was Julian Cox. A hunter saw the hare and sent
his dogs after it, near her home. The hare ran into a great bush and he ran to
the other side to grab it. As he grabbed it, he saw that it was Julian. She had
her head groveling in the ground and her bottom in the air. He asked her why
she was there, but she was so out of breath that she could not answer him. His
dogs smelled her and then stopped hunting for the hare. The hunter went home
very frightened!
his book Between Jesus and Satan, Kurt Koch said there is about forty
incidents involving cats in his files. In most of the cases an apparition of a
cat appears in a house or farm, and it is caused by a person. He says that the
universities refuse to recognize these things. They do not believe they are
real in spite of all the documentation. Many people believe that magic is
either deception or nonsense.
person had an experience where her pet cat picked up a demon when a witch was
present. After the witch left, the cat began acting strange and walking back
and forth looking at each person as they talked, which he normally did not do.
He had a glow in his eyes. The demon was listening to the conversations so the
witch could hear it through the demon in the cat. She picked up her cat, looked
into its eyes and told it about Yahushuwa being stronger than satan. She was
talking to the man through the cat. She said she would prove Yahushuwa was
stronger and cast the demon out of the cat. Immediately the glow left the cat’s
eyes, he stopped struggling and went to sleep.
In an area where black magic was common people found a large black cat hanging around the house of a pregnant woman. The cat left only after someone threw an axe at it and injured its leg. The next day one of the known black magic practitioners had a foot injury. A few days later, after the baby was born, she visited the new baby’s mother. She patted the baby’s head and mumbled something. Afterwards the baby cried constantly for many days, and grew up with a very weak memory. The woman had put a curse on the baby.
Irish believe that if a person encounters a cat who stares them in the face, a
witch is in his path. Others believe that you will have seven years of bad luck
if a black cat crosses your path. These are just superstitions, but it is not
just a superstition that some cats have spirits in them that should not
be there. It is also true that a believer has the power to cast those spirits
out! Most cats do not have any bad spirits in them, so do not be suspicious
every time you see one. Definitely do not be afraid of cats. Most of them are
just innocent kitty cats, and make very lovable pets. Just know that it is
possible, and if you ever suspect it, command the spirit to leave in Yahushuwa’s
name and it will have to obey you (as long as you’re submitted to Yahuwah and
not living in sin.)
a neighborhood James and I used to live in, he once ‘felt’ something staring at
him through the window at night when I was at work. He went outside and shined
his flashlight (it was dark out) and on the porch next door (where no one
lived) he saw a very large black cat staring at our place. He had never seen
this cat before nor after this night.
that same neighborhood we were preparing to start a ministry there for the
local people. We had a Sabbath service on Saturday afternoon in the gazebo in
the park in the middle of the neighborhood. This was a drug infested area with
gang members living there. Three cats walked together from the road, towards
the gazebo where we were. They all stopped at the same time, lined up in a row,
at the edge of the cement sprinkler area, and stared at us. They just sat there
staring at us for about a minute. I, being the cat lover that I am, started to
walk towards them saying “Kitty kitty,” and they each stood up and walked away
in different directions. That was the strangest thing! We think the gang
members had ‘mascots’ come out to see what we were up to.
enough, the one minister’s wife started making waves about our Sabbath service,
insisted on doing some pagan stuff in that ministry, such as Easter egg hunts
and Christmas celebrations, which we will have nothing to do with because of
what they represent (explained later in this book), so this ministry never got
off the ground and Yahuwah sent us to another area to do things differently.
That neighborhood has a vacant church sitting there that was donated to the
area by a woman who wanted to see it evangelized, and as far as we know, there
has not been any ministry there since then.
minister who was supposed to work with us refused to deal with his wife’s
rebellion, and we warned him that Yahuwah’s hedge would be lifted if he didn’t
get his house in order (since he had said that Yah specifically told him and
his wife about Sabbath keeping and told them both that we were the ones to
start the ministry in that area and he was to be a part of it). He has since
had two heart attacks, and still refuses to talk to us or respond to any of our
messages or warnings or pleadings for him to repent. Since he didn’t stand up
to the enemy in that neighborhood, they were able to overcome him. We would
have evangelized the area and then had him and his wife pastor the church there
with us overseeing it. My husband James is an apostle and starting and
overseeing congregations is part of his ministry calling. Yahuwah moved us to a
different town, so there is no ministry there now to help that neighborhood,
like there was supposed to be.
strange thing that had happened when we lived there was a lone coyote walking
next to the very busy street (was almost like a highway) – he was in the grassy
part between the shoulder and the woodsy area – walking along the road towards
our place, and I thought that was strange.
No, that’s not a
photo of him. I just like to add pictures to help bring the stories more to
life. Coyotes normally run in packs, and normally are in the woods, not along
busy traffic. And once someone drove by and fired about six shots from a
semi-automatic gun as they passed our place, which sat right on the corner at
one of the two entrances into the neighborhood. We had some bullet sized holes
in our privacy fence that I suspect were from that. People in that neighborhood
knew James was a minister, even before I married him, so we suspect the drug
dealers didn’t like him living there.
when the ass saw the angel of Yahuwah, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam's
anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff. And Yahuwah opened the
mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that
thou hast smitten me these three times? And Balaam said unto the ass, Because
thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I
kill thee. And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou
hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto
thee? And he said, Nay. Then Yahuwah opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the
angel of Yahuwah standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he
bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. And the angel of Yahuwah said
unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? behold, I
went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse before me: And the ass
saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had turned from me,
surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her alive. And Balaam said unto the
angel of Yahuwah, I have sinned; for I knew not that thou stoodest in the way
against me: now therefore, if it displease thee, I will get me back again. And
the angel of Yahuwah said unto Balaam, Go with the men: but only the word that
I shall speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak. So Balaam went with the princes
of Balak.”
POINT ONE: Yahuwah made an
ass, an animal, talk with a man! (If it is possible for Yahuwah to make an
animal talk, and the devil succeeds in mimicking and perverting this act of
Yahuwah, then the devil can make an animal talk.
POINT TWO: Yahuwah opened the
eyes of Balaam and let him see a spirit being (an angel in this case) who was
present when this happened. (When the devil makes an animal talk or do
something there is a demonic spirit being, a fallen angel, present.)
POINT THREE: A spirit being
talked with a man, and the man talked with the spirit. (As the angel talked
with the man through the animal, a demon can also talk to a man through an
animal, and the man can talk with the demon.)
Matthew 8, Yahushuwa cast the devils out of a man and they begged Him to send
them into a herd of pigs, and Yahushuwa did. The demon infested pigs went crazy
and ran violently into the sea and drowned. The devil is a counterfeiter and
perverts the things that Yahuwah does, and uses them for evil. The devil cannot
do everything that Yahuwah can do, but he can mimic many of these things. In
the Garden of Eden, the devil spoke through the serpent and talked to Eve. Genesis
3:1 “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which
Yahuwah God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath Yahuwah said, Ye
shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Genesis 3:4 “And the
serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die;” Revelation 20:2
“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,
and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”. He can inhabit the bodies of
animals to make them do things and talk.
17. OWLS
Another animal associated with Halloween and the occult is the owl. People in the middle-ages thought they were bad spirits that came to eat the souls of the dying. They believed that the owl’s cry meant someone would die. Some thought it was a bird of wisdom. Owls were believed to run witches’ evil errands. The Cewas linked owls with necrophagous sorcerers who brought them illness, death and accidents.
Many people in the occult use owls in their magic. Famous missionary Malcolm Smith said he had dinner with a king in Nigeria, in 1989, who had been born-again for about a year. He said kings are not the rulers anymore, but they do still have a lot of power. This king had tremendous power that he could use for the church in that neighborhood. Several witches and sorcerers wanted to kill him, but when they tried to use their powers to do it, they failed. They decided that the one who succeeded in killing him would become their number one sorcerer.
The one who volunteered used an owl to try to kill him. They claim they can leave their bodies, or astral project their spirits, and enter animals, and yet still be in their own bodies. They seem to divide themselves. Then they send the animals to do the killing.
The king told Malcolm that just a few weeks earlier he was sitting alone in his receiving room when a huge speckled owl flew in. He knew this was a sorcerer who came to kill him. He stood and commanded it to be bound in ‘Jesus’ name. It then veered like a broken plane and crashed into the corner. His servants came in and caught it and put it in a cage. They prayed around the cage continuously, binding satan’s powers in the Lord’s name. The next day the owl was dead in the cage, face down, and wings outstretched. Two days later the sorcerer was found dead in the field, face down, and arms outstretched. The people in the area highly respected the Christian king after that, even more than before, and he could influence many of them to become born-again believers.80
A Native-American Christian med-tech woman whom I used to work with in an assisted living facility told me about a Christian friend of hers who looked out of her window one night and saw two owls sitting outside watching her. She knew they were not just owls. She was an Indian who knew about the black magic often used among her people, and she became very angry. They were close enough that she managed to grab a knife and quickly slash them across the chest with it. They flew away. The next day two men with whom she worked had wounds across their chests from being slashed with a knife.
January of 1755, in what is now Beijing, babies were having convulsions and
dying in the morning hours. As they were dying, people saw an owl fly into
their rooms. An archer found out about this and waited in a dying infant’s room
with his bow and arrow. The owl came in and he shot it. It cried out and flew
away, but it left a blood trail that led to a kitchen where they found a
servant woman with a severe wound in her loin. She confessed to being the owl,
and said she had been feeding on the brains of babies at night. They burned her
alive and the babies stopped dying of convulsions.
Owls are not evil animals. Yahuwah created them and all that He created was good, but some people use them for evil purposes, and so they are associated with evil. Putting owl pictures and stuffed owls out as decorations for Halloween celebrations puts them in this evil association. Appreciating them in godly context, such as in nature, is very different from the former. Although demons and human spirits can inhabit owls, as well as any other animal, we do not need to be afraid of them. If you ever suspect there is a wrong spirit in one you can command it to leave in Yahushuwa’s name, and if you are submitted to Yahuwah, the spirit has to obey you. I would not suggest doing this near anyone who could hear you unless they are informed believers who understand what is going on. Most people would think you had a mental problem if they heard you talking to an owl! Most people believe that all these things I am writing about are just fairy tales and superstitions, and honestly, many who read this book will probably think that I have a mental problem! Oh well.
flew over and around the witches’ Samhain fires to eat the mosquitos attracted
by the heat. People believed they were in league with the devil and partners
with witches. Bats were called ‘the witches’ bird’ and people believed they
could change themselves into human forms or other animals such as a wolves.
and satanists use bats in the same way they use owls, cats and other animals.
They can pray for a demon to enter them or a human can project their spirit
into them, and attack people or spy on them. One ex-satanist who became a
Christian had two female friends whom he feared for because cult members had
threatened him when he left the cult. They tried to move in the night so no one
would see where they lived, but bats followed them everywhere they went. The
bats most likely had demons in them who were informers for the cult members.
People in the occult can communicate with demons because they have demons in
them that make it possible.
Vampire bats are bats that land on sleeping victims, usually animals, slice them with their incisors, and then lick up the blood as it drips out of the wound. They drink an ounce to an ounce-and-a-half of blood per day. They have an anti-clotting agent in their saliva that keeps the blood dripping from the wound instead of clotting. Often, they give their victims rabies, which can kill them.
Bats are not evil animals. They also were created by Yahuwah. Some of them are so ugly they look evil, but they are just animals. Believers have the power and authority to cast any spirits out of them whenever necessary. We do not need to fear them. But we should not put bat decorations up because this gives them an evil countenance. We should not do anything with them that associates them with evil. We should treat them as Yahuwah’s creatures and not satan’s tools.
of the preoccupation with death led to the practice of necromancy
(communication with the dead) on Halloween. People like to have seances on
October 31st, as well as other times of the year. A seance is when a group of
people attempt to call on the spirit of a dead person to ‘come back’ and give
them information or spend some time with them. In reality, the spirit who
either appears or speaks through a medium is a demon impersonating the spirit
of a dead person. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” People who die
are either in Heaven or hell. Yet people still get together and pray for
departed souls on All Souls or All Saints Day. Some even pour flour and wine on
the graves to share them with the dead.
very rarely allows someone who is dead to talk with someone who is alive, if at
all. I do not know of any instances in the Bible where someone in hell did
this. One would have liked to, but it was not allowed. This was the rich man in
Luke 16. He wanted Yahuwah to send Lazarus, who was in Heaven, to his
household to warn them about hell. Yahuwah did not allow this and neither did
He allow the rich man to do it.
There was one instance in the Bible where Saul tried to contact someone who had died and gone to Heaven, through a spiritual medium, the witch of Endor. It appears that Yahuwah may have allowed the contact to be made but some believe he only conversed with the familiar spirit that the woman had. Either way, Yahuwah sharply rebuked Saul for it, and it says in I Chronicles 10:13-14:
Saul died for his transgression which he committed against Yahuwah, even
against the word of Yahuwah, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel
of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; And inquired not of
Yahuwah: therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the
son of Jesse.”
medium is a person who believes he can be the mediator between dead people’s
spirits and the living who seek to talk with them. They do have the ability to
communicate with demons. A spiritualist medium is different from a witch or satanist,
usually. They are often well-intentioned misinformed people who really believe
they are doing a good thing to talk with the dead. They usually do this by
having seances. They form a circle. At first, they may sit quietly, being
sensitive to the spirit world. While members pray quietly, the medium prays,
and someone goes into a trance. Their face may distort and change features as a
demon spirit takes control. A person at a seance will often seek a deceased
loved one, and the medium’s face will distort to resemble that loved one, or
their eyes will change to their eye color. These people become demon possessed
by doing this. Those who participate in séances often become demon possessed
also. And those who don’t often become harassed and oppressed by demons.
friends and I had seances ‘just for fun’ when we were teenagers. One night we
all lay on the floor with our heads together, holding hands, and tried to call
up a dead rock-and-roll star. One girl stood up screaming and crying. She had
seen a dead face on the ceiling. It was yellow and had big eyes. A guy who
hates to dance pulled up his girlfriend and said, “I love to dance”, and began
dancing with her. My boyfriend felt a cramp in his right leg that hurt quite
badly. The other guy just cried.
he told his girlfriend that his dead uncle spoke to him and told him he would
die in the Navy. (This was many years ago and he had not died in the Navy the
last I heard of him.) His uncle died of cancer, was yellow in color and had big
eyes when he died. He also loved to dance, and something was wrong with his
right leg that made him limp. It was not really the dead uncle who spoke to
this young man. It was a demonic spirit pretending to be his uncle. The devil
is a liar and wants to make us believe things that will lead us away from the
truth about our lives or salvation. He can easily pretend to be a dead uncle,
as well as an angel of light. That experience really scared us and we never had
a séance again.
clairvoyant is a medium who has knowledge supernaturally. They seek spirits on
coming events, and on how and when to do certain things. Some people trust this
demonic information implicitly. Satanic knowledge and wisdom come from
vibrations through handling an object or article that belonged to the person in
question. The vibrations are given by familiar spirits who knew in intimate
detail all about the person. These spirits will mimic the person’s voice
through the medium. These are all counterfeits of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Corinthians 12:1,4-11 “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I
would not have you ignorant. Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same
Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And
there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all
in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit
withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the
word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to
another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of
miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another
divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all
these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally
as he will.”
The gift of the word
of knowledge operates when a believer knows something supernaturally through
the power of the Holy Spirit. This knowledge is NEVER obtained through occult
Harry Houdini was an American magician who lived from 1874 to 1926. He was famous for escaping from all kinds of bond and sealed containers. He also exposed several fraudulent spiritual mediums and had many seances himself. He promised that when he died, he would send a message back from the dead and some people still believe this will happen. He died on Halloween in 1926. Many who have seances try to contact him. In Washington they have a Black-Tie Black Magic Ball on Halloween as a solute to Houdini.
William Crookes, a famous scientist, investigated him once. He took an
accordion and put it in a metal cage so it was out of Home’s reach, and it rose
up and played during a seance. Crookes saw him levitate a chair while a woman
sat in it. Home also could stretch the length of his body six inches with six
people hanging on to him, hold burning coals without getting burned, and many
other things. It is said that nobody knows how he did these things. Many
believers do know how he did them! Obviously, he did them through the power of
demons. Above is a lithograph of him levitating in 1887 and in 1868, and
levitating a table.
mediums have seances in which the spirits appear in materialized form for
everyone present to see. They believe that a material substance ‘clothes’ the
spirit of a dead person and makes it appear visible. This substance is called
‘ectoplasm’, and is present in the human body. Ectoplasm is a relatively rigid
gelled cortex in the cell membranes. It is a part of the cytoplasm, which is
outside the cell’s nucleus.81 Now a lot of mediums have been exposed
to be faking this manifestation, but some of them are most likely real. I’ve
not seen this, nor do I want to, but I’m just telling you about it.
the seance the medium emits this semi-luminous thick vapor like substance
through his nose, mouth, ears, eyes and stomach. As it hits the air it
solidifies. The demon spirits use the ectoplasm to form the shapes of people.
The form begins with
the feet and moves up the body to the arms and then the face. Then the spirit
walks around and finds someone to have a conversation with. Sometimes more than
one appears at a time. Though demons prefer to inhabit and express themselves
through humans, they will also use ectoplasm or other inanimate objects such as
stone statues, toys, jewelry, dead bodies, etc.
all of this is happening, the ectoplasm is still connected to the medium. It
appears and feels something like a cross between cheese muslin and fine linen.
If the spirit gives someone permission to touch it, they can touch it and
sometimes even cut off a lock of its hair. However, mediums have been severely
injured when someone in the room tried to touch or grab the ectoplasm, or
suddenly expose it to light, without permission. They can even be killed this
way. The reason is that the ectoplasm suddenly shoots back into the medium in
solid form, through the same cavities it was emitted from. It does not have
time to un-materialize and reabsorb slowly as a vapor. It is like jerking a
piece of cloth through a person’s body system and cell membranes.
ex-medium claimed to know of several mediums who were blinded or crippled for
life when the solid ectoplasm sprung back like elastic. He was blinded for
twenty-four hours because of this. It hit his stomach and he had a scar across
his stomach that lasted for days. Ectoplasm is part of the cell membrane so it
seems that the person’s cell structure is tampered with when the medium does
this. The amazing thing is the stupidity of people who put themselves in this
danger. Demons do not need the ectoplasm of a medium to appear in material form.
They do that quite well on their own. But the whole idea of calling forth
‘spirits of the dead’, which are in fact demons, is stupid anyway! All demons
want to do is destroy us.
Below is a GIF that shows what ectoplasm is supposedly like when coming
out of a person. Whether any of this is true or not, I do not know. It’s pretty
far out there. But I’m just sharing what I read about it.
spiritists do not believe these are demons, but mistakenly think they are the
actual spirits of the deceased. People in the seances frequently call up
deceased loved ones or pets, and they appear to manifest. There are many cases
on record of materializations of cats, dogs, snakes, frogs, humans and
animal/humans. People have even taken photographs of these materializations.
Since the ectoplasm is a real substance, it can be photographed if the spirit
gives them permission to use the flash. Since these are demons and they are all
liars, they could very easily cause the ectoplasm to shoot back into the medium
any time during the seance just to harm or kill him. Apparently, they do not,
though, or the mediums would not keep doing this dangerous activity.
young girl became involved in seances that used ectoplasm to materialize
spirits. She attended these with her parents. Once she saw a picture of a
couple sitting in a chair with the form of young boy just above them. His
picture was not as clear as theirs and seemed shrouded in smoke. Her parents
told her the smoke was ectoplasm. They said the boy died years before the
picture was taken and returned to have his picture included in the family
The following pictures are probably considered frauds by many people. I have no proof either way. I will just present some of them so you can see how it happens, and you can draw your own conclusion on whether you want to believe they are real or not. Many are fake.
are portions of photos that were taken around 1948, showing the medium laying
on a cot and the spirits formed from the ectoplasm coming out of his face.
Notice how the white substance comes out of the man’s nose, mouth and ears, and
notice how the spirits’ faces look so human. Either someone did some trick
photography putting these pictures together, or the demons managed well to
impersonate these dead people and then let themselves be photographed. The
names on the pictures are the names of the dead people whom the medium believes
he materialized. When the materialization is about to end, the medium reabsorbs
the ectoplasm.
forms of necromancy practiced in modern times are those of automatic writing,
composing and painting. When mediums do these things, they believe that spirits
of dead people take control of their hands and write books, letters, poems,
songs, music or paint pictures. Spirits of dead people do not work through
mediums, demons do. The ones who write music believe that dead famous composers
like Beethoven and Bach are writing the music from their graves by using the
medium’s hands. Those who do paintings believe that famous artists like Picasso
are painting from their graves using the medium’s hands. They write or paint at
very high speed while in a trance.
Gasparetto was investigated by someone who wanted to find out if he was a
fraud. He never learned to draw, never tried to sell a picture and is only able
to work while in a trance. Before he begins, he feels a change take place in
his muscles and nerves when he is in a trance. He then feels a sense of
excitement and feels like he is covered by a layer of energy. He does not know
it, but this feeling comes from a demon that is possessing him. He becomes
aware of the disincarnate painters, communicates telepathically and sometimes
sees glimpses of the pictures he will paint. The demon spirits communicate with
his spirit to accomplish this, but the spiritists believe they are really the
dead authors. He is then telepathically invited to begin painting and the
spirit takes control of his hands.
the investigation he painted fourteen pictures in fifty-six minutes and spent
thirty-four minutes praying and reading from a spiritist book. His simple
drawings took four minutes and the more elaborate ones took from ten to twenty
minutes. Some pictures were completed in thirty seconds. A trained artist
cannot paint that fast. He normally paints in the dark. Some of his works are
paintings of discarnate relatives or friends of the people present, and they
recognize them. He paints in different styles that coincide with the different
artists whose work he supposedly does. Each hand works on a different part of
the picture simultaneously, and with different strokes. Sometimes he draws two
heads simultaneously, one upside down with the authors signature upside down
and backwards. The other he paints right side up with the signature right side up.
He also paints with his feet and one hand simultaneously. It is said that the
disincarnate author often talks with the person who is holding the paper down.
This is really a demon impersonating the author.
Here are some paintings done in this fashion by Luiz Gasparetto:
is a video of him doing some painting:
The signature was
signed by means of automatic writing. That means a demon controlled the
medium’s hand and signed the name of this famous dead artist, Modi.
is a copy of a painting done by the real Degas, when he was alive. The
automatic paintings done by demonic influence closely resemble the original
artists styles, but do not be fooled by them. They are painted by demons who
use the artists hands (and sometimes feet and teeth), and are ‘familiar
objects’ to demons. Familiar objects attract demons to them and bring these
spirits into our homes with the paintings. The paintings done by these spirits
may have special signs painted into them to help demons find the pictures and
inhabit them. (Indians sometimes weave flaws into their blankets for this
purpose, so the spirits can find the blankets easier, and I believe these
paintings have ‘marks’ in them also.)
people, including a lot of children and teenagers, use Ouija boards to have
séances, and others use it to communicate with what they think are ‘friends’
from the ‘other world’. Many of these end up being harassed or possessed by
demons afterwards, even after they stop doing it.
Bible says we are not to practice necromancy!
shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to
pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an
enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an
abomination unto Yahuwah: and because of these abominations Yahuwah thy God
doth drive them out from before thee.”
“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits,
and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto
their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they
speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness,
dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.”
Timothy 4:1
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart
from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”
we want knowledge, we are to ask Yahuwah. If we want gifts, we are to ask
Yahuwah for them. Some people play beautiful anointed music through the power
of the Holy Spirit. They do not technically know how to play, but the Holy
Spirit plays through them. Automatic composing by occult means is a perversion
of this.
seances opens us up to demonic spirits, even if we are just doing it out of
curiosity. Doing automatic writing or painting gives demons control over us and
puts us in grave danger. Entertaining ourselves as an observer can give demons
entrance into our lives as well. I do not believe that viewing these clips for
purposes of teaching and criticism and learning opens us to demons, because the
Bible says not to participate in the works of darkness but rather expose them. I
am exposing them in this book, and warn you not to get interested in the occult
topics to further explore them, because they could get a hold on you if you
aren’t prayed-up and strong in Yahuwah, and if the Holy Spirit hasn’t led you
to do that.
Halloween Soup - Cover & Footnotes & Endnotes
Halloween Soup - The Devil's Year-Round Recipe for Oppression - DON'T EAT IT! - by Jennifer Lang
Chapter Two B - The Beautiful Mansion
Chapter Three - History of Halloween
Chapter Four - Witchcraft and Satanism
Chapter Five part 1 of 2 - Halloween and Occult Activities
Chapter Five part 2 of 2 - Halloween and Occult Activities
Chapter Six - What About the Other Holidays? Are They Occult Too?
Chapter Seven - Yahuwah's Feast Days
Chapter Nine - How to Get Set Free From the Effects of Halloween and the Occult
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