This is a book I just finished writing in July of 2024, in e-book format (PDF). It is for Christians and in it I explain the true meaning of many verses that are unknowingly used out of context to support un-Biblical doctrines. In here are the instructions for living that your pastors never told you, nor did you figure them out for yourselves because you didn't know they are usually misunderstood.
This is a book I wrote for people who have lived in or now live in dysfunctional homes where there was abuse, addictions, absence of normal parenting, etc., in e-book format (PDF) It is to help you get to know and establish a relationship with our Heavenly Father, who loves you very much.
This is a small book I wrote explaining the names of our Heavenly Father and our Messiah. It is the same information as the blog below called "Names of God and His Son", but in e-book format (PDF)
Is His name really 'God' and 'Jesus'? Does it matter? What does the name 'Jesus' really mean? If the names really are Yahuwah and Yahushuwa, as you claim, then what do those names mean?

Yahushuwa IS God the Creator
I hear that that is so, and that He is the Word made flesh, but if He's God, then why does He sometimes talk to God and ask Him questions, as if He's not God? I don't understand this. Is He God or isn't He?

Salvation - Eternal Life
How do I get saved (inherit eternal life) and stay saved, since you say that the 'Once Saved, Always Saved' theory is a lie from the enemy!?

Yahushuwa IS God the Creator
I hear that that is so, and that He is the Word made flesh, but if He's God, then why does He sometimes talk to God and ask Him questions, as if He's not God? I don't understand this. Is He God or isn't He?

Salvation - Eternal Life
How do I get saved (inherit eternal life) and stay saved, since you say that the 'Once Saved, Always Saved' theory is a lie from the enemy!?

The Mark of the Beast, Anti-Messiah and the Tribulation
Who is the anti-christ? Is it a real person, or is it a system of government? Is it coming in the future or is it already here? Is the Mark of the Beast a computer chip or a spiritual mark?

The New Jerusalem or Heaven
When I die, will I go up to Heaven? What is the New Jerusalem? Where is that? All of these places confuse me.

Do we have to obey the 613 Laws of Moses, or the Ten Commandments, or the 2 Laws of Christ, or no laws or all of the laws??? My pastor said after Jesus rose from the dead, the law was done away with, and we should not try to live by it.
But the whole law has been abolished???? I made this blog as an answer to a question in a Bible group. It is a compilation of paragraphs from the book I've been writing. You can read it and learn to understand why and how the law of Yahuwah (law of Moses and 10 commandments) are still valid.
My pastor says that 'Jesus' keeps the law for us, so we don't have to do it. Why do you talk about 613 of them when he says there are only 2 now? 613 is too many to even think about - I could NEVER keep all of those! Do we really have to?
I want to show you that the law is not so scary as many think! There really aren’t that many of the 613 commandments that we are expected to keep, because so many of them do not apply to us.

Second Coming - Rapture
Are all the believers going to be raptured (taken up) out of here right before the tribulation begins?

Death and Judgment
What are we getting saved FROM? Is there really a hell and a lake of fire? What does the Bible say about Heaven?

How do I live in HOLINESS (a set apart lifestyle - set apart for Him)? Do I have to wear a skirt to my ankles and put my hair in a bun? That's what a certain greeter at Walmart does, and she says she goes to a 'Holiness' church. If those people are so holy, why do their eyes look glassed over like they're either depressed or deeply disturbed? And why do they act like everyone else is dirty or something and they are so pure? They look like they either have a mental disease or are demon possessed. Is that how you have to look to be holy?

The 7th Day Sabbath
I learned that the 7th Day Sabbath is the 4th of the Ten Commandments, but wasn't it changed to Sunday? Is it really to be kept by all of Yahuwah's people throughout all generations? My pastor said it was changed to Sunday.

Yahuwah's Holy Days or Feast Days (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles)
Aren't these the 'Jewish holidays', that only the Jews need to keep? What do they have to do with non-Jews?
Man's Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.)
My pastor said alcohol is one of the major sins. He said that the wine in the Bible was just grape juice. Is this true?
Some Christians told me that since I am divorced, I have to remain single for the rest of my life, unless my x-husband happens to die. I am only 22 and have 3 kids to raise. Does God expect me to stay alone and raise them all by myself? Or is there more to this topic than what people are telling me?? Is it true that re-marriage is unforgiveable but murder is not?

Man's Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.)
Does it really hurt or affect our walk with Yahushuwa if we celebrate these holidays? I don't do it for the pagan reasons. He knows my heart.

My church says we all have to give 10% of our income to the church, but I've heard that the tithe instructions do not apply at this time, and I am confused. Can you explain?

The Dietary Laws/Instructions
Oh, I'm not under that ole law anymore and can eat whatever I want to, right? My pastor said when Peter had the vision, Yahuwah lifted the restrictions on eating unclean animals and no longer cares if we eat them.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues
My pastor said this is of the devil. My friend's pastor said this was done away with. What is this baptism? Is it good or bad? I'm confused.

Women in the Ministry and at Home
Does the Bible forbid women from being in the ministry? I once went to a church where they forbid women from ministry, but they had women teaching the children and a woman playing the organ. But they insist that any woman who teaches a 'man' is a Jezebel and is evil, and they won't let a woman actually 'lead' the praise and worship. This is all so confusing. I am a woman and want to know if I can be a minister.

The Dietary Laws/Instructions
Oh, I'm not under that ole law anymore and can eat whatever I want to, right? My pastor said when Peter had the vision, Yahuwah lifted the restrictions on eating unclean animals and no longer cares if we eat them.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues
My pastor said this is of the devil. My friend's pastor said this was done away with. What is this baptism? Is it good or bad? I'm confused.

Women in the Ministry and at Home
Does the Bible forbid women from being in the ministry? I once went to a church where they forbid women from ministry, but they had women teaching the children and a woman playing the organ. But they insist that any woman who teaches a 'man' is a Jezebel and is evil, and they won't let a woman actually 'lead' the praise and worship. This is all so confusing. I am a woman and want to know if I can be a minister.

Dressing Modestly
My pastor's wife wears a very short skirt and sometimes her cleavage is showing also. Their teenage daughters wear very tight pants or short shorts. Aren't they supposed to set the example for the congregation? Is it right for women to dress this way? How does the way women dress affect other people's walks with the Lord! I recently attended a church where the ministers asked a lady to leave the service because she was dressed immodestly!

Hair, Beards, Head Coverings, Tattoos, and Piercings
My friend's church won't allow women to enter unless they put on a head covering, which they keep a supply of right inside the door. All of the men there have long scraggly beards and look like they crawled out from under rocks. All of the women have really long hair but they always wear it up in buns and wear no makeup, and their eyes are always glassed over and they look like they are in a cult. She wants me to come to church with her and she believes that I won't go to heaven unless I do these things as well because she says this is what holiness is all about. What is the truth about these things? I don't really feel comfortable with this.

Don't Boil a Goat in Its Mother's Milk
Can you explain to me this law from the Old Testament? I have a Jewish friend who will not eat cheeseburgers or pizza. Because of this law she will not eat meat with cheese! In fact, she even has two separate refrigerators - one for meat products and one for dairy products, because she says they cannot touch. Is this necessary?? It sounds silly.

Don't Mix Wool With Linen
What possible reason could God have for making this law? My Jewish friend will not wear anything wool with anything linen - like she wouldn't wear her wool dress with a linen vest. Since this is one of the laws, does it apply to all believers?

Prayers to Overcome Addictions
These prayers were written by others and I made changes in them as I saw fit. I do not own the rights to these writings but I do fully agree with them and want others to benefit from them. I used the real names of God (Yahuwah) and our Messiah (Yahushuwa).

These prayers were written by others and I made changes in them as I saw fit. I do not own the rights to these writings but I do fully agree with them and want others to benefit from them. I used the real names of God (Yahuwah) and our Messiah (Yahushuwa).

If you look for a Torah Observant or Messianic or Hebrew Roots (basically the same thing) congregation to worship and learn in, I want to give you some advice – be careful to stay away from those that are into false doctrine. This would apply to Facebook and other online groups as well.
I will address verses in the New Testament that many mistakenly insist show that the law was done away with. Each misunderstood verse is done in red font so you can find them faster.
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