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Prayers to Overcome Addictions

Prayers to Overcome Addictions

(These prayers were written by others and I made changes in them as I saw fit. I do not own the rights to these writings but I do fully agree with them and want others to benefit from them. I used the real names of God (Yahuwah) and our Messiah (Yahushuwa). Please pass the link to this page on to others who you believe may benefit from it.

Heavenly Father Yahuwah, we praise and honor you, and rejoice that you continually proclaim your love towards us. I lift up my friend who has been struggling with addiction and ask you to heal him Father, and deliver him completely from the evil chains of addiction.

Your word says that if he will confess his sins, you are faithful and just to forgive his sins and to cleanse him from all unrighteousness. We ask the Holy Spirit to convict his heart and bring him to repentance so that he can receive your forgiveness and cleansing. And help him also forgive himself and be released from all guilt and shame.

Help him to renounce all associations with darkness and to claim his freedom in Yahushuwa our Messiah. Don’t let him be abandoned in his distress, for you are his hiding place and have provided a way of escape from every temptation.

Remove from his thoughts the desire and appetite for drugs, alcohol, lust and illicit sex, wrong foods (gluttony, unclean meats, anorexia, etc), gambling, or anything that is part of this disease, and cause the desires of his mind and heart to be in alignment with your purpose for his life. Create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him.
"Create In Me A Clean Heart - Keith Green"

Help him to emerge out of the state of denial and mistrust, and see that he can trust you to help him overcome every challenge with grace, love and faith. Bring to light the truth that he is no longer in control of his habit, that it can never meet his deeper needs, and that his behavior has dire consequences which leads to further bondage.

Send strong spirit-led people into his path to provide support, guidance, counsel, and accountability. Teach him how to set boundaries in relationships, to respect the boundaries of others, and to sever ties with people who are detrimental to the goal of cultivating healthy relationships.

Nothing is too hard for you as you have promised him forgiveness and the hope of a new beginning. While his body is weak, strengthen his soul, and let his spirit be willing. May he find his fulfillment in you and not in any addictions.

In Yahushuwa’s mighty name I pray. Amen!

Here is a prayer for you to pray, and I encourage you to do it now, really meaning it. There are more prayers for you after this one that maybe you could pray one each day for a few days, and maybe even repeat the process throughout the week, month, year, etc. We can never pray too much. And as you begin to trust and feel close to your Savior, you can certainly pray your own prayers rather than read them, or both. Yahuwah is a good God, and regardless of what you experienced in your past, He cares about you and wants to help you but you have to give your life to Him and choose to trust Him.

Heavenly Father,

I humbly approach you, seeking your forgiveness for my transgressions. I acknowledge that I have sinned against you, my God. I also acknowledge that you came to us as a man and died for our sins, and rose from the dead, and that the blood you shed on the cross atones for our sins to make us pure and forgiven, that is cleanses away our sins, when we acknowledge them and repent of them. I’m sorry for sinning against you, and choose now to learn to live my life your way instead of my way. I receive you as my Lord and Savior and thank you for dying for my sins and setting me free to be part of your family. Please pardon me for elevating drugs to the status of a false deity in my life. Walk alongside me on my journey to recovery, O Lord. Embrace me with your wings of love, providing solace and refuge during the challenging times of intense withdrawal.

In your divine mercy, extend your compassion to me grappling with drug addiction, empowering me to conquer this battle and emerge as a victor. Quell the cravings for narcotics that dwell within my heart and restore my body from any harm inflicted upon it.

O Lord Yahushuwa, the embodiment of compassion, just as you showed kindness to those who sought your healing touch in the past, I beseech you to extend your compassion to me now. Heal me from this addiction that has drained my spirit, dear Lord, for I am weary of living in this manner. Despite my earnest attempts to quit drugs and alcohol, I find myself trapped in a cycle of relapse. Recognizing my own limitations, I implore you to gaze upon me with affectionate mercy and deliver me from this plight. Grant me the strength to become a living testament among those who know me.

Use me as a vessel, dear Lord, to demonstrate your goodness to the world. Let my transformed life serve as a testament to your redemptive power.
In the steadfast name of Yahushuwa, I offer this prayer, seeking your intervention and trusting in your unfailing love. Amen!

Save Me Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I come before you to humbly seek your intervention to guide me away from the desolate wastelands of drug addiction. May your boundless love replace the cravings for substances that ensnare me. With the healing power of Yahushuwa's redeeming blood, purify my body and restore me from the harmful effects of drugs.

Break the chains of addiction that bind me, fragmenting their hold, and set me free from the dark shadows that cloud my existence. The authority of your divine command has the power to heal, and I need you to rescue me from this destructive path. In the sanctuary of your protective embrace, I pledge to offer my deepest gratitude, Heavenly Father. Let my praises resound within the congregation of believers.

In the unwavering name of Yahushuwa, I place my faith and pray for deliverance.

Prayer for Grace, Courage, and Perseverance

Precious Lord,

I come before you, seeking your grace and courage to embark on the journey of overcoming drug addiction. Lord Yahushuwa, I beseech you to pour out your abundant grace upon me as I take these first steps towards a clean and renewed life. In moments when the temptations and cravings for drugs threaten to overwhelm me, may your sufficient grace empower me to resist and overcome.

Holy Spirit, I invite your presence to remind me that I am more than a conqueror through Christ. Whenever the enemy tries to bring up my past failures and condemn me, I pray that you would intercede and declare my victory in Yahushuwa. Help me to walk in the perfect freedom that you have secured for me, so that I can become a beacon of hope and make a meaningful impact in the lives of other individuals struggling with drug addiction.

May my transformed life bring glory to your name, dear Lord. From this point onward, I surrender myself to your guidance and seek to live in accordance with your will. Grant me the strength, courage, and perseverance to stay on the path of recovery. Uphold me in your grace, and grant me the opportunity to testify to your goodness in the land of the living.

Lord, I acknowledge the challenges and difficulties that lie ahead on this journey. I confess that on my own, I am unable to overcome this struggle. Therefore, I surrender myself to you completely. Cleanse me inside and out, forgiving my sins and healing me from the wounds of addiction. Restore my physical, emotional, and spiritual health, that I may rejoice in your presence and experience the abundant life you have promised.

Help me to find true happiness and fulfillment in you alone, turning away from destructive behaviors and substances. May my life be a testament to your transformative power, shining as a light in a world that needs your love and grace.

In Yahushuwa’s name, I pray and place my faith, trusting in your grace and relying on your strength. Amen!

The faith words from Philippians 4:13 say that we can do all things through Yahushuwa who strengthens us. All things include freeing yourself and loved ones from their addictions through prayers.

Dear Lord, I ask You to be kind to me as I suffer, to strengthen the hands of my healers, and to bless how they treat me. I'm going through a hard time and suffering from a broken heart. Let me trust in the power of Your grace so that even when I'm afraid, I may put my full trust in You, my Savior, Yahushuwa Messiah. Amen.

Now may your hope and healing lead me quickly to a place of restoration. O Lord the oil of your healing flows through me like a living stream. I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. I will keep my eyes on you, and trust in you that I will fully recover. Amen!

Here is a link to some books I wrote that may be helpful - especially the Father Who Never Fails. They are all free to read online.

And here is a link to my other articles: 

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