Christmas is the holiday most people use to celebrate the birth of our blessed Savior Yahushuwa, whom they mistakenly call ‘Jesus Christ’. It is not necessary to celebrate His birth, as there is no commandment to do this, but there are no Scriptures that condemn celebrating His birth or anyone else's. If we are going to celebrate birthdays, His is certainly the most important one that ever was!
The word ‘Christmas’ came from ‘Christes Maesse’, which means ‘Christ’s Mass’. Let me start out with this ‘should be known’ fact – The Messiah doesn’t need a mass! A mass is what the Catholics do for dead people that they believe are in purgatory (there is no such place), that they think is a holding place, and that if they pray for the people there they can get their sins pardoned and get them into Heaven. There may be a ‘holding place’ for sinners to stay until the judgment, but once they die and go there, it is too late for them to be saved. The priests even take a ‘fee’ from families of the dead, to pray for their dead loved ones. Not only is there no such place as this, but if there was, our Messiah is not there in need of a ‘mass’! He’s on His throne in Heaven!
The word Mass in religious usage means “death sacrifice.” On page 537 of the Catholic Encyclopedia it says, "In the Christian law, the supreme sacrifice is that of the Mass." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, R.C. Broderick, 1975 ed.)"The supreme act of worship consists essentially in an offering of a worthy victim to God, the offering made by a proper person, as a priest, the destruction of the victim."
“In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the "Host" is the victim. This is official Roman Catholic doctrine, and "Christmas" is a word that they invented. Again, I ask, what is so merry about the pain, bleeding, suffering and death of Jesus Christ? Satan has done quite a job of getting millions of so-called "Christians" to blaspheme. What a deceiver he is.”
” Jesus was not born on December 25th, and Christmas is not only a lie, but is actually a witches' sabbat called "Yule" in clever disguise.” (David J. Meyer June 1950 – June 2010 from Last Trumpet Ministries International)
The story of our Messiah’s birth is in Luke, chapters one and two, and Matthew 2:1-23. It is a fact that Yahushuwa the Messiah was not born on December twenty-fifth. He was not even born in December! So where do you suppose we got this date from? We got it from the worship of demons! They took the day that is the supposed birthday of many pagan gods and MIXED it with ‘Christianity’ to appease both the pagans and the Christians. Mixing Biblical traditions with devil worshiping (or pagan) traditions to try to appease both sides is so dangerous. This is like the mixing of oil and water. “Christ’s birthday was picked to honor the Roman Saturnalia, which was a licentious orgy representing free sex, not prostitution.” (Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, Jobes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 332.)
Feast of Trumpets is on the first day of the seventh month (called Tishri) on the Hebrew calendar (which is NOT the same as our 7th month of July). He was born in 3 B.C. (King Herod died in 2 B.C. – there is proof of that and it has to do with the eclipses in history.) Our calendar is different than the Hebrew calendar, so His birthday does not fall on the same day for us every year. It is always on the Feast of Trumpets, which is the day that has to do with announcing a king and believers are commanded to blow a trumpet on that day (He is our King.) In 3 B.C. Trumpets fell on our September 11th. In 2017, it fell on September 23rd. This year it will be on a different day for us. The Feast of Trumpets is determined by what evening the sliver of the New Moon is seen in Jerusalem, so we will not know ahead of time, but we can know the approximate day.
Many of our calendars show when the New Moon is supposed to be – the problem is, they are often off by a day or two, so what James and I go by is when we get the report from certain trusted people in Jerusalem that the New Moon has been sighted. We can also watch for it here in America, but ultimately we go by the sighting in Jerusalem. This is how you can celebrate His birthday on the correct day instead of a day that pagans gave us.
Yahushuwa doesn’t share His glory with other gods! How would you like it if everyone decided to change your birthday and celebrate it with or without you on a demon worshipping day whether you liked it or not, and even do demon worshipping traditions on that day, in honor of you!? Think about it. If it didn’t matter to Him, there wouldn’t be so many Scriptures about how we are told to celebrate HIS feast days, and how He hates OUR feast days! Believers are actually COMMANDED to celebrate Yahuwah’s feast days. Many call them ‘Jewish holidays’ but they are not just for the Jews. I’ll go into that more in another chapter, but for now, trust me and read on.
Here is a blog, and then a video, with a story that is really helpful in showing why it is wrong to celebrate our Messiah's birthday on the day of pagan gods’ birthdays:
Are You Cheating on Your Spouse by Celebrating Christmas, by Maria Merola Wold
Are You Cheating on Your Bridegroom by Celebrating Christmas, by Maria Merola Wold
Here are some ‘common’ known reasons the Messiah couldn’t have been born in December. The shepherds in Bethlehem were feeding their flocks at night in the fields. Although the December days could get warm, the nights were cold and piercing. The shepherds did not watch their flocks in the fields after the end of October. The commentator Maimonides said “These lie in the pastures, which are in the villages, all the days of the cold and heat, and do not go into the cities until the rains descend.”112 The first rains fell sometime between early September and early November, and Yahushuwa was born before this happened. Also, John the Baptist is believed to have been born in March. Yahushuwa was born six months later.
Luke 1:35-38 “And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of Yahuwah. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son (John the Baptist) in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with Yahuwah nothing shall be impossible. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of Yahuwah; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.”
Yahushuwa was born right after Augustus Caesar declared the new tax law. Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem for the taxes, and Yahushuwa was born the night they arrived there. This alone puts His birth in August or September. Joseph Mede says:
“At the birth of Christ every woman and child was to go to be taxed at the city whereto they belonged, whither some had long journeys; but the middle of winter was not fitting for such a business, especially for women with child, and children to travel in. Therefore, Christ could not be born in the depth of winter. Again, at the time of Christ’s birth, the shepherds lay abroad watching with their flocks in the night time; but this was not likely to be in the middle of winter. And if any should think the winter wind was not so extreme in these parts, let him remember the words of Christ in the gospel, ‘Pray that your flight be not in the winter.’ If the winter was so bad a time to flee in, it seems no fit time for shepherds to lie in the fields in, and women and children to travel in.”113
Now for the uncommonly known reasons for His birth to be on September 11th, 3 B.C., Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) – people have a way to go back on a digital online calendar and look at different things in different years, and putting it simple, the constellation in Revelation 12 was lined up on September 11th in 3 B.C., and that was also the Feast of Trumpets. The Scriptures I’m talking about describes the birth of our Messiah and is also prophetic about future events.
Revelation 12:1-11 (RNV- Renewed Name Version) “And there appeared a great wonder in the sky. A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And being in child she cried out with the pains of birth and in torment to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in the sky and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew a third of the stars of the sky and threw them into the earth and the dragon stood before the woman that was ready give birth in order to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she bore a male Child who was to rule all nations in a staff of iron and her child was caught up to Yahuwah and His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared from Yahuwah that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred sixty days. And there was war in the sky. Miyka'el and his messengers fought against the dragon. And the dragon and his messengers fought and did not prevail, neither was their place found anymore in the sky. And the great dragon was thrown out, that old serpent called Diablos and the satan, that deceives the whole world. He was thrown into the earth and his messengers were thrown out with him. And I heard a loud voice in the sky saying, "Now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our Eloah and the power of His Anointed have come, because the accuser of our brothers that accused them before our Eloah day and night is struck down." And they overcame him through the blood of the Lamb and through the word of their testimony and they did not unconditionally love their lives unto death.”
The woman in this constellation is Virgo, the sun is by her torso like it clothes her, the moon is below her feet, there are twelve stars around her head, the red dragon is actually a constellation that is positioned between her legs, and it actually looks like a red dragon, even though the verse represents satan attacking this woman’s offspring. There is a lot to this, and others have written about it better than I would, unless I repeated them word for word, so I’ll give the name of the webpage where you can learn more if you want to. In the meantime, here is the red dragon constellation that NASA photographed.
If you want to read a book that gives the details of this September 11th thing, you can get this book for free online – “The Star of Bethlehem: The Star that Astonished the World” by Ernest L. Martin, Ph.D. – go here to get it. And here is a Youtube video showing the planetary alignment:
and here are webpages that explain in great detail why Yahushuwa was born on Feast of Trumpets and not on December 25th:
“When Was the Messiah of Yisra’el Born & Why Does it Matter?" by Maria Merola Wold
This minister is one of few people you can trust to present accurate information with a sincere heart and lots of research.
There are so many Sabbath keeping ministers out there trying to promote their own agenda which is not Scriptural, with ‘some’ good information and then a lot of garbage mixed in, that I have to be very careful when I refer you to someone for information. I’m talking about people who believe the earth is flat and by golly you’re not saved if you don’t agree, people who think it’s okay for a man to have multiple wives and even mistresses, people who think demons got loose from some portal and physically changed the words in our Bibles (Mandella Affect), people who think if you’re not living by an ancient calendar (that they supposedly have) then you aren’t keeping the correct feast days and Sabbaths, people who think Paul is evil and who don’t trust the New Testament (instead of learning how to interpret it in context), people who took the last one even further and denounced Yahushuwa as their Messiah and went into strict Judaism, people who think the Sabbath is not really on Saturday, people who insist you are worshipping devils if you ever use the words God or Lord (even though they are just descriptive words), people who think you are not really born-again if in innocence you use the name Jesus because you don't know it has an abominable meaning, people who teach that we don’t really ‘have’ to obey Yahuwah’s commandments but that it’s just a matter of preference (even though Yahushuwa Himself says we must obey them), people who say you're going to hell if you DO obey them, and oh my gosh, I could go on and on and on! I don’t want you to get caught in their maze!
The gospel is really pretty simple – just trust Yahuwah and obey! But you can trust the woman who owns this website for some good and non-confusing information! She’s a good teacher and digs real deep for her facts, yet explains it in a way you should be able to understand. I encourage you to read all of her articles if you have a hunger for learning about the true nature of our Messiah and the Heavenly Father. Back to Christmas…
Christmas was celebrated at different times before the third century. Sometimes they celebrated it in the spring. But December twenty-fifth was a day used by people all over the world as the day to celebrate the birth of the demon gods they served. It was called ‘Yule’ day long before Yahushuwa was born. Yule is the Chaldee name for a little child or infant.
A solar festival that honored King Saturn, the sun god, began on December seventeenth and lasted five days. This was called ‘Saturnalia’. This was a time of partying, drunkenness, revelry and all kinds of sin, including human sacrifices and gladiator battles which produced more human sacrifices to Saturn when one of the fighters were killed. Slaves were allowed to be master over their owners, and took liberties with them for these five days, and the slave owners would provide festive meals for their slaves. This drunken festival of Babylon was where the wassailing bowl came from, and modern-day Christmas parties where the bosses provide holiday meals for their employees. The practice of giving Christmas greeting cards and gifts came from the practice of people giving written verses and gifts to others at Saturnalia. They also sang in the streets which turned into modern-day Christmas caroling. Saturnalia was combined with Christmas in about the fourth century.
When people decided to honor Yahushuwa’s birth, they picked this day because it was already associated with the births of different pagan gods, and man always did like to combine pagan and Christian worship. They mixed them so people could carry on their old traditions while supposedly serving their God. Others celebrated twelve days of Christmas with feasts, parties, hunting and gambling.
Below are some pagan gods that almost all of them were said to be ‘born’ on the Winter Solstice, December 25th, and many of them have stories VERY similar to our true Messiah’s story, such as born of a virgin, called a savior, performed miracles, healed sick people, taught on the streets, crucified on a Friday (many times in the same manner as our Messiah, but our Messiah was crucified on a Wednesday), resurrected on the Spring Equinox, March 25th, and many many more similarities to the story of ‘Jesus Christ’, and THAT is one way to know they are all false Messiahs made up by satan (who USED to be in Heaven with Yahuwah, before he rebelled and tried to be God) and who knew how the TRUE Messiah was going to be, therefore was able to make up all these similar stories for the false gods to confuse us with.
Some people use these ‘false gods’ stories to say that the Christian Messiah is just another one of them and part of mythology, and not real, but the REAL Messiah was born on the Feast of Trumpets, September 11th in 3 B.C., not in December, died on the Passover at thirty-three years old, not on ‘Good Friday’, and rose from the dead just as Feast of Firstfruits was about to begin at sunset on Saturday, the Sabbath, and the tomb was found empty ON Feast of Firstfruits during the night (after sunset) on Sunday, not Easter Sunday, and not the Spring Equinox! That is how to tell the real Messiah from all the fake Messiahs.
Any so-called Messiah who was born on a pagan holiday is a false Messiah. Yahuwah’s Feast days ALL point to Him, and they are NEVER on pagan days. I will devote a chapter to explaining Yahuwah’s Feast days and why we, and not just the Jews, are to celebrate them. But this is all a very important reason to REFUSE to celebrate the birth of the true Messiah, Yahushuwa (not Jesus) in December! Below is the list of pagan deities:
Adad and Marduk of Assyria;
Alcides of Thebes;
Apollo, Hercules, and Zeus of Greece;
Attis, the Son of God of Phrygia;
Baal (Bel) and Taut of Phoenicia;
Bali of Afghanistan;
Beddru of Japan;
Bremrillaham of the Druids;
Buddha Sakia and Indra of India and Tibet;
Cadmus of Greece;
Chu Chulainn of Ireland;
Crite of Chaldea;
Dahzbog of the Slavs;
Deva Tat, Codom, and Sammonocadam of Siam;
Dionysus or Bacchus, the Son of God of Greece;
Divine Teacher of Plato;
Fohi, Ieo, Lao-Kium, Chiang-Ti, and Tien of China;
Gentaut and Quetzalcoatl of Mexico;
Hesus or Eros;
Hil and Feta of Mandaites;
Holy One of Xaca;
Ischy of Formosa;
Ixion and Quirnus of Rome;
Jao of Nepal;
Jupiter, Jove (pronounced yah whey), and Quirinius of Rome;
Krishna (Christ), the Son of God of India;
Mikado of the Sintoos;
Mithra of Persia, India, and Rome.
Mohammed or Mahomet of Arabia,
Odin, Balder, and Frey of Scandinavia;
Osiris and Horus of Egypt;
Prometheus of the Caucasus;
Salivahana of southern India and Bermuda;
Thor, son of Odin, of Gauls;
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls;
Wittoba of Bilingonese;
Xamobds of Thrace;
Zoar of the Bonzes;
Zoroaster of Persia
(The list above came from the book “Children of the Matrix” by David Icke. I do not recommend Icke as a source of information because I think he’s a bit strange, but I wanted this list.)
Christmas day was made an official holiday by Pope Julius I in 340 AD. In 529 AD, the Emperor Justinian made it a civic holiday. It was outlawed in the United States until the 1800’s because of its occult nature, by the states and many mainline Christian religions (Methodists, Baptists, etc.)
SANTA CLAUS: Many people have heard the story of Saint Nicholas. He was a bishop who lived in Asia Minor in the fourth century, who gave candy to children and gifts to poor people. Christian mothers often tell the story of this man to their children to explain to them who Santa Claus is. However, he is not the only one whom Santa represents, and the part of his story that does relate to Santa Claus has been distorted so severely that people worship Saint Nicholas as a god. Let's expose the REAL Santa Claus!
During his life he did some kind things. Before he became a bishop, he was wealthy. He found out about a father of three daughters who did not have enough money to give them dowries and who was afraid no suitable young men would marry them. The man was about to sell his oldest daughter into slavery so she would not have to starve. Nicholas tossed a bag filled with gold into their open window one night and hurried home so they would not know who did it. The father was very grateful and arranged a marriage for his daughter. The same thing happened with his next oldest daughter, because he was still poor, and Nicholas threw another bag of gold through the window. When it came time for his third daughter to be married, he did not make plans to sell her, although he was still poor. He waited in the shadows to see if the stranger would throw another bag of gold through his window, and caught Nicholas one night and thanked him. Nicholas made him promise not to tell anyone, so he kept it a secret until he was on his deathbed. This kind act of Nicholas helped earn him the title of a saint.
He was born in Asia Minor, now Turkey, in about 280 AD. Nicholas means ‘hero of the people’ in Greek. But it also is a well-known name for the devil. His parents taught him to think of others before himself. They died of a plague when he was about twelve. Nicholas gave much of his inheritance to charity and devoted himself to studying religion. He became a Catholic priest at age nineteen, and soon afterwards he became a bishop. This tall, thin man was known for his kindness and many joined the Catholic church because of him.
In 303 AD, when Roman emperor Diocletian ordered all citizens of the Roman Empire to worship him as god, the Christians refused. Many were imprisoned and tortured, including Bishop Nicholas. He lived in a small cell for more than five years, but remained faithful to God, and encouraged the others to do so also. When Constantine began to rule he ‘acted’ (actually, he was evil, and that is why I said ‘acted’) more sympathetic than Diocletian. He released the Christian prisoners in 313 (however, he murdered believers who kept the Biblical Sabbath and Feast days of our Messiah, so no, he was not a ‘good’ man!) From then on, Nicholas served as Bishop of Myra. He converted many people to Catholicism before he died on December sixth, in about 343 AD.
According to history (or myth), Nicholas experienced an episode of being carried away supernaturally to another location, like Phillip did in Acts 8:39-40. A ship was damaged and sinking in a storm, and the crew prayed to Bishop Nicholas because they heard he had miraculous powers. Then they supposedly looked up and saw him fly down through the clouds in his red bishop’s robes and land on the ship’s deck, and the storm stopped. He prayed with them to thank God for the miracle, helped them push the ship off the rocks and flew up into the sky as he had arrived. Later, the captain and crew went to his church and asked him how he did that. He told them that from an early age he has been able to see people in danger, hear their cries for help and go help them. He said it was God’s will and did not take personal credit for it. Nicholas encouraged them all to devote their lives to God.
After he died, his remains were stored in a shrine built for him. People called him a saint, and they came to this shrine to pray to him to ask for his help. There is a story about a fisherman’s son named Basil who was kidnaped one December sixth by Arab pirates. They made him the cupbearer for their ruler. A year later his parents went to Nicholas’ shrine and prayed for their son. That evening their son appeared in their courtyard wearing Arab clothes and holding a silver cup. He said he was serving a meal when he was suddenly raised into the sky by Saint Nicholas. Nicholas said he was returning him home because his parents prayed so hard for him that morning. Through this he became known as the protector of children. There is no proof that these stories really happened, and I don’t believe they did. Although Nicholas did do some good deeds, he was actually an evil man. I’ll explain shortly.
People prayed to Nicholas instead of Yahuwah, both while he lived and after he died. They worshiped him instead of Yahuwah. When they go to his shrine to pray to him for his help, or to thank him for his supernatural help, it is an act of worship. They should be praying to Yahuwah. Thousands of people went to his shrine to prayfor healing from being blind, deaf, crippled and diseased. The word saint comes from the Latin word ‘sancire’ which means ‘to make sacred’. They made Nicholas sacred in their minds, but he was not. We are supposed to pray to Yahuwah in Yahushuwa’s name. This is only the beginning of making a god out of this man. It carries over into our modern-day Santa Claus (or Saint Nick – and as I said, Nick is also a popular name for the devil.)
People believed so much in the supernatural things Saint Nicholas supposedly did, that they began setting out empty shoes and stockings on December sixth, Saint Nicholas Day, after he died. They believed he rode around town on a donkey or beautiful white horse, wearing a red and white robe and carrying a staff. Our Messiah is described in Revelation 19 as coming on a white horse with a sharp sword, and the anti-messiah is described on a white horse with a bow, to conquer in Revelation 6:2. So is Nicholas patterned after one of these? Keep reading!
Dutch children put wooden clogs filled with straw for the donkey and an apple for Black Peter, Nicholas’ assistant, on the fireplace hearth. So far this sounds like an exaggerated myth about Bishop Nicholas after his death, but it gets very ugly. Now we are getting to the other origins of Santa Claus, and the demonic hearth gods.
These people were not honoring the dead Saint Nicholas. They believed his spirit roamed around after his death, rewarding good children and punishing ‘bad’ children. Yahuwah does not send angels to punish bad children, nor does he send spirits of dead people to roam around or punish anyone.
They believed Nicholas defeated the devil and made him his servant, Black Peter, or Krampus. He was a horned creature with fiery red eyes, a long red tongue and soot on his face.
He was believed to follow the ghost of Nicholas carrying a sack or trunk of presents for the good children, and birch rods for spankings for the bad ones. He is even said to eat bad children.
He climbed down chimneys to deliver the gifts. Here are some pictures of Krampus that are actually used as Christmas cards for children in Germany and other countries:
Wow! There are some sick people out there – they actually give these cards to children! Here is a video about Santa that you won't want to miss. I put some comments into it because I believe he got some information wrong. Otherwise I would have just linked you to the original video.
Most believers do not know about the demonic fire or hearth gods that our modern-day Santa represents more accurately than he represents the man known as Bishop Nicholas. The only part about Santa that seems to come from Bishop Nicholas when he was alive is the gift giving and kindness to children, and as a ghost with his 'black Peter' he certainly shouldn't be considered 'kind to children'. He wore a red bishop coat, but it did not look like our modern Santa outfit as much as the hearth god’s outfits did. The red suit and pointed cap lined with white fur, coming down through the fireplace, making his list and knowing if children are naughty or nice, the reindeer who have the ability to levitate, elves, the ability to travel the entire world in one night, leaving snacks for him on Christmas Eve, etc., all come from demon worship.
In the different countries there are many different ‘gift givers’ or hearth gods (demons). They all have different characteristics, yet all are similar. Americans call him ‘Santa Claus’. The British and French call him ‘Father Christmas’, and the Dutch call him ‘St. Nicholas’, or ‘Sinter Claes’. The Germans call him ‘Christkindl’. The Swedish call him ‘Jultomten’. They also honor the woman ‘Saint Lucia’, who they say brings gifts and reveals the future. The Norse god of the Scandinavian countries is ‘Odin’. Norwegians call their gift giver ‘Jule-nissen’. In India it is ‘Agni’, and in China it is ‘Tsao Wang’. In Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Argentina and Brazil, there are three gift givers, the ‘Three Wise Men’, who they claim bring gifts on January fifth. Italians call the female gift giver ‘Befana’ and the Russians call her ‘Baboushka’. Polish children believe their gifts come from the stars. Hungarians say the angels bring them.
Father Christmas came in the 1500’s. During the Reformation, Martin Luther challenged the worshiping of saints and many people stopped worshiping Saint Nicholas. Instead of giving up the worship of idols, they began worshiping Father Christmas, and moved the day from December fifth to December twenty-fourth. He came from the Roman god Saturn. The Saturnalia feast was given in honor of him. King Saturn was a demon idol. Father Christmas was pictured wearing a scarlet robe lined with fur. He wore a crown of mistletoe, holly or ivy and he symbolized holiday feasting, drunkenness and revelry.
Christkindl’s name (Christ Child) was later simplified to ‘Kriss Kringle’. People believed the ‘Christ’ child himself delivered gifts by traveling on a pure white donkey. This is ridiculous, because Yahushuwa had grown up, been crucified and rose from the dead. He was not a child anymore. On Christmas Eve, German children left out plates and bread baskets for the gift giver to fill with cookies, nuts and candy, and they left bundles of straw for the donkey. They believed Christkindl left food, hats, scarves, mittens and toys. Sometimes he left birch rods to remind the children to be good.
The Norse god called ‘Odin’ was believed to have wandered among his people during the Yule season to reward or punish those who deserved it. He had a gray beard and wore a blue cloak with a wide-brimmed hat which he pulled over one eye. The Druids honored him by tying apples and other things to tree branches. The oak tree was their sacred tree, so they probably tied these to oak tree branches.
People still worship the devil under the name Odin, as well as Thor, Sif and other Norse gods. They are called the Odin Brotherhood, and are a polytheistic secret society who believe that the worship of just one god is absurd. To be initiated, a new member must cut themselves three times with a dagger and devote their blood to the gods. Faith is considered a poison that paralyzes the mind, so they seek knowledge instead of faith. They believe they can realize their ‘divinity’ by becoming strong and self-reliant. They do not believe in sin or repentance. If one dies, their soul cannot enter the ‘White-Kingdom’, one of three ‘other-worlds’, unless it exits through a gaping wound, so they believe it is best to die a violent death. And they do not believe in hell.
Jule-nissen wears red, has long white whiskers, and is said to live in a manger in a stable during the year. He is only visible at Christmas.
‘Agni’ was the god of the altar fire, and represented the trinity of life. This idol demon god was believed to be the mediator between people and their gods, like Yahushuwa is our mediator between us and Yahuwah. This is a demon in place of Yahushuwa! He was red and white and had two faces. One face was probably to see the old year pass, and the other to see the new year come, like with the two-faced January fire god. Vedic hymns show that Agni was present in each home to guard, reward and punish the families according to what they deserved. People who worshiped fire and sun gods expressed appreciation to the all-seeing eye or Heavenly Eye. Modern New Age believers still do. There is a symbol of a big eye at the top of a pyramid, on our one-dollar bills, which represents this, and is also the main symbol of the satanic group called the Illuminati. This god supposedly watched everyone and they had better be good or he would punish them. For thousands of years the hearth god has played this role.
The Chinese were very serious about their hearth spirit named ‘Tsao Wang’. They kept their houses squeaky clean when the old spirit was expected to be there, to help placate him. If they were afraid he would say bad things about them in heaven they smeared syrup on the lips of his picture to seal them, when he was due to make his yearly trip to heaven to report to the gods on all the people. This trip was said to happen at Christmas time. He returns at Christmas with favors according to whether the people were bad or good. This demon named Tsao Wang wore a red jacket and pointed red cap. Dolls that represent this god were set in niches by the fireplace or on the mantle (and still are!) Do these Father Christmas dolls look familiar to you? You see them with the Christmas decorations in many retail stores:
People whispered (and still do) their secrets and concerns to the spirit in the chimney or oven, or to the doll, so the ‘friend’ would intercede for them in heaven. The fireplace is the natural entrance and exit of this spirit because he is a fire god.
Catholic Bishop Nicholas became Santa. Now you’re wondering “what did he do that was so evil?” Now, as far as St. Nicholas not actually being a ‘good’ man – did you happen to notice the Catholic ‘fish’ hat he is wearing in many of the pictures?
The pope wears these too. Perhaps you have noticed that and not known what it stands for. Remember when I talked about a merman being ‘Dagon’, the pagan man/fish god mentioned in the Bible? The pope wears the same hat at times that the priests of Dagon wore, and so did St. Nicholas.
It has to do with worshipping the fish god Dagon (they used to wear real parts of large fishes), who is Nimrod after he died and became a ‘deity’, who’s birthday was said to be on December 25th, and who is a demonic pagan god. Nimrod (Dagon) was originally a real man, Noah’s great grandson, is the one who married his mother, Semiramis, who was believed to reincarnate into the Spring Goddess, Eostre (Easter) and together they sacrificed babies to Molech on December 25th and March 25th (during Easter time). Sound like a nice guy?
Genesis10:9 “He was a mighty hunter before Yahuwah: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before Yahuwah.” Sounds like a positive description of him? One wise person looked up the Hebrew word for ‘before’ in this verse and it was not a positive description. He hunted PEOPLE, sacrificing babies to Molech ‘before’ (blatantly right in front of) Yahuwah – in other words, he had no shame and did this evil stuff to mock Yahuwah.
“According to Egyptian mythology, when the judges found Osiris (Nimrod) guilty of corrupting the religion of Adam and cut up his body, they threw the parts into the Nile. It was said that a fish ate one of these chunks and became transformed. Later, Isis (Semiramis) was fishing along the river bank when she fished up a half-man, half-fish. This sea creature was Dagon, the reincarnated Nimrod. And Dagon is the representation of Nimrod (of ancient Babylon) resurrecting out of the ocean depths as a half-man, half-fish. Dagon is the diminutive of dag, and signifies... fish...The Babylonians believed that a being, part man and part fish, emerged from the Erythraean Sea, and appeared in Babylonia in the early days of its history Representations of this fish-god have been found among the sculptures of Nineveh. The Philistine Dagon was of a similar character.” (“Manners and Customs of the Bible” by James Freeman.)
The present pope even mentioned changing the Ten Commandments to make them more user friendly. They believe they have the right to make these changes because they believe the Pope is the vicar of Christ and can do as he pleases. In fact, this new video above just came out this month (it's presently November 14, 2022 as I edit this part):
The Pope or his buddy (which we believe is Trump as the Little Horn in Daniel or the main anti-messiah) will soon set up a ‘throne’ in Jerusalem, commit an abomination of desolation such as proclaim himself to be God and/or sacrifice a pig at the altar. This is when the 3 ½ year tribulation will begin in the near future (I believe in the Spring of 2025).
The Vatican is a hell hole where child sacrifices take place, secretly, as they worship satan and not Yahuwah. Most people do not know this, but Islam was created by the Catholics/Vatican! When the Vatican takes over Jerusalem the Pope will convince the Christians, Jews and Muslims to live together peacefully. Then he will reveal his true identity, an anti-Messiah, and the tribulation begins.
Judges 16:23: “Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice; for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.”
1st Samuel 5:2-7: “When the Philistines took the ark of Yahuwah, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon. And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of Yahuwah. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again. And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of Yahuwah; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him. Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon’s house, tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day. But the hand of Yahuwah was heavy upon them of Ashdod , and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof. And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide with us, for his hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our god.”
And the dumb morons got rid of the Ark of Yahuwah instead of getting rid of their demon pagan idol Dagon!
The Jewish people are Yahuwah’s ‘chosen people’. They have often rebelled against His laws and statutes, as you read about in the beginning of this book, but He promises in His word that they will return to Him and He will forgive them and He will be their God and they will be His people. When we get born-again, we are grafted in to one of the tribes of Jews. You also read about that earlier. Therefore, we also become His people, even if we are not Jews by birth, and we are to obey His laws and statutes just as the Jews are, because we are one of them. When Yahushuwa died on the cross for our sins, he did it voluntarily. It was planned for a long time before it happened. He is God, Yahuwah, in the form of a human, and chose to do this for His beloved people who have strayed away from Him.
However, Saint Nicholas, being a senior bishop in the Catholic church, made this statement that Jews are “children of the devil that killed our Lord Jesus.” The Jewish Pharisees (the hypocrites, not the Jews who recognized that He was the Messiah and followed Him) ordered the crucifixion of Yahushua, and it was the Roman soldiers who killed Him. They are where the Roman Catholics come from, the great harlot church that the Bible talks about. The Catholic church has murdered somewhere between 50 to 100 million people throughout history, more than any other group or religion. "And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth." (Rev 18:24 KJV)
The Council of Nicea, which Nicholas was a part of, made this rule “Those who openly or secretly keep the Sabbath and follow other practices in the manner of the Jews are not to be received into communion, nor into prayer, nor into the church....” And the Council of Laodicea said “It is not permitted to receive festivals which are by Jews, nor to hold a festival together with them. Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day...but if any be found to be Judaizers let them be anathema from Christ.” Constantine reigned from 306–337 AD and Sylvester 1 was the Pope during much of this time period. Sylvester said “If every Sunday is to be observed joyfully by the Christians on account of the resurrection, then every Sabbath on account of the burial is to be execration (loathing or cursing) of the Jews”
For a really good series explaining about the 7th Day Sabbath, watch this video series: THE SEVENTH DAY PART 1 OF 11, ENGLISH VERSION
Constantine became self-appointed Bishop of the Catholic Church and in 321 AD he created the first law regarding the sun-god worship day (Sunday), forcing it on everyone whether they agreed with it or not. “On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrate and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country however, persons engaged in agricultural work may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain growing or for vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.”
Then in 325 AD, Pope Sylvester made Sunday the official “Lord’s Day”, even though the Bible says Yahushua is the Lord of the Sabbath, which shows us that the 7th day Sabbath is actually the ‘Lord’s Day”. And in 338 AD, Constantine’s court bishop Eusebius wrote “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) we (Constantine, Eusebius, and other bishops) have transferred to the Lord’s Day (the first day of the week) as more appropriately belonging to it.”
So there it is. Constantine and the Pope and their cohorts, INCLUDING ST. NICHOLAS, decided that they have authority to change the word of Yahuwah, to change dates and times, to change the commandments to their liking, and force these changes on everyone else. So if Santa Claus was really a take-off of St. Nicholas, he represents a Jew hater and a man who believed in changing Yahuwah’s commandments and punishing anyone who chose to obey the Scriptures instead of the Catholic church leaders. Kind of sounds like this Scripture about the anti-Messiah is talking about someone with the same spirit: "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." (3 1/2 years) Daniel 7:25.
They made these rules even though the Bible says that keeping Yahuwah’s Sabbaths holy is the main sign showing the world that we are His people, and ‘throughout your generations’ means that it never ends. Exodus 31:13 “Speak you also unto the children of Yisra’el, saying, Verily my sabbaths you shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am Yahuwah that does sanctify you. Above all, keep my sabbaths”
So, if Sabbath keeping is the sign that we are Yah’s people, like ‘God’s seal’, then those who forbid the Sabbath are of the anti-christ, NOT part of Yahuwah’s people! The Bible says that those who don’t keep the Sabbath day holy will be cut off from Yahuwah’s people, and are worthy of death, yet the Catholics punished and even killed people who did keep it, and St. Nicholas was a part of this as a Catholic Bishop. And they made these rules even though the Messiah kept the Sabbaths and festivals, and never did away with them, they were kept after He was crucified, and Scriptures teach that they will be kept in the Millenium and when the New Jerusalem comes to earth for us to spend eternity in (Heaven).
On Christmas day, during Saturnalia celebrated on December 25th, it was the custom to do a ritual sacrificing of a Jew. Nicholas was in agreement with this. He was not a ‘good’ man. He was an evil man who participated in worship of pagan demon gods and who hated Yahuwah’s beloved people, the Jews, and supported torturing and murdering Jews every December 25th.
Yes, they killed Christians for these things, they didn’t just evict them from the ‘church’, even burned them at the stake – basically did the same to them as they did to witches (not that I support burning ANYONE at a stake) for obeying Yahuwah’s commandments in the Bible rather than obeying the leaders of the Catholic church! Queen Isabella, in the Inquisition, even had Christians hunted down in far-away lands and had them murdered for keeping the 7th day Sabbath. This whole attitude was perfectly fine with St. Nicholas (who has a name that is used for satan), as he was at the council meetings and signed the documents!
During Saturnalia in the fourth century, while Nicholas was partially in charge, people were allowed to rape, murder, sacrifice humans including children and babies, have orgies, sing carols in the streets naked, etc, and were not punished for breaking any laws during this festival. The Roman courts were closed and the people could do as they pleased. They believed the sun god and the god of the dead had a battle every winter and this weakened the sun god, causing the colder weather and shorter days. Since the shortest day of the year is in December, the sun god worshippers gave sacrifices to these pagan gods to empower the sun to shine longer making the days longer again. Each Roman community chose someone they considered an enemy of the Roman people, often a Jew, and after indulging that person in lots of food throughout the week, they’d brutally murder that person on December 25th, claiming to be destroying the forces of darkness.
Most of the pagan gods of the world are said to have been born on December 25th, and many are depicted by a virgin mother with a baby god who came to save the world. In an attempt to ‘convert’ pagans to ‘christiantiy’, the Pope declared December 25th as the birthday of our savior, whom they deliberately renamed ‘Jesus’. He thought if he allowed the pagans to continue their festivals as ‘Christmas’, all would be content. So, the early Christmases included drunkenness, fornication, caroling in the streets naked, etc., and today's Christmases include all but the singing in the streets naked.
So, St. Nicholas was not an innocent cute roly poly Santa Claus type of person that many people think he is. He was a part of this changing the holy days of Yahuwah to pagan holidays of satan, and in agreement with the punishment of those who opposed the Catholic church, plus in agreement with the murder of Jews and the killing of children and babies.
Please do not lie to your children and tell them there is a Santa Claus who rides in the sky in a sleigh or a St Nicholas who was a loving kind man that gave gifts to children. Yes he gave gifts to some children, but the other part is a lie. The Bible says it is a sin to lie. Those who willfully sin end up in the Lake of Fire. Santa is portrayed as one who sees you when you are sleeping, knows if you have been bad or good.... Only Yahuwah can do that.... or sometimes demons. Children should not be taught to think there is one who is omnipotent (unlimited and with universal power) except Yahuwah.
The story of Santa is a lie and is not for born-again believers’ kids. Santa is part of America’s Christmas tradition and many people do not want to give him up nor do they want to give Christmas up and keep the Biblical Feast days that our Creator commands us to keep! The Bible has something to say about our traditions that go against Yahuwah’s Word.
Mark 7:7-9 “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of Yahuwah, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of Yahuwah, that ye may keep your own tradition.”
Yahuwah’s commandments instruct us to celebrate Yahuwah’s Feast days, and Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) is the one that is our Messiah’s birthday. There are no commandments to celebrate His birthday, but there are none saying not to either. Let’s just get the right day.
Mark 7:13 “Making the Word of Yahuwah of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”
Yahuwah does not want us to lay aside His commandments so we can keep our traditions! If our traditions go against His Word, we are to give them up.
In Egypt they used palm trees. This had to do with the pagan messiah Baal-Tamar. In Rome they used fir trees. They decorated them with offerings to the fire or solar gods. In other places they used pine trees. Elves and fairies were believed to live in the forest among the trees (and still are by many New Age believers). In modern times people often hang elves and fairies on their trees. Remember, fairies represent sexual demons that rape and molest people. You should not use these for decorations in your home or anywhere else.
There is Scripture that refer to the people cutting down evergreen trees, nailing them to their floors so they will not fall down, and decorating them with silver and gold. Yahuwah tells us in Jeremiah 10:2 not to learn their ways.
Jeremiah 10:2-5 says “Thus saith Yahuwah, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.”
It says they cannot do evil nor good. The worship of them is done in vain. That is like if someone cut a tulip from their garden and brought it in to worship as a god. That would be quite stupid. The tulip is not a god and they would be worshiping it in vain. The tulip could not harm anyone. It is just a flower that Yahuwah created for our enjoyment and there is nothing wrong with bringing it into our homes to appreciate its beauty. People used to worship peaches, and they were symbols of immortality. They did this in vain also. Peaches are delicious fruits that Yahuwah made for our consumption. There is nothing wrong with bringing them into our homes and devouring them! Even if we decorate them by putting them in a pretty bowl with a ribbon around it so they look nice, they are still just tulips and peaches, and are not evil.
So are evergreen trees, even if we decorate them with good things, like ribbons or little fake birds and nests or lights (I’m talking about a year-round type of thing, not doing this for Christmas). So are pumpkins. If we worship things, they can do us no harm, but if they have demons in them, the demons can harm us. And we harm ourselves by worshiping idols because when we do we separate ourselves from Yahuwah. But if we decorate the evergreen tree with Christmas decorations and/or use it to celebrate Christmas, or we carve faces in the pumpkins and/or use them to celebrate Halloween, then we are not walking in obedience to our Maker, and THAT defiles us.
Creations of Yahuwah, often called works of nature, do not attract demons unless we attach them to familiar occult items. If they did, we would have to walk around suspicious of everything that exists, because almost every creation of Yahuwah has been used in demon worship at some time in history. That is superstition. We could not have any food, because people offered meats, grains, fruits and vegetables to idols. We would have to forget about having pets or livestock because cats, dogs, birds, horses, cows, goats, etc., were used in witchcraft and satanism. All plants, water, air and earth would have to be banned, because they are worshiped in witchcraft. At this point we would be dead meat! Even people would be off limits, because satanists believe people are gods, and worship themselves. Therefore, we could not exist! So I am not telling you to never bring any type of evergreen tree into your home. It is the celebration of Christmas and using the tree in a pagan way that is the problem. Some people like to grow little pine trees or palm trees in their homes year-round, and wrap little lights around them because it’s pretty, and I do not believe this is wrong, because evergreen trees are not evil. Even Yahuwah had His people use them at times. 1 Kings, chapter six, talks about Solomon building the house of Yahuwah:
1 Kings 6:11-14 “And the word of Yahuwah came to Solomon, saying, Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father: And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel. So Solomon built the house, and finished it.”
He decorated it with carvings of palm trees laden with gold, among other things. A palm tree is considered one of the ‘evergreen’ trees.
1 Kings 6:29-30 “And he carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, within and without. And the floor of the house he overlaid with gold, within and without.”
1 Kings 6:32 “The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees.”
1 Kings 6:35 “And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work.”
The idea of having trees, carvings of trees or things carved out of trees decorated with gold was all right with Yahuwah, when it was done to glorify Yahuwah and not the devil. The problem was that when they cut down the trees and decorated them, they were doing it in association with a demonic pagan holiday. Christmas is a demonic pagan holiday, and so was the worship of Nimrod and others. Growing a palm tree or fir tree, etc., in your home, as long as you are not doing it to celebrate a pagan holiday or to honor a pagan god is not going to be a problem with Yahuwah. Christmas trees ARE a problem with Yahuwah! Well, I hope you take this information to heart, rather than ignore it like most people do, and start celebrating the Messiah’s birth on the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), because even though the Bible doesn’t say to do it to honor His birth, the Bible says to celebrate that holy day because it’s a commandment of Yahuwah. You don’t have to add in the celebration of Yahushuwa’s birthday, but if you want to, that’s the right time to do it.
And if you want a celebration in the winter, there is always Hanukkah! There is no commandment to celebrate it, but there is no reason not to. Yahushuwa was ‘conceived’ on Hanukkah, and it is the festival of lights, and He is the light of the world. There is an account in the Bible of Him attending it also. It’s called the Feast of Dedication, and is in remembrance of when the Maccabees defeated an anti-christ who took over Jerusalem and the temple in the Bible days. It lasts eight days, and you can give gifts for the eight days if you want to. That may excite the children. There are some that say it is wrong to celebrate it, but we believe they are straining at gnats. It is a good civil holiday even though not a Biblical holy day, and if you are using it as a replacement for Christmas – so what?! It is a good replacement, just don’t celebrate His birth at that time, but you certainly could celebrate His conception at that time.
GIFT GIVING at Christmas may have began in the occult worship of the ‘man of the branch’ or the good things that the hearth gods supposedly brought, as I mentioned earlier. Here is a quote from with information on the origins of the gift giving:
CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS came from putting out shoes and stockings for the Christmas gift givers, such as St. Nicholas, to leave presents in.
MISTLETOE was a plant that the Druids considered sacred. They were very careful to cut it from the oak tree in a special way, with a golden sickle. It could not touch the ground, and that is the reason people hang it in modern times. They hung it over doorways just like people do now days because they believed it brought the home protection, happiness and healing. They believed it was a divine branch that came out of the sacred oak tree, and represented their messiah (not Yahushuwa), like the Christmas tree that came out of the Yule log. They called this messiah ‘the Man of the Branch’. The white berries stood for the radiance that came from heaven.
They also thought it helped women get pregnant if they were having trouble, so married people kept mistletoe in their homes for this purpose. If a Phoenician woman was sterile for a long time, she was encouraged to have a one-time sexual relation with a stranger. She went to the temple of the goddess Mylitta, goddess of love and fertility, and sat under mistletoe until the stranger (a male temple prostitute) saw her and greeted her with a kiss. He then took her into an alcove and had sex with her. A fee was charged for this and the money was used to keep up the temple. This is the wicked origin for kissing under the mistletoe.
It was also used to spark romance, as a love potion in witchcraft. It was customary to greet each other under it as a sign of friendship. Lovers, if they kissed under it, were believed to be protected from harm by the goddess of love and marriage. Now days people kiss other people’s spouses at parties if they are under the mistletoe. This is wrong! I do not hang mistletoe in my home at any time because I do not want to encourage people to kiss someone else’s spouse and because I do not like the witchcraft and prostitution uses of it, but mistletoe is a creation of Yahuwah and is not evil. Hanging it over doorways puts it in the evil association because people still believe they should kiss someone who is standing under it.
HOLLY was a symbol of eternal life to the Druids, because it remains green all year. Romans believed it strengthened their dwellings. People attached holly to their bedposts to ward off nightmares, like dream catchers. It is an occult practice. It was also used to keep evil spirits away, and as a male fertility help (Ivy was used for female fertility). The pointed leaves reminded Christians of the thorns in Yahushuwa’s crown, and the red berries reminded them of His blood. Since it is a plant created by Yahuwah, it is all right to bring it into our homes as long as we aren’t celebrating Christmas or using it for occult reasons. Holly plants make good decorations. Any natural thing that had a pagan use can be okay to use as long as we don’t use it as the pagans do. Displaying it to appreciate its natural beauty or qualities is fine. Just because pagans used holly, does not mean believers cannot use it also. Yahuwah created it and it is not evil. It is what we do with it that matters.
POINSETTIA plants came from Mexico. Mexicans called the plant ‘flower of the blessed night’. It was named after Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett, who brought the plant to the United States in 1828. Its starlike shape reminds people of the star of Bethlehem, but it doesn’t bloom at the right time of the year to use for that reason. There is nothing wrong with having poinsettia plants. Yahuwah created them and they are beautiful. They brighten up the room and cheer us up, but we should not celebrate Christmas with them because we should not celebrate it at all!
WREATH refers to anything twisted, especially a circular band of flowers on a person’s head.
Yahushuwa’s crown of thorns was a wreath. The flower ring around the base of a centerpiece candle is a wreath.
Because it is a never-ending circle, it is also used to represent eternal life and permanent relationships.
The wedding ring represents the permanent relationship we have with a spouse.
At Christmas time people used to put wreaths made of evergreen boughs on their doors so something green was on the door. They did this at other times of the year as well. Below are some springtime wreaths. They believed if they put them on the doors or windows, the fairies would bless their homes. We can make wreaths to symbolize the never-ending circle of Yahuwah’s love to us and from us, or just for pretty decorations. I do not like to hang them on my door or window because of the ancient beliefs about them inviting fairies (demons) into the home.
WASSAILING came from fertility ceremonies held in apple orchards in the winters, where they became intoxicated on the fermented juice made from the fruit of apples as they drank to the health of the trees. They threw part of their drinks, and also stones, through the tree branches. They also shot bullets through the trees. This was supposed to drive out evil spirits and cause the trees to produce good crops of apples.
Wassail comes from two Old English words, ‘waes hael’, which mean ‘good health’. In the fourteenth century the wassail bowl was an alcoholic drink that consisted of mulled ale, eggs, curdled cream, nutmeg, cloves and ginger, with floating roasted apples. They served it in large wooden bowls. Young men went from house to house carrying wassail bowls and singing carols, for food or tokens.
Now people serve eggnog in punch bowls. The carolers go from door to door singing Christmas songs, without the bowl containing the alcoholic beverage. Many people ‘spike’ the eggnog though, by mixing alcohol into it. There’s nothing wrong with drinking either of these drinks. The fertility ceremony is pagan. And doing any of this for Christmas celebration is pagan. Just drinking punch or eggnog is fine.
CANDLES were lit on Christmas Eve to honor the Babylonian god. This does not mean that lighting candles in December is wrong, but the custom of lining them down the driveway and across the yard for Christmas has to do with keeping evil spirits away and honoring demon gods. Since it’s wrong to celebrate Christmas in the first place, this should not be done.16 For by fire and by his sword will Yahuwah plead with all flesh: and the slain of Yahuwah shall be many.
17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith Yahuwah.
In 1650 the Puritans in Massachusetts outlawed Christmas because of its association with pagan rituals. They even made it illegal to make ‘figgy pudding’! This is true legalism. Figgy pudding is not evil, neither are roast turkeys, evergreen trees, wholesome parties, nor feasts.
CANDY CANES were made by a man who wanted to make a candy that represented Yahushuwa. A candy cane supposedly represents a shepherd’s staff. Yahushuwa is our Good Shepherd. The white stripe represents Yahushuwa because He was pure and without sin. The thick red lines represent His blood that He shed for us when He died on the cross. And the thin red lines represent the stripes He received on His back when He was beaten. Candy canes are not evil and whether you think of the above things when you eat one or not, they are good treats, and if made with real peppermint they can help sooth a stomach.
CHRISTMAS PARTIES AND REVELRY: People today, including some of those who claim to be in relationship with ‘Jesus’, still do some of the drunken parties and revelry. Christmas season is full of parties, drunkenness, perversion and revelry. There are office parties where they carry on the tradition of the servant ruling over the master, and the employees take liberties with their bosses. At some of these parties the secretaries and workers seduce their bosses and supervisors, and slip off into vacant rooms with them to have sex. They are dressed in sexy Christmas party outfits and often drunk.
More suicides happen at Christmas time than any other time of year (except maybe Easter time). This is due to severe depression of many people during the holidays. All of this is due to the ‘holiday spirit’, or demons. They really play on people’s emotions to convince them of how lonely they are, or how broke they are, etc. This holiday spirit is topped off with New Year’s Eve parties which I will talk about separately.
Below is an anti-Christmas card I made with a good message on it. I used to love decorating for Christmas, especially the tree, and the picture on this card is the last Christmas tree I had before I gave it up.
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